PARTICIPANT HANDBOOK Language: Apparel English Specialized Sewing Machine Operator Fruits and VegetablesSpecialized Processing Sewing Machine Operator SPECIALIZED SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR औ फल और ल र और र र ल फल और , और र फल और फ र र र र औ फल , और ल र , और , फ र, और फ ल - फल , र , र , र और ल ___________________________________________________________________________ ल ___ 1 1 फल फ र र और ल ल र र र और र र और और र र 12 Fruits and VegetablesSpecialized Processing Sewing Machine Operator Table of Contents Sr. No. Chapter Name Page No. 1. Introductio t Stitchi pparel Sector 4-13 2. Carry t fferent ypes of titches usin pecializ 14-108 Sewin achine 3. Different ypes f titches i pecialize ewi 109-167 machine 4. Achiev uality i ewi Work 168-218 5. Maintai Work re, Tools n Machines 219-244 औ 6. Maintai Healthy, afety a ecurity t Workplace 245-281 फल और ल र और र र ल फल और , और र फल और फ र र र र औ फल , और ल र , और , फ र, और फ ल - फल , र , र , र और ल ___________________________________________________________________________ ल ___ 2 2 फल फ र र और ल ल र र र और र र और और र र 12 Fruits and VegetablesSpecialized Processing Sewing Machine Operator Chapter 1 Introduction to Stitching and Apparel Sector औ फल और ल र और र र ल फल और , और र फल और फ र र र र औ फल , और ल र , और , फ र, और फ ल - फल , र , र , र और ल ___________________________________________________________________________ ल ___ 3 3 फल फ र र और ल ल र र र और र र और और र र 12 Fruits and VegetablesSpecialized Processing Sewing Machine Operator Learning Outcome: After attendin he ession, trainees oul be able o: Understa th titchin an pparel ndustry n ndi Lear about h different oles f ewi achin perator Pre Session Activity This ctivity he form f ―Flash Card‖ session. Th rainer shows rainees pictures/images/icons/cli ts f arts of ewing achine. Th rainees ar nstructe dentify he omponents ention ts uses f ny. Th rainees ar expected o aise heir ands befor answering. औ फल और ल र और र र ल फल और , और र फल और फ र र र र औ फल , और ल र , और , फ र, और फ ल - फल , र , र , र और ल ___________________________________________________________________________ ल ___ 4 4 फल फ र र और ल ल र र र और र र और और र र 12 Fruits and VegetablesSpecialized Processing Sewing Machine Operator Unit 1.1: Introduction to Stitching and Apparel Section India Th titching ector s h oldest ndustry he ndian onomy. urrently, he titchin ector ndia is e f he argest ontributors her exports, omprising pproximately 1 per ent f he otal exports. he pparel ndustry ovides ne f h largest ployment opportunities ndia. Th present titchin ndustry ndi an eparate nt hre distinct egments: 1. The market of traditional and local stitching. h ailors i his egment ar kille oups f persons that take car f t ocal orders. hey av very ess posur t hanging fashion trends, technology oduct-specific nowledge. Arou 80 per cent of arket omprises ocal ailors. 2. The retail outlets and online shopping sites. Ther e number f organis apparel brands hat ffer titching services n heir fabric etail outlets an ultiple nline shoppin ites. h ailors ar specially rain to ake appropriate ar of he elicat fabrics nd also ensure he right fit nd ook f tailor products. his egment omprises ou 15 per cent of arket. 3. The luxury segment. h finest titchin egment onsists of fashio esigners for he uxury segment. Thes ashion designers v heir ow pecial designs that aters he equirements f he fashion-conscious selecte ections of ociety. hey nsur hat tailor lothing uits personality, ocial tatus an casio f their lient. his egment omprises oun 5 percent of h औmarket. The ndian titchin nd pparel ndustry as th capacity produc ide ariety f products suitabl fferent market segments,फल और omestic and ल international ronts.र और र र ल फल और , और र फल और फ र र र र औ फल , और ल र , और , फ र, और फ ल - फल , र , र , र और ल ___________________________________________________________________________ ल ___ 5 5 फल फ र र और ल ल र र र और र र और और र र 12 Fruits and VegetablesSpecialized Processing Sewing Machine Operator Unit 1.2: Role of a Sewing Machine Operator Sewin achin operators ill form th ollowi asks: Operatin he ewin achine Taking measurement of materials or oducti ccuracy Fixi accessories uc uttons, ippers an other tems finished oducts Cleani ewin achines ontinuously o oi them gettin usty or d Inspecti uipment, structures, oducti aterials identify h reaso or rors i productio her defects hat may arise Promoti personal giene eepin productio nvironment lean Understandin ollowin safety rules, directions, company ocedures Placin der for producti aterials h hortage Distributin inish oducts t clients ranged Inspecti oduction equipment Skills, Knowledge and Abilities of the Sewing Machine Operator are: Sewing machin operators e pecte possess h followin kills, nowled an abilities, hic are ital their formanc h job: Having oo nowledg of how ewin achines work Having goo knowledg out th fferent abric औ Having oo nowledg out different ypes f stitches Having oo nowledg of quality ontrol nalysis Knowi goo im anagementफल और kills ल र और र Knowi h lity t multitaskर ल फल और , Having the bility o hinkऔ criticallyर र Having h ability t ake oun ecisions फल और फ र र र Workin d र Workin iently औ फल , और ल र , और , फ र, और फ ल - फल , र , र , र और ल ___________________________________________________________________________ ल ___ 6 6 फल फ र र और ल ल र र र और र र और और र र 12 Fruits and VegetablesSpecialized Processing Sewing Machine Operator NOTES _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ औ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________फल और ल र और र _________________________________________________________________________________र ल फल और , __________________________________________________और _______________________________ र फल और फ र र र _________________________________________________________________________________ र _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ औ __________ _______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ फल , और ल र , _________________________________________________________________________________ और , फ र, और फ ल _________________________________________________________________________________ - फल , र , र , र और ल ___________________________________________________________________________ ल ___ 7 7 फल फ र र और ल ल र र र और र र और और र र 12 Fruits and VegetablesSpecialized Processing Sewing Machine Operator Exercise: Fill in the blanks: 1. Th present titchin ndustry f ndia as be eparat nto ____ stinct egments. ,,8] 2. Arou _________ of th arket omprises f ocal ailors 0%, 80%, 2] 3. Th _____________segment omprises oun ercent f he arket. Luxury egment, Onlin hoppin egment, ocal arket egment] Summary: Th titchin ector s h dest ndustry h ndi economy. urrently, h titchi ector Indi s of argest contributors er ports,comprisi approximately 1 er ent f h total exports. Th pparel industry ovides f th argest ployment opportunities n ndia. Th present titchin ndustry f ndia as be eparat nto hree stinct egments. Few ob ol sewin achin operator aki easurements, fixin cessories, cleaning operating h achin ollowin ules of the company. Skills, nowledge nd bilities of a sewi achi operator – knowledg f peratin he machin, quality ontrol ethods an anagement kills, ability t ultitask nd ak ound decisio, hould ar orking v tience. औ Post Session Activity: This activity is in the form of ―Question and Answer‖ session. फल और ल र और र Th Trainer ks h class t esti “What are the key responsibilities of a sewing machine operator”? र ल फल और , Th rainees ar expectedऔर o aise h eir ands volunteer nd र nswer he uestion. Eac rainee ill werफल ne औ ointर nly. फ र र र Th answers ust give र n anguag now by ajority f rainees class. Th best nswer ill appreciate lass. Test Yourself: औ 1. What re th fferent egments of th titchin ndustry? 2. Writ any 2 ob ol of ewin achin operator. , , 3. Writ any kills equired forफल ewin achin perator.
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