' . THE ISRAELITE PRESS ,•noay, April 13, 1956 G, ...k ... 19 the Stste fA h,ji,el on This GI~ Eiahth lndo.p,a..61t- Day GREEETINGS TO THE STATE OF ISRAEL ON HER EIGHTH INDEPENDENCE DAY S- Our New Stock of NatiaMlly Advertised Dress Shirts !Tel-AvivI Gets, Lars Mattson ' · PLASTERER • ARROW • FORSYTH • TOOKE SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY THE FABRIC. CENTRE IMPORTI!D FIN!! FABRICS All l'hll Best N.ttloflelly.K- Brends at ~le Prices !A" New Station,\--m-::._so:::NU-E 1· X-llA Y FITnD ! (RaD Tr-a In tN Stm of The inanguratian- of the new by members of the cabinet, the• ~ I 255 VAUGHAN ST., WINNIPEG, MAN. ' lsrN_I is ti.coming mont ·lrQPOrt" c:entnl nilwa, station In Tel-Aviv, Speaker o! the Knesseth, the _ to the 1 WOLCH'S DEPARTMENT STORE ! ant with the opandJnt economy marb one of thethem~:~ MA~arn~ ~~orsth -:li:e J~- STATE OF ISRAEL I_ !~~~-~l!.,"'_M_--------~"'_ ..____ .... ~_M __ N_M_ ·""---~""_M __-_ .. _,.. ____ ~ of the~. This ttory, pub, achievements In com- ..v lllllct_.,ty, e ...... on this Phontl 59-5308 Winnipeg 881 Main St. llwd In Janoary luw af munieatiom and especially In the bis, the executive management and · EIGHTH -suMer and ContrKm"" tells business life of Tel•Aviv. The veteran staff of the Israel Rall· INDEPENDENCE DAY· of the ~ of lu:Nl's I•,... cettmony which was held OIi the wayS and guests from many perts · . nt rellway stiltlon-l!d.) 2nd November 1954. was attended of the country. ,• : We /4lltll Clur - ~ C­ W. a·1cks,. & Son .,~ ... n..ltmofl.-..1 Mayor Baim Levanop. outlined I ,,.,......,_ o.., in his survey the diffieulties · of PLUMBING AND HEATING• m!ABTIESr GREETINGS TO THE STATE OF ISRAEL rail communication wbicb, · Tel- CONTRACTORS · ON ITS INDEPENDENCE DAY Aviv, the largest cit:, In the coun• try bad · to face during the put . Ph-· 56,-26,'S4 INDEPENDENT . years, when all the main lines by- 19 &ANNERMAN AVE. Sincerest Greetings on the 8th Ipassed the town. A primitive ____________. FISH COMPANY 1 shack served for mlllU' years as ------------. Independence Day of the Limited · , the rail depot for· the flrat Jewish F!!ESH • FROZEN .. Frank H. Wiley Ltd. town. And now the town bu been HEARTIEST GREETINGS SlfOKED FISH enriched with a modern new cen­ State of Israel 941 SHERBllOOK ST. , tral station, and the plans for the ON THE " MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS , connectlon with the southern rail WINNIPEG • MANITOBA Phone 74-2424 ; system directly through Tel-Aviv . EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY : are well ahead. 533 HENRY AVE. WINNIPEG, MAN,' , Mr. Levanon proudly pointed, OF out the fact that the execution of · MEDINAT ISRAEL the plans for the new hne to pass NORTHERN TAXI through the town, which are due LIMITED to the joint efforts of the Munici• • . HHrtt.lt Grutlngs to the Bestlon of ri'reedom and Democrecy pality and the msnagement or the i Fort Rouge Decorating . Israel Railways will, in the very ! • In th• Middle East on th• Occasion of th• Celebration i near future, facilitate the estab- OSCAR And Sandblasting Compqny of th• Eighth Independence Da)' : lillhment of a modern system of ' inter-urban communication and CANTIN PAUL KETTNl:R JOSEPH BOURBONNIERE of the State of Israel will ease the heavy bdtden of traf• l ' fie of passengers and goods, for ·, West Selkirk, Man. Sincerest Greetings 255 OSBORNE ST. PHONE 4-6S00 ' the benefit of the town.· 1 j The Minister of Communieatialls · WINNIPEG, CANADA ; declared on the same occasion ____________. to the State of Israel on Her · that the new central sta.tion will ------------. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Rosenberg also serve the public after the We Join with Ft'ffdom•Lovlnr, Men 8th In.dependence Day aYerywhere In Greelln11 th• lt•te AND FAMILY 1eompletion of the southern con• of ...... on lh Eighth Our Grutlng1 to th• State of lsrHI on- ltt Elghlh Annlverury nection. The expenditure for this . lnd1pendenc1 Day plan is estimated at nine to ten , 173 CAMPBELL STREET . WINNIPEG, MAN. million Israeli Pounds and the , costs of the ultimate development I plans for the e>.-pansion and : HARRY i _. -------------------· modernization of the rail system , in the country is· estimated . at . Our Hearty Beat WishH to the Stete of IJrael and the People of nearly fifty million pounds. The · STILLWELL Israel on Their Eighth Independence Day I. development plans include the ' & SONS i construction of the Beer Sheva - Designers and Builders SIMKIN'S FUEL CO. i Kurnub line and the r"'-~bilitation SAMUEL KARTASH, Proprietor We Invite your patronage for our large a11ortment of Delicious of AN.DREWS AND JARVIS 1 of the old Esdraelon line. · 1761 Main Strut · Phone 52-4031 •Winnipeg, Man. Dainties, P•stri.. , Birthday and Weddfng Cekes. Fine Upholste_r-y I The new Haifa-TcJ-_,vjv coastal WINNIPEG, MAN. We have meny specialties for Tee Parties, etc. i line passing through the Remez Remodelling, R11<overln11 and Repelr Work· FOR ALL YOUR SOCIAL FUNCTIONS I Junction <near Hedera) Nathanya I -----~-------1, and Herzlia; is already connected , PHONE 4-7428 I with the existing line from Pet11h I Phone SUnset 3-4737 MOST CORDIAL FELICITATIONS TO THE STATE Tikva. The Tel-Aviv North Sta­ Res. Phone 6-3360 tion has been used chiefly for the 1 OF ISRAEL ON ITS INDEPENDENCE DAY BELGIAN PASTRY SHOP traffic of heavy goods. Tempor• j Sincerest Greetings arily, until the new line crossing 618 ERIN STREET 1101 CORYDON AVE. WINNIPEG the town was completed this WINNIPEG TO THE STATE OF ISRAEL AND TO JEWRY station also served the traffic of EVERYWHERE ON TIUS HISTORIC -~-·--------- passengers. ------------.J EIGHTH INDEPENDENCE DAY The plans for the: new lines COD• -----------... slst of two stages: a) A line connected with thr MACHINERY Our Heartiest F•llcltatlons are extended on the occ:a1ion of th• coastal system of Tel-Baruch pass­ ltat• of l1rHl'1 lndependenc• oa, Ing near Shekh Munis and cross FOR THE ~EEDLfi TRADE Ing the Yarkon River bridge, con- Pickles Tent & Awning ' tinning to Gamoussin and reaching the crossroads of Arlozorof and Limited Rubenstein Bros. (Western J Ltd. Petah Tikva streets, where the new central station is located. j OUR SINCEREST Specializing in. 324 Main· St. ' Winnipeg, Man. b) The line will continue in the BROWN & future from this Central Station GREETINGS AWNINGS TENTS - TARPAUIJNSand through the Musrara Wadi, will WORK CLOTIDNG • BUTCHER SMOCKS pass the eastern suburbs and will RUTHERFORD LTD. connect with the old Tel-Aviv - To The S. LINDER, Proprietor Lydda '- Jerusalem line near the Most Cordial Greetings and Best Wishes for Continued Hatlkva suburb. 661 ELLICE AVENUE PHONE 72°2253 Growth and Prosperity Go Forward to the People of LUMBER AND MILLWORK FOR COMMERCIAL The new railway station, which State ol Israel Israel on the Occasion of Israel's Independence Day AND DOMF.STIC USE Is the largest in Israel was plan• ned by the Jerusalem Architect PLYWOODS - P..mffS - INSULATIONS Mr. I. Klareln. Construction work on the WALLBOARDS was executed by the "RAMET" OUR MOST CORDIAL CONGRATULATIONS ON THE Ltd. contracting Corporation, one OCCASION OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL'S of the most active finns In the sth INDEPENDENCE D~Y PHONE 59-7311 building field. The •~et" ~or­ , poratlon added a new success to the many fine public buildings, • ·sutherland and Buchanan Winnipeg, Man. schools and hospitals it has built Independence" In the past. The corporation, which is also specializing in the construction of bridges, roads, Day NORWOOD BOX sewage and drainage works was , ~----------------------,, able to execute the work efficient• i GREETINGS TO THE JEWISH PEOPLE ON ISRAEL'S ly and on time owing to the full · CO. LTD. INDEPENDENCE DAY modem equipment at its disposal and the expert staff of engineers · A. C. -HARRISON, Manager and specialized craftsmen. , \ CREDIT, FONC./ER The company fully utilized its STUART H. CHANDLER "know how" in public works and . Paint Products Ltd. CORRUGATED ,CONTAINERS its experience in the field of con• FRANCO - CANAD/EN TEXTILE AGENCIES struction and completed the con• PHONE 20.1196 306 King Street SIDNEY GRIMBLE, M4Dager REPRESENTING LEADING DOMESTIC struction of this larg~ and modem AND EUROPEAN TEXTn.E MILLS station in Jess than 12 months. 456 MAIN STREET WINNIPEG 851 MA~ION ST. ST. BONIFACE, MAN. 110 PRINCESS STREET WINNIPEG worthAmong while the interestingpointing out works the shed.a it i., ____________., • PHONE 93.3504 eovering'the passenger platforms. ----------- These sheds were constructed WE JOIN WORLD WIDE JEWRY IN GREETING ----- ·-··- --------"----- from p~ast concrete beams, cilst with vibration in steel frames and HEARTIEST GREETINGS TO THE STATE OF'·ISRAEL THE STATE OF ISRAEL ON THE were hoisted and placed in posi­ Mr. Adolph of ion by cranes'. ON ITS INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION OF ITS The station clJll!iists of a central ADOLPH'S SERVICE STATION '1all of some 400 sq.m. and 'lm. in INDEPENDENCE; DAY ·1eight connecting all the parts of EXTENDS HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS ON ISRAEL'S 'he main building, which are open INDEPENDENCE DAY for the public use. Israeli marble ,overs the walls of the central a GOOD~EAR INSERTED BY THE BO'ITLERS OF SALTER end ALFRED PHONE 52-8565 '1all and add imposing beauty to We've tir~ the -venlilated and well lit hall. The passenger cars rea~ the two 250 m. long platforms which are for every Purse ancl Purpose! . part of an even larger exterior HHrtfelt Greetings to the Benion of Frudom end Democrecy waiting hall - (500 sqm.) Seven In th• Middle Eut on the Occulon of the Celebretlon hooking offices, an office for the iafeguarding and forwarding of of the Eighth lndependenc. Day 1oods, a poet office and telephone of the Stet• of Israel JOoths, flower, sweets and book• , :hops are.
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