1G THE WASHINGTON TIMES WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 10 1004 FiNANCIAL 7 FINANCIAL FINANCIAL AMUSEMENTS ii t Scarcity of Stocks Sent Up Prices d I COLUMBIA I WASHINGTONS LEADING TIIETER EVENINGS AT 315 liar TUrns k SAT VAS YOU KKEH IS ZINZINNATI Even m the Absence of Demand The Equitable KinST TIME IX WASHINGTON HENRY W 1 V AGE == = === Will Offer the Brilliant Musical = Comedy NEW YORK STOCK MARKET WASHINGTON STOCK MARKET p1 I RREHUlA OPENINH f Life Assurance Society THE PRINGEOF PllSEN Reported by W B HIbbs Co 1419 Washington Street Railway Vs Sales By Pixlor and Iuilers Authors of Dodo F Street members New York Stock I5x 6QOj6Yz iOfi1iG ½ 600iGy 1Q0076 June change Chicago Board of Trade Wash¬ ORIGINAL COMPANY AT LOWER RANGE gton Exchange Washington Gas certificate l0OGllo Direct from the Broadway Theater 400 116 Of the United States Open High Low 2 pm Capital Traction 10121 I NEXT WEKK SKATS THURSDAY Aml Copper 46 47 4Ri 4B Railwhy preferred HENRY B Am 21 28 21 21 Washington Street HYDE FOUNDER CHARLES II DILLINGIUM WILL PRBSENT- WT Am TOfc 70 10 Ioco pfr 78 70 4 3 21 1KP221 1 Citizens National Bank Annual London a Buyer to the Extent of About Am Car Fdy 20 20 Ufc Deposit <HO Fortyfourth Statement for the Year Ending December 31 1903 Am Car CD < t W Washington Safe Fdy pf Greene Copper 10f10 FRANK DANIELS Thirty Thousand ShareWBond Am loo S S 8 S I After Call National Saw Deposit a J Ajn Smelt 4SV4 4S 4 48 ASSETS r AND TilE Business Li m 91 91 qtiso t350 INCOME v hti Smelt pf 31 91 7805116- I Am Sugar 124 = 126 12MK424V Washington Gns Certificates FRANK DANIELS COMlf OPERA COMPANY Anucomta 64 56 M 66 I RAILBOAD BONDS Bonds and Mortgages Premium Receipts 74345 11094 52637889163 I A T S Fe 67 Bfc 07 67fc Traction U R 4s 103V NEW YORK 19 A SSVfe S0 Feb Tfte stock mar T S Fe pf SOfc St1 Met St It R 5 1025 116 118 Real Estate in New York Inter t Rents tp OFFIcE kct opened decklcdly 1rrc Jar B 0 70 70 78 Met II R indebtedness A 105K I 1508046130- and 78i Cert ljg inciudinff the Equitable Building 2 776 i THE BOY Ins a lUtle lower Tho boot B O pf 4 92 92 92 M Met R R Cert itilebtedncw B K 105s 59413 avrraf B R 1 41 18 Yr 40 1B14 Incelme 1 strrnRth was shown by AmalpnmntcJd T 43 Columbia R R 6s lIe UJ United States City Direct from a Season s Engagement In New York Curt Paclflc llCVi 110 11B 11 Columbia R II 21 mort 5i JOl 1U5A I State 7371835093 opper whlelf Mid up Yz Pertnsylvanla C O 31 32 31 32 7T K 46 and Railroad Bonds and other in I rub Street Railway 4a vc ments lout k on iwiyy tradfiig St el pror- Chi Alton pf 8 84 ¼ 84 81 MISCELLANEOUS BONDS market valuo over cost a TH Toniclit at 813 1505529600 = Mat t at > fprrcdHwt 4 and St Piml on Chi Gt Wost 15 4 15 15 15 Wash Gas Co ser A 08 1W287 ltt- A8 III t bet Chi 141 I9449uuOO The nrly tlx ator Was offering nominal Mil St P141 ½ 140 140Vi Wali Oa Co ser 1J 6s 193457 llfi- ia 1int11 er tranaeetlone Union Paclllo Cot 31 31 31 vey Arnerin ffi EaT f tilt first ra- lost Fuel Iron 32Vi II S EIcc LIght Deb Imp 1032 IttJ Loans secured by Bonds and i ni Consolidated Gas 189 190 189½ 189 U S Klec Llelit Cert 103- Stocks market value js65755oo 5OOOO DISBURSEMENTS Iondqn oday > 2O333 l bought about 80000 Del Hudson 160 i 160 100 1C Cbca k Tot Tel Co Os lilt 104- J shares The market wont np Erie common 26 26 ¼ 25 26 Warti Market Co 1st 6s 1S02 lW GRAGE GEORGE this Policy Loans Death Claims A morhllig on the absence of stock father Erlp 1st pf 64 G4 C4 64 Masonic Hall Assn 6s C 1903 100 18834 127 74 l83i848294 Erie 2d pf 44 t 44 44 44 SAtE DEPOSIT AND TRUST STOCKS I In Fr nres Avmcr lat ws Pl- than from any positive demand Bond General 169 169 100 169 Real Estate outside of New Endowments and deferred Electric National Sole Deposit k Trust 16 i 1 1= York including ia office buildings > > 2 dividend policies business was light and prices wore not Illinois Central 54 128 12S 12SH Washington Lonti I Trust 210 216 5 439 I 54 I Oo2OOj44 inclined to improve Louis Nash 103 104 108 108 American Security Trust Ui 201 PRETTY P GGY Manhnt Elev 141 1424 141 141 rarll Safe Deposit 40 I Cash in Banks and Trust Annuities 8832800 Met 117 117 NEW YORK COTTON MARKET Street Railway ½ 118 117 Union Trust Storage lOUi 10a Companies at interest 25625 769 i6 Mo Kan Tex 16 ½ 16Vfc 16 16 Washington Sarlntw flank lOtS Surrender Values 238353234 jAett Week SEA T SALE TOMORROW NEW XVUK Feb ip cif opened Mo Kan T pf 38 37 36 37 Home Savings Bank 13 Balance due Missouri 89 90 88 from agents 1 1 easy S to 39 points lower larch 1230- Pacific 80 t RAILROAD STOCKS 52 245 95 Dividends to Policyhdlders Mexican 11 11 10 loy 568221555 S3 Central 12 > 121 ADA REHAN April 1250b May 12738176 Juno National Lead 15 15 15 15 Capital Tr Uon tf 47 41- Interest and Rents AND 32S b July BDftjr6l Augifst 1lSb New York Central 116 117 115 4 113 Washington Street Railway pf 2 Railway cem 1 J Due 11067793 Accrued 12213514 23 803 07 Paid Policyholders Cotton had a bad fall on the cotton N Y Ont West 21 21 21 21 WashinRton Street 3494967227 Norfolk Western 58 58 5S 58 NATIONAL BANK STOCKS rxchnngo shortly noun when the Premiums due and in process I OTiS aftc 4 SKINNER Pac Mall 29 29 29 4 29 Hank of Washington 4ri 400 of collection Commissions advertising t Census Bureau at Washington an- V 5 > > I IN TIlE FOLLOW REPERTORY Pennsylvania It R114 115 114 114V I 476 i 153 16400 postage and exchange I 7 599 O nounced that the amount of cotton gin Peoples Gas of Ch 99 OQ 99 ro1Jft Central WJ- Mmday anJ Tuesday J Deferred md to January 16 1004 was ressed Steel Car 30 30 30 SO Kamicrs and Mechanics WJ Premiums Sharp of 00 70 250947300 All other disbursements 680876975 THE KlEffCHArtT OF VENICE bales to points Rending 42 4 4 s 42 Second 117 Wednesday atxl Thursday In some months woro recorded Rep Steel Iron 7 7 7 7 CiUwna 0 tt The were quoted on pf 45 45 46 45 i Columbia fOi Total Assets THE SCHOOL FOR SCAN AL RP Jfi Iron 38122603553 Disbursements > > the cotton market RoclC Island com 22 23 22 22 34 Capital 170 49 493 9II I5 Friday and Saturday and Matinee Sftnfcr Opening Noon Rock 62 62 61 61 Traders 147 Island I ½ THE TAWING OTH SHR A Bid Askud Rubber Goods 19 19 19 1C Lincoln 12t- We 1 March 1230 1233 1288 1232 St L S 2d pf 45 46 45 45 RiSRS 505- hereby certify to the correctness p the above stat ent Thursday Afternoca Feb JS at 415 April 12 0 F ½ ½ St Louis S W 14 ½ 14 14 ½ 14 Amcrlpah National Bank 120 FRANCIS W JACKSON Auditor H R COURSEN Assistant Auditor A W MAINE Associate Auditor THorvlPSON SETON May 1272 1276 1320 1323 S 34 94 33 33 INSURANCE ERNST St Louis W ½ ½ SKUiS t Subject THE INDIAN AS I KNOW HIJL Juno A liSO 1324 Pacific 46 47 46 43 1R v July 1280 1201 Southern Firemen 2 3- Seats Thursday Prices Me 5fc TSc and 1 13S Southern Railway 20 30 20 20 TKranklin 47 65 LIABILITIES August 121S pf 81 81 81 81 ASRANCE September U7G 1200 Southern Railway ½ Metropolitan 70 U6S Tenn Iron 37 37 37 7 Corcoran 70 Assurance Fund or Reserve IICSTALMENT POLICIES JTAT DN AT THEIR COMMUTED VALUC October 1115 1135 22 30345783800 1037 Texas Pacific 23 22 23 Potomac 40 The Columbian University DecembOr 1090 lLfl Union Pacific 77 78 77 77 Arlington 29 All other Liabilities Market opened easy to 3D points 80 4 41 4 059 50 Assur- ¬ lower very steady U S Leather 7½ 7 7 7 German American 253 Outstanding TJ S Leather pf 77 77 77 77 National Union 0 IK Students Ball TJ S 11 11 11 a Rubber flY 4 Columbia Ill 12 Total Liabilities ance FOR UENErTT CHICAGO U 11 11 11V 11 30787189750 140991874200 TIlE OF GRAIN MARKET S Steel ½ ½ fires 8V I IT S Steel pf fS 58 66 fK Peoples 0 Special to Tii WalHgtoh Time The Columbian University Hospital U S Steel 3d 5s 7J 73 72½ 72 I mmercial fi 6 SurPlus 7335413803 New Assurance 1 M 32204796806 19 18 I 112 CHICAGO Fob 10 Ttte following Wabash 19½ Colonial 0 AT prices were quoted on tho grain mar- Wabash 36 36 35½ 35 TITLE INSURANCB STOOKS 18 18 ket today Wisconsin Central 1S 18 ½ Real Estate Title ft We hereby certify to The New Willard Columbia the correctness of the above statement The Reserve as per the independent valuation vRoon Title 33f 4 of the N Y Department is FRIDAY FEBRUARY It MW Wheat Bid Asked Asked REAL TRANSFERS Waslilngton Title S 4 301632153 For Superintendents cezgficate see ESTATE i G VAX CISE Actuary AT 3 0CLCC May Vi 95i 55 35l TEl PIIOXlt AND CRAPHOPHONE STOOKS J ROBT HENDERSON Assistant Actuary K G HANN AtMdate Actuary July SWi S7 Ticket inrlnding enpper 5OW Sept 83il No 519 Ninth Street SouthwestFrank American Orapliophone S 4 American GrapUophone U A Cammack to Rudolph Saur lot 48 pfd 8f We have jxarnined the aCcounts M 54 square 388 10 hAS STOOKS and Assets of the Society and certify to the correctness of the forezoine NEXT SATURDAY EVEHfHG RS Nos BCand 79 Dcfrees Washington statement July R2Tfc Street north las WJf S5X 0 Sept 6l Bl vest David Moore and Enoch K Vhlte Georgetown Oas TV 85 WM A WHEELOCK V SNYDER x N 00 P C LED YARD BLAIR GEO CONVENTION HALL Oat trustees to Mary T Schulz lots and TYPE MACHINE STOCKS >u y 4 fc 48Jfe 42H 63 square 623 3975 Special ComwttsgsfftjeEvardef Directors An opportunity that will NEVER occur agin Mergenthaler 175 Jro July 19Vi No 31 Do Frees Street northwest I Monotype 100 square nston 8V 10 a Pork Same to Margaret Hill lot W r- May J 623 1675 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS r JAMES ALEXAKDER President JAMES H WIDE Vec r aVw VwV MK fiu < AGF TARBT3ll Sect July i 4 TJI77 Tent soventh Street between I and Greene Con Copper Co 103 11 i3lfr rfsf GEO T WILSON Third Vice Prell W3I H jrd2sra v RkjA7 VicePrest ot- Washington > rA Lard K Streets northwest Market 15 tALE ND e5ilrapr THOMAS D Comptroller
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