Zhc ellesle^ /Hjac^me CONTENTS. '98 Invocation to Tkee Day .... Amelia M. My, . 407 Address or Welcome 408 The Message of the Fates 408 Oration for Teee Day Anna W. Blackmer, 1901 . 416 Presentation of the Spade .... Lucy M. Wright, 1900 . 417 Eeception of the Spade .... Harriette Louise Pratt, 1901 . 419 cass sono-1901 422 [SSmaSSy] • Editorials 423 Tree Day 426 Float 427 The Shakespeare Play 428 Senior Dramatics . 430 The Books We Eead 430 Books Keceived 433 Exchanges 433 Society Notes 435 College Notes 437 Alumnae Day 441 Alumnae Notes 442 Marriages 449 Births 449 Deaths 450 In Memoriam, Julia Phelps, '95 . 450 idol di.—June, 1898—mo, 9, Entered In the Post-Office at Wellesley, Mass., as second-class matter. Specialty House. PICTURE FRAMING, UP ONE FL1QHT, GEO. W. FOSTER & CO., 188 Lincoln Street, Boston. Successors to C. N. CARTER CO., EBEN SMITH, SUCCEEDED BY CLORKS. SUITS. HR5. EBEN SniTH, SILK AND WOOLEN WAISTS. ii doors from Boston & Albany Station. Discount to Faculty and Students of Wellesley College. 492 and 494 Washington Street, BOSTON. Discount to Students. EASY RUNNING HANDSOME STRONG o o THE o o CLEVELAND BICYCLE J. J. O'CALLAGHAN CO. Does not depend for its popularity upon any one special feature ; on the contrary, it is, as one enthusiast expressed it, "Good 543 Washington Street, all over." It combines all the meritori- ous points in one wheel. (BETWEEN KEITH'S AND BOSTON THEATRES), We have a special department for the display of our ladies' models, and would be pleased to have a close inspection made of the different styles, as we are confident Wholesale Cloak Manufacturers. that it will prove all we claim. JACKETS, CLEVELAND BICYCLES, BOSTON BRANCH. TAILOR=MADE SUITS, H. A. LOZIER & CO. 396 Boylston Street. OPEiN EVENINGS. RENTING, SKIRTS. AD VERTISEMENTS. FINEST ROADBED ON THE CONTINENT. Shreve, Crump I Low Go. Jewelers *> Silversmith 147 TREMONT STREET, CORNER OF WEST. Fne Slationery. Card Engraving. Programs and Invitations, both printed and engraved. Class Day Programs a specialty. .ONLY. Class Pins designed and manufactured to order. First Glass Tfpii Gar Rome Parasols and Umbrellas made to order, re- TO THE WEST. covered and repaired. Through Trains Leave Boston as follows — SCRIBNER'S beautiful edition of Steven- 8.30 a. m. (except Sunday) Day Express. son (500 subscribers at Harvard), 21 IO.30 a. m. (daily) Chicago Special. vols. ; their edition of Kipling, specially ar- ranged by Mr. Kipling, with illustrations on 2.00 p. m. (daily) Lake Shore Limited. India paper by his father ; the only uniform 3.00 p. m. (except Sunday) St. Louis and and illustrated edition published; 12 vols.; Chicago Express. their edition of Eugene Field, 10 vols. ; Bar- 7.15 p. m. (daily) Pacific Express. rie, 8 vols. Houghton, Mifflin & Co.'s superb edition of Hawthorne, 15 vols., Lowell, 11, Holmes, 15, Longfellow, 14, Whittier, 9, and 5PRINQFIELD LINE Emerson, 14; illustrated with 360 exquisite . FOR . steel engravings (the only illustrated edition published) ; their handsome new edition of Hartford, New Havens New York. Bret Harte. Little, Brown Co.'s & new and LEAVE BOSTON. ARRIVE NEW YORK. limited edition of Francis Parkman, America's 9.00 a. m. (except Sunday) 3. 30 p. m. greatest historian, 20 vols. ; illustrated with m. (except Sunday) 120 exquisite engravings by Goupil & Co. 12.00 5.32 p. m (Paris). All the standard authors, in all edi- 4.00 p. m. (daily) 10.00 p. m. tions and bindings, from $4 to $100. Any (New Equipment built by the Pullman Co.) set delivered at once, express paid, and pay- 11.00 p.m. (daily) 6.41a.m. ments of $2 per month satisfactory. Address X, Wellesley Magazine, and For tickets, information, time-tables, etc. apply to nearest ticket agent. our agent will call with full and complete prospectus. We guarantee the lowest cash A. S. HANSON, prices. General Passenger Agent. AD VER1I8EMENT8. GILCHRIST & CO. High Grade Millinery Winter Street, Boston. At LE BON TON, )E solicit your patronage in all depart- ments of our Dry Goods Establishment, 546 Washington St. promising you prompt and efficient service. We are now displaying our Spring Importations of Pattern Hats, Bonnets and Millinery Novelties, embracing the most select models by the leading designers of Paris and London. We would call especial attention to our fine exhibit of English Members of the Faculty and Students of Wellesley Walking Hats and the latest designs in round hats, of which we College will, on presentation of certified cards, be have a great variety. allowed a discount of ten per cent on goods pur- We also carry a complete line of MOURNING GOODS, chased. which for quality and style are unsurpassed. ••BON MHRCHE-- O.A.JENKINS French Millinery. AND COMPANY. A Large Assortment Of French Pattern Hats, the latest novelties, with those of our own designs, always on display, a the reasonable prices for which we are noted. ^Ladies' Hatters^ The Spring Opening Of imported and Domestic Pattern Hats will occur the last week in March, and the styles then shown, with the remarkably low prices given, will be sure to please you. 451 Washington Street, Boston. Furriers. Opposite A. Shuman's. FRANCIS WILSON, Proprietor. ORIGINAL STYLES IN LADIES' HATS. No Copies. No Duplicates. SOLE BOSTON AGENTS FOR Connelly's New York Hats. MANUFACTURERS OF Rich Furs in the Newest Shapes. 407 Washington Street, BOSTON. LIST OF ADVERTISERS. Art Embroideries and Linens. Grocers. E. J. States, 175 Tremont Street. Cobb, Bates & Yerxa Co., 680 Washington T. D. Whitney Co., 39 Temple Place. Street. Charles E. Shattuck, Wellesley. Books. S. S. Pierce & Co., Tremont Street. Wellesley Magazine. X, Hair Dresser. Bakery. Phoebe A. Gillespie, 18 Huntington Avenue. O. A. Bruner, 21 South Main Street, Natick. Hotel. Carpets and Pianos. Bailey's Hotel, Wellesley, Mass. Joel Goldthwait & Company, 163 to 169 Wash- Jewelers. ington Street. The Bailey, Banks & Biddle Co., corner 12th Jacob Doll, 207 Tremont Street. and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. Shreve, Crump & Low Co., Tremont Street. Costumes. 147 A. Stowell & Co., 24 Winter Street. Geo. P. Raymond, 17 Boylston Place. " Livery. Confectioners. F. Diehl & Son, Central Street, Wellesley. Huyler's, 146 Tremont Street. Millinery. Dressmakers and Tailors. E. M. Knox, 194 5th Avenue, New York. Washington Street. M. E. Fleming, Central Street, Wellesley. O. A. Jenkins, 407 Bon Marche, 451 Washington Street. Mrs. M. J. McFadden, 546 and 591 Washington Street. Opticians. V. Ballard & Sons, 256 Boylston Street. Andrew Lloyd, 323 and 325 Washington St. Joseph Adelstern, Columbus Avenue. J. 329 Pinkham & Smith, 288 Boylston Street. Druggists. Photographers. L. W. Randolph, 143 West Front Street, Plain- C. W. Hearn, 394 Boylston Street. field, N.J. Carl J. Horner, 11 Winter Street. Story & Cutter, Shattuck Building, Wellesley. Photographic Supplies. Dry Goods. F. E. Boardman, 3 Clarke Block, Natick. J.J. O'Callaghan, 543 Washington Street. Pictures and Picture Framing. Miss M. F. Fisk, 144 Tremont Street. E. W. Noyes Co., 13 Bromfield Street. Geo. W. Foster & Co., 492 and Washington 494 Eben Smith, 188 Lincoln Street. Street. Joseph DeWitt, 2 Main Street, Natick. The L. E. Fletcher Co., 158 Boylston Street. Mrs. C. White, 19 Bromfield Street. Gilchrist & Co., Winter Street. J. L. P. Hollander & Co., 202 to 212 Boylston Printers. Street and Park Square. Frank Wood, 352 Washington Street. J. B. Leamy, corner Main and Summer Streets, Citizen Office, Summer Street, Natick. Natick. Shoes. Cotrell & Leonard, 472 to 478 Broadway, Albany, N.Y. Thayer's, 144 Tremont Street. Noyes Bros., Washington and Summer Streets. H. H. Tuttle & Co., Washington Street, cor- ner Winter Street. Geo. A. Plummer & Co., 531 and 533 Washing- ton Street. Underwood's, 3 Clark's Block, Natick. Ray, -509 Washington Street. Sporting Goods. Educational. Wright & Ditson, 344 Washington Street. H. A. Lozier Co., Boylston Street. Dana Hall School, Wellesley. & 396 Charles M.Eaton, Wellesley Hills. Emma Willard School, Troy, N. Y. Place Kent School for Girls, Summit, N. J. Stationery. Walnut Hill School, Natick, Mass. H. H. Carter & Co., 5 Somerset Street. Eastern Teachers' Agency, 50 Bromfield Street. Thorp & Martin, 12 Milk Street. Union Teachers' Agency, Saltsbury, Pa. M. R. Warren Co., 336 Washington Street. Woman's Medical College, 321 East 15th Street, New York. Transportation. Junius W. Hill, 154 Tremont Street. Boston & Albany. European Tourist Co., 156 sth Avenue, New Florists. York. J. Tailby & Son, Wellesley. Chicago & Northwestern, 368 Washington St. Julius A. Zinn, 2 Beacon Street. Fall River Line, 3 Old State House. AD VERTISEMENTS. L. P. Hollander & Company, 202 to 212 Boylston Street, and Park Square, Boston. We invite an inspection of our exclusive designs in Young Ladies' Tailor Gowns, Bicycle and Golf Suits, Coats and Capes, Muslin Dresses, etc. Also, Trimmed and English Walking Hats. Shirt Waists. Special Discount to Faculty and Students of Wellesley College. VioletS... J. TAILBY & SON, Florists, Opposite Railroad Station, Wellesley. Flowers and Plants of the choicest varieties for all occasions; Palms, etc., to let for decoration. Flowers carefully packed and forwarded by Mail or Express to all parts of the United States and Canada. 4Q5=» Orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Connected by Telephone. #• * LONDON • MIXTURE Hosiery, Underwear, ^* Ribbons, *^ Breakfast Art Muslins, TEA, Cretonnes, per pound. Stamped Linens, and $1.00 Embroidery Silks. S. S. PIERCB CO., Importers and Grocers. BOSTON, BR00KLINE. Kid Gloves, $i.oo, $1.25, $1.50 The Best $1.00 Glove in the Market. JOSEPH E. DeWITT, Ten per cent discount Stationer and Picture Dealer. on all goods to Wellesley Professors and Students. Special attention given to Framing Pictures at reasonable prices. <*•*>* J. B. Leamy, Cars. Cor. Main and Summer Sts. It is of easy access by the Electric Natick, Mass. No. 2 flain Street, Natick, Hass.
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