NEW ZEALAND CHESS SUPPLIES New Zealand P.O. Box 42{190 Wai nuiomata Phone (04)5il-8578 Fax (04)564{578 Email : chess.chesssupply@ xtra.co.nz Chess Mall order and wholeeale stockists ol the wldeet selecton ol modern chees llterature ln Australmla. Chess sets, boards, clocks, statlonery and all playlng equlpmenL Distrlbutors ol all leadlng brands ol chees computors and sotlware. Send S.A.E. for brochure and catalogue (stato your lnterost), OfEcial magazine ofthe New Zealand Chess Federation (Inc.) PLASTIC CHESSMEN'STAU NTON' STYLE . CLU B/TOU RNAMENT STAN DARD (incl GST) 9omm King, solid, exta weighted, wide felt base (ivory & black matt finish) $Za.OO Vol 23 Number 4 August 1997 $3.50 95mm King solid, weighted, lelt base (black & white semi-gloss finish) $17.50 Plastic container with clip tight lid for above sets $4.00 FOLDI NG CHESSBOARDS - CLU B/TOURNAMENT STAN DARD 48O x 48omm thick cardboard (green and lemon) $O.OO 45O x 450 mm thick vinyl (dark brown and otf white) $14.50 VINYL CHESSBOARDS . CLUB/TOU RNAMENT STANDARD 45O x 47O mm roll-up mat type, algebraic symbols at borders to assist move recognition (green and white) $e.oo zl40 x 440mm ssmi-flex and non-folding, algebraic symbols as above (dark brown and off-white) $9.0O cHESS MOVE TTMERS (CLOCKS) Turnier German-made popular windup club clock, brown plastic $0S.00 Standard German-made as above, in imitation wood case $79.00 DGT otficial FIDE digital chess timer $169.00 SAITEK digital game timer $129.00 CLUB AND TOURNAMENT STATIONERY Bundle of 20O loose score sheets, 80 moves and diagram $7.0O Bundle of 5OO loose score shets,80 moves and diagram $15.00 Score pad, spiral-bound, 5O games, score sheets as above $S.5O Score book, spiral bound, lies llat at any page, 50 games of 70 moves, with index and diagram for permanent record $7.00 Artyfax peeFan+stick symbols (,10o pieces) plus 20 diagram blocks $4.00 MAGNETIC CHESS 190 x 1somm (15mm green & yellow squares) flat disc pieces $19.50 270 x 20omm (24mm green & yellow squares) flat disc pieces (NZ made) $15.0O Standing pocket set 125 x 125 mm (1 smm b & w squares) $S.OO Standing 325 x 325mm (38mm squares, 65mm Klng) $24.50 AUCKI-AND STOCKIST Ortvin Sarapu, S Barrington Road, Auckland 2 Telephone (09)37S3083 For all club and school statonery and playlng equlpment EVERYTHING FOR CHESS AT N.Z.C.S. North Island champion 2 NEWZEAIAND CHESS STOP PRESS journal is the official of the New Zealard Success for Ben Martin New Zealand Chess Chess (Inc.), published bimonthly Federation Over in Auskalia, IM Ben Martin has won vol 23 Number 4 August 1997 (Febnrary, April, June, August, October, the ANU Open toumament with 6W7, and Contents December). his success included a win over GM Ian All correspondence, subscription renewals, Rogers. Ian was half a point behind Ben 4 Anthony Ker scores a decisive win in the North Island championship. 6hanges of address, advertising inquiries, when they met so Ben says Ian felt obliged after one of ttre most dramatic last articles and other copy should be sent to Rosaleen Sheehan took the New Zealand women's title to play sharply in a dangerous position. They rounds ofthe year, as Paul Spiller reports. New Zealand Chess were ttre only titled players in the field. l0 Bruce Barnard has snatched the NZ correspondence title from FM Russell Dive. P O Box 3130 Tough World Junlor competltion Badow had Wellington David Guthrie w,ored.4Wl3 in the 1997 t2 There was a hiple tie in the North Island rapid championship, after Matthew p Spain. Opinions expressed in articles, letters and world junior championship nZ,agm, Poland, taken a clear lead but couldn't hold a R a1d slding against Graeme other contributiorul are those of the auttrors. and finished 74th in the boys' lteld of 78. 13 ICM Michael Freeman unwound a much better result than last year at the Australian Letters to the editor on any chess topic are The entry included 5 GM's and 25 IM's and Masters, which was won by the victor at the Fencible Masters, IM Stephen Solomon. welcome; limit 150 words, and marked "for the joint winners were IM Tal Shaked USA 15 A new event is added to the Congress prografilme. publication." and IM Vigten Mirumian ARM on 9/,. at the Noosa Open in which was yet another EDITORIAL WGM llarriet Hunt ENG was clear winncr 16 FM Bob Smith was unbeaten Queensland, of the girls' title with l0Wl3. kiumph for Stephen Solomon. Editor, Ted Frost. Overseas news editor, NM Peter Shrart. Kasperov not in world champs 18 New Zealand news includes recopition of tlree Wanganui life members. FIDE reports that Garry Kasparov has toltl ANNUAL SIJBSCRIPTION RATES 19 News ofjunior activities and coming events. the IOC that he will not play in the world New Zealand,$20.00 of games from the Feucible Masters toumament. championship knockout scheduled for tlrc 20 The concluding selection Aushalia, South Pacihc , US$12.00 airmail end ofthe year. (See report page l7). loses GM Miguel Najdorf and Dunedin loses Gerald williams. East Asi4 N America US$I5.00 airmail 22 World chess Europe US$17.50 airmail, US$12.50 Palmerston North tourney 23 NM Peter Stuart reports on a wide range of world chess news, including a win for England economy Theie were 16 enhants in an under-1800 in the European team championship, ahead of Russia atrd 32 other te2ms' of the world, US$20.00 aiflaail, rapid event staged by palmelsfea North Co Rest 30 NZCF Couucil news includes suggestions for change in the format of the North and South US$15.00 economy Winner was Steve Aburn, who is now 15til1d shampionships and technical adjustnents in the rating system. Back issues available - send for details president ofthe club. Comlng ln October: Results of the South Island and New Z,ealand junior and age group ADYERTISING RATES Brltlsh Player of the Year 6hampionships, David Guthrie reports on the 1997 World Junior, and Ben Martin reports on Full page NZ$45.00 Luke McShane, who has become England's the ANU Open. Ilalf page or ftrll column NZ$22.50 youngest IM at the age of 13, has achieved Ilalf column NZ$12.00 anottrer distinction. He has just been voted per Club notices, classified NZ$1.50 15 Britain's 'llayer of ttre year", ttre first non- words. GM to have received this award. 1997 South Island Chess Championship COPY DEADLII{E Hosted by Canterbury Chess Club Inc. The deadline for the Octrober issue is ON THE COVER: FM Anthony Ker no longer wears the woolly hat which was his An 8-round open Swiss at the Cant€rbufy Chess Club rooms, 227 Betley Avenue, Saturday, September 27 trade mark for a long time, Dul NZ Chess Christchurch, from29 September to 3 October. Copy should include details of coming had some dffiaity bringing the player into Prize fund, approximately $1000, with grade prizes. year. events for this focus at the North Island championship. Entry fee $50 (uniors $25). Entries to HOME PAGE ON WORLD WIDE WEB The premlum advertlslng space opposlte Chess Club, P O Box 25-242' Chistchurch http : //ourworld. compuserve. com./homepages Gavin Dawes, Canterbury /nzchesV Plus South Island Rapid, Saturday,4 October, $25 (iun $15 NZ Chess NZ Chess 5 lg/d6 1997 North Island Championship 53.f6 Eg8 54.g? Ea8 55.Ed4 6b3 56.Exc4 23.*fe2 24.V ob3 25.wc2 Qxds bxc4 5i.f7 d2 sE.Oxd2+ 6c3 59.Axc4 6xc4 26.Oxd5 Wxd5 27.Wc8+ 6trz zt.Q0f ge By Ted l"nnr 60.gBU ExgS 6l.fxg8U+ 1{) 29.9c4 We4 30.Qxf7 h5 31.Ug8+ 6h6 Ilastings and Havelock North Chess Club's Dan Dolejs. Jackson and Dolejs sharcd 9"3 34.$14+ Uxf4 KerrA - SlnclairrM 32.8f8+ 695 33.9xb3 team headed by Dave Porteous made hrst- second place behind Alan Dunn in the under- Ee3 36.Qc2 Ec3 37.Qxg6 Qg3 (Rs) tE00l 3s.fuf4 class arangements for the North Island 1800 grade, aad Dan's efforts included thc 38.0e21{ 1.d4 e6 2.c4ilf6 3.a3 b6 4.Oc3 Qb7 5.f3 d5 Championship at the Arataki motel and most spectacular escape of the tournament LukeYrS StuartrP 6.Qg5 Qe7 ?.cxdS exd5 8.e3 G{ 9.Qd3 c5 - holiday camp at Havelock North, but a last- when he stole a draw from Peter Shrart. (Rs) 10.Oge2 Oc6 ll.H) Ee8 12.Ud2 h6 13.Qh4 [El1] minute glitch occurred over tournament Graham Mears joined group points Qe7 the on 5 OaS il.Eaat Oe4 15.fxe4 Qxh4 16.exd5 Qg5 1.d4 of6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 QM+ 4.Qd2 director arrangements. Urgent enquiries with wins against the higher-rated Ted Frost fi.Af4 Ue7 l8.Edel cxd4 19.exd4 5.Qg2 d5 6.OR (H) 7.G{ dxc4 8.Wc2 c5 failed to hnd a replacement, and a and Lawrence Farrington in the last two Ef620.Exe8+ ExeS 21.Qb5 Ee7 22.h4 9xh4 s.gicl ouaz 10.Edl bs 11.8b3 Eb8 12.Qf4 compromise arrangement saw Dave handle rounds to with the under-1400 grade. He was the touorament administration himselt with just half a point ahead of Chad Miller, assistance from Bob Gibbons in Auckland in another of the improving juniors. preparation of the draw. The other 2000+ player was former Now This led to communication problems which Zealatd champion David Lynch, who has delayed play in the early stages ofthe event, not played in a major event for somc ycars.
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