E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1996 No. 112 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. [Roll No. 366] Rohrabacher Serrano Talent The Chaplain, Rev. James David Ros-Lehtinen Shadegg Tanner YEASÐ229 Roth Shaw Tate Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- Roukema Shays Tauzin Ackerman Diaz-Balart Kleczka Roybal-Allard Shuster Thornberry er: Allard Dingell Klink Royce Sisisky Thurman At the beginning of each day we give Andrews Dooley Kolbe Rush Skaggs Traficant Archer Dreier LaHood thanks to you, O God, for all the gifts Salmon Skeen Upton Armey Duncan Lantos and blessings and hopes that we re- Sanford Smith (MI) Walker Bachus Edwards Latham Sawyer Smith (TX) Walsh ceive. As the scriptures proclaim, Baesler Ehrlich Levin Saxton Smith (WA) Wamp ``Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all Baldacci Eshoo Lewis (CA) Schaefer Solomon Ward Ballenger Farr Lightfoot the lands! Serve the Lord with glad- Schiff Stark Wicker ness! Come into his presence with sing- Barcia Fattah LoBiondo Schumer Stearns Williams Barr Flake Lucas ing!'' It is our earnest prayer, O God, Scott Stenholm Woolsey Barrett (NE) Flanagan Luther Sensenbrenner Stump that whatever our circumstance or Barrett (WI) Foley Maloney whatever our situation, whatever our Bartlett Forbes Manton NAYSÐ51 Bass Franks (CT) Martini opportunity, we will respond to this Abercrombie Hefley Pallone Bateman Franks (NJ) Mascara Borski Heineman Payne (NJ) day with prayer, praise, and thanks- Bentsen Frelinghuysen Matsui Clay Hilleary Pickett Bilbray Frisa McCarthy giving. We pray that wherever we are Clyburn Jackson (IL) Pomeroy Bilirakis Frost McHale or whatever our concern, we will con- Deal Jacobs Poshard Bishop Furse McHugh DeFazio Jefferson Ramstad tinue to offer our gratitude to You, O Bliley Gallegly McInnis Durbin Johnson, E. B. Sabo God, for our lives, our hopes, and our Blute Geren McKeon Everett Kanjorski Schroeder Boehlert Gilchrest McNulty dreams. In Your name, we pray. Amen. Fazio Lewis (GA) Stupak Bonilla Gilman Meehan f Foglietta Lewis (KY) Taylor (MS) Bonior Gonzalez Meek Fox Lipinski Thompson Brewster Goodlatte Mica THE JOURNAL Funderburk Longley Torkildsen Browder Goodling Miller (CA) Ganske Lowey Vento Brown (FL) Gordon Miller (FL) The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- Gephardt McDermott Volkmer Brownback Goss Minge ined the Journal of the last day's pro- Green (TX) McKinney Watt (NC) Bryant (TN) Graham Mink Gutierrez Nussle Waxman ceedings and announces to the House Bunn Greene (UT) Moakley Gutknecht Obey Wynn his approval thereof. Burr Gunderson Molinari Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Burton Hall (TX) Mollohan NOT VOTINGÐ153 Callahan Hamilton Montgomery nal stands approved. Baker (CA) Cremeans Calvert Hancock Morella Gekas Baker (LA) Cubin Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, pursu- Campbell Hansen Murtha Gibbons Barton Danner ant to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote Cardin Hastert Myers Gillmor Becerra Davis Castle Hayworth Myrick Greenwood on agreeing to the Speaker's approval Beilenson de la Garza Chabot Hefner Neal Hall (OH) of the Journal. Bereuter Dickey Chambliss Hobson Nethercutt Harman Berman Dicks The SPEAKER. The question is on Christensen Hoekstra Neumann Hastings (FL) Bevill Dixon the Chair's approval of the Journal. Chrysler Horn Ney Hastings (WA) Blumenauer Doggett Clayton Hostettler Olver Hayes The question was taken; and the Boehner Doolittle Clement Houghton Orton Herger Speaker announced that the ayes ap- Bono Dornan Clinger Hoyer Packard Hilliard Boucher Doyle peared to have it. Coble Hyde Parker Hinchey Brown (CA) Dunn Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I ob- Collins (GA) Inglis Pastor Hoke Brown (OH) Ehlers Combest Jackson-Lee Payne (VA) Holden ject to the vote on the ground that a Bryant (TX) Engel Condit (TX) Pelosi Hunter Bunning English quorum is not present and make the Conyers Johnson (CT) Petri Hutchinson Buyer Ensign point of order that a quorum is not Cooley Johnston Porter Istook Camp Evans Cox Jones Portman Johnson (SD) present. Canady Ewing Coyne Kaptur Pryce Johnson, Sam The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum Chapman Fawell Cramer Kasich Quinn Kennedy (MA) Chenoweth Fields (LA) is not present. Crapo Kelly Rahall Klug Coburn Fields (TX) The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- Cummings Kennedy (RI) Reed Knollenberg Coleman Filner Cunningham Kennelly Regula LaFalce sent Members. Collins (IL) Ford DeLauro Kildee Rivers Largent The vote was taken by electronic de- Collins (MI) Fowler DeLay Kim Roberts LaTourette Costello Frank (MA) vice, and there wereÐyeas 229, nays 51, Dellums King Roemer Laughlin Crane Gejdenson not voting 153, as follows: Deutsch Kingston Rogers Lazio b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8559 H8560 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE July 26, 1996 Leach Paxon Thornton of workers, to amend the Portal-to-Portal The message also announced that the Lincoln Peterson (FL) Tiahrt Act of 1947 relating to the payment of wages Senate has passed bills of the following Linder Peterson (MN) Torres to employees who use employer owned vehi- Livingston Pombo Torricelli titles in which the concurrence of the cles, and to amend the Fair Labor Standards Lofgren Quillen Towns House is requested: Manzullo Radanovich Velazquez Act of 1938 to increase the minimum wage rate and to prevent job loss by providing S. 1577. An act to authorize appropriations Markey Rangel Visclosky for the National Historical Publications and Martinez Richardson Vucanovich flexibility to employers in complying with Records Commission for fiscal years 1998, McCollum Riggs Waters minimum wage and overtime requirements 1999, 2000, and 2001; McCrery Rose Watts (OK) under that Act; and McDade Sanders Weldon (FL) S. 1675. An act to provide for the nation- H.R. 3603. An act making appropriations wide tracking of convicted sexual predators, McIntosh Scarborough Weldon (PA) for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food Menendez Seastrand Weller and for other purposes; and Metcalf Skelton White and Drug Administration, and Related Agen- S. 1784. An act to amend the Small Busi- Meyers Slaughter Whitfield cies programs for the fiscal year ending Sep- ness Investment Act of 1958, and for other Millender- Smith (NJ) Wilson tember 30, 1997, and for other purposes. purposes. McDonald Souder Wise The message also announced that the Moorhead Spence Wolf f Senate insists upon its amendments to Moran Spratt Yates ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Nadler Stockman Young (AK) the bill (H.R. 3603) ``An act making ap- PRO TEMPORE Norwood Stokes Young (FL) propriations for Agriculture, Rural De- Oberstar Studds Zeliff The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Ortiz Taylor (NC) Zimmer velopment, Food and Drug Administra- Owens Tejeda tion, and Related Agencies programs Chair will entertain five 1-minutes on Oxley Thomas for the fiscal year ending September 30, each side. f b 0925 1997, and for other purposes,'' requests a conference with the House on the dis- EVIDENCE OF CASTRO'S ROLE IN Mr. VOLKMER changed his vote agreeing votes of the two Houses there- from ``yea'' to ``nay.'' DRUG TRAFFICKING on, and appoints Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. So the Journal was approved. (Mr. DIAZ-BALART asked and was SPECTER, Mr. BOND, Mr. GORTON, Mr. The result of the vote was announced given permission to address the House MCCONNELL, Mr. BURNS, Mr. HATFIELD, as above recorded. for 1 minute.) Mr. BUMPERS, Mr. HARKIN, Mr. KERREY, f Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Mr. Speaker, Mr. JOHNSTON, Mr. KOHL, and Mr. BYRD yesterday's Miami Herald revealed vast PERSONAL EXPLANATION to be the conferees on the part of the new evidence of Cuban dictator Cas- Senate. Mr. EHLERS. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. tro's personal involvement in cocaine The message also announced that the trafficking into the United States. 366, I missed the vote because I was detained Senate insists upon its amendments to in a doctor's office. Had I been present, I Drug dealers busted with thousands of the bill (H.R. 3448) ``An act to provide pounds of cocaine from Cuba not only would have voted ``yes.'' tax relief for small businesses, to pro- f say the cocaine was brought into the tect jobs, to create opportunities, to United States with Castro's coordina- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE increase the take home pay of workers, tion, there are photos of Castro with to amend the Portal-to-Portal Act of the traffickers and video of Castro-as- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. 1947 relating to the payment of wages KINGSTON). Will the gentlewoman from sisted drug operations. to employees who use employer owned Mr. Speaker, our DEA and Customs New York [Mrs. MALONEY] come for- vehicles, and to amend the Fair Labor ward and lead the House in the Pledge people on the front line are doing an Standards Act of 1938 to increase the admirable job, but until when is the of Allegiance. minimum wage rate and to prevent job Mrs. MALONEY led the Pledge of Al- Clinton administration going to cover loss by providing flexibility to employ- up the fact that Castro is today a legiance as follows: ers in complying with minimum wage major cocaine trafficker? I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the and overtime requirements under that b United States of America, and to the Repub- Act,'' requests a conference with the 0930 lic for which it stands, one nation under God, House on the disagreeing votes of the Where are the indictments against indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. two Houses thereon, and appoints from Castro's henchmen for trafficking that f the Committee on Labor and Human the U.S. Attorney in south Florida has MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Resources: Mrs.
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