THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Homecoming Issue I SEPTEMBER 1968 By the end of 1968 well probably be the second h!rgest car rental COl11pany. Our man in charge of " people people" standards. The way things are going, only one (mostly GM cars) again and again. people as fast as we can without en­ car rental company will have more But it's made us scramble to main­ dangering our high tandard . We locations than National at the end tain our "people people" standard . may be No.2 by the end of 1968, of 1968. To help, we've installed a new in­ but you'll still be No.1. Making the customer No. 1 paid stant reservations confirmation sy - off: we grew at twice the rate of our tern. (Like our S & H Green Stamps, competitors last year, nearly doubl ed o ur competitors don't have it.) our locations and increased our fleet And we're adding cars and good National Car Rental ... the people people. In Ca nod. and thfoughout till'! world, II's TILOEN lnlerNATlONAL ATTEND MINNESOTA HOMECOMING PEP FEST LUNCHEON Hotel Radisson, Thursday, October 10 North Star Ballroom -12:00 noon Meet Coach Murray Warmath Athletic Director Marsh Ryman Homecoming Chairman Jim Hemak Homecoming Queen 1968 Enjoy U of M Men's Glee Club U of M Pep Band Porn Porn Girls Cheer with Gophers U of M Cheerleaders COLOR - SONGS - YELLS - PEP TALKS - FUN - FRIVOLITY - FOOD DON'T MISS IT - SEND YOUR RESERVATION IN TODAY. Clip and send to The Minnesota Alumni Association, 205 Coffman Union, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 55455. Dear Homecoming Committee: Count me in! Please reserve ___ places at $4.00 each for the Big Homecoming Luncheon, October 10, Hotel Radisson, 12:00 noon. Nome ____________________ Address, ________ Amount Enclosed _____ EPTE~1BER , 19 3 Received at 205 Coffman Has the "I am just \ riling to expr ss m approval of yow' xcell lit lema to the Minnesota hllnni ssocia­ new job tion in the lay 196 dition of AL M I EW . "w will n ver gain 'The ? Am erican Dream' until our afflu ent Americans how conc rn and ac­ gotten old tually b come involved in helping • th dis nfranchi ed per ons in our country gain at least ome hope If it ha s ••• then the three minutes it will take you and opportunit . "I think most colleg peopl be­ to fill out this coupon could be the most important lieve they are succes ful b cause of three minutes of you r ca reer. their hard work and actually this i only a half truth becaus th y We're Management Recruiters. to assure reliability and results. also had the opportunit and hope The "matchmakers." Professionally We have successfully matched to attend call g primarily by th ir dedicated to bringing together the over 50,000 men with 5,000 of the birth into a family and community job requirements of industry and best companies in the country. that gave them a chance." the individual. We can make a successful match John L. Gildn r, We have 62 offices in the U. S. for you, too. In just five days, you 'll Major, USAF, MC and Canada, employing a unique have the entire matchmaker organi­ Ho pital Admini b.·a tor method of counseling with spe­ zation working for you - if you ('64MHA) cific industries and professions mail this quick-fact form today. r------------------------------~ "Congratulations on your femo in NATIONAL ALUMNI SERVICES DIRECTOR the ALUM I EWS for May! I Management Recruiters International read it with deep interes t last eve­ 1001 Euclid Avenue - 5th Floor. Cleveland, Ohio 44115 ning. "The pamphlet, 'w Don't Belong Name _________________________________________________ in Vietnam,' which I published r - Address ______________________________________________ cently is a am what imilar appeal for mericans to help improv our City, __________________________ State ____ Zip,_____ __ foreign policy. Your i a imilar Pho n e: ____________________ o Office o Home appeal for a bctter dam stic atti­ tude. I have even thought, serious­ College or University Attended _________________________________ ly, about trying my hand at another Major_____________________ Degree ______year ________ _ pamphlet on the domes tic situation. "Your naming th present prob­ lem ' low canc r f rmenting' in­ Presen t Position. Describe __________________________________ terests m because I have thought of it in th same terms. "This nation was born with th cancer of duplicity or, as Lincoln Incom e Range: 0 $7 ,000 - $11,000 o $11,000 - $14.500 called it, 'hypocrisy.' We d clar d o $14.500 - $19.0 00 Dover $19,000 loudly that 'all men ar cr ated qual' and with 'inalienabl lights.' Career Objective : ________________________________________ At the same time, we maintained a slave conomy. When we b gan our onstitution with uch WOI'] as establish ju tice, general welfare, All repl ies treated confide ntially. th e bl ss in gs of Jib rty, we left th at • Corporate clients assume our fee !Vfanagt;ment canc I' in the body politic. Co ntinued on page 7 RecrUiters 4 ~ ______________________________The matchmakers A Continuing the Minnesota Alumni Weekly which was estab­ lished in 1901, the Minnesota Alumni Voice and the Gopher Grad. Published monthly from Se pte mbe r through June by the Minnesota Alumni Association, 205 Coffman Union, Un iver­ si ty of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 55455. Member of the Ameri­ can Alumni Council. nm 'IVERSITY OF MIN E OTA THE FO OED TIl E F lTII TIlA T ME ARE E OBLED UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. BY DER TA ur C DEDICATED TO THE ADVA CEME T F LEARNINC AND THE SEARCH FOR TRUTH DEVOTED TO THE IN TR CTlON OF YOUTH AND THE WELFARE OF THE STATE ALUMNI THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Edwin L Hoislet '31 BSEd '33MA '38EdD Executive Director Executive Committee Kenneth C Gloser '428BA President Jomes A Wotson '42BA First Vice President Horry Heltzer '33METE Second Vice President NEWS Florence M. Lehmann '23BA Secretary (Ollr 68th Year) Wallace L. Boss '288S8us Treasurer Albert H. Heimbach '42BBA Past President Oscar R. Knutson '27LLB Board Member Howard F. Woo '27BA '31 BArch Board Member SEPTEMBER, 196 VOL. 6 0.1 Otto W Quale '40BAJourn Board Member J Roscoe Furber '24EE Board Member Maynard A. Speece '43BSAgEd Board Member RIChard E. Kyle, Sr. '27LLB Board Member 6 Memo from Ed Hai let Term ex pores 1969: John Henry Aides '38MD, Albert H. Heimbach '42BBA, Grant Johnson '38BSEd '40MA, Richard E. Kyle, Sr. '27LLB, Edwin 8 Introducing Ken Gl a r. ew A. Martini '23BA '30LLB, Robert W . Olson '38BEE, James G. Peterson '40BAAero '49MA, Otto W . Quale '40BAJourn. Expires 1970: Carl M. MAA Pre ident Anderson '27BA '30LLB, Francis M. Boddy '30BA '36MA '39PhD, Wallace L. Boss '28BSBus, Kenneth C. Glaser '428BA, Mrs. Dixie Ingersoll Goss II Something Old, Something e 15BA, Florence M. Lehmann '23BA, Melvin O. Sletten '35DDS, William F. White '49BAJourn. Expires 1971 : Harry Heltzer '33METE, Oscar R. Hom coming'6 Knutson '27LLB, Sheldon M. Logaard '418S '43MB '43MD, Mrs. Jeannei1e R. Piccard '42PhD, James A. Watson '42BA. Howard F. Woo '27BA 14 Inter ie with Minne ota' \ armath '31 BArch. At-large members, expires 1971, Irene D. Kreidberg '30BBA, Carl Woie '50BEE. Expires 1972: Hermon J. Arnott '24BA, J. Roscoe Furber ' 24EE, Mrs. Violet Rosacker Graf '33-37, Maynard A. Speece 15 Goph r Football Outlook '43BSAgEd, Charles H Withers '49BAJourn. Representing the Constituent Alumni Associations: Virginia 8echtal 1 The 1969 Scandina ia-Ru ian Tour '38BS, President, Minnesota Alumnae Club; William H. Ziemer '48BSFor '55BBA, President, College of Agriculture, Forestry and Home Economics 20 Thi i a Uni er it Alumni Associotian; Richard B. Weigel '42B8A, President, School of Business Administration Alumni Association; Dr. Walter S. Warpeha '38DDS, PreSident, School of Dentistry Alumni Association; James Garner lumni Book h If '57BSEd, President, College of Education Alumni Association; Dr. Ken­ neth P Manick '56BA '60BS '60MD, President, Medical Alumni Associa­ 25 B ard M mb r tion; Stuart Starner '65BA, President, University of Minnesota, Morris, Alumni Association; Robert G. Werness '53AMS, President, Mortuary Science Alumni Association; Mrs. Charlotte Linster Boyles '54BSN, Presi­ The ni er it dent, School of NurSing Alumnae Association; Roland O . Leuzinger '55BSPhm, President, College of Pharmacy Alumni AssoCiation; Mrs 34 Th Alumni Joan Keaveny Scali '47BA, President, College of Liberal Arts and Uni­ versity College Alumni Association; W. L. Hindermonn '29BSCE ' 37MSCE, President, Institute of Technology Alumni Associotion; Robert A. Martens lumni '56DVM, President, Veterinary Medicol Alumni Associotion; Catherine A. Rosness '48MSW, President, School of Social Work Alumni Associa­ round bout tion; Mrs. Mory Neamon Diessner '37GDH, President, Dental Hyg iene Alumnae AssOCiation; Robert B. Roessel '58AA '60BSEd, President, Gen­ 4 1 D ath eral College Alumni Association; Mrs. Potricia Bordewich '52BS '62MS President, Division of Medicol Technology Alumni Associotion; President, Occupational ond Physicol Theropy Alumni Associotion - to be elected. Representing non-constituent groups: Julius E. Dovis '33UB, President, Mary Lou Aurell '62BAJourn Editor law Alumni Association; James R. Soltou '56BS, President "M" Club. Edwin L. Haislet '31 BSEd '33MA '37EdD Managing Editor Po st Presidents ond Alumni Fund Advisory Committee Russell E. Backstrom '25BSME '27MSME, William F. Braasch 'OO BS '03MD, Wendell T. Burns ' 16BA, Vietor Chrlstgau '24BSAg, George Earl '06BA Second closs postage paid at Minneapolis, Minn., under Act of '09MD, Fronklin D. Groy '25BA, Woldo E. Hordell '26BSBus, Hibbert Congress of March 3, 1879. Annual dues of the Association are M. Hill '23BSCE, J. D. Holtzermonn, '21BA, Arthur R. Hustod ' 16BA, $10 of which $8 constitutes a year's subscription to the Alumni Francis A. Lund '3 1-'35, Virgil J.
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