,i*s<t$v> ornl ORNL-6879 OAK RIDGE FUSION ENERGY NATIONAL DIVISION LABORATORY ntAfWTtiV MARIETTA PROGRESS REPORT Period from January 1, 1992, to December 31, 1994 MANAGED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. FOR THE UNITED STATES Dl«TRJBUTiON OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLII^JTEO DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY This report has been reproduced directly from the best available copy. Available to DOE and DOE contractors from the Office of Scientific and Techni• cal Information, P.O. Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 37831; prices available from (615) 576-8401, FTS 626-8401. Available to the public from the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, VA 22161. This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, com• pleteness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process dis• closed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily consti• tute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible electronic image products, images are produced from the best available original document. ORNL-6879 Dist Category UC-420 FUSION ENERGY DIVISION PROGRESS REPORT Period from January 1,1992, to December 31,1994 J. Sheffield C. C. Baker M. J. Saltmarsh T. E. Shannon Fusion Energy Division Staff Date Published: September 1995 Prepared for the Office of Fusion Energy Budget Activity No. 219 00 00 0 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6285 managed by LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 *$ 4f1»y •y ¥i **w* ' D.STR,BUT,ON OFTH.S DOCUMENT «S UNLIM.TEO Report previously issued in this series are as follows: ORNL-2693 Period Ending January 31,1959 ORNL-2802 Period Ending July 31,1959 ORNL-2926 Period Ending January 31,1960 ORNL-3011 Period Ending July 31,1960 ORNL-3104 Period Ending January 31,1961 ORNL-3239 Period Ending October 31,1961 ORNL-3315 Period Ending April 30,1962 ORNL-3392 Period Ending October 31,1962 ORNL-3472 Period Ending April 30,1963 ORNL-3564 Period Ending October 31,1963 ORNL-3652 Period Ending April 30,1964 ORNL-3760 Period Ending October 31,1964 ORNL-3836 Period Ending April 30,1965 ORNL-3908 Period Ending October 31,1965 ORNL-3989 Period Ending April 30,1966 ORNL-4063 Period Ending October 31,1966 ORNL-4150 Period Ending April 30,1967 ORNL-4238 Period Ending October 31,1967 ORNL-4401 Period Ending December 31,1968 ORNL-4545 Period Ending December 31, 1969 ORNL-4688 Period Ending December 31,1970 ORNL-4793 Period Ending December 31,1971 ORNL-4896 Period Ending December 31,1972 ORNL-4982 Period Ending December 31,1973 ORNL-5053 Period Ending December 31,1974 ORNL-5154 Period Ending December 31,1975 ORNL-5275 Period Ending December 31,1976 ORNL-5405 Period Ending December 31,1977 ORNL-5549 Period Ending December 31,1978 ORNL-5645 Period Ending December 31,1979 ORNL-5674 Period Ending December 31,1980 ORNL-5843 Period Ending December 31,1981 ORNL-5919 Period Ending December 31,1982 ORNL-6015 Period Ending December 31,1983 ORNL-6111 Period Ending December 31,1984 ORNL-6234 Period Ending December 31,1985 ORNL-6332 Period Ending December 31,1986 ORNL-6452 Period Ending December 31,1987 ORNL-6528 Period Ending December 31,1988 ORNL-6624 Period Ending December 31,1989 ORNL-6714 Period Ending December 31,1991 CONTENTS LISTOFFIGURES xi LISTOFTABLES xv INTRODUCTION xvii 1. TOROIDAL CONFINEMENT PROGRAM 1 SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES 3 1.1 THE ATF PROGRAM 5 1.1.1 ATF Research Activities 5 Experimental configuration 5 Results of long-pulse, dimensionless-parameter scans 6 Results for pulse lengths of more than 1 h 6 Summary 11 1.1.2 Repair and Upgrades of the ATF Facility 12 Helical coil and vacuum vessel repairs 12 ECH upgrade 12 Helical coil power supply upgrade 13 1.1.3 Stellarator Collaborative Research 13 1.2 EDGE PHYSICS AND PARTICLE CONTROL PROGRAM 14 1.2.1 The Collaborative Advanced Divertor Program on DIII-D 14 Helium transport and exhaust studies in enhanced confinement regimes on the DIII-D tokamak 14 Particle control and boundary studies on DIII-D 19 Global particle confinement time studies on DIII-D 22 DIII-D advanced divertor cryopump 23 1.2.2 Development of Particle and Impurity Control Techniques on Tore Supra 23 Particle control studies 23 Impurity studies ." 30 Detailed modeling of impurity and power fluxes 31 Rf-plasma edge interactions 34 1.2.3 Helium Transport and Exhaust Studies on the TEXTOR Tokamak 37 1.3 CONFINEMENT PHYSICS PROGRAM 39 1.3.1 The Role of Shaping in Achieving High Performance inDin-D 39 1.3.2 PBX-M Collaboration 42 Effects of LHCD wave spectrum on runaway electron production 43 iii Characterization of plasma parameters for shaped PBX-M discharges 44 Equilibrium reconstruction 44 Spectroscopic studies 45 Analysis of Mirnov signals 47 AMreflectometryonPBX-M 48 Wavelet analysis of ELM signals from the PBX-M tokamak 51 1.3.3 Collaboration Between ORNL and TFTR 53 Achievements and status 54 Physics accomplishments 54 1.3.4 Feedback Control and Stabilization Experiments on TEXT 58 1.3.5 Long-Pulse Particle Control Issues in TPX 58 Wall-conditioning options for particle control 58 Overnight wall conditioning 60 Wall conditioning between discharges 60 Continuous wall conditioning during discharge 61 1.4 PHYSICS ASSESSMENT OF STELLARATORS AS FUSION POWERPLANTS : 62 REFERENCES 64 2. ATOMIC PHYSICS AND PLASMA DIAGNOSTICS DEVELOPMENT 71 SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES 73 2.1 EXPERIMENTAL ATOMIC COLLISIONS 74 2.1.1 Merged-Beams Measurements of Electron-Impact Excitation ofMultichargedlons 74 2.1.2 Crossed-Beams Measurements of Electron-Impact Ionization of Ions 75 2.1.3 Multicharged-Ion Surface Interactions 76 2.1.4 Very Low-Energy Collisions of Multicharged Ions in Merged Beams 78 2.1.5 ECR Multicharged-Ion Research Facility Upgrade Project 79 2.2 THEORETICAL ATOMIC PHYSICS FOR FUSION 80 2.2.1 Electron-Impact Excitation of Ions 80 2.2.2 Dielectronic Recombination 81 2.2.3 Electron-Impact Ionization of Ions 82 2.2.4 Statistical Quasi-Quantal Treatment of Ion-Atom Collisions 83 2.2.5 Heavy-Particle Elastic Scattering 83 2.3 CFADC 84 2.3.1 The Bibliographic Database 84 2.3.2 Data Center Network 84 2.3.3 Data Compilations 85 2.3.4 Internet-Accessible Databases 86 2.4 DIAGNOSTICS OF HIGH-TEMPERATURE PLASMAS 86 iv 2.4.1 IR Polarimeter for Measurement of Plasma-Current Profile intheAlcatorC-ModTokamak 86 2.4.2 CO2 Laser Thomson Scattering Ion-Tail Diagnostic for Alcator C-Mod 90 REFERENCES 94 3. FUSION THEORY AND COMPUTING 99 SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES 101 3.1 TURBULENCE AND TRANSPORT 101 3.1.1 Improved Toroidal Confinement Regimes 101 Interaction of flows and fluctuations 101 Phase-transition model of the L-H transition 103 Validation of phase-transition model of the L-H transition by nonlinear plasma turbulence calculations 104 Core fluctuations 105 Edge fluctuations 108 3.1.2 Advanced Toroidal Confinement Scenarios 108 Energetic particles confinement 108 MHD for advanced tokamak configurations Ill 3.1.3 High-PerformanceComputing Ill Parallel plasma fluid turbulence calculations Ill Scientific visualization 112 3.2 EDGE PHYSICS AND PLASMA MODELING 113 3.2.1 Edge Physics 113 Reduced-impurity-flow modeling of the scrape-off plasma 113 Active divertor model 113 Influence oflimiters and divertors on edge turbulence 113 3.2.2 Plasma Modeling 114 L-H bifurcation theory 114 Advanced tokamaks 115 Equilibrium reconstruction of the # profile in tokamaks 116 Confinement scaling in stellarators 116 New theoretical methods: wavelet analysis 116 3.3 RF HEATING AND CURRENT DRIVE 116 3.3.1 Full-Wave Modeling of ICRF Heating and Current Drive 117 Full-wave ICRF modeling of D-T plasmas in TFTR 117 Full-wave ICRF modeling of electron heating and current drive by mode-converted slow waves in tokamaks 118 Fast-wave current-drive modeling using the combined RANT3D and PICES code 119 Full wave modeling oflCRF heating in stellarators 119 Full-wave modeling of power deposition in high-density inductively coupled plasma tools for semiconductor processing 119 v Orbit-consistent plasma simulations 120 One-dimensional global and local solution for ICRF heating 120 Effect of Alfv6n resonance in low-frequency ITER current drive 120 3.3.2 ICRF Antenna Studies 120 Three-dimensional physics of ICRF launchers for fusion devices 121 Phased array antennas for fast-wave current drive and heating 121 Three-dimensional modeling of rf current-drive arrays 122 3.3.3 Basic Rf Physics Issues 122 Fast-wave poloidal flow generation in a plasma 122 Parallel forces induced by waves in ICRF 122 Spurious modes for finite Larmor radius models in ICRF 123 Numerical solution of a tunneling equation 123 Minority ion sawtooth model in TRANSP 123 Rfkinetic studies and its application on helium ash control 123 3.4 COMPUTING AND OPERATIONS 124 3.4.1 USC 124 3.4.2 Workstation Support 124 3.4.3 Networks 125 3.4.4 PC Support ....: 125 3.4.5 Experimental Data Acquisition 125 REFERENCES 125 4.
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