THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH IN NAMIBIA (ELCIN) AND POVERTY, WITH SPECIFIC REFERENCE TO SEMI-URBAN COMMUNITIES IN NORTHERN NAMIBIA - A PRACTICAL THEOLOGICAL EVALUATION by Gideon Niitenge Dissertation Presented for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in PRACTICAL THEOLOGY (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT) at the University of Stellenbosch Promoter: Prof Karel Thomas August March 2013 i Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za DECLARATION I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the work contained in this dissertation is my own original work and that I have not previously in its entirety or in part been submitted it at any university for a degree. Signed: _______________________ Date_________________________ Copyright © 2013 Stellenbosch University All rights reserved ii Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za DEDICATION I dedicate this work to the loving memory of my late mother Eunike Nakuuvandi Nelago Iiputa (Niitenge), who passed away while I was working on this study. If mom was alive, she could share her joy with others to see me completing this doctoral study. iii Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za ABBREVIATIONS AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ARV Anti-Retroviral Treatment AFM Apostolic Faith Mission ACSA Anglican Church of Southern Africa AAP Anglican AIDS Programme AGM Annual General Meeting AMEC African Methodist Episcopal Church CAA Catholic AIDS Action CBO Community-Based Organisation CCDA Christian Community Development Association CAFO Church Alliance for Orphans CUAHA Churches United Against HIV/AIDS CCN Council of Churches in Namibia COPSA Church of the Province of Southern Africa COSDEC Community Skills Development Centre CLIP Community Land Information DELK Deutsche Evangelische Lutherische Kirche DRC Dutch Reformed Church ELC Evangelical Lutheran Church ELCA Evangelical Lutheran Church in America ELCF Evangelical Lutheran Church in Finland ELOC Evangelical Owambo-Kavango Church ELCIN Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia EIN Ecumenical Institute for Namibia EASA ELCIN AIDS Action ELCSWA Evangelical Lutheran Church in South West Africa ELCRN Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia FMS Finnish Missionary Society FELM Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission FBO Faith-Based Organisation FCA Finn Church Aid iv Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za GDP Gross Domestic Product GELCSWA German Evangelical Lutheran Church in South West Africa GELC German Evangelical Lutheran Church GRN Government Republic of Namibia HIV Human Immune Virus KAYEC Katutura Youth Enterprise Centre LMS London Missionary Society LWF Lutheran World Federation LWF/NNC Lutheran World Federation-Namibia National Committee LUCSA Lutheran Communion in Southern Africa MCN Methodist Church in Namibia MOHSS Ministry of Health and Social Services NGK Neder Gereformeerde Kerk NBC Namibian Broadcasting Corporation NGO Non-Governmental Organization OVC Orphans and Vulnerable Children PAR Participatory Action Research PMTCT Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission PLWHA People Living With HIV and AIDS RMC Rhenish Mission Church RMS Rhenish Missionary Society RCC Roman Catholic Church RCN Reformed Church in Namibia RCN Rhenish Church in Namibia RRR Repatriation Resettlement and Reconstruction SWA South West Africa SWANLA South West Africa Native Labour Association SWAPO South West Africa Peoples Organization SWATF South West African Territorial Forces SADC Southern Africa Development Community SADF South African Defence Force SDFN Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia UN United Nations UNAM University of Namibia v Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za UNO United Nations Organization USA United States of America UELCSWA United Evangelical Lutheran Church in South West Africa UCCA United Congregational Church in Southern Africa UCC-NELC United Church Council of the Namibian Evangelical Lutheran Churches URCSA Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa YMCA Young Women Christian Association WMS Wesleyan Missionary Society WCC World Council of Churches vi Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za ABSTRACT This study is an evaluative study of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN). It is presupposed in this study that, although the ELCIN, since it became autonomous in 1954, has a long history of doing mission and diaconal work according to her Constitution, it has been recorded that, the Church is more and more lacking in the capacity to meet the challenges and needs of the Namibian post-independent society and subsequently cannot effect social transformation, yet it undoubtedly has the potential. This study focuses on the communities of the Ondangwa and Oshakati informal Settlements situated in the Oshana Region of northern Namibia, in the former homeland of “Owamboland.” The study is an overview of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN) with regard to her public witness before Namibia’s independence that is during 1971 to 1989 and seeks a better understanding of her functionality fundamental to the Missio Dei. Throughout its history, the Church has been called to have a deep concern for the poor and oppressed. The post-Namibian socio-economic problems present a huge challenge to the church, thus raising questions such as: How well has the Church been responding to the challenges of our times? How helpful has it been to those who turn to it to seek social justice? How helpful has it been to those who seek economic and political justice? How helpful has it been to those seeking gender equality and to the marginalised? How helpful has it been to those infected, affected and afflicted by HIV/AIDS? In short, how helpful and relevant is the Church in addressing persons, laws, structures and institutions that degrade and oppress God’s people? These questions arise from concern regarding the emerging culture of corruption and crimes in the nation as well as questions concerning the prophetic task of the Church regarding socio-political and economic issues. It is argued in this study that the socio-economic challenges faced by the informal settlement inhabitants pose a challenge to the Church regarding poverty. A holistic approach to Church‘s mission in context should embrace radical discipleship, coupled with socio-political and economic involvement, integrating both economic, social, ecological, and spiritual change, and leading to healing and transformation. This means that the mission of God is as comprehensive, broad and deep as the needs and exigencies of human existence that is why spiritual and physical ministry cannot be done separately. A holistic mission approach will enable the Christian faith to penetrate and have its roots deep in the Namibian soil. The most vii Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za adequate formulation subsumes the total mission of the church under the biblical concept of marturea (witnessing), kerugma (proclamation), koinonia (fellowship) didache (teaching) and diakonia (service). The context should indicate where the emphasis ought to be, and the circumstances dictate the way in which this witness has to be communicated. It is of cardinal (paramount) importance for the Church to continuously minister to the marginalised because of its concern and divine calling to the Missio Dei. The empowerment of people in development at the grassroots level is crucial to overcoming oppression and exploitation. The Church, particularly the Evangelical Lutheran in Church in Namibia (ELCIN), has a responsibility to foster and encourage self-reliance in order that, people can exercise their rights to determine their own future, rights which include sovereignty over natural resources, land, production and distribution. It is argued in this study, based on an analysis of the Church as a Community called by God that the essence of community development and the people-centred participatory development process, is that the Church as a Community-based organization is essentially best served in effecting social change by orientating itself according to the people-centred participatory development approach. The conclusion is drawn, among the key challenges identified, that there is a need for the church to evidence holistic theology and sustainable action with regard to social responsibility. Action remains, for the most part, in a dominant charity mode. Partnership, in its various forms, is identified as necessary and as the more sustainable strategy in a context of inequality. Recommendations for action are proposed at the end of this study in order to guide the ELCIN in areas such as Ondangwa and Oshakati, to become a meaningful role player in these communities. viii Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za OPSOMMING Hierdie studie is ‘n evaluerende studie van die Evangeliese Lutherse Kerk in Namibie (ELKIN). Daar word in hierdie studie veronderstel dat, hoewel die ELKIN, sedet dit in 1954 outonoom het, ‘n lang geskiedenis het van missie en diakonale wek volgens haar Grondwet, dit aangeteken is dat die Kerk is meer en meer aan die kapasiteit ontbreek om te voldoen aan die uitdagings en die behoeftes van die Namibiese post-onafhanklike samelewing en daarom geen invloed op sosiale transformasie het nie, maar ongetwyfeld die potensiaal daartoe het. In hierdie studie word gefokus op die gemeenskappe van Ondangwa en Oshakati se informele nedersettings gelee in die Oshana-streek noorde van Namibie, in die voormalige tuisland van “Owamboland.” Die doel is om ‘n oorsig van die Evangeliese Lutherse Kerk in Namibie (ELKIN) met betrekking tot haar
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