US005662894A United States Patent 19 11 Patent Number: 5,662,894 McManus 45 Date of Patent: *Sep. 2, 1997 54 SUNSHIELDSHAVING COMPOSITIONS 5,008,101 4/1991 Kimisch et al. ......................... 424/60 5,026,540 6/1991 Dixon et al. ...... ... 424/59 76 Inventor: JT McManus, P.O. Box 4021, Carson 5,034,213 7/1991 Rosenbaum et al ... 424/60 City, Nev. 89702 5,041,281 8/1991 Strobridge ......... ... 424/47 5,087.445 2/1992 Haffey et al. ... 424/59 * Notice: The portion of the term of this patent 5,093,107 3/1992 Matravers ... 424/59 bsequent to Feb. 3, 2013, has been 5,138,089 8/1992 Sabatelli et al... ... 560/50 subseq • - 9 5,145,669 9/1992 Kwak et al. ...... ... 424/59 disclaimed. 5,152.983 10/1992 Nambudiry et al. ... 424/60 5,160,731 11/1992 Sabatelli et al. .. ... 424/59 (21) Appl. No.: 101,524 5,169,624 12/1992 Ziegler et al. ............................ 424/59 22 Filed: Aug. 3, 1993 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (51 int. Cl. ... A61K 7/15 DeSimone, "Suncreen and Suntan Products”, Handbook of 52 U.S. Cl. ...................................... 42473; 424/401 Non-prescription Drugs, 7th Ed. Chapter 26, pp. 499-511 58) Field of Search ............................... 424,359,401. (American Pharmaceutical Association, Washington, D.C.; 1982). 424/70.9; 514/469 Grove and Forbes, "A Method for Evaluating the Photopro (56) References Cited tection Action of Sunscreen Agents Against UV-A Radia tion”. International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 4, pp. U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 15-24 (1982). 4,454,112 6/1984 Tuominen ....... ... 424/60 Primary Examiner. Thurman K. Page 4,563,346 1/1986 Deckner .................................... 424/73 4,603,046 7/1986 Georgalas et al... ... 424/59 57 ABSTRACT 4,900,541 2/1990 Govier ................ ... 424/59 4,917,882 4/1990 Strobridge ....... ... 424/59 The use of sunscreen related compounds for hair removal. 4,999,186 3/1991 Sabatelli et al. .......................... 424/59 5,008,100 4/1991 Zecchino et al. ......................... 424/59 4 Claims, No Drawings 5,662,894 1. 2 SUNSHIELD SHAVING COMPOSITIONS sunbathing as well as routine day-to-day activities in the sunlight. Some scientists estimate that over 70 percent of the FIELD OF INVENTION damage the sun inflicts on the average person's skin over a This invention relates to the novel new use of a sunscreen lifetime is the result of simply being outdoors or even sitting 5 by a window. composition means to facilitate the removal of hair from the The major short term hazard of prolonged exposure to body with a shaving means as well as provide continued skin sunlight is erythema (i.e. sunburn). The 290 to 320 nanom conditioning and protection from the harmful radiation of eter wavelength ultravioletradiation range, designated as the the sun after the hair removal process is complete. “UVB" wavelength range, tends to be the primary cause of 10 erythema. The 320 to 400 nanometer wavelength range, also BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION produces erythema. The removal of hair from the human epidermis is com In addition to the short term hazard of erythema, there are monly accomplished by shaving with a mechanical means also long term hazards associated with UV radiation expo such as a razor blade or power shaver designed to be used sure. One of these long term hazards is malignant changes under wet conditions. Hair removal for the human male is a 15 in the skin surface. Numerous epidemiologic studies dem daily exercise to remove facial hair, and for the human onstrate a strong relationship between sunlight exposure and female is a regular, but less frequent exercise generally to human skin cancer. remove hair from the body such as the legs and underarms. Another long term hazard of ultraviolet radiation is pre There are a number of compositions available to facilitate mature aging of the skin. This condition is characterized by removing hair from the body with the use of mechanical 20 wrinkling and yellowing of the skin, along with other means. Some compositions perform as a pre-shave, to physical changes such as cracking, telangiectasis (spider prepare the hair to be removed; as a during-shave, to vessels), solar keratoses (growths), ecchymoses lubricate the skin and facilitate shaving; and as an after (subcutaneous hemorrhagic lesions), and loss of elasticity shave to condition the skin and add fragrance to the area (sagging). The adverse effects associated with exposure to shaved. 25 UVA and UVB wavelength radiation are more fully dis A wide variety of soaps, creams and oils are available to cussed in DeSimone, "Sunscreen and Suntan Products', facilitate the shaving process. However, in general they Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs, 7th Ed., Chapter 26, cause discomfort and trauma to the skin. Shaving creams pp. 499–511 (American. Pharmaceutical Association, are, by far, the preparation of choice for facilitating the Washington, D.C.; 1982) and Grove and Forbes, "A Method shaving process for lessening the abrasion, irritation, and 30 for Evaluating the Photoprotection Action of Sunscreen localized trauma which, to a greater or lesser extent, is Agents Against UV-A Radiation” International Journal of associated with hair removal by shaving. Shaving creams Cosmetic Science, 4, pp. 15–24 (1982); the disclosures of all are lather-producing, either through the action of a brush or of which are incorporated herein by reference. Hence, as propelled from an aerosol container. Both are commonly although the immediate effects of ultraviolet radiation may formulated using soap and/or detergents as the lather form 35 be cosmetically and socially gratifying, the long-term haZ ing composition. The lather or brushless shaving cream are ards are cumulative and potentially serious. oil-in water emulsions of the cream type. The fact that these effects are taken seriously by the Shaving cream is also commonly a lather-forming, soap general public is suggested by considering the market for based formulation further modified for application with a sun protection products. This market has grown consider shaving brush or as a soap-based and/or detergentfoam from ably in recent years and many new products are introduced an aerosol dispenser. Such formulations provide an easy and each year. What used to be looked upon as a seasonal rapid production of copious lather which is Supposed to be business is now continuous. Sunprotection compositions are resistant to collapse; should hold the hair erect; should now included in a diversity of personal care products, provide sufficient lubrication for the razor blade and there particularly cosmetic-type products for women, which are should be minimum irritation of the skin. 45 worn on a daily basis. The human face is exposed to Sun The treatment of human skin with various compositions radiation more than any other part of the human body; has been undertaken for many years with the goal being to especially in the case of men. Men are becoming more aware keep the skin in a smooth supple condition. Skin has the of the necessity to wear Sun protection compositions on a tendency to dry out when exposed to conditions of low 50 daily basis. humidity or to extended periods in detergent. These consid To remove hair from the body with a razorblade or power erations have not been adequately taken into consideration shaver designed to be used in wet conditions, one usually when shaving preparations are proposed. applies a pre-shave composition to the area to prepare the Shaving lotions have generally been prepared with regard hair as well as lubricate the area to facilitate shaving, cut off to the hair follicles only so as to prepare the hair for cutting 55 the hair, wash of the pre-shave composition, apply an by a razor. Silicone products have been introduced in order after-shave or skin conditioning composition. A Sunscreen that a razor may travel more easily on the skin without composition may at some point be applied to the area nicking. None of the products provide any beneficial fea shaved. tures to the skin. In fact, most commercial products contain From the foregoing, it is evident that the requirements of ingredients which cause denaturization or other harmful a preferred cream with the necessary properties to facilitate effects. Shaving preparations containing detergents or Soap shaving on the one hand but formulated from non-irritating products or one of such deleterious products, are commonly chemicals presents a problem of considerable dimension to utilized today. It is only after the shaving process that any those skilled in the art. This is partially due to a misunder concern is made for conditioning the skin. In many cases standing of what is necessary to affect a close, comfortable, even those products cause damage and trauma to the skin. 65 effective non-irritating shave. The damaging effects of sunlight on skin are well docu From the foregoing it is also evident that the requirements mented. Damage from excessive UV exposure can occur by of a preferred sunscreen with the necessary properties to 5,662,894 3 4 protect one from the harmful effects of radiation on a daily drying, and tightening effects of the skin that typically basis is also necessary. accompany shaving soaps, detergents, gels, and similar compositions available on the market. It has been discovered SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION that compositions normally found in sunscreen surprisingly 5 have the necessary emolients and skin conditioners to This invention relates to a new and simpler use of a facilitate hair removal. Further, they provide the continued sunscreen composition means as a facilitating means for skin conditioning and protection from the harmful radiation removal of hair from a human or other animal, with a of the sun needed after the shaving process is finished.
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