CERN COMPUTER CERN - IT Division CH-1211 Geneve 23 NEWSLETTER SWITZERLAND CERN-CNL-2000-001 January – April 2000 Vol. XXXIV, issue no 1 Contents If you need Help i Editorial iv 1 Physics Computing 1 1.1 ALICE Data Challenge 2000 . .......................................... 1 2 Desktop Computing 3 2.1 Central Computing Helpdesk - Outlines and Strategy ............................... 3 2.2 Service Handbook for the Desktop Support Contract with IT Division . ................ 4 2.3 Backing up Data on your Unix Desktop Machine . ............................... 5 2.4 Linux Red Hat 6.1 now Certified .......................................... 5 2.5 Operating System Certification - Present List . ............................... 5 2.6 Range of UNIX platforms served by ASIS . ............................... 6 3 Internet Services and Network 7 3.1 Improvement of CERN Connectivity to the Global Internet . ........................... 7 3.2 Rationalisation of Support for Network Protocols . ............................... 7 3.3 Connecting Computing Equipment onto the CERN Network ........................... 8 4 Scientific Applications and Software Engineering 9 4.1 Garfield Version 7.02 . .............................................. 9 4.2 Magboltz 2 . .................................................. 10 4.3 News from the Software Development Tools Service ............................... 10 5 Desktop Publishing 12 5.1 XML-related Developments . .......................................... 12 6 The Learning Zone 14 6.1 X11 Desktop Environments (KDE and GNOME) - Part II . ........................... 14 6.2 Questions and Answers from the Computing Helpdesk . ........................... 17 7 User Documentation 22 7.1 News from the Computing Bookshop . ...................................... 22 7.2 User Support Book Catalogue . .......................................... 22 Editorial Information Editorial Board ºch Chief Editor Nicole Crémel (CÆĺEdiØÓÖ@ceÖÒ ) Associate Editors Charles Curran Miguel Marquina Les Robertson Technical advisor (printed edition) Michel Goossens The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the CERN Management. The Editors reserve the right to edit or omit articles, or hold-over copy due to lack of space. General Information Öef»cÒÐ The CNL Web home page is at URL: hØØÔ:»»ceÖÒºch» The policy is to have approximatively 4 CNL editions per year (Spring, before and after the Summer, and before Christmas shutdown). Foreseen deadlines for 2000 are (exceptionally there are only three editions planned this year): Issue number Deadline Summer edition Friday 28th of July 2000. Christmas edition Friday 17th of November 2000. Information for contributors The CNL is processed using XML technology and templates. Article marked up in HTML are preferred, but plain text is also acceptable. A Web form to be used for article submission (contributions) is provided in the CNL “Help&Info” page, or directly f»cÒл×ÙbÑiØ at the URL hØØÔ:»»ceÖÒºch»Öe . Distribution ef»cÒлheÐÔ»aÒÒÓÙÒceÑeÒØ • An electronic mail is sent to the “CNL Announcement Distribution List” (hØØÔ:»»ceÖÒºch»Ö ) as soon as a new issue of the CNL is available on the Web. • A paper version is sent to the users who have subscribed to the “CNL Paper Version Registration” list: f»cÒлheÐÔ»Öegi×ØeÖ hØØÔ:»»ceÖÒºch»Öe . ef» All subscriptions to our distribution lists can be made through the CNL “Help&Info” page, at URL hØØÔ:»»ceÖÒºch»Ö cÒлheÐÔ. Note that you can also cancel your subscription in either case by filling in the appropriate form. The compressed PostScript file containing the complete printable version of this CNL is available via the Web from the fØÔ:»»a×i×fØÔºceÖÒºch»cÒл¾¼¼¼¹¼¼½»ÑaiÒºÔ׺gÞ aÒÓÒÝÑÓÙ× ftp site . It is possible that to optimize typesetting the printable version differs slightly from the master HTML version. In any case the HTML version on the Web must be taken as the reference. If you need Help FRONT LINE Services Phone Location E-mail Address Computing Help Desk 78888 513/R-052 ÀeÐÔde×k@ceÖÒºch Opening hours: 8:30–17:30 (Monday–Friday) Satellite Helpdesk@B40 (entrance): Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 10:00-12:00 ºch Administrative Applications (EDH, BHT, etc.) 79933 5/R-021 Ai׺ËÙÔÔÓÖØ@ceÖÒ Opening hours: 8.30–12:30 and 13:30–17:30 ÓÒ×@ceÖÒºch Central Computer Operators (24/24 hours on call) 75011 513/R-049 CÓÑÔÙØeÖºÇÔeÖaØi ceÖÒºch General Network Operational Problems 74927 ÆeØÛÓÖkºËÙÔÔÓÖØ@ Contacts at CERN The “Computing Help Desk” is the proposed central point for help on all computer-related issues. Following is a non- exhaustive list of individual people responsible or assigned to a given service. If you do not find a pointer to the service you need, then contact the “Computing Help Desk” for submitting your request. For all the services listed below please use the generic electronic mail address whenever possible. These mailboxes will be read even when the usual specialist is absent. It is helpful to use relevant keywords in the subject field of your message. Contact specialists directly only for very urgent cases or for very general consultations. Note that in the Web version of this page the “Service Definition” can be a link to the Welcome page of this service: we invite you to read carefully all the information given in that page before submitting a question/problem. USER SUPPORT Service Definition Name E-mail Address ÖÒºch User Relations and Service Manager M. Marquina Ù×eÖºÖeÐaØiÓÒ×@ce ÖÒºch Help Desk Manager R. Woolnough Ù×eÖºÖeÐaØiÓÒ×@ce @ceÖÒºch User Registration M.C. Perler Ù×eÖºÖegi×ØÖaØiÓÒ @ceÖÒºch Accounting Service A. Koppanyi Ù×eÖºÖegi×ØÖaØiÓÒ Computing BookShop J. Megies bÓÓk×hÓÔ@ceÖÒºch CENTRAL COMPUTERS Public Services (PLUS & interactive services and CSF/PCSF Simulation farms) See the complete and up-to-date list of contacts at URL: hØØÔ:»»hØØÔ:»»ÛÛÛiÒfÓºceÖÒºch»ÔdÔ»i×»ÑaiÒ»eÜÔeÖiÑeÒØ׺hØÑÐ#ÈÍBËEÊÎ SHIFT (Reconstruction & Analysis Clusters) T. Smith ØiѺ×ÑiØh@ceÖÒºch Òºch CORE Operations M. Vergari ÑaÖiÓºÚeÖgaÖi@ceÖ Work Group Servers T. Smith ØiѺ×ÑiØh@ceÖÒºch Support for Experiments See the complete and up-to-date list of contacts at URL : hØØÔ:»»hØØÔ:»»ÛÛÛiÒfÓºceÖÒºch»ÔdÔ»i×»ÑaiÒ»eÜÔeÖiÑeÒØ׺hØÑÐ ch Distributed File Services (incl. AFS) af׺×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@ceÖÒº Òºch NAP and Parallel Applications E. Mcintosh eÖicºÑciÒØÓ×h@ceÖ ÖÒºch Central VMS Services ÚÜceÖÒº×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@ce eÖÒºch Tape Allocations and Vault Space R. Minchin ÖichaÖdºÑiÒchiÒ@c ºch Stager, tapes and TMS support ØaÔeº×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@ceÖÒ ch Central Data Recording (CDR) cdÖº×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@ceÖÒº ×ØbÓܺceÖÒºch CASTOR HSM software ca×ØÓÖ¹×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@Ði ºch HPSS Services ÀÔ×׺ËÙÔÔÓÖØ@ceÖÒ ÖÒºch Oracle Databases N. Segura ÓÖacÐeº×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@ce eÖÒºch CERN-wide Print Service J.L. Vosdey ÔÖiÒØeÖº×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@c DESKTOP COMPUTING Service Definition Name E-mail Address ÖÒºch NICE (Networked PCs) F. Hemmer Òiceº×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@ce h PC Desktop (Repairs and sales) C. Ball ÔcºadÑiÒ@ceÖÒºc Òºch MACintosh Support F. Ovett Ñacº×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@ceÖ ÖÒºch MACintosh Sales W. Hug ÛaÐØÖaÙdºhÙg@ce ÖØ@ceÖÒºch X Terminals Support ÜØeÖÑiÒaк×ÙÔÔÓ ÖÒºch ASIS Support a×i׺×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@ce Operating System Support Service Definition E-mail Address ºch HP 700 s/w: hÔº×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@ceÖÒ Òºch SUN s/w: ×ÙÒº×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@ceÖ @ceÖÒºch Solaris s/w: ×ÓÐaÖi׺×ÙÔÔÓÖØ Òºch RS/6000 s/w: aiܺ×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@ceÖ eÖÒºch Digital Unix s/w: dÙÒiܺ×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@c eÖÒºch Linux: ÐiÒÙܺ×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@c SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Service Definition Name E-mail Address ÖÒºch PaRC Service (Engineering Cluster) ÔaÖcº×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@ce ceÖÒºch CERN Program Library L. Besson heÔÐibº×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@ Òºch PAW Support O. Couet ÔaÛº×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@ceÖ ceÖÒºch LHC++ and GEANT heÔÐibº×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@ ÔÓÖØ@ceÖÒºch Objectivity DB Service ÓbjecØiÚiØݺ×ÙÔ Òºch Software Development Tools ×dغ×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@ceÖ ceÖÒºch Adobe FrameMaker dÓc×Ý׺×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@ COMPUTING FOR ENGINEERING All comments, problem reports, and suggestions can be reported via the “Feedback” Web form ºceÖÒºch»ce accessible from the “IT-CE Home page” (hØØÔ:»»ÛÛÛiÒfÓ , link “Feedback” on the left). COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS A complete and up-to-date list of contacts is at the “Communications Systems Group” Home page ceÖÒºch at the URL: hØØÔ:»»ÒeØÛÓÖkº INTERNET APPLICATIONS Service Definition Name E-mail Address ÖÒºch Mail support Ñaiк×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@ce Òºch Web Services ÛÛÛº×ÙÔÔÓÖØ@ceÖ COMPUTER SECURITY ØÝ@ceÖÒºch Computer Security Information cÓÑÔÙØeÖº×ecÙÖi Other Newsletters ºceÖÒºch»ce»ÒeÛ×ÐeØØeÖ»ÒeÛ×ÐeØØeÖºhØÑÐ Computing for Engineers (hØØÔ:»»ÛÛÛiÒfÓ ) @ceÖÒºch Editor: L.Pregernig ÐÙdÛigºÔÖegeÖÒig Some Useful Web Pages eÖÒºch TvScreen (Systems Status) hØØÔ:»»ØÚ×cÖeeÒºc ÖÒºch»Öegi×ØeÖ Network Connection Request Form hØØÔ:»»ÒeØÛÓÖkºce ÖÒºch»ÑÓbiÐe Remote/Mobile Computing hØØÔ:»»ÒeØÛÓÖkºce Ò×ÙÐØ User-Oriented Catalogue hØØÔ:»»ceÖÒºch»cÓ ÖÚice× User-Oriented Service Directory (*) hØØÔ:»»ceÖÒºch»×e Ò×ÙÐØ»ÛÖiØeÙÔ׻˻ÊefCaØÄi×غhØÑÐ User Support Reference Cards hØØÔ:»»ceÖÒºch»cÓ aÑeÑakeÖ FrameMaker Support hØØÔ:»»ceÖÒºch»fÖ ÖÒºch»a×dÓc»ØeÜØÔÖÓcºhØÑÐ Text Processing related documentation hØØÔ:»»ÛÛÛiÒfÓºce ÖÒºch» IT Home Page hØØÔ:»»ÛÛÛiÒfÓºce ÖÒºch»×ÙÔÔÓÖØ User Support hØØÔ:»»ÛÛÛiÒfÓºce ÖÒºch» NICE Home Page hØØÔ:»»ÒiceÛÛÛºce ºch» PC Support Service Page hØØÔ:»»ÔcÛÛÛºceÖÒ ÖÒºch»ÔdÔ»Ôc» PC Farms Homepage hØØÔ:»»ÛÛÛiÒfÓºce ÖÒºch»ÔdÔ»Ó×e»×ÙÔÔÓÖغhØÑÐ UNIX Workstation and X Terminals Support hØØÔ:»»ÛÛÛiÒfÓºce iÒfÓºceÖÒºch»hØbiÒ»ÔdÔ»ca×ØÓÖ_ÖeÔÓÖغÔÐ CASTOR Query Report hØØÔ:»»hØØÔ:»»ÛÛÛ Ø Software Development Tools hØØÔ:»»ceÖÒºch»×d ÖÒºch»ce Computing Support for Engineering hØØÔ:»»ÛÛÛiÒfÓºce ÖÒºch»ÁÌCÇ»jcÓÔ» Joint Controls Project (LHC Experiments)
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