The tBerrien County .Eecord- !| TERM S'-QS ADVERTISING: ^ (Tea lines or less, make a square.) space; 8 1 w. | ,2 vr.5 8"nr. Q 4 w. 0 3 6 yv. 1 Square..... —ISl 00^1 60.S1 75:$S OOttl 00JS8 00^10 00 2Squares.i.....•51 753 2 JSOJ 3 00J 3 60J 0 00110 003 I® W MCHAiUK, BERRIBN 3 Squares.:.....•S :2 255 3:25S 3 75(1 A 3SJ.7 .00,13 00{ 20 00, 4 Squares........J .2 753 3 '7SJ 4 20J 4 60J 8 00115 00J 23:00( 5 Squares^......■mi 503 4 00J 4 50J 5 OOjlO 00/117 00J 25 00, Column.. ...J 4 00J a COJ 7 00J 8 00114 00,25 00J 44 to, KiN G ER Y ^Oolumu.. ...n 5 ooj s 00.10 003.2 0030 00130 oo; 50 00 J^Columu.; f 6"COJ.O 0011» 00a’5 00 25 00 35 003 06 OO1 Teviu^i i-§S i x>c? X «sa -- 1 Colnum... 00.14 0017 00)20 00g85 00,60 005L15 00 JJS-i'tCty Ceuta, iloductwl IE paid. Xeatly in, AilvimctW BuEiDCBs CitrdH of five lines or lo&3, £5:pe£;aimnta. ■jpsiBSE g o . Xognl ndyertisoments at statute ratea. No>paper cont'imtw! -after lliw e-vpiratieii o£ puo year ■BUCHi^AN, MICH., THURSDAY,. -JULY 2, 1874 .Traiisient advertisins payable in advance; uniea* paid fct, . • T o m “ Y i n : - Yearly advertisinp; payable on domaud. Hatter in local columns, fifteen cents,perjiue for first a s m ts s s 1 *ItMS-»TKIQ*tY‘ ,A»HKltaJC Ifto/fSS' inBertionyiaud ten cents por line for cacb 6ul>seqnent in* scrtioui Imt* no lopal taheu for less than SLOO* riglifc straight away!” - \ position than -lohn'Brown could 'give’ ' “Aren’t you rather glad at the. MOKTGAGE SALE, >/ ,£ P o e t r y . Obitnary Noticea?!—more tban the imnonnccjnent—will o y p io i:—In“ Kocant luifrk UnUdingi’ ' uortti siila ol u T M r i •■'Daisy turn in. dere is the soft her.” Ever since then he h'as cared prospect of a quiet house again ?” he. be charged ibr at tlie xato ot Jive cents for each line of yrautdlroot.roueduarasmHtoftfatu.- . *,■■-, . TMiPtVllLSfr baT'bg beeu made hi tho. payuittut otTa cfcF*1 U d Y f l l i h i y poetrjynn&j/trAcents foi,* ouch d^^ivords of proso.” ■ dJ talu.sum o f luouoy secured tu lm by u certfuit reply, while a tiny finger points with­ for none save his kind sister,' and asked j his sister,, hoping secretly to Adverfcfsementsuotaccoin])fuiied v itli directions ns to tudOTUnrw of Mortgage bearing date tbo *20d davof ^ime, KIU/NTON* « ! ' T l! S3 ATtOS.S’H'IO.VSSTS time, ^vill beduaGrtodiuntil ilorbiddeni and charged.for UttwaotSettspaperav . r A. D. iST^ made unilcxetnte*l. by Ftriitiklift Muzzy, of tK« Wholesale aad IfelaU •ISfvCMICAOO'. JUKB. JSW. in the snug room, ancl the child see­ though he cannot always agree with hear-her express some little affection accordingly. ’ City a f Niles, Uorrlon County;Michlgwrfi. to Frederick-.A., Double colnian adverlieoaifints* 25 per cent, above reg- t, Saiwyaiieta vrtio d r nut- givu .oxpteaai noiico-. t otUr- M'lyiiy, al?>o of tiioaimc placoj ’and:. Ttjionled in iho oRTcu ing Tabby, fairly laughs with glee. her in) certain peculiarities, yet they for his pet. .When she eagerly de­ uiarcolnmnrates, ....... jon tn u y nr<>tQoaid>jrod:as.VE>, Uic imh- Tim e was; iuv o,ilio»8 inline yi’. biiro, o f iho Krsiatei: o f Deeds foe the CouulvHot Bewlen jtod a HIT/ clared [herself to be delighted at the SpoololrNotices, 50ipericont; ;AboY6;foregoiu2rntQS. St‘iie 06 iMich!gttU1.jTfchiberl.O o f ilortEageH-onpago^LNlSv - By fooa deapiseil, by friends iiejeoir d ! “ Good gracious sakes alive !” ejac­ are very happy together, this'brother Yearly adrertisera nllowed four changes without extra bS2!PttsttBs«iiiera:wl9li. U>elrpapt>ratlt3c<mtiiraert,pn1}'' on rhesfcood diiy Ot Aiuurtfc; A. 1\ 3S7IL at ^ o’dyrfc ^ l-'or, when ye-opciK d ivide yom- tlooi-; ulated: the spinster aghast at the idea prospect, the good ’ man sighed and ctmTgo. r Ishetsm av eonUnueti» send tKom.fnitU, a ll arronragoa and,sister,'and he would not willingly »Ylih'h sni’T YViiH i\ signed by t)iu ?,uM/Fred- And brother-ni:in, in love, pt-oteetoi!, Single copies o f the JIecobd, ready for malUag, five crick A ^VhUi* re YViUivim Oat’orn,Qf tho ViM.igofar Du- of a child fairly inside the house. distress her- even'to gratify this long­ pitied j tho .motherless and homeless .cents* ^S^tE suOscrifcorsiaovt; to-otlioc places, flrtftiout Iiitoxitt- rh'iuyiijin siiM County nf Hornt'u^ou the ^ibliclhvdny of The malice of a scorning world—* All kinds of Job Printing: executed in tbe latcst styles ng ttio publisher,.iiud, the pnpet? is oent tArtko Cqrnier, Ja t^ ihb.brJJ’ and t-auh U9siii;'mjnmt in the K eep the largest and best stock' of • The proud, the seUishi. and t.lie sordid— Then shaking her head until each lit­ ing. for the caresses of a little child.: child from the depths of his heart. of. tho art, and at reasonable prices. direction, tltsy sea held riisponsifei*' Notice- aJianlt!. • oitttfftof the Ke^latcrof Ucod-3 ot sticlConntyof ^errleu; In -vengeful shafts were ,nc you hurled ; tle wire the side of her head - Bat; after- they .were, .gone, what always li» glrcn of tho removal. , , ............ inbooklQ bf Mortsigc^cmpiiguiaT, on the second day GrooerleSj Provisions, W ooden ancl So he'puts little Daisy out of his-lap! 4. pf suiueribera neglect ire rousse to fcuti thttr pr.pets Of Angn3£x A. D lSTd, nud by the! said '\VUH:»ru Osborn AngCis alone your-deeds npplnudedi vibrates,- the lady repeats : “ Go right and she standS'Close besfde - his knee tlien?iQ f course Miss. Betsy misses Irorn thocolBcotre pltres to which! they iireiacat, they pro t^it;ueCl to \Y‘eiPi?n:l'er £ Di.VyuviI\ also of tlio villugo of W illow W ave, Stoneware, Tobacco. my heart, dear sister Betsy*; and we Ihdd tespnslblo until tbsy sOttlo bills mid:. £ « o ufilWr to Budiftottp. on 1hft lOUitUy of September, A, D.lbTS, AVlmt glowing faith your bosoms iired,— away, child, this very instant; don’t prattling her. baby language and fry­ thoihrother who. has been her com pan-' Slsscontinuo. _ ■ ■ _ .. , , t - „ WtiMi tsidoSi’iSTimcut was recoriled in Ihu ofdcQ oftbo Cigars, Salt Pork,, Dried (have talked old times over pretty S- mocanttanavaduoidednuttrctiWtnBtQtsvltoiupSpwr R-ci'-tcrof Pcei s o f sftubQ nnlyof Beruon m lib er 0 of* Wliat sacred trust that faith supported ! yon hear ing with baby impatien'eo to bo under­ ion for so many, lonely years, and who thoroughly and earnestly. She can- from tijot>fKcu,ocwn>oyins uudianriuEr H unnallodtor,, Mortasipes. on pagtftSU olithtt 22d day of fcoptettibor* A. Beef,,Gheeso, Bread, Cakes, Pios, ’1'was surely Love. Divine-inspired, ' •‘Daisy turn in, see pitty pussy cat,” stood by Miss Betsy, who; I am sorry is always, so patient with her- little p e-! I»»ri7U<s/nr»naridaij«a>)tinteuttou!viitoud.. - t- < 1>,1S7C, ut o’clock A- M,, ouMhicli s.ud ‘MOrtgucD * W lien want and shame ye igladly courted ; mot, of course, be persuaded to yield 5. Afty person Wbo-weevvas ft nowsplnior mulmattw there is cl tfmV3 io bo dnunml unsaid nt tbo <Uto ot tlm Oranges, Lemons. Nats, ‘ Toilet from the little one coaxingly,,. and a, to say, wilfully chose: to ■ misunder- cnliarities. (she knows she has them ).. aaeor It, whether ho has jintOToa It e r not will bo iuddin o f tw^lyitlutmlred ^nd fifteen dollars awl I f Elicit ft s.-ierilieo would /r o e her, child tome and live alone and sad sw to bas.subscriber, . An nincty-iiix cebtis,r($k2t3 Sd), and no suit o^pRpcsfcdiugs Goods, DoLions,- &c.,- &c., in Bn- The'.manacled-and broken-hearted ; : lit tl e golden heady from which- the h at standbhe small intruder. ■ L;, - She hiin more than he can again,'nor caul willingly consent to I i* suhscribors.poytn «4vntiCo»»U(sr atoiUoimityssivs at lrfv er in equity luvitig b«an. instituted to recover IS the oppressed outcast might be notice to the T’li'olii*lice,nt tl*o end ot toon' liiue, it’ has fallen olf somewhere, is thrust ins dream; of. ...But-is there - nothing else tho snm^ or any part thereof—Notice is therefore hereby chauan. “ They also keep Galt by On freedom ’s glorious pathway started ! ;; “ Child,’ iSiidr'Jdiss;:. Betsy at;last, lose my little pet, my Daisy who has j f do nut visit to continue tutting i f , olhOtvyise tfie pnlilisii- given, that by virtue Of »: power of salo contafncd in snnl to the window, and two little hands that-ls: . missed, .also.hy:M iss B etsy ? orts autboriKodto aeml it oh, ,uid tUosubactibota will Lo ‘Mm» nud novT hue nus operative^ and41u pursmnee the pound or barrel, Pish of all “you must get your things' and go learned to love me so. Therefore, i, ra^tKUL-lblouuCiV nu cxpre-'S notice, with. pus m<-nt ot r..L nt tho Stivtnio in sucli case uimiftandpriiYrded, Uu* prrrn- lloiv well ye watched that secret road ! are stretched out to\vards Miss Betsy . ’ away now, your papa will he anxious' Does *she, not mis.s.just a little the arrears, is scut to tbopublisber* * - * ■■■ .
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