. Iron County Register JOB-WOR- K V PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY. i ?J1 1 Best equippe Job Print- ing establishment in thh fc-i- HV J SI' subscription: II. section of the State. We One Tear, 1 1.50. Six Month,M.75. insure satisfaction. Price? KITES OF ADVERTISING reasonable. Fdrnithed on Application. Special In- - BY ELI AKE. OUR QOD, OUR COUNTRY AND TRUTH. TERMS-- il BO Yr,In AdTano r. I dneemenU to Borne Patron. TRY US. Address Register, Ironton, Mo. VOLUME XLVI. IRONTON, MO., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1912: NUMBER 15. Wa It Meant For Me? Francois and Gabriel. The former WILSON STANDS TARIFF HAS NOT died in infancy, the latter born in deep blue sea O, she has sailed across the 1690 married Marie Madeline De and away; To countries strange far Lahaye. These had issues a son ! ON HIS RECORD FARMERS For months, if not for years, my part will be HELPED (my grand-fathe- r) and a daughter To note each slowly passing lay. who DuBuque. For her the joy of swiftly changing scene, married Mr. She to high ; founded a convent in Montreal. bosephus of Demo-- ; From ocean broad mountain Daniels Senator Gardner Gives Reason grand-fath- er : For me-r-- as lover's part hath often been My was married cratic National Committee for Supporting Wilson. My lot to bear and Fate decry 1 twice, 1st to Miss Lalumendiere r ; fit three1 Voters to Make and dear one, and by her had children, J Wants I stood upon the pier saw, ' As loosed the ship her cabled tie, Barnard my father; Jrieph and ; an Investigation. NOW IS TIME FOR REWARD Your eyes seek out the spot whence I and John Celeste. Marie Theresa Duquet Cried unto you a last "Good-bye- !" . was the last progeny of Denis ed was on your Chenoye and WILL WIN LEGION OF FRIENDS; Too Long Have They Been Fooled A smile anxious Duquet, Sieur de La by False Gods Rallying to De-- face of Catherina Gautier u'nd she the mocracy's Banners. Alight with love it seemed to be daughter of Philip Gautier, Sieur Slander la Not to Play a Part In, I saw you shoreward sweetly throw a kiss! de Comporte, de St. Etienne, du Democratlo Campaign, Deelareaj why Tell me, dear on , was 't meant for me? ' The reasons those engaged in Mont de Paris. Mr. Gautier was PubllcHy Chairman. ; agricultural pursuits should support I tho't your eyes looked into mine, but then Sieur de Comporte, consellier du Governor Wilson presi- HAVE NOW Woodrow for I know how one can vataly press Roy provost des Marichaux WE New York, Aug. 8. Josephus Dan--. dent are strongly set by Senator and forth Illusion dear unto his longing when Jels, chairman of the publicity com- Obadiah Gardner of Maine in an ad de France. The Gautiers some- 'OUR LINE OF.... in distress. mittee of the Democratic national; dress to farmers. ' His heart is heavy times signed: Gautier, iGauthier, a loved one's hand committee, said today: Senator Gardner is a practical farm The favor gi'en to press Gautthiar, etc. They had sur answer friendship's lighter plea, "Eight years ago during the presl-- i er, one who farms' his own farm, and Might names, viz: de Comparte, de dentlal campaign of 1904 I came to) But kisses give me to understand he is probably in closer touch and 10, Lachave. de LaVirendiere, etc New York and, being a member of. sympathy with country life and its The one you threw was meant lor me! and they all ocoupied the most n the Democratic national committee, I environments than any other man in O, sweetheart fair, ii so 'twas meant .dropped in at the headquarters of the; public life. responsible positions and offices bu-- If mine the image in your eyes committee. I found the literary i For twenty-fiv- e years Senator Gard- in Canada under the .French Gov- I'll patient bide the days and rest content reau of the committee very actively: ner has been actively engaged In ernment, .especially Rene, father engaged In perusing the volumes ofj the Grange ten years Till time shall join our destinies! National and for of Mdm. D'Youvilla. On my Theodore Roosevelt. When I saw oni he was the master of the State Grange Can over me prevail no doubts, no fears, the"! I am content to know every desk 'The Winning of, of Maine. A few years ago he came Of your esteem and constancy, mother's side Shoes, Hats, West,' 'The Life of Thomas H. Ben--; within a close margin of being elected When once I know that, nourished in your that one of my grand-father- 's of ton' and a half dozen others the, governor of the Pine Tree State. tears, brothers, Rev. Mr. Abadie, is cited works of then Republican nominee1 the A little leas than a year ago, when The kiss you threw was meant for me! and with Massillon for president, I wondered whether or' associated Senator Frye, who had represented , E.D. A. Clothing, Fenilon and others of similar not I had gotten into the right place.; Maine In the senate for thirty years, how--; reputation and his other brothers, "I was immediately set aright, died, Governor Plalsted honored Mr. Pioneer. ever, when I was Informed that the Gardner, and recognized the agricul- A Southeast two, were professional gentlemen, literary young men were engaged In' tural Interests of the country by ap- one a doctor of law, the other of Overcoats, Jonbsburg, Montgomery Co., Mo. culling from those books some of the! pointing him to the United States sen- medicine. One of my grand- many denunciations and bitter criti- ate, where he has a most credit- April 2d, 1873. made father nephews, Doet Abadie, cisms and attacks ''made by Theodore; able record, devoting particular atton Lyon : ; To Mmb. Virginia Gourd, was Roosevelt upon public men and meas-- tlon to the welfare .of the great rural visited him in St. Louis and Cloaks, My Niece, I received two ures, and 'his aspersions upon great, population of the country. He Is now dear with him at the time of his death. and very representative bodies of our people,' a candidate for and will days since, your kind The gentleman returned to France, finch as worklngmen and farmers. ; undoubtedly be successful. deferential letter of the 31st ultimo, but was never heard from and Lrl "I found them preparing to send' ' In his address, Senator Guiner Imparting the exceedingly pleas- Underwear, over the land such! conseauently was supposed to forth broadcast all says: '. ing information of the projected exoerpts from the writings of Theo- -' have been lost at Bea. My grand- ;To the Farmers of the United States. Neice, dore Roosevelt as: Greeting: marriage of my dear Grand father left France quite young, " 'Cowboys are much fellows, Being one of you and for the greater to Mr. Michel, "Captaine better my Fannie his parents desired Sweaters, part of life hnvlns brrn ensuu-f- In and because pleasanter companions than emalll y of and the practical every-da- duties of mv D'Etat Major." The ceremony upon his study of farmers or agricultural laborers; nor ,own farm; having been for 25 vearn past and insisted officially at work through boards of agri marriage to be performed In May are the mechanics and workmen of a " theology for the Priesthood, that culture and the National and State next. pray you, my dear Vir- great city to be mentioned in the same,' Oranges; having served four years a I rather than do violence to his in Shirts, Etc. second officer of the National Grange am! ginia, accept my sincere thanks breath.' as master of the Maine State Grange ten clinations and convictions he pre " 'Mr. Bryan and his adherents have years, during which time the order In for your polite and highly 35,545 this, exile and loss appealed In the land' Maine added members und attained ferred and accepted to the basest set a power and Influence never held before, amireciated attention. I read - the feel I am In a position to speak of an inheritance. The latter,how- farmers.' I from great pleasure family de " 'They (worklngmen who object to. the standpoint of one who knows the with the ever, he more than compensated farmer and his needs, and It is solely to com government by injunction) are not in. of this that I am prompted to ad tails you were pleased in Upper Louisiana, where tie sympathy with men of good minds and dress you. - municate to me, and for these too, or years larmers nave Justly com- amassed what was then considered Cm eound civic morality.' . plained of being required to pull at the I beg to tender you my acknowl- Sir short end of the yoke because or unfair a very larea lortune. my iainer iter. "They quoted from what he said' and unjust discriminations in legislation edgements and grateful thanks about the Quakers, that those who; and transportation, and at the present was married just four months be ii charged being I construe accept all evidence would not fight were traitors to their; time the farmers are with and grand-fathe- r, 1 fore the death of country. the cause of the high cost of living, when, you believe and know? that . as a matter of fact, taken collectively that who was making preparations to "They said that when the farmers me amount invested m tneir business, tne my heart clings with indissoluble Quakers hours devoted to hard labor, and every return to France with all his family, and workmen and the came thing connected with the details of agri erasD and ties of affection, for all to know what Theodore Roosevelt had cultural life they are, as a whole, the and who, before consenting to the poorest 1 paid class of people in this coun mine.
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