RED BANK "Inuid Wetklr, EntirW ml Second-CIaM Mtttir at tin Post- VOLUME XLV. NO. 28. office it Bid Bank, N. J., under th. Act o( March Id, 1879. RED BANK, K J., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1923 ^$1.50,Per Year. 1TO8. WILLIAM DEAD. COAL FOR tHE FIREMEN. JOOVPER CENTJONEST. NEW EARL STREET BUILDING. BUT HE GOT TH.E £ THE FIRST ICEBOAT SAIJ,. Carload rUceivod »t Red Btnk L»l Walter and Arthur Bennett Provide jJarnei Hubbi Not Thwarted of. Hit . V^**^ for the FmeKo^iel. for G r W B G me TOWN LOSES ONE OF ITS BEST MAN WHOSE#HONESTY RIVALS ,,r , , ° ^ *"""*"• .,, JOSEPHINE VITTORIA THOUGHT ! " by ^cciJent. REUBEN WHITE HAD,THE.FIRST Through the Red Ban&.watei1 de- TLIAT- A.™ »nr" ' I" Walter and Arthur Bennett of Red • /' KNOWN CITIZENS, s- • I HAT Or "OOL Un Aot. i /Tx. SHE'D TAKE A TRIP- • "••' ^amesl Ilubbs of Belford Bhot at a SPIN OF THE SEASON. partment u Carload ofi coal "was re-' ., , ! Bank,' who. are ennged in the mason . : flock of wild duck's, while in his row-. Undertabar Who Ha£ Been in Biui- He Took Out Hi Fifth Cla cejv(,,i |ustW ock Jor use at'the sevim Edtar G. Chamber. |Found .$1,000 !- contracting, business under the So She .Borrowed th= Eijact Amount, jn. Compton's -iTvek last Thurs- ' « ' " ne» Hnro 36 Yean Died from Bn(1 bi Money Needed for Fare to New fay firehouses i,,' the town. Th«[ coal was and He Could Have Kept l» With-,! '^f Bennett Bros., are putting The (fun 'kicked" so hard that! Moonlight on Chriitmai Day—- Pleura-Pnaumpnia Lait ThurxJay name York—'She Finally Turned Up at , j ]< bouf,,)t ittth e mjneB at the'rate of out Anyone Being the, But , ., building on the north side of i t r Mr. Hubbs out of the boat I Other Boati Ready to be Launched - After a Siqkneii of Eight D«yi. upft Her Uncle', at Brooklyn. $.g.3o u |(|j), to^ whfcn with freight, He Wa.^Too Hone.t to Do It. ' | Earl, street,for'the manufacture of and into the creek.' He swam tackj ! When the- Ice i. Strong Enough. William B. Mount of Broad)-street Josephine Vittoria, the Tne h made the total cost jll.45 Efem. Zo«boxcnak, a. Russian who concrete J>lock3. The business of twelve- ;U) th,.| ,yot irsiy(, and-recovcre,! ] monthly meeting-of the N.ftrth died' l»»t Thursday motning i>f year-old .daughter of'Mrs. Charles a ton. There were fifty long tons in was employed in a ReiJ-BanRed-Ba k clothing Bennett Bros, has steadily increased •ihis Kirn which had fallen into -the':Shrewsbury ice boat and yacht club pleuco-pneumonia. He was tak«n the hd it is expected that thjs Vittoria of Shrewsbury avenue, wvnt wil be held cur u factory,, went to thee SJfconSJfco d national j and it is on this account that they ; water. Tlu«! ducks had been hit by j > tomorrow night. Joseph sick only eight days previous while j will be moru than enough to keep the 1 bank Saturday -morning and drew out j are,building their new place.". In ad-to, Mrs. Edward .11. Haley's store I Salz, Frank P. Difkmiin, Howard S. J: i the shut and they'fell wounded on attendJn""•" g a movin'"g 'pictur ' e sho"*"w and'' warm th" e rest. o-f .th euj| ^js aavi,jjjS| amounting to $1,200."] dition. to the men, they .employ on day last week and said her motli•"••'' -the rneaiiows. Mr. Ilubbs killed them >n and Hah-.y 1. Kesslcr will it was with great difficulty that he winter. The money was paid', tor him." in two contracting joba, they employ two had sent her to. borrow $l.!jX to rftjjke took them hamo. ' . ! furnish a treat for the members after walked home. The disease was ijmr- one-hundred dollar bills and in. | men who are constantly making .cop- change for if customer. Mrs. Vit- the business meeting... ' ticularly virulent and from the out-TO BUILD THIRTY HOUSES.•-|B bundle of ten one-hundred dollar icrete blocks. •. toria runs a store', and'Josephine said PAIDy" u»irf'M>ff mrm HHPU On ChfiJilinai lli'y Re"b,™ Whitt-' • Bet the attending doctors despaired bills. 'The Russian had just heard ' ——••.-. _ her mother would pay . the money FAIR -HAVENS NEW MEN.itook the first sail of the. season in' of saving, his life. from hi<). folks back in the old counr- • back later in the day. Josephine '.''• t ^.__ ' '. I his yacht Moonlight, the .ice lieing Mr. Moiint waa born at Red Bank NEW TRACT TO BE OPENED try? and he idrew out the money, be- got the money, but. instead of going ON JOHN STREET. NEW RECORD FOR MAIL THE NEW BOROUGH CObNCI(." (thick enough for small -craft. Thomas end he had always lrVed here. He i cause'he expected to go back to R-'us- to her mother's store with it she went ORGANIZED ON MONDAY. I Irving Brown got outhis .Say When, was 59 years old end waa a son of Whita Brother. Bay a Tract of Land ' sia. He ,pt the money in-his. over-! BIGGEST BUSINESS EVER AT to the railroad station and bought a , ' _ ' __» ' Willian?:ir:.»_m« PintarT*:_i. dI his.Dar(_' .^ »I-..ULt an~. d1 AndreA «,]!.„».w. iGharles P. Cross, Who Ha* Been a Hobert R. Mount, who died last sum- in thh e Ea.torE n ParP t off thhe Town—;"T"j coat'pocketj k , andd walked-oulkd t off ththee RED BANK— POSTOFFICE" . ticket to New York. The ticket cost S. White his Brownie, in anticipation mer. His mother, who wa3 Almira : Councilman Several Year*, is the „ ,. i l p .Jl, but the New Houiei to Co«t About $6,500 Ppifnk. An Increased Thirty'Per Cent Over $.1.58. Josephine .went to New York u£ ont nueo cu d H t Elliott, .Is living. Mr. Mbunt is sur- ' New Mayor—Three New Memoderatinn g weather later in the week. Each—Other New Dwelling!. ^ ' '-ij -Efem walked towards the railroad the Amount of Bu>ine» Done in without telling her*folks that she. was vived by his wife, who was Jennie Sworn in as Councilmcn. - • spoiled their plans. These boats arc White -Brothers of Red Bank Jiave 'station to' hu'y'.a' ticket to New York. the Chri.tmai Season of 1921—going- Wood. She is a daughter of the late 1 oon Charles'P. Cross,, who was elcrtedjon the dock ready to be launched as bought a tract "of land in the eastern He had not walked far before he put j Fine Work by Poitoffice Force. The girl's disappearance was soon William H. Wood. Mr.Mount'Leaves part of the town from George Ingra- bis handiii Jii.s pocket to sx>e if the i noticed by her mother and she be-: mayor of Fair Haven last fall with- |s»on as the ice is strong enough. ,. oul a daughterugbti , Miss Marion Mp.pjh't,who ham of Brooklyn for,$15,000. The money w^^erc. It wa. not there. | Figures which,have just been com- came almost frantic with, anxiety.! opposition, was s,worn in on New j the club haa given, an official list-, L al!3 lives atatVhomc\ . He also leaves two property is located on both sides of Frantically be-dove his handds through hI as to the amount of mail Josephine, earlier in the day, had'|X ' d»y-ln-furc a. large .gathering," the boats to be sailed this.yeur Bisters, Misses Flora and • Almira at the Red. Bank postoffice asked to be permitted to go to Brook- iKvury chair v.\ the unim-il t-hambor uimltr. the club's colors "and John street and runs from Prospect | his other pockets, • The money wasr 1 Mount, who live with Weir mother on avenue to Harrison avenue. On the gone!' The Russian was almost wild I*™™ December 13th to 24th inclu- lyn and.visit her uncle and Mrs. Vit- filW. Mr. Cross thanked (Tie 4>oats will be known by number a ! Monmouth Stseet. tract-th. "White brothers will .build With despair. His whole life savings «ve, show that this was the busiest toria had refused permission to let'i people Torlhi-ir-united Mipp'>r| in his jwell as by name. When the. boats are Thirty-five years ago Mr'.-.Mount .j.thirty j,'0Ui)eg> . Each lot ..will ,be | were gone and all because he had.put week in the history of the postonice. her,do so. Suspecting that the .girl i candidacy, and [iromistd to Hive the ;under way" the skipper is expected tu became associated with hia father in J 40x125 fcefcand each house will have.; the: money in a pocket which had a; ; increase was thirty per cent over had started for-Brooklyri, Mrs. Vit- borough-efficient- government. display the number of his tr.iu K : ! amount of husitiess done during toria called up Josephine's uncle on Mr. (Cross's eluttion caused ' i \i i uge figures. ,. The'official lbrtioif ol' the.. upholstering and undertaking-; six Voomsand a bathroom and will bc'; big gaping hole in it. Folks who saw 1 busihess-and for the past ten years ' yoyj^Vith modern improvements.' the "wild-eyed Russian alternately i the. same -period last year. the telephone. 'The Brooklyn man *a the '-"ttpuncil, .as he \\ i-. i Hit boats' ia as follows: -' 1 Ul e FIRST CLASS.
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