International Research Journal of Biological Sciences _______________________ ____ _________ ISSN 2278-3202 Vol. 8(5), 21-28, May (2019) Int. Res. J. Biological Sci. Bryophyte diversity of Jammu and Kashmir State, India Sameer Ahmad Thoker and Sapan Patel School of Studies in Botany, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, MP, India [email protected] Available online at: www.isca.in, www.isca.me Received 20 th January 2019, revised 6th April 2019, accepted 5th May 2019 Abstract Bryophytes are unique group of land plants which exhibit maximum gametophytic diversity among the entire plant kingdom. They are cosmopolitan in distribution but their luxuriance is determined by a number of environmental factors like light, humidity, Temp erature, ph, altitude etc. Himalayas which provide humid and shady conditions are suitable habitats for bryophyte growth. Jammu and Kashmir is situated in the extreme north of Indian union which lies between the coordinates 32°17` to 37°20`north latitude a nd 73°25 to 80° 30 east longitude. Several tribal communities from different corners of world use different species of bryophyte against several disorders and same is the case of tribal peoples of Jammu and Kashmir. Keywords : Bryophyte, Jammu and Kashmir, review, liverworts, mosses, hornworts. 8 Introduction reported eleven species of liverworts from Kashmir valley . Kashyap recorded 22 and 9 species hepatic taxa from Kashmir About 20,000 species of bryophyta which belongs to 960 genera valley Ladakh region respectively 9. The first checklist of the th th are found in world. During 19 and 20 century several bryophytic eleme nts of Kashmir Valley was given by Robinson scientists works on distribution, taxonomy and other aspects of and he reported 56 moss and 4 liverwort species 9. Kaul and bryophytes. India is very rich in bryophyte diversity. About 850 Dhar reported a total of 35 species of bryophytes from the species which belongs to 52 families and 140 genera’s of Kashmir valley 10. Kachroo (1970) Iqbal et al. (2011) Sharma et 1 liverworts are reported in India , Similarly 2000 spe cies which al. (2011) and Bhagat et al. ( 2012) studied some important belongs to 54 families and 342 genera’s of mosses are present in aspects of the Bryoflora of Jammu region including exploration 2 India . Western coastal regions and Western Ghats of India are and enumerations 11-13. 60 % of bryophyta shows world wide home for about 121 and 682 species of liverworts and mosses resemblance which suggests that this group of green plants has a respectively. In Western Ghats and coastal regions 10 an d 190 high phylogenetic age 14. 3 endemic species of liverworts and mosses are present . Jammu and Kashmir region is a part of north western region and it is Following is th e list of Sub groups found in three regions of 4 very rich in bryophyte diversity . Among photosynthetic land Jammu and Kashmir 15. plants. Bryophytes find second position in distribution and diversity . Bryophytes are the oldest land plants on earth and Table-1: Distribution of Bryophyte in Jammu and Kashmir have three lineages, liverworts, hornworts and mosses. They occupy a unique position in the evolutionary status of Subgroup Jammu Kashmir Ladakh cryptogams 5. Jammu and Kashmir which forms the part of the North Western regio ns of Himalayas, exhibit abundant Liverworts 66 48 9 bryophyte diversity. About 180 Bryophytes are present in three Hornworts 4 - - regions of the state 6. Periodic collections have revealed that bryophyte diversity has been found to increase with increase in Mosses 13 162 -- altitude. Maximum number of bryo phytes are found at altitudes higher than 1000m. At lower altitudes, most common species that are found are Plagiochasma appendiculatum , Asterella Materials and methods multiflora, A. wallichiana, Marchantia paleacea, M. papillata, Pellia endivaefolia etc. whereas liverworts li ke Conocephalum Information about bryophytes found in Jammu and Kashmir conicum, Dumortiera hirsuta, Preissia quadrata are found at were collected from the available literature. Species given under higher altitudes. A total of 18500 species of Bryophytes each genus is based on literature review. The present study belongs to nearly 1050 genera are present all over the shows that state of Jammu and Kashmir is natural abode for world 7.The credit of identifying hepatics of Kashmir first time several bryophy te species. The detailed explanation about the goes to Stephani (1900-1924) followed by Gola (1914), who presence of bryophyte in Jammu and Kashmir is shown in the Table-1. For the literature survey several data base like International Science Community Association 21 International Research Journal of Biological Sciences ___________________________________ _____________ISSN 2278-3202 Vol. 8(5), 21-28, May (2019) Int. Res. J. Biological Sci. PubMed, Science direct, Research gate, web of science, Google Order Family Genus Species scholar are used. The related papers were downloading by using Ptychomitriacea the free access portal of Jiwaji University Gwalior. The most - Indusiella I.thianschanica e used key words for the literature survey were as: i. Bryophytes Dicranal Fissidentaceae Fissidens F.grandiforms found in Jammu and Kashmir, ii. Bryophytes of Kashmir, iii. es Bryophytes in Jammu, iv. Bryophytes present in all regions of State of Jammu and Kashmir. - Ditrichaceae Distichium D.carillaceum - - - D.inclinatum Results and discussion - - Saelania S.glaucescens Jammu and Kashmir is very rich in bryophyte diversity. A total Rhabdoweisiace Dicranowweis 241species of bryophyte are present in the State of Jammu and - D.cirrata ae ia Kashmir. The detailed information about the bryophytes of Jammu and Kashmir State is explained in Table-1. - - Oncophorous O.gracillimus - - - O.virens Table-2: List of bryophytes found in Jammu and Kashmir. Order Family Genus Species - - - O.wahlenbergi Polytric Polytrichaceae Atrichum A.aculeatum - - Oreas O.martiana hales - - Oreoweisia O.laxifolia - - Polytrichum P.piliferum Diphysci - Dicranaceae Dicranum D.kashmirense Diphysciaceae Theriotia T. kashmirensis ales - - - D.lorifolium - - - T. lorifolia Timmial - - - D.lorifolium Timmiaceae Timmia T. austriaca es Orthodicranu - - O.montanum - - - T.bavarica m Compylopodie - - C.fragilis - - - T.megapolitana lla Encaypt - - - C.sedgwickii Encalyptaceae Encalypta E. alpine ales Pottiales Pottiaceae Barbula B.canaliculata - - - E. ciliate - - - B.fallax - - - E.rhabdocarpa - - - B.microstoma - - - E.streptocarpa - - - B.stewartii - - - E.tibetiana Bryoerythroph Funariali - - B.alpigenum Funariaceae Funaria F.capillipes yllum s - - - B.recurvirostre - - - F.koelzii B.recurvirostru - - - - - - F.orthocarpa m - - Cinclidotus C.acutifolius - - - F.pilifera - - Didymodon D.vinealis - - - F.wizkii Grimmia - - Hydrogonium H.amplexifolium Grimmiaceae Cosinodon C.cribrosus les H.pseudoehrenb - - - - - Griminia G.laevigata ergii Hymenostomu - - H.microstomum - - - G.poecilostoma m - - - G.unicolour - - Pottia P.starkeana - - Schistidium S.alpicola - - Stegonia S.latifolia International Science Community Association 22 International Research Journal of Biological Sciences ___________________________________ _____________ISSN 2278-3202 Vol. 8(5), 21-28, May (2019) Int. Res. J. Biological Sci. Order Family Genus Species Order Family Genus Species - - Timmiella T.anomala - - - M.cuspidatum - - Tortella T.alpicola - - Pohlia P.longicolla - - Tortula T.brandisii - - - P.minor - - - T.muralis - - Plagiomnium P.cuspidatum T.pseudoprincep - - - - - Mnium M.rostratum s - - - T.rubripila - - - M.confertidens - - - T.websteri - - - M.integrum - - Trichostomum T.uncifolium - - - M.succlentum Bartbra Bartramiaceae Bartramia B.halleriana - - Weissia W.rutilans miales - - - W.wimmeriana - - - B.ithyphylla - - Barbula B.asperfolia - - Conostomum C.tetragonium - - - B.cylindrica - - Philonotis P.seriata - - - B.vinealis - - Plagiopus P.oederi Splachn Splachnaceae Tayloria T.froelichiana - - Philonotics P.falcuta ales Orthotri Orthotrichaceae Orthotrichum O.offine - Meesiaceae Amblydon A.dealbatus chales - - Leptobryum L.pyriforme - - - O.alpestre Bryales Bryaceae Anomobryum A.astrorense - - - O.anomalum - - - A.kashmirense - - - O.cupulatum - - - A.parvifolium - - - O.duthiei - - - A.pellucidm - - - O.griffthii - - Bryum B.argentenum - - - O.hispanicum - - - B.caespiticium - - - O.macounii - - - B.capillare - - - O.rupestre B.pseudotriquetr - - - - - - O.striatum um - - - B.uliginosum - - - O.sturmii Mielichhobryu - - M.himalayanum - - - O.urnigerum m - - Mniobryum M.lufwigii - - - O.venustum - - - M.wahlenbergii - - - O.virens Hedwigi Hedwigiaceae Braunia B.attenuata - - Rhodobryum R.ontariense ales Rhizogo Aulacomniaceae Aulacommium A.androgyum - Mniaceae Mielichhoferia M.badhwarii niales - - - M.himalayana - - - A.palustre - - Mnium M.affine - - - A.turgidum International Science Community Association 23 International Research Journal of Biological Sciences ___________________________________ _____________ISSN 2278-3202 Vol. 8(5), 21-28, May (2019) Int. Res. J. Biological Sci. Order Family Genus Species Order Family Genus Species Hypnale Amblystegiacea Amblystegium A.serpens - - - B.buchananii s e - - - A.subdilatatum - - - B.plumosum Campyliadelp - - C.brevisetum - - - B.ratabulum hus - - Cratoneuron C.commutatum - - Eurhynchium E.mulleri - - - C.filicinum - - - E.riparioides Drepanocladu - - - E.swartzii - - D.exannulatus s Rhynchostegiu - - R.herbaceum - - Hygrohypnum H.dilatatum m - - - H.luridam - Hypnaceae Campylium C.hispidulum - - - H.subdilatatum
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