PROCEEDINGS SOCIET F ANTIQUARIEYO F SCOTLANDO S . HUNDEED AND FIFTH SESSION, 1884-5. ANNIYEBSAEY MEETING, 1st December 1884. AETHUE MITCHELL, M.D., LL.D., Vice-President, Chaire th n i . BalloA t having been taken e followinth , g Gentlemen were duly elected Fellows :— WALTER BIGQAB BLAIKIE, 22 Heriot Row. Rev. GEORGE BROWN, Minister of Bendochy. T. R. BUCHANAN, M.P., 10 Moray Place. The Lord COLIN CAMPBELL, M.P., Inveraray Castle. AViLLiAM CONNAL f Solsgirtho . yr , . PATRIC . CONNAL-ROWAF K f MeiklewoodNo . Rev. SHOLTO D. C. DOUGLAS of Douglas Support, Coatbridge. D. HAT FLEMING, St Andrews. ROBERT GLEN, 3 North Bank Street. EDMUND GOLDSMID, Lufra House, Granton. ANDREW JAMESON, Advocate t ColmS 3 , e Street. THOMAS GRAVES LAW, Signet Library. DAVID STEWART LITTLEJOHN, Solicitor, Dundee. JOHN MACDONALD, Solicitor, Buckie. WILLIAM M'DOWALL Creswel7 1 , l Terrace, Dumfries. VOL. XIX. A PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, DECEMBER 1, 1884 ROBERT NAISMITH, Cross, Stonehouse. DAVID NICHOLSON, M.D., Broadmoor, Berks. STEW ART M'GLASHAN, Sculptor, 1 Brandon Street. EDWIN MILLIDGE, Jeweller Prince8 2 , s Street. Rev. JOHN MONTEITH, Ministe f Glencairnro . ROBERT PIRIE Buckingha9 , m Terrace, Glasgow. JAMES MELISS STUART of Erifka. ROBERT K. STEWART of Murdostoun Castle. ALEXANDER THOMSON Cheste5 3 , r Street. The Office-Bearers for the ensuing year were elected as follows :- Patron. MAJESTR HE QUEENE YTH . President. THE MOST HON. THE MARQUIS OF LOTHIAN, K.T., LL.D. Vice-Presidents. ARTHUR MITCHELL, M.D., LL.D. e RighTh t Hon e EAR ROSEBERYTh .F LO , LL.D. r WILLIASi M FETTES DOUGLAS, LL.D., P.R.S.A. Councillors. Si NOEL-PATON. rJ , Kt, \ Representing GEORGE SETON, M.A. LL.D., U.S.A., e Boardth ( STAIR AGNEW, M.A., C.B. FRANCIS ABBOTT, ) of Trustees. Right. Hon. The EARL OF STAIR. DAVID DOUGLAS. ROBERT HERDMAN, R.S.A. GEORGE HUNTER M. THOMB. Professor DUNS, D.D. Secretaries. JOHN RITCHIE FINDLAY. R. W. COCHRAN-PATRICK, LL.D., M.P. JOSEPH ANDERSON, LL.D., Assistant Secretary. WILLIAM FORBES, ) Secretaries r Foreignfo THOMAS DICKSON, H.M. General Register House, J Correspondence. ANNIVERSARY MEETING. o Treasurer. GILBERT GOUDIE, 39 Northumberland Street. Curators of the Museum. ROBERT CABFBAB. JOHN J. REID, B.A. Curator, of Coins. GEORGE SIM. Librarian. JOHN TAYLOR BROWN. The following list of the names of Honorary Members and Fellows who have died sinclase e datth t th ef Annua eo l Meetine th reas y wa gdb Secretary :— Honorary Members. Elected Dr EICHAED LEPSIUS, Berlin, ..... 1860 JOHN HENRY PARKER, C.B., D.C.L., Keeper of the Ash- molean Museum, Oxford, ...... 1869 Dr B. E. HILDEBRAND, Royal Antiquary of Sweden, President of the Royal Academy of Science and Archae- ology, Stockholm, ....... 1875 Fellows. JOHN HUTTON BALFOUR, M.D., LL.D., Emeritus Professor of Botany, ......... 1861 s GracHi e DDKeTh BUCCLEUC F EO QUEENSBERRYD HAN , K.G., .......... 1845 \V. S. COOPER of Failford, ...... 1876 WILLIAM DICKSON, Accountant, ..... 1844 RALPH CARR ELLISO f DunstanehillNo , Northumberland, 186(1 WALTER PERGUSON, ........ 1848 ALEXANDER HAMILTON, LL.B., W.S.,The Elms, Morning- side. .......... 1833 4 PROCEEDING SOCIETYE TH F O S , DECEMBE , 18841 K . Elected CHARLES HENDERSON, S.S.C., ...... 1881 GEORG . BINNING-HOMM . EH Argatyf Eo , . Doune186 7. , DAVID LUMSDE Fincastlef No , Perth, .... 1883 JAMES MARSHALL, Carlston, Great Western Eoad, Glasgow, 1880 JOHN WHITEFOORD MACKENZIE, W.S., .... 1844 ROBERT I. J. MONTEITH of Carstairs, .... 1851 ROBERT ANGUS SMITH, LL.D., H.M. Inspecto f Alkalo r i Works, Manchester, ....... 1874 HOPE J. STEWART, Stoneyhill House, Musselburgli, . 1848 The meeting resolved to record their sense of the loss the Society has sustained in the deaths of these members. Professor KARL EICHARD LEPSIUS, Principal Libraria e Eoyath f no l Library, Berlin, born at Nanneburg in 1810, educated at the public school of Pforta and the Universities of Leipzig and Gottingen, studied Egyptology at Paris and Borne, under Champollion and Bunsen, con- ducte e well-knowth d n expeditio o Egyptt n s , hi 1842-46 n o d an , return became Professor of Egyptian Archaeology at Berlin, and sub- sequently organise arranged dan e magnificenth d t Museu f mEgyptiao n Antiquities there n 186I .e agai h 6 n visited Egypt e materialTh . s accximulate n theso d e expeditions d systematisean , d illustratean d n i d his numerous works, have made a new era in the study of Egyptian Literature and Antiquities. JOHN HENRY PARKER, C.B., e KeepeAshmoleath f o r n Museum, succeede s uncldhi bookselles ea t Oxfora r n 1832di , publishe s welldhi - known Glossary of Architecture s elaborat hi 1836n i d an , ee worth n ko Domestic Architecture e Middleth f o Ages n 1859.i e subsequentlH ' y devoted himsel excavationo t f publicatioe th t Komeo sa t d seriea an f ,n o s of volume Archceologye Th n so f Rome,o illustrate valuabla y db e series of photographs appointes wa e H d. Keepe e Ashmoleath f o r n Museum at Oxford in 1870, and was nominated C.B. by Mr Gladstone in 1871. BROR EMIL HILDEBRASTD, Eoyal Antiquar f Swedenyo , bor n 1806i n , ANNIVERSAR0 Y MEETING. became Assistan e Historicath n i t l Museu e Universitth f mo f Lunyo d yearw fe sn a 1830i afterwardd an , s wen o Stockholt t s assistanma t at the Royal Academy of Arts. In 1837 he received the important appointment of Rilcsantiquarien or Eoyal Antiquary of Sweden, implying the directorship of the National Collections and general promotion of e sciencth f Archaeologeo y throughou e kingdom,—ath t n office whice hh hel r forty-sevedfo s besn wa tyears e knowf SwedeH o s .t hi nou y nb numismatic works and his large work on Swedish Seals, which are much valued by scholars. JOHN BUTTON BALFOUE, M.D., LL.D., born in 1808, appointed Regius Professor of Botany in the University of Edinburgh in 1845, continued actively to discharge the duties of that office, along with those of Directo e Royath f o rl Botanic Garden, till 1877, whe e retiredh n . e greateth alss r fo owa r e par H f thao t t tim ee Medicath Dea f o n l Faculty of the University, and one of the Secretaries of the Royal Society. WALTER FRANCIS MONTAGU-DOUGLAS SCOTT, fifth Duke of Buccleuch d Queensberryan , K.G., took a livel y interese e objectth th f n i o ts Society n 186I .e succeede h 2 e latth de Marqui f Breadalbano s s a e President continued an , officn di e with much acceptance till 1872, when he was succeeded by His Grace the Duke of Sutherland. RALPH CAER ELLISON of Dunstanehill was remarkable for the zeal and assiduity with which he studied the ancient Anglo-Saxon and cognate languages. He occasionally contributed papers to the Society's Pro- ceedings, principall connection yi n wit e interpretatiohth e ancienth f no t inscribe sculptured dan d monumental stone Scotlandn si . JOHN WHITEFOORD MACKENZIE, W.S., well known in lega literard lan y circles as the possessor of one of the largest and choicest private libraries e citys formerlth wa ,n considerabl a i r fo y e tim n activa e e office-bearer of the Society, and Vice-President, 1847—49. G PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, DECEMBER 1, 1884. EGBERT ANGUS SMITH, Ph.D., LL.D., born near Glasgow in 1817, studied chemistry in Liebig's laboratory at Giessen 1839-41, and settle n Manchesteri d s employe, whewa e h n d a teache firss a f t o r chemistry d latterlan , s Inspector-Generaya f Alkalo l s i Workswa e H . author of many important papers on the subject of Chemical Climatology, a science which he may be said to have created. Having become a Folloe Societth f wf o Antiquarie o y f Scotlano s n 1874i d e seldoh , m permitte dsessioa paso nt s without contributing somethin f importancgo e to its Proceedings. His researches in Argyleshire, which first appeared as communication e Societyth o t s , were subsequently re-cas d puban t - lished as a volume entitled Loch Etive, or the. Sons of Uisneach. He also wrote a Memoir of John Dalton and History of the Atomic Theory; and in conjunction with Mr Thomas Young he edited the collected"^ papers of the distinguished chemist and physicist Thomas Graham. The Treasurer submitted the audited accounts with a general abstract Society'e oth f s Funds, whic s ordere printee hwa b circulateo d dt dan d among the Fellows. The Secretary read the Annual Report of the Society to the Board of Trustees, approved by the Council, and ordered to be transmitted to the Lord f H.Mso . Treasur follows ya s :— ANNUAL REPOBT of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland to the Honourable the Board of Trustees for Manufactures in Scotland for the year ending 30th September 1884. Museue Th m durin pase gth t yeas beeha r n ope formerlys na , except durin monte gth f Novemberho ,close s whewa usuas t dna i r cleaninfo l g and rearrangement. The following table shows the number of visitors for each month during the year, distinguishing between day visitors and visitors on the Saturday evenings, viz. :—7 ANNIVERSAKY MEETING. DAY SATURDAY MONTHS. VISITORS. EVENINGS. TOTAL. October, . 4,956 512 5,468 December, 5,012 739 5,751 January, 14,179 272 14,451 February, 2,808 416 3,224 March, . 3,693 521 . 4,214 April, . 6,742 420 7,162 May, 5,156 467 5,623 June, 6,303 247 6,550 July, , .
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