SCIENCE COMMUNICATIONS No. 33 (July 2013) Science Division Mission: The provision of up-to-date and scientifically sound information to uphold effective evidence -based conservation of biodiversity and sustainable natural resource management in Western Australia http://intranet/science/ Science Communications lists titles of publications, reports etc prepared by Bachelet E, Fouqué P, Han C, Gould A, Albrow Science Division staff. This issue is for the MD, Beaulieu J-P et al. [Martin R, Williams A] period February-July 2013. (2012). A brown dwarf orbiting an M-dwarf: MOA If you require a copy of a submitted paper 2009-BLG-411L. Astronomy and Astrophysics please contact the author. For all other titles 547, 1-12 please contact [email protected] Bachelet E, Shin I-G, Han C, Fouqué P, Gould A, Margaret Byrne Menzies JW et al. [Martin R, Williams A] (2012). Director MOA 2010-BLG-477Lb: constraining the mass of Science Division a microlensing planet from microlensing parallax, orbital motion and detection of blended light. Astrophysical Journal 754, 1-17 \\DEC- Journal Publications 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19271.pdf Abbott I (2012). Depletion of the avifauna of the Beardsley AP, Hazelton BJ, Morales MF, Arcus W, North Island of New Zealand: an 1840s Barnes D, Bernardi G et al. [Williams A] (2013). perspective. Memoirs of the Nuttall The EoR sensitivity of the Murchison Widefield Ornithological Club 18, 51-88 \\DEC- Array. Monthly Notices of the Royal 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19131.pdf Astronomical Society: Letters 429, 5-9 \\DEC- 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19259.pdf Abbott I (2013). Extending the application of Aboriginal names to Australian biota: Dasyurus Beardsley AP, Hazelton BJ, Morales MF, Capallo (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) species. Victorian RJ, Goeke R, Emrich D et al. [Williams A] Naturalist 130, 109-126 \\DEC- (2012). A new layout optimization technique for 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C18513.pdf interferometric arrays, applied to the Murchison Widefield Array. Monthly Notices of the Royal Barrett RL (2013). Ecological importance of Astronomical Society 425, 1781-1788 \\DEC- sedges: a survey of the Australasian 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19268.pdf Cyperaceae genus Lepidosperma. Annals of Botany 111, 499-529 \\DEC- Botero A, Thompson CK, Peacock C, Clode PL, 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19044.pdf Nicholls PK, Wayne AF et al. (2013). Trypanosomes genetic diversity, polyparasitism Barrett RL, Schmidt-Lebuhn AN, Thiele KR (2013). and the population decline of the critically Two Western Australian species of Ozothamnus endangered Australian marsupial, the brush transferred to Pithocarpa (Asteraceae: tailed bettong or woylie (Bettongia penicillata). Gnaphalieae). Nuytsia 23, 103-108 \\DEC- International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\FullTextFiles\080057- and Wildlife 2, 77-89 \\DEC- 23.009.pdf 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19141.pdf Barrett RL, Wilson KL (2012). A review of the Bozza V, Dominik M, Rattenbury NJ, Jørgensen genus Lepidosperma Labill. (Cyperaceae: UG, Tsapras Y, Bramich DM et al. [Martin R, Schoeneae). Australian Systematic Botany 25, Williams A] (2012). OGLE-2008-BLG-510: first 225-294 \\DEC- automated real-time detection of a weak 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\626289.pdf microlensing anomaly - brown dwarf or stellar binary?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Barrett RL, Wilson KL (2013). Two new species of Astronomical Society 424, 902-918 \\DEC- Lepidosperma (Cyperaceae) occurring in the 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19269.pdf Perth area of Western Australia. Nuytsia 23, 173 -187 \\DEC- 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\FullTextFiles\080057- 23.016.pdf (Continued on page 2) Page 1 (Continued from page 1) Crawford AD, Hay FR, Plummer JA, Probert RJ, Brouwers NC, Mercer J, Lyons T, Poot P, Steadman KJ (2013). One-step fitting of seed Veneklaas E, Hardy G (2013). Climate and viability constants for two Australian plant landscape drivers of tree decline in a species, Eucalyptus erythrocorys (Myrtaceae) Mediterranean ecoregion. Ecology and evolution and Xanthorrhoea preissii (Xanthorrhoeacea). 3, 67-79 \\DEC- Australian Journal of Botany 61, 1-10 \\DEC- 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\FullTextFiles\C19168.pdf 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19138.pdf Bullen RD, McKenzie NL, Spoelstra G (2013). Can Davis RW, Jobson P (2013). Two new species of some Australian bats take advantage of flat- Westringia sect. Cephalowestringia (Lamiaceae: plate aerodynamics?. Acta Chiropterologica 15, Westringieae) from the south-west of Western 171-184 \\DEC- Australia. Nuytsia 23, 271-276 \\DEC- 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19274.pdf 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\FullTextFiles\080057- 23.018.pdf Cariglia N, Wilson SK, Graham NAJ, Fisher R, Robinson J, Aumeeruddy R et al. (2013). Sea Depczynski M, Gilmour JP, Ridgway T, Barnes H, cucumbers in the Seychelles: effects of marine Heyward AJ, Holmes TH et al. [Moore JAY, protected areas on high-value species. Aquatic Wilson SK] (2013). Bleaching, coral mortality Conservation: Marine and Freshwater and subsequent survivorship on a West Ecosystems 23, 418-428 \\DEC- Australian fringing reef. Coral Reefs 32, 233-238 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19186.pdf \\DEC- 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19187.pdf Chapman TF (2013). Relic bilby (Macrotis lagotis) refuge burrows: assessment of potential Dixon RRM, Huisman JM, Buchanan J, Gurgel contribution to a rangeland restoration program. CFD, Spencer P (2012). A morphological and Rangeland Journal 35, 167-180 \\DEC- molecular study of austral Sargassum (Fucales: 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19193.pdf Phaeophyceae) supports the recognition of Phyllotricha at genus level, with further additions Chapman TF (2012). Application and efficiency of to the resurrected genus Sargassopsis. Journal beeswax casting and digital photogrammetry to of Phycology 48, 1119-1129 \\DEC- study the morphology of a Varanus sp. foraging 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19227.pdf excavation. Australian Zoologist 36, 169-174 \\DEC- Doughty P, Palmer R, Cowan M, Pearson DJ 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19133.pdf (2012). Biogeographic patterns of frogs of the Kimberley islands, Western Australia. Records Christin P-A, Wallace MJ, Clayton H, Edwards EJ, of the Western Australian Museum Supplement Furbank RT, Hattersley PW et al. [Macfarlane 81, 109-124 \\DEC- TD] (2012). Multiple photosynthetic transitions, 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\FullTextFiles\C19223.pdf polyploidy and lateral gene transfer in the grass subtribe Neurachninae. Journal of Experimental Doughty P, Palmer R, Sistrom MJ, Bauer AM, Botany 63, 6297-6308 \\DEC- Donnellan SC (2013). Two new species of 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19150.pdf Gehyra (Squamata: Gekkonidae) geckos from the north-west Kimberley region of Western Coates DJ, Williams MR, Madden S (2013). Australia. Records of the Western Australian Temporal and spatial mating-system variation in Museum 27, 117-134 \\DEC- fragmented populations of Banksia cuneata, a 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19226.pdf rare bird-pollinated long-lived plant. Australian Journal of Botany 61, 235-242 \\DEC- Gibson N, Butcher R (2013). There are greater 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19219.pdf things in life than cricket? Tetratheca aphylla (Elaeocarpaceae), James Drummond and the Cochrane A, Crawford A (2013). 21 years of seed exploration of the Helena and Aurora Range. conservation in WA Department of Environment Nuytsia 23, 95-99 \\DEC- and Conservation: achievements and future 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\FullTextFiles\080057- directions. Australasian Plant Conservation 21 23.007.pdf (4), 21-23 \\DEC- 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19153.pdf Gosper CR, Prober SM, Yates CJ (2013). Estimating fire interval bounds using vital Crane C, Burgess TI (2013). Luteocirrhus shearii attributes: implications of uncertainty and among gen.sp.nov. (Diaporthales: Cryphonectriaceae) -population variability. Ecological Applications pathogenic to Proteaceae in the South Western 23, 924-935 \\DEC- Australian Floristic Region. IMA Fungus 4, 111- 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19184.pdf 121 \\DEC- 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19197.pdf (Continued on page 3) Page 2 (Continued from page 2) Johnstone RE, Burbidge AH, Darnell JC (2013). Gosper CR, Prober SM, Yates CJ, Wiehl G Birds of the Pilbara region, including seas and (2013). Estimating the time since fire of long- offshore islands, Western Australia: unburnt Eucalyptus salubris (Myrtaceae) stands distribution, status and historical changes. in the Great Western Woodlands. Australian Records of the Western Australian Museum Journal of Botany 61, 11-21 \\DEC- Supplement 78, 343-441 \\DEC- 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19137.pdf 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\FullTextFiles\C19252.pd f Gould A, Yee JC, Bond IA, Udalski A, Han C, Jørgensen UG et al. [Martin R, Williams A] Jongma DN, Campo D, Dattolo E, d’Esposito D, (2013). MOA-2010-BLG-523: failed planet = RS Duchi A, Grewe P et al. [Huisman J] (2013). CVn star. Astrophysical Journal 763, 1-11 \\DEC On the identity and origin of a slender Caulerpa -93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19261.pdf taxifolia strain introduced into the Mediterranean Sea. Botanica Marina 56, 27-39 Harris AM, Rye BL (2013). A re-assessment of the \\DEC- varieties recognised for Verticordia plumosa 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\DEConly\C19230.pdf (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae). Nuytsia 23, 163- 170 \\DEC- Lambers H, Ahmedi I, Berkowitz O, Dunne C, 93sxb2s\InmagicDocs\FullTextFiles\080057- Finnegan PM, Hardy GE St J et al. (2013). 23.014.pdf Phosphorus nutrition of phosphorus-sensitive Australian native plants: threats to plant Harris S, Arnall S, Byrne M, Coates D, Hayward communities in a
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