E64 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 13, 2017 PERSONAL EXPLANATION TRIBUTE TO THREE POWER munity and State, but on our entire country LINEMEN VOLUNTEERS and across the world. We all need to be more and do more for others and to promote unity HON. LOIS FRANKEL HON. COLLIN C. PETERSON and peace. This is of what Dr. King dreamed. OF FLORIDA OF MINNESOTA Because this day isn’t meant to be a ‘‘day off,’’ it is meant to be a ‘‘day on’’: a day on of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES service. Friday, January 13, 2017 Friday, January 13, 2017 In that spirit, as we celebrate the thirty-first Mr. PETERSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today MLK Day of Service, I challenge all Americans Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Speaker, on to recognize three of my constituents, Mr. An- to make a difference in their community. roll call votes 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, thony Spaeth, Mr. Lucas Bakken, and Mr. Indeed, that is how we can best honor Dr. and 54, I was not present because of an ur- Troy Seter, who volunteered three weeks of King’s legacy and how we make his dream— gent family matter. Had I been present, I their time to build and upgrade power lines in where we are not judged by the color of our would have voted: on Roll Call Vote 46: AYE, Haiti. They work for Lake Region Electric Co- skin, but by the content of our character—a on Roll Call Vote 47: AYE, on Roll Call Vote operative in Pelican Rapids, MN. reality for all people. 48: AYE, on Roll Call Vote 49: AYE, on Roll These men decided to put their skills to Happy Birthday Dr. King. He should be Call Vote 50: AYE, on Roll Call Vote 51: NAY, work as power linemen in an area that des- pleased his legacy endures. on Roll Call Vote 52: NAY, on Roll Call Vote perately needs help. They were selected and f 53: AYE, on Roll Call Vote 54: NAY. sent to Haiti by the National Rural Electric Co- operative Association (NRECA) International, HONORING THE 50TH ANNIVER- f a non-profit development corporation which SARY OF THE BLACK PANTHER helps build energy distribution infrastructure in PARTY PERSONAL EXPLANATION regions of need. Mr. Spaeth, Mr. Bakken, and Mr. Seter HON. BARBARA LEE HON. JARED HUFFMAN worked side-by-side with NRECA International OF CALIFORNIA on the U.S. Agency for International Develop- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA ment-funded Pilot Project for Sustainable Elec- Friday, January 13, 2017 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tricity Distribution in Haiti. This project is com- mercializing power from the Caracol Industrial Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Friday, January 13, 2017 Park generation station that is currently serv- the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Black Panther Party. Mr. HUFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January ing more than 10,000 Haitians in Caracol, a Originally called The Black Panther Party for 12, 2017, I erroneously voted ‘‘yes’’ on roll call community in northern Haiti. These volunteers Self Defense, the Party was founded in 1966 vote 52, an amendment to H.R. 238 offered by provided their expertise to NRECA Inter- by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale in re- Mr. Conaway of Texas. I intended to vote ‘‘no’’ national to eventually connect 20,000 Haitians sponse to the wide-spread poverty, lack of on the amendment. in the local area with electricity. Only thirteen percent of Haitians currently economic and educational opportunities, and police oppression experienced by the African f have access to electricity. This alarming sta- tistic provided an opportunity for these three American community in Oakland, California. HONORING RUFUS SAMES FOR HIS men to impact the lives of thousands of Hai- Promoting the idea of ‘‘All Power to the TIRELESS WORK TO BETTER THE tians who depend on reliable electricity for People’’, and unwilling to wait for the political LIVES OF MAINERS health care services, education, and economic and social leaders of the time to address the expansion. Today, I urge lawmakers to join needs of the African American community, the me in commending Mr. Anthony Spaeth, Mr. Panthers took action themselves to force HON. CHELLIE PINGREE Lucas Bakken, and Mr. Troy Seter for their change and bring about liberation from all forms of human exploitation and oppression. OF MAINE service. The most immediate need that the Party ad- f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dressed was the rampant abuse of power by Friday, January 13, 2017 RECOGNIZING SIGNIFICANCE OF the police, and they soon began undertaking MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY patrols and holding rallies to highlight incidents Ms. PINGREE. Mr. Speaker, I would like to of police brutality throughout the East Bay. recognize a tireless advocate in my state who HON. JOYCE BEATTY The images of armed Panthers storming the is retiring after nearly two decades of working OF OHIO State House in Sacramento in 1967 in opposi- to improve the lives of his fellow Mainers. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion to the Mulford Act brought national atten- tion to these efforts, and highlighted the dire In 1997, Rufus Sames began his 19-year Friday, January 13, 2017 career with the Maine Department of Labor, circumstances that many African Americans starting as a Claims Taker and ending as a Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, on Monday, experienced on a daily basis. Labor Program Specialist. Through it all, he January 16, 2017, our nation will signify the Beyond self-defense, the Panthers under- has lifted the burdens of claimants, employers, tremendous life and legacy of Dr. Martin Lu- took a wide assortment of social programs to and advocates with prompt help, good infor- ther King, Jr. Each year, on the third Monday help improve the quality of life for inner-city mation, and a deep understanding of the in January, we remember and celebrate a blacks, organized around the Party’s Ten- stresses individuals and families face navi- man who led a non-violent movement that Point Program. The Panthers started a free gating the maze of benefits following job loss urged our country to become more fair and breakfast program for children, medical clinics, and transition. more just and provide equal opportunity for all. drug and alcohol rehab programs, free gro- As our nation honors the life of Dr. King, I ceries and clothing giveaways, legal aid, edu- For years, whenever my staff has had a call to mind his statement, ‘‘Life’s most per- cation and a housing cooperative, among question about unemployment benefits in my sistent and urgent question is: what are you other initiatives. state, Rufus was there to respond, often with doing for others?’’ As the Panthers numbers and influence a message sent in the wee hours of the morn- This year, on what would have been his grew nationwide, federal authorities saw their ing when he arrived at his desk at the crack eighty-eighth birthday, countless people in my work as a threat to national security and un- of dawn. He has been tireless, good-hearted, home state of Ohio are answering his call to dertook operations to monitor, obstruct, and efficient, and effective, and will be missed im- serve by advocating for civil rights and greater undermine the party’s activities. FBI Director measurably. access and equal opportunity at the ballot box, Hoover even called the Party the ‘‘greatest Public servants like Rufus are unsung he- inspiring the next generation of community threat to the internal security of the country’’ in roes. He has touched many lives with his can- and national leaders, helping the sick, elderly, 1968, and directed the covert ‘‘COINTELPRO’’ do spirit and deep commitment to serving the and poor and many more profound acts of to neutralize the Party and its members. people of Maine. service. Despite this opposition by the authorities, I wish him all the best in his retirement and Like Dr. King, they understand the power throughout the 1960’s and 1970’s the Pan- thank him wholeheartedly. and impact of service—not just on our com- thers became a national force for social VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:15 Jan 14, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13JA8.007 E13JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS January 13, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E65 change, empowering a new generation of Afri- services of disabled veterans. This year the We should also remember that the Rev. Dr. can Americans to seize political power, Post has provided an impressive amount of Martin Luther King, Jr. was, above all, a per- partnering with other disenfranchised commu- donations, grants, and assistance; including son who was always willing to speak truth to nities around the country, and demonstrating over eight thousand dollars to Veterans’ Pro- power. that the legacy of slavery and racial oppres- grams, three thousand dollars to college grant There is perhaps no better example of Dr. sion still prevented so many from experiencing foundations, and one thousand dollars to sum- King’s moral integrity and consistency than his the promise of prosperity and equality that is mer student leadership courses. criticism of the Vietnam War being waged by the foundation of the American dream. I would like to personally thank all of the the Johnson Administration, an administration I must also personally thank former Party members of Milton Post 4833 and specifically that was otherwise a friend and champion of Chairwoman Elaine Brown for her bold leader- recognize the Post’s Officers: Post Com- civil and human rights.
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