Page Twelve THE JEWISH POST Thursday, September 28, 1972 STACi{ ~s --- ,OVERSIZE BRITAIN REPORTEDLY DENIES FILM COMPANY . U.S., Israeli Financiers EGYPT ON JAGUAR FIGHTERS BOYCOTTS ARABS BARNEY GLAZER Rome-Britain will not sell Egypt Los Angeles (JCNS) - The Four 1 Open International Bank the Jaguar high-performance fighter Star Entertainment Corporation of • el Aviv-One of America's major I Israeli business and industry by 'aircraft, according to authoritative Hollywood, an international distri- IN HOLLYWOOD financial institutions has joined with I U.S. firms and individuals. o urces in ,Rome. bu tor of American films and televi- I Israeli interests to launch· this The Pennsylvania Corporation is The sources coDfinned that Britain sion feattires, has announced that it country's first international bank. 'investing $16 million in acquiring had been approached by Egypt for. has ,broken olf business relations The First ,International Bank of 41.6 per cent shares of the new arms following Egypt's l' e c en t with Arab countries harboring ter- I Israel opened for business here this international bank. This is reported wholesale expulsion of Soviet offi- I rorists.· J • George Jessel refused to accept an appointment as Israel's To,/stmaster. '-V~ol~. Xrmrr:;~~---WIWINNNN1iIP~E~G},,~'lri'HEfURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1972 No. 40 week formed by an international to be one of the' largest amounts cials from the country. The announcement, lSSued the day George doesn',t want a job that pays him in pledges. group headed by the First Pennsyl- ever invested in a single Israeli UNIONS WARN AGAINST But Britain has an embargo on after the Muni.ch' mw:~cre, also I Jackie Barnett, who wrote much of Jimmy Durante's material, wrote vania Corporation, the holding com- enterprise 'by a foreign commercial TERRORISM deliveries of offensive weapons' to. appealed to prlvl!te cltizel'!s and" "I'm a Nice Guy," the song Don Rickles sings at the end ,of ·his blistel'ing, 12 Tons Delivered• • I pany for The First PennSylvania ,body. , . '. London (JTA) -. The leaders" of the Middle East; and the Jaguar, a' organizations, partic\llarly ," in the tirades.in order to prove he isn't 100 percent rat. Banking and Trust' Company, the John R. :Bunting, chairman of the, 16 trade unions whose members are tactical suport plane, clearly comeS 1 entertainment industry, to deny Someone had the chutzpah to 'rumor that Frank Sinatra in anti­ United States' oldest a'nd 19ih larg- Corporation, will' visit Israel in Nov­ employed at various levels in the under this heading, they said. , their services and pJ;'Oducts to Arab! Semitic. So who 'better to deny the rumor for the millionth time than Russians Send. Arms to. Fatah est bank. Its founders note that the ember to meet ,with the management air transport industry issued a But Britain will consider requests countries. Star has notified Frank's ,partner - Danny Schwar.tz? Fou~ I new enterprise represents a unique of the new bank. warning several days ago that unless for light tanks and armored cars, rts customersm Egypt, Lebanon, The Consolidated Film Industries donated a huge ad in a HollywoOd combination, of one of iIle world's Other. participants include:· the effective measures are taken against the sources added. Syria, Iraq, Libya and Algeria of trade paper ,to help the iUnited Jewish Welfare Fund. It urges: "Survival Guns Flow While Grom,yko Talks largest financial services corpora- Israel government, the Triumph m­ in ternational terrorism, they will its decision. Means Sacrillke." tions, overseas inve~tors, Israeli vestment Trust Ltd., of Great Bri­ withdraw services from the aircraft The .natural progress of things is A famous Jewish actor turned to Christian Science but won't let London (JCNS) - Almost at the This is believed to be the first time The Egyptians, meanwhile, have banks and investment groups and tain; the Balwin Securities Corpora­ ,of countries which hal'bor terrorist i for liberty to yield and governm~nt , Cambodia is to open an embassy go of his claim he's 'still Jewish. He's eating his cake and trying to have same time as the Soviet Foreign the Russians have made a direct advised the Palestinian terrorist the Israel government. lion, U.S., headed by Ira Guilden of hijackers. I to gain ground. -Thomas Jefferson. in Jerusalem and appoint her first it, not unlike so many of·us who never go to the synagogue but when we :Minister, Andrei Gromyko, was for delivery to the terrQrists. Previously, leaders to reduce their operations The first joint American -Israeli New York; IsraeL Investors Corpora­ resident ambassador to Israel. Until 'get old and closer to our Make,r all of a sudden we decide it's time to 'the .first time denoUncing Arab ter- only the Palestine Liberation Army, and thus "refrain from playing into banking venture, the new bank is tion, :U.S.;' Samuel RQtheberg 9f now Cambodia's ambassador in Lon- get acquainted. Any rabbi will tell our actor friend that regardless of rorism at the UN, a consignment of the so-called "regular forces" of the the hands of the Israelis." According said to be a major step in paving the Peoria, Ill., and the Mayer Invest- WILLIAM FORRESTER donh:as been this country's repre- his Jewish birth, anyone who adopts Christian' Science as his religion smaIl arms, machine-liuns· and mor- Palestinians have' received direct to reliable Arab press reports, senior I C t" Ltd f T 1 A . I ' • -,. way for expanded participation in ment orpora lon' . 0 e ~lV. of Brandon ! sentative to the'" JeV{ish State. is no longer a Jew. tars totalling well over 12 tons was RUl'Sian support. Egyptian officials have explained to I delivered to EI iFatah, the main Last week two Antonov transport the terrorists that their attacks offer Practicing in Electric, Treatment and l\lassage And now we discover :Barbara Tiesing, a Jewish-Chinese comedienne. I Suite Rent· Gahahtah Suey, anyone? Arab terrorist,' group. ' aircraft flew to Damascus, while the Israelis an excuse "to determine . Has now opened an office in Winnipeg for Is Them Jews Smarter? : 3 bedroom duplex suite for Tent. Remeinber ,the good old days when dozens of Jewish kids came out The' JCNSAr>tb affairs corres- more than 100 Russian military ad­ the date of the next battle," whereas 3 DAYS A WEEK ! Montcalm Cres. and Hartford. Nov Jerusalem-A leading world scien- "No," he replied. ~'A new society MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY '1st. Phone 888-1099. of. the ghettos ,to become famous? ,Everyone of them had a fan clU'b - pondent :writes: ·ReportS in Beirut visers arrived in an TIyushin airliner. it is. in the interests of the Arabs for them themselves to determine tist believes that Jews, are smarter will arise here, united by national 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. u Yiddisha momma. said the arms were flown to Damas- Open Support interests, not religious ones, and a Evenings 'by Special Appointment cus.From Damascus they travelled The unconcealed snpport given by t his. than other races. 9Ro~~PL~f.900.00 ,Herb '~ernst~in;' musical conductor for singer Julie Budd, used to .... t new book learning will arise. The' '. For Appointment phone: 'by road to Arab terrorist headqilar- the Syrians to the terrorists is an­ The P a I e;)l.lruans were repor e dl y .. He's Prof. Cyril., Dean . !Darlington,, . NEAR INKSTER BLVD. be her juntor high school teacher.' Jews will continue to' be an out­ ters at Al Hama, outside the 'Syrian other step alon!'; the prqvocative "s t )lnne d" 'y,b th e E gyp t'lan a d'vIce. one .of . the ' world s' ontstandlng 943·1815 334-1527 Well built duplex in new.like con-' As long as Ricardo Montalban, Anthony Quinn and other prominent standing people." Apt. 102, 379 Hargrave St. Winnipeg capitaL The consignment 'for the road taken 'by the regime of Presi­ Thell' .' reques t s f or cI ar ifi ca t'ron h ave genetIcIsts.H d I' dd t tl dition ..Spacio,;!s ~ roo,!, suite down IMexicans are demanding that Mexicans should play :Mexican roles, why . d . d H 't ere to e weI' an a ress 0 1e and 5 room sUIte upstaIrs. Large lot . thin terrorists arrived at the same time dent Assad. Syria's armed forces remame unanswel'e. owever, 1 Jerusalet:n Chromosome Conference, with double' garage." Vendors' will c10nt Jews demand that ~nly Jews play JeW1S~ roles? ~ll sa:y o~ .g as the Russians were maintaining are believed to number more than is clear the Egypt, Libya and the carry ·mortgage. Call IRV RODIN for our J.ewlsh leader's In Hollywood: They re strongly orgaruzed m their airlift of war material for the 110,000. They have been on the alert more conservative Ara'b -regimes. are the British scientist told Macabee JOL in "Trouble 786-5962 or 489-8858 disorganization. Syrians from Odessa. since the Munich massacre. ' Dean of, The Jerusalem Post that 3J L1Spet REALTY, LTD. SELECT HOME REALTY moving' closer togeUier, while Syria Producer Mel vilJeShavelson still gets connnent about his giant film "Jewsare smarter than other races." WERNER F. JANSEN, Manager -----'----'--~----'-----------'---------: and Iraq .are moving closer to Mos- Defained by Law , For WANTED flop, "Cast a Giant Shadow." But he never, fails to point out, "I'd like cow. The tiny state of South Yemen He explained l:tls concl4sion' by Private individual desires to pur­ • rdating that the Jewish people were Jerusalem (JTA) - lBraeli auth­ • REVENUE BEARING PROPERTY to think I wrote the kind of script Shakespeare' would have written.
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