Jometownlife.com Hitckcocks Dine with attorney W suspenseful Geoffrey Fieger ff sounds' Play online and win! !^^^S15WP^B^^!iWP^P|PI^P^fWW^^^^!l • I'm T 75 cents WINNERS OF STATE AND NATIONAL AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE www.hometownlife.com BYDARREU.CLEM Wayne County and the former Nankin end of this month," Helmkamp said. contaminants. However, some environmental­ STAFF WRITER Township once used Central City Park as a Wayne County has hired a consultant to do ists have raised questions about possible harm dump. Mayor William Wild ordered the popular the work. to aquatic life. Wayne County this month will install moni­ park fenced off in January as officials continue Beth Vens, project manager for the Michigan The latest plans to test groundwater and toring devices in Central City Park to determine tests that officials hope will steer cleanup plans. Department of Environmental Quality, said methane came as state, county and city offi­ methane levels and to study the migration of Assistant Wayne County Executive Alan the groundwater tests will help determine the cials met Tuesday to discuss the park situation. contaminated groundwater, officials confirmed Helmkamp confirmed Wednesday that 11 moni­ impact to surface water and the direction in Helmkamp described the meeting as "produc­ Wednesday. toring wells will be installed, mostly around the which contaminated water may be moving from tive." The latest measures will follow findings park's perimeter, to determine the migration the park. "It seemed like everybody was on the same released during the summer of lead and other of groundwater. A similar number of methane Officials have confirmed that the groundwa­ page," he said. contaminants in groundwater and of methane, testing stations will be installed. ter isn't likely a threat to human health, because a gas common to landfills. "We're hoping to get those into the field by the municipal water systems wouldn't be exposed to [email protected] I (734) 953-2110 Baseball game is big hit for village BY DARRELLCLEM they had it bad winding up STAFF WRITER their season. City Councilman Michael WelLlah-de-dah. Kehrer bemoaned the mitt-free The big bully baseball brats hands that stung as he tried boasted better batting skills to catch an old-fashioned ball, Sunday when Greenfield even if it wasn't as hard as a Village's historic Lah-De- regular baseball. Dah team took the zip out of "It wasn't very soft, I'll tell Westland's fledgling Zip-a- you that," he said. Dee-Doo-Dahs. How much can city players Ouch! be expected to endure in the Talk about an old-fashioned name of community service? whipping. The Lah-De-Dahs A lot, apparently. beat the city's team 24-8 in Westland historian Jo a vintage baseball match in Johnson hinted at a rematch Jaycee Park using game rules next year. from 1867. "That'll give us a chance to Good thing it was all in fun. practice a little bit," Wild said. Good thing it raised $2,000 To add insult to the defeat, a for restoration efforts at the couple of the Greenfield Village Westland Historic Village team members actually live in Park. Westland. One of them told "These guys were ruthless," a Wild he'd like to be consid­ deflated Mayor William Wild ered to serve on the Westland said. Historic Commission. TOM HAWLEY! STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Good thing Westland Parks The nerve. and Recreation Director Wild didn't rule out making Robert Kosowski's job wasn't the appointment, with one pos­ on the line when he gave up hit sible caveat. They'll have to waft until tomorrow to find out who will be crowned John Glenn High School's Homecoming king and queen. Vying for the honor after hit after hit after... "He may have to play on our are queen candidates Skye Jones (from left), Dana Quattlander, Nicole Diehl, Chelsea Thompson and Ashley Hudy (not pictured), while the king And to think that under 1867 team next year," the mayor candidates are Joey Blouse (from left), David Kaivelage, Corey Davis, Ryan Lopez and Ryan Graham. The winners will be announced during half-time rules, a frustrated city team said. of the Homecoming game which pits the John Glenn against Plymouth Salem. couldn't even cuss and spit. And the Detroit Tigers think dclem@hometownlife com | (734) 953-2110 from involvement decide on service cuts BY DARRELL CLEM mom," Bryant, BY DARRELL CLEM ment," Bulson BY DARRELL CLEM , ference closer STAFF 1 34, said dur­ STAFF WRITER said during an STAFF WRITER' to home by ing an inter­ interview. seeking a seat Christine Cicirelli Bryant view. Gary Bulson has amassed 15 Bulson, in Harold Dunn views govern­ on the nonpar­ seemed destined to try her Even so, years of community involve­ his first bid ment as an often-bloated, self- tisan Westland luck at Westland city politics. Bryant wants ment and 16 years as owner of for a council serving entity that has drifted City Council. She has spent much of her voters to a Westland moving company, seat, hopes far from its purpose of helping "The only life around it, and she said know that she Men on the Move. to win one of people. reason I'm in she has a strong mentor in Cicirelli Bryant has her own Bulson, 38, hopes to ride Bulson four positions Dunn, a member of the U.S. Dunn this is to be of her mother, Sandra Cicirelli, ideas, and she his tidal wave of community at stake in Taxpayers Party of Michigan, service to the a longtime Westland City said she would bring a young, involvement — and his dedica­ November. has lost campaigns for state voter," Dunn said during an Council member who served family-oriented perspective tion to helping residents — to "I like helping people," and federal congressional seats interview. as the city's first female mayor to city government if she victory in the Nov. 6 Westland Bulson said, adding that he is that he said are locked into a Dunn, who is competing before becoming a district emerges from a field of eight City Council election. so busy with his community failing, two-party system. with seven other hopefuls judge in January. candidates competing for four "I'm second to none when it With that, Dunn, 75, has Tm proud that she's my comes to community involve­ decided to try to make a dif- Please see BRYANT, A3 Please see BULSON, A3 Please see DUNN, A3 CITY COUNCIL Eight candidates are vying for four council seats. The top three vote-getters wiH earn a four-year term* the fourth-oiace finisher will get a two-year term. The fob oavs $12,517 t The Observer & Eccentric INDEX Cnfeliing... Newspapers For Home APARTMENTS B6 The Crebit Onion Way! Delivery call: AUTOMOTIVE C5 Volume 43 (866) 887-2737 CROSSWORD PUZZLE B5 Number 37 HOMETOWNLIFE D1 Any Dinner Bill of $15 or more JOBS B7 Dine in Only Not applicable toward snack hours, steak night or alcohol • OBITUARIES A14 OPINION A10 Expires 10/15/07 CO-OP SERVICE? PINK D4 CREDIT UNION a'..Banking (fte Credit Union KSy! REAL ESTATE B4 MONDAY IS SPORTS CI www.cscu.org 800.3218570 ^s* v Observer S Eccentric | Thursday, October 4,2007 (W) LOCAL NEWS www.hometownllfe.com Turn Off Violence Night takes over Bailey Center It started 13 years ago as a also will be on hand to host way to get Westland families an inflatable play area for to turn off violent television children, according to Mayor programming and spend time William Wild's office. together as a community. The event is sponsored by The city's Turn Off the Wild's Task Force on Substance Violence Night will return Abuse and Violence. 6:30-9 p.m. Thursday, Oct. During a Westland City 11, at the Bailey Recreation Council meeting Monday, Center, behind Westland City Deputy Mayor Courtney Hall on Ford Road. Conover urged residents to The night will include games, attend the event. special events and perfor­ "It's free, it's fun, and it's a mances. comfortable environment," she WMGC Magic 105.1-FM . said. Zebra power Statement^ Ownership, Management, ami Circulation Wayne Memorial seniors Angeleah Speights (from left), Jacque MatNeson and Serrina O'Brien pull on the rope with Wayne Memorial senior I wa«a«mT*o *Pl*a*wilftK!*r , ' jQ-hdl classmates to win the tug of war over the other classes. The seniors, however, iost to the high school staff at the Mike Cole shows off his legs \i^iVW. O ks e nj $r (si -isis\c\ homecoming pep rally last Thursday afternoon. You can see more pep assembly photos in the photo gallery of the during the pep assembly's leg Westland home page online at www.hometownlife.com. competition. 6 CanF*"* MI*IJ **iiwrfKs»liaa^w6««wa™=aC«^rfW*^i*W?n»5 Wayne Memorial High School When the votes juniors got into the excitement were counted it &Wihli«^fi^*iWin||W*«wrfft»^,'^t^Mm}^ ... '..__._.._'„LL.... „ ,," of Homecoming, cheering loudly was NajaTatum for their classmates during a who wore the WW" ^ iU >^'i ^00icv*W( 6^¾^/w <#«O pep assembly last Thursday. The crown as Wayne assembly served as a prelude to Memorial's 2007 Friday evening's Homecoming Homecoming \Wkbr,iW^ 3k<&Si W^U(W4, o««,*,,/tf/*fr'JO game and the announcement queen. «, Ownn ff» 0« Iisw i&j* i? B» BB&Mmn i; «M fc of Homecoming queen during halftime in a game that saw Cwnfttfr Ktfrm fcMM the Zebras lose to Walled Lake ye^ ^-VTdTWLi xcA ,*>-.
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