Right Now Wo'rO' Voi. II, No. 4 . But Wo’ro Going to Be ‘The Talk~of the Town’ ! DECEMBER 1965 San Froacisco/Los Angeles FRANCISCO'S 75,000 homosexuals / YEAR’S FINEST DRAGS FUTUEM KINSEY RESEARCH •VO* supposed to bo ifM topic h r “ Blab- ^ HEAD UP GALA PARADE DISCARDS PATHOLOGY IDEA bmrmouth Night” recently at the Coffoo AT BEAUX ARTS BALL ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY __ Gallory on Grant Avo. vihon lAodorator Notfiing but the word successful' can Jerom e Kulok prosontod^Mwk Forfdstor “ Homosexuality and Its Social Setting” describe the recent Beaux Arts Ball of tho Socioty for Individual Rights and was the title of ap address delivered Nov. sponswed by the Tavern Guild of San Hal Call of tho Mattatine Society, lith in the Student Union at Stanford by Francisco - on Halloween at Winter- Following Introductory remarks by Kulak Dr. John Gagnon research associate of land Arena. The huge bam had plenty w h ic h w ere o recitation of Encyclopedia the Institute for Sex Research. oftoom for the 700 guests, but the streets Britannica's pontificatlon on sex deviation, Almost 500 students and faculty mem­ outside were choked for awhile by three the two speakers ranged all the way from bers were present to heat the research times that many looking on. the Decline i Fall of Rome to the future scientist who is one of the directors of Glittering costumes were so nume^ vAen we may see licenses required of the famed institute formerly headed by ous that the board of judges were hard parents whb have babies, and tax bene­ Dr. Alfred Kinsey. A question session put to name a winner, and, as usual, no fits for the childless. But the topic didn’t which followed emphasized the great gen­ matter who it was, there was disagree- attract the great response It used to In eral interest of his listeners in the sub­ ,ment. Nevertheless great imagination and North Beach. Far more Interesting, judging ject of sex variation in modem society. ingenuity were shown time and again with from the crowd, 'were five youths and a Dr. Gagnon came quickly to some of his original costumes and satirical adapt­ girl In a topless competition at the Copper points: Lantern two doors down the street. ations. Two girls made a pair of dice; 1. Homosexuality is not considered a another was a jailbird with a black eye pathology in a general sense,' and re­ TAKING A MILE won’t be permitted In the plugging Citizens Alert (tel. 776-9669). search findings indicate that homosexual view of the SFPD when It believes It has Playboy bunnies. Green Hornets, Oz adults can be as well integrated and pro­ granted more than the proverbial Inch to wizards. Armored Knights, classical ductive as anyone else. dealers in sex photos In San Fraq^clsco. kabukis, Bobsey twins, velvet princes 2. Laws regulating homosexual behavior Recently two were named In obscenity and assorted kings and queens were (and varied sex behavior among non-homo­ suits because. In the view of authorities, present for wliile, seemed 4o enjoy sexuals) are a lTark~ Ages anachronism materials they sold were too suggestive it and for once couldn’t care less which may -do more harm than good. They with men and women in the same scene. whether it was a netador or matadora. do not prohibit the behavior proscribed, CIVIL LIBERTIES Counsel Marshall From the outsfde where a crowd had and are not enforceable.. Ch the other Krause gets Into the photo squabble also, formed a notch leading to Winterland’s hand, they breed disrespect for law, pro­ he reports, with the charge that the Hip entrance, to the lobby, the bar and the vide room for conuption, and create guilt - Pocket Bookstore of Santa Crux displayed dance floor the people were divided into in persons concerned. Finally such laws a photo exhibit that was over the line. In two’s-those looking, and those being may be outright unconstitutional. question were a group of photos showing seen. Tall, slender young men entered 3. While causative factors are still many . the male member as an art form—studies proudly draped in furs, feathers and and varied, thiere is little or no evidence of line, shape and composition. ACLU's flowitig gowns. Michelle’s “ Blue Belles” that the condition is strictly genetic. On positión Is that the mere subject material arrived in a motorized Cable CEir; a huge the other hand, it seems that homosexuality In itself doesn’t make obscenity. After Continental IVailways Bus squeezed is mainly a cultural and developed con­ all, engineers decades ago noted that close to disgorge all of two couples; and dition, largely a product of society’s re­ nature demonstrated the original stream­ the Miss Universe Pagent swept in like pressive and persistent antisexual attitudes. lined design in the form of this particular a United Nations celebration. While these, statements are NOT in the thing, and even aerodynamicists may have - At the stage^the band and entertainers exact words of Dr. _ i^gnon, they do in taken a tip from its shape. Railroad his­ whammed away, punctuated by J.J. Van general state his th e ^ , and provide a torians point out that earliest streamlined Dyck in flaming orange wig screaming springboard for the future research the motor trains took a “ windsplitting” front for attention as he tried to give away a Institute hopes to accomplish in the field design before they learned that the rounded door prize-or yell for Bob Ross with of homosexuality. In the main, this re­ nose or “ tear-drop” was more efficient. the box of stubs. Cowboys swung their search will be pelted toward the social And that's obscene? bordello madams on the floor, Coits found setting of the adul^ and self-accepting IT DISAPPEARED: In last Issue we had dancing partners that were DOB girls, homosexual who is at work, living and- p la n n e d to announce the Oct. 31 Costume and, in some cases some men even danc­ functioning much as any other person, Ball in Fresno sponsored under auspices ed with their wives." t different only in the private choice of a o f th e Orange O gre i C o ., "But os we In a far comer Strait & Associates sexual partner. (Continued on Page Two) ~~ (Continued on page tttio) (Continued on Page Nine) \ PAGE TWO t h e ALBATROSS Is a now papor, similar HALLOWE'EN BALL STRUMPET'S GALL I to S .F . publlcaHans, which has appoorod HAPPY H( (Comiiiimtä from First Pagi) fCimUmmsJ from f l n t pmgst HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM In Houston. Toxas citios of Boaumont, proofread #ho Immtm co m in g o f f ihm p re s s . f—Ï clicked away, with flashbubs recording Galvoston, Conroo, and Lako Charlos, I t wasn't there, ^ e red has lo ft o u r fa c e s the glamour on color^film. A' line for LA., arm montlonod In It, along with n o w , espec/affy ; since we Imam th a t thm pictures held much of the evening, as throo roforoncos to tho Rondoxvou* of event was a smashing swccess and drew odiers, who'had hoped to get photos were San Francisco. It roprosonts a first In Control Volloy. disappointed because shutterbugging from over .the Toxas Insofar as w a know ; a g o ssip was strictly .controlled. ______ MELCOliE TO TOWN TALK ham boon in- shoot about tho, bar_and club seono. Rou- As the evening wore on and the late dlcatod. at favorlto spot* n e a r a n d fa r. tors of Houston puts It out, $2 por yoar, arrival of the '*Blue Belles” and the Miss Latest to /oin the Hot of plaeoa vho d is­ ~ a ddross: 1207 Wough Driyo, Houston, Universe Pageant was awaited, sòme of tribute the publication ore these.- (outm ldo^ T o x a s 77019» the regial femmes became a bit weary, o f San Froncisco's 24 outlotm )_ SBOQND ANNIVERSARY of tho dosing - makeup began to runi and uncertain ankles Los Angefes (and vicinity)—Ram'm Hoad, of tho Black Cat was markod on H a llo - weakened from unaccustomed high heels T h e Mick, Carnival Room, Crown Je w e l, ween night a t Dusk when Jose Sarria, as valiant ladies trekked fr^m die band­ Hayloft, and In Long Beach, the Aloha. “ NIghtIngalo of Montgomory^ S treet” hung stand to die t»r. In all but a very few In Monterey, the Glided Coge; In Seattle, a hu g e black wroath on a nail drivon by cases they made it. Those that didn’t, th e G o ld o n Horseshoe a n d Pike Street M ike Traxxinl at tho entrance of the for­ however, found plenty of empty chair^s T a v o m . Who e ls e w o n t* copies for their mer Bohemian bistro.' '^Joso had completed where” they could sit and rest—rafter cuM tom ors? his Sunday opora (a grasping and gaspjng than go, on, get tired, and faint. ~ V ; WHAT'S FIRST PRIORITY? Criticism vorsion of Gay Sap Francisco) at Romoo’s, Near' midnight the great groups began came from some over Hailowoon bocausd . then dashecT Into a waiting limousino to arrive, spirts picked up, and tension o f th e m ultiplicity of functions—Bar*, mounted ' as contestants wondered if to h e a d a convoy of honking ears carry­ Balls and Bashos, Thu* with a groat ing additional boosters, drove to tho o ld there^d be time for judging before the Sircapos show on- a Saturday, Boaux Arts ball was over, the judges wondered how Cat, and hold tho briof ceremony before Ball on a Sunday, and 20 or more p la e o s to remember Who was who, and the spon­ about 50 onlookors.
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