NovemberHome Delivery 11, 2008 Now Available! CallThe 216-228-7223 Lakewood Observer Page 1 Free – Take One! Please Patronize Our Advertisers! Your Independent Source For Local News And Opinion – An Official Google News Source Volume 4, Issue 23, November 11, 2008 Residents And City Fix Up Parks Lakewood Launches Housing Initiative by Melissa Garrett At the October 20th Lakewood City Council Meeting, Mayor Ed FitzGerald presented his 2008 Housing Initiative to Lakewood City Council. The mayor’s housing working group presented suggestions earlier this year which were incorporated into the com- prehensive program. “The quality of Lakewood’s hous- ing stock is a key factor in its success or failure in the years to come,” state Mayor FitzGerald. “New challenges demand that Lakewood reassess its housing strategy. While Lakewood cannot control national economic downturns or banking policies, it can control its own investment strategies and building code enforcement efforts.” Mayor’s FitzGerald’s housing ini- tiative takes a two-pronged approach: it encourages investment by homeown- ers, while streamlining and toughening enforcement measures. It is hoped that Friends of Madison Park left to right: Joe Beno, Dave Seman, Paul Burke, Judy Grzyboski, Mary Louise Madigan, Karen Kura- this balanced approach will help sustain mot (in back), Tessa and Parker Smith, Mayor Fitzgerald, Travis Gallagher and daughters, Valerie Molinski and kids, Mel Page, Lakewood’s housing stock, much of which Margaret and Katherine Cooney, George Graham & Michael Fleenor and kids. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. is now entering its second century. More Photos Inside And Online! continued on page 4... http://lakewoodobserver.com Mayor’s Charity Ball at Beck Center by Holly Lauch and The Lakewood Public Library. Mayor Ed FitzGerald is hosting The evening will include live music a Charity Ball at the Beck Center on from three local bands as well as the Pre- Saturday, November 15th at 7:00 p.m. sentation of the Key to the City. Charles All proceeds will support the quality Geiger will be the recipient of this Key. education and theater programs which Charles is a long time Lakewood resi- benefit Lakewood’s community. dent, business owner, member of the The Beck Center for the Arts, located School Board and is dedicated to serv- at 17801 Detroit Avenue, is the larg- ing the community in a variety of ways. est cultural institution on Cleveland’s Tickets are available in advance for west side. It provides a broad range of a suggested contribution of $75/$100 at art education and has been serving the the door. Black tie is optional. For addi- community for over 75 years. tional information, please contact Holly Several Lakewood restaurants and Lauch at [email protected]. businesses have graciously agreed to con- Fred DeGrandis, president and CEO Cleveland Clinic Regional Hospitals; Jack tribute to this fundraising event. The In This Issue Gustin, president of Lakewood Hospital; Atef Eltomey, MD; Stephen Samples, sponsors include: Aladdin’s Eatery, The Events & Notices ................ 2 MD; Michael Modic, MD, chairman of the Cleveland Clinic Neurological Institute; Beck Café, Brennan’s Floral Gift Shop, Samuel Borsellino, MD; Michael Mervart, MD Dewey’s Pizza, Edible Arrangements, Elm- Lakewood City News .......... 4 wood Home Bakery, Friendly Mini Mart, Lakewood Public Library . 5-7 Neurological Institute At Lakewood India Garden, Italian Creations, North Coast Wine and Beer, Players on Madi- Lakewood Cares .............. 8 Hospital Opens New Doors son, Rozi’s Wine House, Sakura Japanese Cleveland Clinic Neurological cal Institute organizes the entire Restaurant, Sam’s Food and Beverage and Lakewood Health News ...... 9 Institute at Lakewood Hospital has healthcare team around organ and Sweet Designs Chocolatier. Needless to opened its new doors to patients. The disease systems, rather than individ- say, people will not go home hungry. Campaign 2008 ............ 10-11 Institute, located on the first floor of ual specialties. Our multidisciplinary In addition to the sponsors, the Lakewood Schools ............12 the hospital, will be home to some of approach puts our patients first and at event is supported by a Host Committee the world’s most advanced treatments the center of care, which is the driving which includes: Lakewood City Coun- Lakewood Is Art ................13 for neurological conditions. The Cleve- force behind expanding our services cil, Lakewood Alive, Cleveland Clinic land Clinic Neurological Institute first at Lakewood Hospital,” said Michael Health Systems, Lakewood Hospital, Madison Kids Park .......... 14 announced its expansion to Lakewood T. Modic, M.D., F.A.C.R., Chairman, Lakewood City School Board, Lakewood Conservation Corner .........18 Hospital in August 2007. This new Cleveland Clinic Neurological Insti- Chamber of Commerce, First Federal facility will allow the Institute to pro- tute. “I look forward to expanding of Lakewood, Lakewood/Rocky River Pulse Of The City ..............19 vide more comprehensive services on the institute’s services in the coming Sunrise Club and Rotary, Kiwanis, Pil- Cleveland’s West side. lars of Lakewood, Junior Women’s Club Classifieds ...................... 20 “Cleveland Clinic Neurologi- continued on page 9 of Lakewood, The Lakewood Observer Join the Discussion at: www.lakewoodobserver.com Page 2 The Lakewood Observer November 11, 2008 Events & Notices The Lakewood Observer is pleased to publish Notices on a first-come first-serve basis. Please be patient with us as we have a limited amount of free space available for these items. All notices must be submitted through the Member Center at www.lakewoodobserver.com Ohio Department Of Insurance To Host Medicare Check-Up Days by Dan Slife ber 31. People on Medicare have several ment’s Ohio Senior Health Insurance Other topics include significant options they can learn about. They can Information Program (OSHIIP) rep- savings on prescription drug costs for The Ohio Department of Insur- choose Original Medicare for their resentatives will provide information those with limited incomes; how to save ance is conducting a series of Medicare health coverage needs and pair it with on recent Medicare changes, explain the using retail discount drug plans; drug Check-Up Days in each of Ohio’s 88 a stand-alone Part D plan to get their different coverage options, run compari- company patient assistance programs; counties. They will be held starting prescription drug coverage. They could son reports on various plans and advise Medicare’s preventive benefits and in the fall and run until December 31. also select a Medicare Advantage Plan, beneficiaries if they can coordinate other managing expenses during the Part D The Lakewood Public Library, 15425 which provides comprehensive health coverages such as Veterans Administra- coverage “doughnut hole,” or gap in cov- Detroit Ave. at Arthur Ave., Lakewood, benefits including drug coverage; or tion along with that of Part D. erage. Attendees are encouraged to bring OH will be hosting an event on Decem- they may determine their existing For events Nov. 15 and later, a list of their prescriptions drugs, dos- ber 15th, from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. coverage already meets their health OSHIIP can help beneficiaries enroll in ages and preferred pharmacy, as well as The Check-Up Days complement insurance needs. Medicare coverage their Medicare coverage of choice. Now any information on pension, VA or other Medicare’s annual open enrollment or secured through open enrollment will in its 16th year, OSHIIP is the state’s medical care benefits they are receiving. “coordinated election” period, which begin January 1, 2009. lead program for Medicare informa- For a complete listing of available starts November 15 and ends Decem- At each Check-Up Day, the Depart- tion and enrollment assistance. Part D and Medicare Advantage plans, visit www.medicare.gov. Those with Medicare questions and who need Lakewood Early Childhood PTA Presents A enrollment assistance (starting Nov. 15) can call OSHIIP at 1-800-686-1578 or Medicare at 1-800-MEDICARE (1- Free Program On Geneology And Family History 800-633-4227). A listing of Medicare by Jill Carson will highlight important resources in her research into local cemeteries. She Check-Up Days is available on the Greater Cleveland, including on-line is the author of three books - Cleve- Department’s web site at www.ohio- Lakewood Early Childhood PTA resources, and will explain how to fill land Cemeteries, Finding Your Family insurance.gov. presents, “Genealogy and Family His- out a five-generation chart. Aspects of History in Northeast Ohio, and Cem- tory – What is it? Is it important to this program could easily become part eteries of Northeast Ohio. my family? And how do I get started?” of your Thanksgiving holiday! As with all LECPTA programs, Want to work on your family tree, but Vicki is a native Clevelander, grad- this presentation is free and open to the Your Independent Source for don’t know where to start? uate of Brush High and Kent State public. The program will start at 7:45 Lakewood News & Opinion Local author, Vicki Vigil, explains University. As a social worker she has pm at Harding Middle School’s cafe- The LAKEWOOD OBSERVER is pub- worked in with abused and neglected torium. The school is located at 16601 lished biweekly by Lakewood Observer, where and how to begin your search. Inc., 14900 Detroit Avenue, Suite 309, She will show examples of documents children psychiatric hospitals and as a Madison (the corner of Wagar and Lakewood, OH 44107. important to the search and tell us home and school counselor in Euclid. Madison). Parking is available behind how and where to find them. Vicki Her interest in genealogy grew from the school. 216.228.7223 Copyright 2006 Lakewood Observer, Inc. All rights reserved. Any reproduction is Healthy Holiday Meal Creations... forbidden without written permission. PUBLISHER Lower Fat & Sugar But Still Delicious Jim O’Bryan EDITOR IN CHIEF Dan Slife by Evin Bodell November 15th from 2-4 PM.
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