574 CO:NGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEMBER 19, By Mr. GARNER: Paper to accompany bill for relief of for surviving generals of said Volunteer Army-to the Com­ Ambrose Burton-to the Committee on Pensions. mittee on Military Mairs. By Mr. GAINES of Tennessee: Paper to accompany bill for Also, letters from Charles Francis Adams and others, request­ relief of John S. Hart-to the Committee on War Claims. ing Congress to pass an act to create a volunteer retired list- - By Mr. GAINES of West Virginia: Paper to accompany bill to the Committee on Military Affairs. - for relief of John E. Hardway-to the Committee on War By Mr. NEVIN: Petition of Growers and Packers of Leaf Claims. Tobacco of the Miami Valley, against reduction of tariif on By Mr. GRAHAM: Petition of the American Bar Association Philippine tobacco-to the Committee on Ways and Means. and others, favoring permanency of bankrupt act-to the Com- By Mr. PADGETT : Paper to accompany bill for relief of mittee on the Judiciary. Thomas Dunn-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Also, petition of Aspinwall Council, No. 238, Junior Order Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of Victoria Bishop­ United American Mechanics, favoring restriction of immigra­ to the Committee on Pensions. tion-to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. By Mr. P .A.TTERSON of Pennsylvania: Petitions of Niobrara Also, petition of Gordon Choctaw Game Preserve, for appro­ Tribe, No. 373, Improved Order of Red Men, of Tremont, Pa. ; priation. to create game preserve of 100,000 acres from lands of Reiner City Council, No. 370, Junior Order United American the Choctaw and Chickasaw tribes-to the Committee on Indian Mechanic-s; Washington Camp, No. 145, Patriotic Order Sons of Affairs. America, of Hegins, Pa. ; G. W. Osman and others, of Hegins, Also, petition of Eastern Oklahoma Miners' Association, Pa.; Washington Camp, No. 72, Patriotic Order Sons of against grant of mineral lands to Oklahoma-to the Committee America, of Delano, Pa., and Harry E. Shafer and others, of on Mines and Mining. Delano, Pa., favoring restriction of immigration-to the Com­ By Mr. GROSVENOR: Petition of National Grange of Pa­ mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. trons of Husbandry, at Atlantic City, November 20, 1905, for By Mr. RIXEY: Paper to accompany bill for relief of W. A. removal of tax on denaturized alcohol rendered unfit for a McDonald, Lignum, Va.-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. beverage-to the Committee on Ways and Means. Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of E. P. Macon­ By Mr. HALE : Petitions of Council No. 28, of Oneida ; aughey-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Council No. 85, of Winfield; Council No. 26, of Knoxville; Coun­ By Mr. SHARTEL: Petition of citizens of Monette, Mo., fa­ cil No. 26, of Coal Creek; Council No. 54, of Louisville; Council voring restriction of immigration-to the Committee on Immi­ No. 106, of Sharps Chapel, and Council No. 81, of Wellsville, all gration and Naturalization. in Tennessee, Independent Order of United American Mechanics, By Mr. SHERMAN : Petition of the Seminole tribe, for inde­ favoring restriction of immigration-to the Committee on Im­ pendent statehood for Indian Territory-to the Committee on migration and Naturalization. the Territories. By Mr. HAY: Paper to accompany bill for relief of Daniel By Mr. SMITH of Arizona: Petition of the board of super­ Cullers-to the Committee on War Claims. visors of Yavapai County, Ariz., against jointure of statehood By Mr. HENRY of Texas: Paper to accompany bill for relief with New Mexico-to the Committee on the Territories. of Abraham Baggett-to .the Committee on Pensions. By Mr. SPERRY: Petition of the common council of Hart­ By Mr. HINSHAW: Petition of John Evans Lodge, No. 751, ford, Conn., for a government forest reserve in New Hamp­ of Diller, Nebr., favoring restriction of immigration-to the shire-to the Committee on Agriculture. Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. · Also, petition ·of the Municipal Art Society, of Hartford, Conn., Also, newspaper article, Cheyenne, Wyo., for use of steel cars for preservation of American forests-to the Committee on in postal railway service-to the Committee on the Post-Office Agriculture. and Post-Roads. Also, petition of the Municipal Art Society, of Hartford, Conn., By Mr. KAHN : Petition of the Presidio Heights Improve­ against commercial spoliation of Niagara Falls-to the Com­ ment Club, of San Francisco, for appropriation for improve­ mittee on Rivers and Harbors. ment of the Presidio-to the Committee on Agriculture. Also, petition of Putnam Council, No. 19, Independent Order Also, petition of the Association of Wholesale Grocers of Cali­ of United· American Mechanics, of Wallingford, Conn., favoring fornia, against a duty on tea and co1ree-to the Committee on restriction of immigration-to the Committee on Immigration Ways and Means. · and Naturalization. Also, petition of Sequoia Parlor, No. 160, of San Francisco, Also, petition of citizens of Wallingford, Conn., favoring re­ Cal., favoring restriction of immigration-to the Committee on striction of immigration-to the Committee on Immigration Immigration and Naturalization. and Naturalization. By Mr. KNAPP: Paper to accompany bill for relief of Louis By Mr. SULLIVAN of New York: Petition of the Chamber Orthleib-to the Committee on Pensions. of Commerce of Pittsburg, favoring tari1r revision and reci­ Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of Amanda Hoover­ procity with certain European governments-to the Committee to the Committee on Pensions. on Ways and Means. By Mr. KNO'WLAND: Paper to accompany bill for relief of Also, petition of the Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress, A. M. Clay-to the Committee on Pensions. for liberal appropriations for improvement of harbors of Gulf Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of Herman A. Kim­ of Mexico and Pacific coast and for the Columbia River-to ball-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. By Mr. LACEY : Paper to accompany bill for relief of Wilson By Mr. SULZER: Petition of the United Confederate Vet- " B. George-to the Committee on Military A1rairs. erans, urging provision for caring for graves of Confederate Also, petition of the American Society of the Isle of Piues, soldiers-to the Committee on Military Affairs. against cession of said island to Cuba-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. -Also, petition of Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade SENATE. of Denver, Colo., favoring creating of the Mesa Verde National Park-to the Committee on the Public Lands. TuEsDAY, December 19, 1905. By Mr. LEVER : Papers to accompany bill (H. R. 8122) pro­ Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Enw ARD E. HALE. viding for the erection of a public building at Sumter, S. C.-to 'l'he Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. proceedings, when, on request of Mr. KEAN, and by unanimous By Mr. LINDSAY: Petition of the United Confederate Vet­ consent, the further reading was dispensed with. erans, for an appropriation to care for the graves of Confed­ erate soldiers-to the Committee on Military AO::airs. TRANSPORTATION OF COAL A D MINE S UPPLI ES . Also, petition of Joseph H. Gleisch and others, for repeal of Tile VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ the duty on hides-to the Committee on Ways and Means. tion from the chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commis ion, By Mr. MAHON: Petition of Orbisonia Lodge, Independent transmitting, in response to a resolution of the 16th instant, Order of Odd Fellows, favoring restriction of immigration-to the record, testimony, and opinion of the Commission in the the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. matter of alleged unlawful rates and practices in the transporta­ Also, petition of Washington Camp, No. 604, of St. '£homas, tion of coal and mine supplies by the Atchison, Topeka and Pa., and Orbisonia Lodge,_ No. 640, Orbisonia, Pa., Patriotic Santa Fe Railway Company, and reque ting that the original Order -sons of America, favoring restriction of immigration­ papers be returned; whicl'~ with the accompanying papers, was to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. referred to the Committee ~n Inter tate Commerce, and ordered By Mr. MANN: Petition of John· -L. Beveridge and 95 other to be printed. generals of the Volunteer Army of the United States of the 'The VICE-PRESIDEN'l~. In accordance ·with the request civil war, requesting the creation of a volunteer retired list stated in the letter of transmittal the original papers will be 1905. CONGRESSIO·NAL RECORD-SENATE.. 575 preserved and returned to the Interstate Commerce Commission [Certificate of certified copy.] after having been printed. STATE OF ID..U~O,. Office of the Secretary of Stat:e: COLT. W. SYMONS. I, Will H. Gibson, secretary of the State of Idaho, do hereby certify that the annexed is a full, true, and complete transcript of house con­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communi­ current resolution No. 4, by Thomas, passed the house of representa­ cation from the Secretary of State, requesting, pursuant to law, tives January 20, 1005; passed the senate March 3, 1905 ~ filed in the office of the secretary of state March 4, 1905. that permission be granted by Congress to Col. T. W. Symons, In te timony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the United States Army, to enable him to accept the decoration of great seal of the State. Done at Boise City, the capital of Idaho., thls the Order of the Double Dragon conferred upon him by the 4th day of March, A. D. 1905. _ Chinese Government; which, with the accompn.nying paper, [sEAL.] WILL H.
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