‘ ffRK ES FURNITURE BOUaH-^ ' ' ' h n m B o i r e H t F. i KinLOCOCK . ' l o c ®“"I I r il. gUEEN’S ROAD. HASTIN8t t Suita- Ooafn. TioiwiJ.. Mae »OJ&r«' atid Gi. ' t".., 'S» ■ ►' • i* ;d /«, Sl oe^; h . > »*'. J©?relIerT, Instrf- Ihold^Liiw^n, i • . -e Blanket*, CutleiT. < R itM a n d a* tt* 0«aai«l P(MtPtxt t TELEPHONE ... ... ... 'Isa* ■aace. OoiD6, T ru a k e . And 3^ * * - No. S177 I OSla* aa a Rawiseper, I >ncl i:o8t<'ard Tnll bring ti*. Old eetaouBDeY* SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1918. Post fre« 2t. 9d. p«r quarter. •Tw o p e n c e R8. FRED BHITSt WARDROBE DEALER, “ [ q u e e r s r o a d , HASTIS63. | |8 H .—Good pitc'^s ffiren tor la d iw ’, G ^ k cast-olt CLOTHING. CiutAins ami Hcu«(» Taiudd ar.d money jetuinfid «am& d*f. ,<»Il on receipt of Postcard. pLTCITED. Eateblished J3 T * « MBS. BEEUBT. DEALER, GORDDNVILLA, BATTLE ■ Le o n a r d s , ttu; pivot pr3o®» w oil la s’, Gcntltiuen.'*, and (^ildreu’s LEFT- [NG APPARKJi cf every deicriptioL. hjZ ONLY ONE ADDRESS. ! ItE.—AU conimiinirAti<.;n6„*iioiild be MttI brdon Axilla!, Battle-icad, SL Eecoarde. , I promptly ittenaied to. Distance no o1>jaal I ' ' ' - ' ' "t j llbST ANf) FOUND. i 1 -> trii Su^!~H i?7v ' ■ nraini*''- T*iiie«’. 'witJi II on r>‘iurmii« tc» Spn.izfl'-ld-rd., I i • 1 B<^yhi!l and 0*Men. a (VOd unijl I a i n b r a c e l e t , tiuder lersarded om Ic :o Polii'C R’'a1i.*'n. I rl flnv rvfni.'i-. i»-t^o^u Hf'i.v "^'riniTy Churcli 'r: J’P:TO«iL H H f’r.m h Mr'-kint. ?b.--Findrt ■to Garden Gouay^-. *'ro<-pcrt-rL, Hastin.*L \ .: — I '■’lli.n-toP'^y^'Vn.'. Bla-U, ^ ’bito and ’Lai L—WtiAfV''1 111 rum? if tn 'n ?. Glr.TorL Colliivit-'iirav... ^jll b" rer i —aclb I Benc.li (We«tT- ParndeL on ^Ansust 21s+.*. )OCH. h-nr ir-pp*-.'ar luick.—Rp-svard. |«'De TPt\Lrninz en.Tn*A to 5, St. Cporrp’a- SATURDAY the 7th SEPTEMBER, 1918. 11.15 a.ta. THE LADIES’ ORCHESTRA. 1 a31H I lAunj^f 2bf1v. npHr Ppliinvidn, or fcvid W:iiri-Di Ffii-'p-ner. iit tc .- Finder wiL 1*^ TP'';ivdpd at 40. W at|> |,ponnra]«i. - 1 Sun^lav aftPTnp*op. Anrnst l^ li. • befyeert ll' tiro GOLD e l e p h a n t s , holdln* a hi‘'">''h), -with PA,tent enap-pin. ont Ir.f <avp.- T.ih<=*ral yi^Tvard. Civeni anyoai l e . to Mik. :Sh“wan. 2. DeTOJiebire-mfln liire-rd., BpxhUl-on-Sea. aivlb 9 m ICAL INSTRUMENTS. ETC. ^■TSUrir"^it’>ilorr. PiSh CartT—WatsSi. li.J S-- I.'^oirard.- —eSl ONES. PHONOCBAPHS. All m^efc tiaige Gramophone Co,. Facing G .P.O .,^H » Special Engagement ot M R. W ILLIAIM S. RO BINSON, icantwl: ‘(rood pric* giToii: any conJ _ . W. Albioir-W.. Pollcertone. | ol9 i ltn t») for in gwyi oondi'lioii ; o.«g<rf Simpsejh, 172, ".Ohiifivjer ” H um orous Entertainer at the Piano. BANJOS. G tllTARS, 'Manrlojiiios.—AnW '^o!d. esi?lii,nond;~Tac;--art, ti, Hinln^r..! Bectmdhand PIANOS, hy any maVerB; go^l I Hermitagei and Sons, Ltd.,: 30, Bobeiv I good Secondhand Piaru^. Grand or TT^i * Player-Piano.—Fn!l particulare. to B n x j T O - N I G H T I T O - N I O H T ! --i-’» Haetin;:*. ; —nW 1 T O “N I G H T ! SES,i CARTS, BATHCHAIRS, :Q R s a l e a n d W A N T E D . B U 1LT BAT H CH A l R 8; to i 11 ^ iholRon. 136, j Staiion-id., Westcliff-on^^eA. ' Grand Concert by the No. 1 R.A.F. Cadet Wing Concert Party brr irn 8t«jn raniished: fi t 15 or . Jablc y-k t^ouT; £10 or es.'-ixange p<^nj ICoiirt , Polecate. a->0e —Lan iaii ^ri"b pole, bar, lamps complete, lover. ^ i ' o3l Van, inth tilt-; good eondiGon.— diwattr-rd.. St. Leonards- —aSlh “THE E.—P^^te'mhulotor. Bl.ac-k and coTuiitiOn; X 3.-F.M ., 229, Observer V i.g 1 ' ! —»14 ^ F i n i Bath Chair Oiccosed), V Brigdei. lo s t JE50» to be sold quickly, £15.—B^erq* Hanting*. , tcS9 ---BAROUCHE, r - hr Lucas; petfeat c^ai- £150, take £20 or offer.—Biles, Nntley, I . j e30e ESME OXLjEY (Child Danc@B[), and BATH CHAIR. -upliolnUred lu. bin* d; oil.v 9 guiiie.at'.- 'To be ecen at Bryatfel !«iw\ lS7, Quefen'e-rd., 'Hatdin?*- L a TOR tfu- iSa. e; ■ gncwl '"onditinn: Ilrd; I S'ili ■«'’3ri:igs. tangent spnkei?, na» CHANTANT ARTISTE^ liflh h n bine-.—View at 12. MU- IstiTigfi I -^31 El AGE CARlfor Sale: cheap; good hjI f ■, Derrmsbire-id., Hastings. i , - —*21 TON COAL TROLLEY. Nnrto*, lb.. Brsbiii. 1 ' CHIIJD*S P ^ 8H CHAIR: n3«0 Do1l.« Hnelings. -^a.91 - i — ALL SEATS FREE. I MISCELLANEOUS. STER, <k>U«ot>or and aueneoT, nnmi^ r reduotioa of rates and for l-h« exem ^ .Collection in aid of o t of inoome tax. — Office: 4, NeVo»» - ■ ■ ■ . tc2S\ Ipony And trap, TrOoM like to take one sR ‘ St. Dunstan’s and 1 driveti round Hastings: moderate charf^u ^bserrer ” Offloe, Hastings. —a24 Charing Cross Hospital. SKATING I M arriages, and D eaths. t*IAGES. liEATHS, TN.MEMORIAL charged 3i. 6d. fox fool lines or wh MdditiouMl line. - The Best . Rink. on the|- Sotith Coast, ____ this heeding must be preisUA OB ■ d M. will -be ohsrged. | nnder this-hesding mnsi be enBonHI L addreee |of Adjeitieer. ! THREE SESSIONS DAILY. f 1> T •it i > Mfiajieita ia s '^ r tk aieibejww- 'S' --i; •:---- ; Vm Uiag Omrd* adm b» | « t . F . J- P«r«oJS«, l i d i . I d , •U m b T, H m tiim f f ti SALOON LOUNG-E. RBI AGES. ^ j' IOBLEV.—On the 22iid of Ansnst. 0* ^ f i t ic -Annunciation, Bryanston-stree^ iJdni^i Maurice, fourth *on dl' the latA ^ie'r Harrifiou, of 5Iark-lane, |E.C., an4 Choicest Stock in the B o ro u g h . f of ihe W ilderness, St. Helen’s Wood, feifa Graham, (‘uly.daughter df the Jat# Borlej* Esq., of Sna Grange); H a^ tin^ . Elej-, pt 19. Portman-et., Lonflou, W. 11 VTAYLOR.—Ou August 24th, 9$ Jei ‘ Cdugregatioual • Cliurrh. Hastingg, Isji fd Davifi, Sergeant Kenneth W'iHi^kmsoik, Willi.'iiiJBcn, Juniper Cr-feu, Edia* |oiiiucc ‘^Edith, elde«t daughter of M l, niel ^ayloi, of Ha^tinge. , g o l d e n ; w e d d i n g . I J e d .-O n l5t September, 1868, at th# Ih of St. Mark, Kennington. by tho Ito Pputz. Jehtx Minter,, si^rotid h>u <£ liTd Mmter.^^+LKBeseic, «uond dau&'hWt pchard Siiieed, ’ ! FROM TH E DEATHS. t-i'istant. John Booty, for 37 yOBTi e Boyal Oak Hotel, Hastings, in Ida ROOMS kub-nst 18th, 1«18, ht. 13Sk, Hastings, Charles, the belovpd htt*» pee* Caniplfoll, pa**ed peacefully aw»|t LONDON PALLADIUM land ipaiiifnl illu*?<‘s. Aged 60 jeart-. I Augu*t '22ud, 1918> at 37, Earl-sTrotfc* Everything Up-tol-Da,te. ^fel Clara, tlic d‘\Trly-belcrrd’ child <rf abel j Carf-nr. A-teed 7 months. - i ' Aui^l^t -7th, in hospital in FraaoiL received in a ctio n ,S erg ea n t Fra*, 1 Kent- R.eaimeot, only and dparlydovod md Mrs-.-.Diirid Farnyil, of The Jjodg^, in Selections f \ •St Hill, Haitinps. Aged S9' year*, ■ S ' '! 1 liatli no 7n<ui than tins, that a miM J life for liis friendf. Best Cup! pf lOn August 23rd, at 73, Fairlighr-road* ^11 WiUiam. 'icldc^b son of ; the J»t# Bay. Agf*d 73 years.' ■Ansiift 29th. at 72, W'est H ill,,Si. Leo*. |8im ou Simp.son. after a shott ilUieMU R epertoire of 1 is^rvice cn Monday at 10 a.m. at Sit WnardB. Comraital Highgate, I 3 n.m. t)n 27th, 1918. at SalishurTi I N D IA 01^ I cldpst Eon of the late Mt. Streeter, l>r. Hast-ingr^, and M is. Streeter, 13, passed peauefuiljlily away aft*f Aged 51 teare. 'nl ■ iTftion,' Franoe, July ‘itHK, E.J Vidler, .Boyal Sussex, B»*?inieu^ lanq of Amy M. Vidler, ia.^d Be«‘oaB m M <; Vfid>r. of Carolin.© HousA j®onard5. Aged 34 years. Jugusi 27.',I. 191K. iit fit, -ManoT-^pii^ , The dearly-loved wife of Henry W’^H * J mother, naeiKfd pearnfully away fttHB ■ess patiently ■ bomr..—'At leB-ti J '' ' - I’' IN •MEMORTAM. St. Leonards. llierin: memory of Private W, K. B, a i‘*aiu (inar^iN, wh'» was killed,in' a* tio* |914. Ulc^t r-on -of .Edward Baiham, 8, ' 19. bir. not forgotten. loving memory of Philip RonifsiO*, FREE CONCERTS i, wpo paesed- away on loth Augurt i b1 |iQg' liojnnrr of Corpora! Sidney' CloliA iniF ranoe by she’ll, Sept-^^xbe: Jiim),. of Mr. and Mrs. Clok^. D^nioai |x>i>diOT-r--,ad. Hassling*.' | . IN PAVILION. trii saw his smihii? tac9, strong and brave, thom^bt «o MOOB ho woaid b t 1*14 I him inoirt who loved him pe^t. b* by his lormg Alum, Dad. BxoilMB nr mbinoir of d«.Tr da.d.
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