CENT A WORD r i i "i r. r i fit . WEATHER FORECAST 1 For Wants, To Rent. Tor Kale. Kte., to-- yon gTX. the BEST AND MOST RE- - Cloudy tonight; rain XVItNS from THE "FARMER." mrtefmfptifiir'f wrnMimmrt rmipr; motTow. .VOL. 45. NO.. 271 BRIDGEPORT, CONN., TUESDAY, NOV. 16, 1909 PRICE ONE CENT TILYOU SAYS BOYTON ILLINOIS MINE WHERE 384 MEN DIED; SUGAR TRUST SCANDAL TO SHALL DECIDE FATE HOW GALLANT RESCUERS WERE EQUIPPED BE MEDIUM OF ATTACK All Efforts Now Center" an the Extinguishing of-Fierc- e Underground Fire Hope OF STEEPLECHASE Even to Recover Corpses is Now Abandoned Seething1 Flames Rage In ON THEODORE ROOSEVELT v Sealed Caverns Promoter of Huge Amusement Enter Semi Official Announcement Made That .Approaching Congressional. Investigation Will Stain Administra- prises Discloses His Plans. tions of Several Presidents. Local Resort Will be Closed Next Year, He Bryan and Parker in Tnrn Charged That Trust Was Heavy Contributor to Republican Funds-Statu- te Unless - Campaign Says, Boyton Stays Management of Limitations Protects Against Much Law Greatly Handicapped by Exclusive Privi Breaking. ' : (Special from United Press.) In 1907, but since that time the proofs Contracts In Event of of New Tork, Nov. 16. When President which would convict are scarce.. lege - Reopening - ' Taft and the cabinet in Washington Business interests here- are wonder-- ing what will result from the Congres-- : took up for consideration the question clonal He Will Seek Make investigation which- ia believed' Island to it an Ideal of how to crush the Sugar Trust At inevitable and which- will certainly j torney General Wlckersham presented trace the trial of the trust back to the r a Ij. Stim day of the first American Sugar" Re-- Place Otherwise it Will be Real report compiled by Henry fining Company's incorporation. Onting - son, special acting deputy attorney It is a certainty that both of the big ' general, setting forth the crimes he political parties will be involved. The v expects to prove the combination administrations , of Grover Cleveland, Estate Towards Water guilty of. It is expected that the re Benjamin Harrison, Cleveland again, ' Proposition Looking port declares that American Sugar Re William McKinley and also of Theo- - ' ' fining Company crushed its rivals by . mil lit, JUU we sheer weight of money: that it cor r limelight. The Presidents themselves Front Development. rupted the government inspectors with- uufc w BiDircnea out mem dots ox out limit; bribed leading employes of their official families will be shown to George C Tilyoti. lessee of Steeple- -; "The bulkhead should extend from opposing companies to report the de- have been familiar with the trust and chase while (or a. train the end of the Island bridge to the tails of their employers' business so will have much to explain. Island, waiting could undersell them Since. 1904 . to-da- y. breakwater and on tbe 'Out' side as that the trust the Sugar Trust has been at the railroad station talked V-- con- ' well. For me the burden of expense I i and force them into bankruptcy; many times under fire but has always with characteristic frankness of the fu- -: for bulkheadlng would be too great. , (Special from United Press.) V" tributed to the campaign funds of all managed to escape a large part of the ture of his amnsement resort. Be said therefore I have concluded to allow Cherry His.. Nov. !. With what J parties prior to the last Presidential threatened investigation. In 1904 Bli- -. of one of which the island to fade back to Its former little hope remained of the lives campaign so that National chairman sha Edwards charged that the t' many things Interest, our lease saving and committees were under obliga- had secured favors of I was moment his lease on the greatness, after expires. pf the several hundred miners entomb- Congressional that the "Closed or open. It is all the came tions. leaders. The and others were i blast- president property expired, he would abandon to me, as I don't care a hanir either ed in the burning St. Paul mine But and here is the real reason why prosecuted for contumacy. In 1836 .the island as an amusement resort un- way. Captain Boyton has worked un- ed by the hermetlcal sealing. of all the the cabinet discussed the matter most Bryan charged that the trust was a less It is better supported In the futore der great disadvantages on the island shafts, tbe officials In charge at the of the alleged law breaking is covered heavy contributor to Republican cam- ' than it has been In the past. and no one appreciates that fact more scene of tht disaster devoted all by the statute of limitations. There paign funds. In 1906 Alton B. Parker, next than myself. He is a man who has today A 1 are of proofs of guilt up to tne candidate for President, made the same What are your plans for year, fire (l plenty - i owned amusement Ave times of their energies to fighting the time that O. died he was asked. "Everything depends parks that under the earth. Henry Havermeyer charge. ... upon my friend., Captain Paul Boy-- ! larger than Steeplechase Island, and rages V will be i can be has conducted them successfully, be- Every effort made today to V ton." he replied. "Unless he sides amusement the shafts as men prevailed upon to remain In charge of large productions penetrate mining I I I I : (UNCLASSIFIED.) island. I shall close it np as an both here and abroad. If here on a declare that no man can go into the l i NEW BUILDING the 1 come to salary, the island could not afford to subterannean passages now and live. D. SHAW amusement resort. have him Is is for- firemen reached here J. sells pipes that are real j look upon the Island as a real estate pay what he worth. It A large force of osrKaias at za cents each. 62 John It le dally Increasing. In tunate he is here on terms of friend- today and will take charge of the fire St. ' - proposition. ever bulkheaded. the ship for we have been friends for many fighting. A hole was cut In the hole ap value and If He has all the money wants of the main shaft and then a line of FOR MILLION : for commercial purposes. years. he, WANTED Lady canvassers for a bon- - property one most valuable In an& does not have to work for a living. hose was dropped down the shaft in would be of the on the of the fire in that iaju nuufaiine, gooa commission. Ad- i i (Continued page three.) hope checking dress ii. 8.. P. O. Box 623 ; 116 b Bridgeport. iy. It is also stated that the men in charge will force carbonic acid gaa DOLLAR BANK 60 COTJRTLAND ST.. to Fur-- - down into tbe of the mine. Ex AGED-WIDO- rent. depths W OF TEA KING nished rooms, steam heat, running THERE WILL BE perienced miners declare that if this water and gas in, rooms. Phone 2712. S0ME OF COLE is done it will extinguish the Ore. but ' HIS b p o . extinguish within fifteen First-Bridgep- National Will Retnn man liv ' ON minutes the life of every still- TO RENT, Furnished room, pleas- NO DEBATE ing. GILMAN'S" PARTNER LOSES to Location Opposite Present ant, heat and .bath.- - Breakfast and JEWELS FOUND It Is now believed the forcing oi supper if desired. 168 Deacon St. chemicals will put the fire out quickly Quarters. - - H 16 b CflURCfl'S DDTY and that the flames will have been p checked late or tomorrow WANTED TO one by tonight HER HUMBLE HOME to-d- ay LEASE Farm Sfbm Before that time it would LITTLE It became known that the xo nve Consultation with Leben-thal- s morning. National Bank, house in years, with privilege of buy- Besnlt of be suicide for anyone to enter the Bridgeport ing. Terms reasonable. R.D. 16. Box Set. Er. Maorer Anaonnces shafts. Then will come the search for the nw bank building at the southeast 39, Newtown. Conn. 16 corner of Main and Bank, streets, has H dto Richardson. in Sheriff 's bodies. Whether the mining Inspec- look- Challenge of Set. Hr. Hawley tors found any bodies when made - taken only temporary quarters, WANTED. cook to assist they Is of Woman Whose Husband Was Multi- towards the erection of a fine Competent Office ten trips Into the mine yesterday Sorry Plight ing for- In laundry. 1596 Boston Ave., cor- Rev. W. Irving Maurer uttered this Starts Rumors Tayl6r, who banking and business block in Its ner of Mill Hill. H 15 9 o the problematical. Inspector" v mer home at the northeast corner of morning what Is perhaps closing Ith Inspector Webb of the Federal Millionaire's Associate. ; the same streets. While the have word of the discussion that grew out Rescue Bureau, made the final descent. plans TO RENT. Four room. '76 Fulton St. to Rev. John McLaren One Has Lebenthals emphatlcaiy denied that any bodies not been drawn up, it ia learned that H IS s p o of the challenge Story It were seen. "By due process of law" Mrs. Ellen the most attractive on the etreet. The the building is likely to stand out to debate certain allega- e Davidson-MacDonaJ- d. were In best of Richardson May-B- W. W. of the a cousin of Sir grounds kept the style. prominently against Bridgeport's sky- TO RENT 6 room tions the latter had made, restricting Are Innocent Truth Taylor, .superintendent The Davidsons were great entertain- line, if the wishes of a number of the flat all Improve- of church within very mine, and his assistant said that no Alexander Mac Donald, premier of Can- ments Fairfield avenue.
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