Table decorations for Glas a Silver Anniversary and lace See more on page 8 See more on page 5 Member magazine for The Danish Lace Association February 2021 142 Dear Member By: Ketty Busk As I write this - end November - I am and hope it will be possible as planned, else in this bulletin, we have moved sitting admiring the wintersun’s rays in March. down to the ground floor on the left- thinking about the fact that when this hand side in Nørrevoldgade 57 in Ny- magazine is published, the sun might It has been a wish for the General borg. hopefully shine on a good new year. Meeting to be held in different areas of the country, and that wish is herewith This has been a blessing for our board, I hope for a good year for the lace mak- granted. as we do not need to bring everything ers – without corona - so that we again up and down the stairs to the first floor. can come out and see what is happen- It will be as in 2020, a General Meeting ing around in our country. without workshops and without sales- We also hope that more people will join and exhibition booths, as we have no us at the Open House when we are on 2020 was a year without fairs, without idea how the situation will turn out to be. the ground floor. exhibitions – at least not of the larger kinds – as the General Meeting also We applied for an opportunity to rent Finely, I will take this opportunity to was postponed until August. the ground floor of the property where wish you all a happy new year. our location in Nyborg is on the first We have, as you can see someplace else floor. in this bulletin, decided to host the Ketty Busk General Meeting in 2021 on Zealand, We succeeded, and as told someplace President 2 The annual report for the year 2020 Just after entering 2020, our country to send anything for that occasion. spring, Messen in Års in Septem- was closed down by Corona, which We have at the same time decided ber, Kreativmessen in Fredericia and meant that our General Meeting, not to send gifts to the royal fami- Kniplemessen in Slagelse in October. workshops, exhibitions, sales stands ly in the future. Of course, a new It will be exciting to see if it is possi- and the festive dinner after the Gen- board might decide if they choose to ble. We also plan to send a couple of eral Meeting had to be cancelled. change this decision. our board members to the German lace fair, but it is questionable if it The General Meeting was post- Several fairs and exhibitions were takes place. poned until the 21st of June, but cancelled or postponed until next without workshops, exhibitions and year because of Corona. It has not been possible to get around sales stands. 35 members only par- and be inspired. It has therefore ticipated in the General Meeting. The plan was to participate in been an uphill battle to find articles Forårsmessen in Års, Kreativmessen for publication in Kniplebrevet. We Two new members were voted into in Fredericia and Kniplemessen In have done our best to make an in- the board at the General Meeting, Slagelse. teresting bulletin, but we really lack Jonna Tarp and substitute Sanna input from our members. We can see Askirk, and they entered the board Our organization has because of the on Facebook that you are making immediately after the General Corona situation had no expenses for lots of lace all around the country, Meeting – a warm welcome to them. renting stands and other things but and it would be fun to see some of Bent Rasmussen and Mona Nøhr has also had no income from sales on your projects presented in Kniple- have both chosen to leave the board, fairs. We have, in spite of this, come brevet for our members who are not - we say thank you to them for a job out with an acceptable account in on Facebook. well done for Knipling i Danmark. comparison with the budget we pre- sented on the last General Meeting. We hosted an open house on the an- As a result of the Corona epidemy, nual Laceday in August – we could Queen Margrethe’s birthday was not Our organization has donated 3.600 do that with a good conscience – be- celebrated, but that did not hinder D kr. to Julemærkehjemmene in cause, as usual, it was only few visi- our association to send a congrat- 2020. We thank our members for tors. We had 11 visitors from 10 am. ulation to Her Majesty. We sent a their support. The new Julemærke until 3 pm. and did not at any time pillow with Daisies - made in lace - - pattern will be published on the exceed the total number allowed to and a round tablecloth. See pictures General Meeting in March 2021. meet. in Kniplebrevet no.140. We have, unfortunately, lost several We decided at the board meeting Prince Christian should have cele- members in 2020, due to aging and in August, to apply for renting the brated his confirmation in the spring deaths, which gives us an economical ground floor if anything became va- of 2020, but it was postponed till challenge in 2021, but we hope that cant. It is very much bulk to carry up 2021. His gift, a bookmark, has been expenses and income will balance and down a narrow staircase in con- delivered to the prince. See the pic- with a small profit. nection with fairs and exhibitions. ture in Kniplebrevet no. 139. We are talking about heavy boxes, so Knipleshoppen had a real good in- it would be of great relief to have our Our organization has asked for vol- come in 2020, probably because it facilities on the ground floor. unteers to make a gift for Crown has not been possible to shop at fairs Princess Mary when she in 2022 this year. We were very lucky. We were able turns 50 years old. No one has re- to rent facilities on the ground floor sponded and since the board has no We are planning to participate in right under our old facilities, already more free hours, we have chosen not Kniplemessen in Viborg in the from November 1st. We held our 3 board meeting in our new place on Our board all agreed on hosting our There are many persons and appoint- November 15th and the ones of you General Meeting in 2021 on Zea- ments involved in an Annual Meet- attending Open House on Novem- land and the facility we have chosen ing, and very much trouble when ber 21st, also had the opportunity to is Kongrescentret in Ringsted. everything has to be cancelled. We enjoy our new areas. all hope for 2021 to show itself from We did not dear to arrange an Annu- a good side, so that we again can go We have also worked on optimizing al Meeting with the General Meet- to fairs and exhibitions, so that we our homepage with good help from ing, sales booths, exhibitions and again can get new ideas and again Helle Schultz. We give a great thank workshops, as we usually do, as we do meet and talk about news, not only you for her big job with our home- not know how the Corona situation in Denmark but also abroad – and page. will develop. across the borders. Kate Møbjerg Nielsen I am 55 years old, have made lace since ing the workforce again. I worked for I host a small lace group privately in the year of 2000 and have always loved 10 years at a church yard in Odense my home, where we are 3-4 ladies who the old handcrafts. county. I went back to school and got make lace, chat and enjoy being to- a degree through HGV - a highschool gether. I have, when it comes to work, done degree for adults emphasizing a mer- different things. I started an agricultur- chant education - and started an ap- I plan to run for election for the board al education after 9th grade but after prenticeship as assistant to an account- of Knipling i Danmark, which will take graduating, I wanted to do something ant, and this is still my work. place at the General Meeting in March else and worked for 4 years gardening 2021. the green areas in Odense county. I am also working on the Lace teacher education in Horsens and if Covid -19 Sincerely, I got 2 children and took a couple of lets me, I will finish my degree in the Kate Møbjerg Nielsen years off, caring for them before enter- summer of 2021. Odense Ellis Nygård I plan to run for reelection to the board what she had told, was right. It has my spare time will be occupied with. I of Knipling i Danmark, which will however, been very exciting and I have am glad I am a retiree. It has also been take place on the General Meeting on learned very much, and feeling that I exciting and interesting to participate March 28th, 2021. have gotten into it by now, I think it in the fairs we attended in 2019. It was has become easier. of course none in 2020, but we will I have by now been a member of the hopefully participate in fairs and exhi- board for 2 years and have experienced Happily, I was used to sit at a computer bitions in 2021.
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