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TOKYO SUNDAY,MAY 27TH Post Time 10:05 1 ! Race Dirt 1300m THREE−YEAR−OLDS Course Record:8Oct.05 1:16.4 MIX DES,WEIGHT FOR AGE,MAIDEN Value of race: 9,550,000 Yen 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Added Money(Yen) 5,000,000 2,000,000 1,300,000 750,000 500,000 Stakes Money(Yen) 0 0 0 Ow. Kazuyoshi Takimoto 0 S 00000 Life00000M 00000 1 56.0 Issei Murata(4.7%,10−5−11−189,48th) Turf00000 I 00000 1 K T Dream(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 -Fantastic Light(0.37) -Tel Quel C3,d.b. Tsuyoshi Tanaka(6.5%,6−5−3−78,100th) Course00000E 00000 Wht. .Katsura Fabulous .Sakura Fabulous 19Apr.09 Heihata Bokujo Wet 00000 Ow. S.Ogihara 0 S 00000 Life30003M 30003 1 53.0 Kazuma Harada(1.6%,1−3−1−57,109th) Turf00000 I 00000 2 Tsukuba Raijin O(JPN) Dirt30003L 00000 -Gold Allure(0.99) -Housebuster C3,ch. Yoshiyasu Takahashi(4.3%,4−1−7−81,146th) Course10001E 00000 Wht. .Wedding Rose .Gana 2Apr.09 Shoji Ogihara Wet 10001 29Apr.12 TOKYO MDN D1400St 2 2 1:28.0 10th/16 Yuta Nakatani 56.0 466, Apollo Palace 1:25.4 <1 1/4> Sound Racer <5> Succinite 8Apr.12 NAKAYAMA MDN D1800St 3347 2:00.013th/16YutaNakatani 56.0 468, Red Jackson 1:55.1 <NS> Gangan Yukoze <4> Sakura Teio 10Mar.12 NAKAYAMA NWC D1800Sl 6666 2:00.315th/16YutaNakatani 56.0 468( Grand Rafale 1:57.3 <NK> Sargon <1/2> Viganella Ow. K.Asakawa 0 S 10001 Life10001M 00000 2 B 56.0 Yuji Tannai(2.5%,6−16−13−201,61st) Turf00000 I 00000 3 Squash Again(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 -Fasliyev(0.64) -Commander in Chief C3,b. Takaki Iwato(4.7%,5−9−3−89,106th) Course00000E 00000 Blk. .Laid Flower .Gloriella 8Mar.09 Kosho Bokujo Wet 00000 29Apr.12 FUKUSHIMA MDN D1150St 14 13 1:11.7 12th/16 Yuji Tannai 56.0 530' King Beat 1:10.4 <1/2> Battle Magma <NK> On Gem Ow. Tetsuya Yoshida 0 S 20002 Life20002M 00000 2 51.0 Ryosei Yamasaki(2.4%,1−0−2−38,118th) Turf00000 I 00000 4 Perdurable(JPN) Dirt20002L 00000 -Taiki Shuttle(0.69) -Lammtarra F3,ch. Masashi Okuhira(2.0%,2−8−6−84,171st) Course00000E 00000 Blk. .Agnes Vac .Bruttina 3May.09 Shadai Farm Wet 10001 29Apr.12 FUKUSHIMA MDN D1150St 10 9 1:11.1 6th/16 Issei Murata 54.0 440+ King Beat 1:10.4 <1/2> Battle Magma <NK> On Gem 3Mar.12 NAKAYAMA NWC D1200Sl 2 3 1:15.4 12th/16 Syu Ishibashi 54.0 440) Undeterred 1:11.1 <6> Shonan Wahine <NK> Tricky Dance Ow. Hiroaki Nakanishi 3,300,000 S 20110 Life40112M 20002 3 56.0 Teruo Eda(3.3%,8−12−11−213,51st) Turf10001 I 00000 5 Premium Gold(JPN) Dirt30111L 00000 -Seeking the Dia(0.50) -Marvelous Sunday C3,ch. Shinobu Hoshino(2.7%,2−5−5−62,176th) Course20011E 00000 Red .Ken Amatsukaze .Saint Angel 10May.09 Hiroaki Nakanishi Wet 20011 12Nov.11 TOKYO MDN D1300Mu 3 3 1:19.7 3rd/16 Teruo Eda 55.0 474 # Kosei Kotaro 1:19.4 <1 1/4> Fearless <3/4> Premium Gold 23Oct.11 TOKYO MDN D1400Mu 6 8 1:27.1 8th/15 Junichi Kobayashi 55.0 476" Lovely Star 1:25.6 <1 3/4> Meine Belle Vie <3> Jo Madagascar 2Oct.11 NAKAYAMA MDN D1200St 6 4 1:13.2 2nd/16 Junichi Kobayashi 55.0 476* Champion Yamato 1:12.0 <7> Premium Gold <2 1/2> Kitalpha 27Aug.11 NIIGATA NWC T1600Fi 4 5 1:41.4 17th/18 Teruo Eda 54.0 468, Ennead 1:38.4 <NK> Mill Dream <1/2> Train de Neige Ow. Kazuyasu Miura 0 S 10001 Life20002M 10001 3 56.0 Takuya Ono(7.3%,21−26−24−218,22nd) Turf00000 I 00000 6 Wild Vega(JPN) Dirt20002L 00000 -Wild Rush(0.64) -Blue Ocean C3,b. Masaki Matsuyama(7.4%,7−5−7−75,85th) Course10001E 00000 Red .Star Vega .My Greatest Star 2May.09 Takeda Bokujo Wet 00000 13May.12 TOKYO MDN D1300St ER /14 Haruhiko Kawasu 56.0 458 Corin Gideon 1:19.8 <2 1/2> Jeu de Paume <3/4> Flashpacker 22Apr.12 TOKYO MDN D1600St 2 2 1:41.9 11th/16 Takuya Ono 56.0 458& Copano William 1:40.1 <1/2> All Cast <1 3/4> K S Phantom 7Apr.12 FUKUSHIMA MDN D1000St 11 10 1:02.0 8th/12 Takuya Ono 56.0 458% Arabian Magic 1:00.5 <3/4> Dreaming Love <2> Towa Omokage Ow. Daisaku Tsuji 9,150,000 S100118 Life1301210M 30012 4 54.0 Tomoharu Bushizawa(1.1%,3−8−12−242,77th) Turf70106 I 00000 7 Anaconda(JPN) Dirt60024L 00000 -Fusaichi Concorde(1.20)-Afleet F3,b. Satoru Kobiyama(1.6%,2−0−3−120,193rd) Course20011E 00000 Blu. .Hokkai Love .Hokkai Taste 22Mar.09 Hokkai Farm Wet 40013 12May.12 TOKYO MDN D1400St 10 10 1:28.1 3rd/16 Tomoharu Bushizawa 54.0 446! Pionnier Tosho 1:27.0 <1 1/4> Shangri La <5> Anaconda 28Apr.12 TOKYO MDN D1300Mu 14 14 1:19.9 4th/16 Tomoharu Bushizawa 54.0 446# Luminous Sky 1:19.2 <1 3/4> Franchise <2> Devils Tower 25Mar.12 NAKAYAMA MDN D1200Sl 14 14 1:12.8 4th/16 Tomoharu Bushizawa 54.0 448& T M Konotori 1:12.0 <3/4> Ever Schon <3 1/2> Kunikochan 10Mar.12 NAKAYAMA MDN D1200Sl 7 6 1:12.9 3rd/16 Tomoharu Bushizawa 54.0 450& Kashino Apollon 1:12.2 <3 1/2> Liberty Again <1/2> Anaconda 25Feb.12 HANSHIN MDN D1200Mu 5 3 1:13.9 5th/16 Yoshihiro Furukawa 54.0 450' Vina Sweet 1:12.3 <3> Tagano Plage <3 1/2> A Shin Luminous Ow. Tetsuhide Kunimoto 0 S 20002 Life20002M 00000 4 56.0 Genki Maruyama(4.9%,14−9−13−252,38th) Turf00000 I 00000 8 Shonan Armadas(JPN) Dirt20002L 00000 -Stravinsky(0.78) -Dance in the Dark C3,b. To s h i a k i Ta j i m a (2.6%,3−3−13−95,159th) Course00000E 00000 Blu. .Ye s D r a g o n .Jaunting 2Apr.09 Shimokobe Farm Wet 10001 5Feb.12 KYOTO MDN D1200St 11 13 1:17.7 16th/16 Genki Maruyama 56.0 510( Grandprix Blue 1:14.3 <1> Yes It Is <2> Michaeru 22Jan.12 NAKAYAMA NWC D1200Sl 5 5 1:13.9 7th/15 Hokuto Miyazaki 56.0 510( Golden Pocket 1:12.3 <1/2> A Shin Kurse <1> My Viviane Ow. Kazuko Matsumoto 3,250,000 S 50014 Life80017M 30003 5 56.0 Yuichi Fukunaga(16.6%,57−44−35−208,1st) Turf10001 I 00000 9 Meisho Muroto(JPN) Dirt70016L 00000 -Meisho Bowler(0.51) -Meisho Odo C3,b. Toshiaki Shirai(8.3%,7−8−8−61,80th) Course00000E 00000 Ylw. .Meisho Teckel .Meishono Hana 26Mar.09 Yoshio Matsumoto Wet 10001 28Apr.12 KYOTO MDN D1200St 13 12 1:13.5 6th/16 Yutaka Take 56.0 464$ Yamanin Menhir 1:12.3 <5> Shigeru Yuzu <NK> Tokei Manekineko 8Apr.12 HANSHIN MDN D1200St 9 8 1:13.8 3rd/16 Yutaka Take 56.0 464# Shusaku O 1:12.7 <1> Yamanin Menhir <5> Meisho Muroto 10Mar.12 HANSHIN MDN D1200Mu 12 11 1:13.3 5th/16 Yutaka Take 56.0 464( Slain Theva 1:12.7 <1 1/2> Kikuno Raffica <2> Harris Cascade 18Feb.12 KYOTO MDN D1200Go 15 14 1:14.3 8th/16 Yutaka Take 56.0 466% Aster Thunder 1:13.0 <1 1/4> Kitasan Unryu <2 1/2> Dream Charge 29Jan.12 KYOTO MDN D1400St 6 5 1:29.2 8th/15 Yutaka Take 56.0 466# Vent Nouveau 1:27.0 <7> Tosho Hammer <1> Close Mission Ow. Kazumi Yoshida 5,100,000 S 30201 Life50203M 20002 5 56.0 Norihiro Yokoyama(15.4%,38−41−28−140,8th) Turf00000 I 00000 10 Solar Impulse(JPN) Dirt50203L 00000 /Taiki Shuttle(0.69) /Jolie’s Halo C3,d.b. Koichi Shinkai(5.3%,5−5−5−80,118th) Course30102E 00000 Ylw. 0Infinita 0Osumi Sharon 10Apr.09 Marutomi Tomioka Bokujo Wet 30003 6May.12 TOKYO MDN D1300St 10 9 1:20.1 2nd/16 Norihiro Yokoyama 56.0 506! Bright City 1:20.0 <1/2> Solar Impulse <2 1/2> Aster Corinth 7Apr.12 NAKAYAMA MDN D1200St 9 10 1:12.9 2nd/15 Norihiro Yokoyama 56.0 502" Esperanza City 1:12.6 <2> Solar Impulse <3 1/2> Wind Grass 25Feb.12 NAKAYAMA MDN D1200Sl 5 5 1:13.6 7th/16 Norihiro Yokoyama 56.0 516# Dear G Rose 1:12.2 <3 1/2> Sphinx <1 1/4> Cara Noce 12Nov.11 TOKYO MDN D1600Mu 3 3 1:43.1 13th/14 Norihiro Yokoyama 55.0 500! Cosmo Polar Bear 1:39.3 <3/4> Feuille Bleu <1> Meiner Racer 23Oct.11 TOKYO NWC D1600Mu 4 7 1:40.1 4th/16 Norihiro Yokoyama 55.0 498$ Million Volts 1:39.6 <HD> Sunday Core <NK> Dragon Tsuyoshi Ow. Takaya Shimakawa 0 S 10001 Life10001M 00000 6 56.0 Hatsuhiro Kowata(5.0%,13−8−22−216,39th) Turf10001 I 00000 11 Tosen Boss(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 /Kurofune(1.45) /To ny B i n C3,g. Yasuo Sugawara(2.5%,2−2−7−68,185th) Course00000E 00000 Grn. 0Bell Girl 0Brussel Frau 29Mar.09 Niikappu Hashimoto Bokujo Wet 00000 22Apr.12 FUKUSHIMA MDN T1200Fi 16 16 1:12.2 15th/16 Hatsuhiro Kowata 56.0 486, Azuma Starfy 1:10.5 <NK> Zoku Zoku <1/2> Miss Wisconsin Ow.

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