...... ... Ration Cal.ndar Warm conn; ",""D It eO'IOl ""prll ts: D. fI .... , .. , •• otam" u,lre April It: JOWA: ConUnued warm toda)' A... IJ ro. 11... " uplr. April 8411 011.11 - " .... " ••• ,... , ex,'r. Mar %l: THE, -DAILY IOWAN In all portions of .VOA& ...... liJ u,lI.. Ma, Jl: ( ••Oh ,np.. n ,,,.,,,. Ina I$. the slate, low a C~ t Y 15M 0 r n i n g New 5 p a per --~====================================~~~~==~~~~~~~==========p===================~~~~~~~ FMCENTS THI ASSOClATeD .aU8 IOWA CITY. IOWA SATURDAY. APRIL 24, ,1943 ..... AIIOCIATiD .U.I VOLUME XLDI NUMBER 179 = ' • -Ie... • . ' (l ,ients • I , . .Romme's.' ge, .~ ea , --~----~..;.. , 'Only,Skeleton SOUP'S ON-SOMEWHERE IN TUNISIA RAILROADING MUST BE FUN TO THEM • American Fighter Pilots :Smash- Entire Fleet Of U~S. Staff Of -Twenty Troop-Carryirig "Transpoti Planes , , . ' ~w ' in Finland Knox Denies Claim Montgomery Stabs_6Miles North of Enfidaville Troubled Relations While Mountain Assau'lis Net British Takrouna . letWeen 2 Nations Of Truman Group : -Close to Showdown Declares Allied Ship By WES G4\t.LAGHER A LLlED llEADQl A R'J'ER 'II NORTH .I.U'-'Rl A (.AP)­ I Building Exceeded .' AlIiNl al'lilll'l,)" bUI'l'agrs lind dl'tcl'min d infantq attacks cracked STOCKHOL;\l (AP)-Mosl I Losses During 1942 OPC'lI tim' !lUliCllts in' ~[IlI'l;haJ Erwin Rommel' Tunisian bl'id~e­ • of 'the Unjt~u Statl'N legatiou head ),c 't run)', Ilnd fightet' pilots cclebrated another smashing ~ta\1 at \:le\\\inki left. the l<'inni® WASHINGTON (AP) - Allied Ul' I'iu/ t I'illlll ph in thci "(1(' t I'ltction of an nti I'e fIe t of 20 mulU- capital by plalle 1'01' f.ilockbnllll ~hip construction I1ctually exceeded 1I10t h six-cnginC'd (Jcl'llllln trnn ' POI't. planes loaded with It'oops siKidcllly yesterday in "'hat WR~ and prceiolls goasoli]]('. 1!4!t!1l , by obsel"'('!'S here as tit ollicd ~hip losses dul'illg 1942, Sec~ I'ctary of Navy Knox declal'cd yes- With furiolls fighting' co\'c l' illg two-thirds of tho 'l'lluir-;iall front, bel'iplling of D "war of lIcryes" terdoy in describing as erroneous this WIIK the allil'u positiollut dusk last nighi: to foree the Finlls t,o abundon 1. Preceded by the Irca, ' i~<jt single al·tillery blU'l'age or the COUl­ a conclu3ion by the Truman com~ the ''''at on' the side of the axi • paign, Hritilih infantry anacked the German "yerdun" of the mittee that losses had been greater. Olerks w'ithdl'awu from the ')'unisiall front- /~ung Stop hill, 28 miles soulhwe t of 'runiR. Helsinki legation ' were assigned At a press conference, Knox de- 2. Fil'llt urmy infuntl'Y uttuekcd on a niuc-mile front between to duty in Stockholm, but scribed as "very serioilsly orIn n Ooubellut Ilnu Buu Anllla olld advunccd thl'co miles against stub. IWbe~1; Mills l\[cOliuiock, chal'p;e statemellt in Ule Tl'uman commit­ Jom oPPo 'ition to within about t!'a(CniI'Cs, rcmained jll Hel. Lee's report on merchant shipping 34 miles of 'funis. 3lnJri, The AmericllD miniRtcI' to ond construction which said that 3. Gen. Sil' Bel'l1Rl'U L. Mont­ I'1j'Dlanit, .R. F. Al"thUl' Schoen. losses caused by German U-boats BiU Jeffers gomCl'Y's Eighth l.Il'my stubbed (oltl, was called to Washington last year "averaged approximately "ix miles north oC Enfidnville . last 'December' aud has not re· ABOARD a mobJle kitchen, shrouded from enemy observers by palm along the marshy coastline, trees, Sergt. Harold Dargle of Salem, Ma~s,; Sergt Wllhoyte Futch TWO ST ROY young \Vowell railroad workcrs who are doing more 1,000,000 tons of shipping per tllJ:II.cd. , while mountain assa.ults to the of Lake Wales. Fla" and lIoward McFarland of Toledo, 0" whip up than their bit to keep the whecls of war rolllu lI", enjoy a laugh over month nod in aggregate exceeded 1(11111 Berlin ra.dio said II spe­ a tasty meal near the frollt In Tunisia. a Joke as they take a rest from their arduous task, 'Boiling ' Mad~~' west which resulted' in the cap­ the new . construction built by the ture of Takrouna were slowed by cial pl11ne b()8ring the legation , , staff reached Bl:ooma, ai rport at United States and Great Britain," continuous counterattacks, ap­ stockholm in mjd~aCternoon, It 'Unconfirmed Gossip' Asserts Flareup Must proximately 40 airline miles !rom said political cirCles In Stockholm End by Either His Or Tunis. The act.ual flgure of 1942's losses Complete Annihilation reprded the move liS "the last American Forces' Set Up Advonc~ . B.ose to submarines, Knox said, has preparation for a rupture of dip­ Patterson's Resigning In ten blazing minutes, British, Idmallc relations between the never been Officially given out South African and Australian Unlled States alld Finland,") lind he expressed the belief that WASHINGTON (AP)-Rubber Lighters who caught the aerial Director William M, Jetlel's is MeClln\oc~ to Stay n Is/and 500 Miles From Forts the ~cnatc committec, headed by convoy over the Gult of Tunis Th~ .9 lafL. "boiling mod," close associates said Finns issued a communique Senator Truman (D., Mo,) , got its wiped out everyone of the 20 sarlng \r.a.t "a con~jder8blo pal't ol last nlght, and ill resolved lhat the transports and shot down ten es­ l/Ie . American persofihel of the ml1llon~ton figure trom "ullau~ new flareup between him and cOliing planes 1.0 carry out whaL Unltild [States. is removing to Reds Regain All Lost tho"izcd and uninformed sources," Undersecretary of War Robert P. was regarded. bere as the moaL Sloekholm," and that McClintock ec!erary Morgenlhau Enemy Fails' The mlllion~ton figure, ho added, PatterbOn must end in a real important stroke against enemy would remain "to administer the has been widely eircul,ated in "un­ showdown-his reSignation or Pat­ supply lines since the lighting leration with the aid pI a few IArnves for War Bond • Ground in Caucasus confIrmed gossip." terson's. began. Qlflcers," . A striCt censorship was Pilot Hurls DefiancEt Since thc lIgure is inaCcUl'ate, 'Mad IrlsJunan' Each of the gigantic transport , ojalnped on all political dispa tches Soviets Claim SOO he contJllued, it can not prOfitably Jelters, described by one of his planes Is capable of carrying 120 OIlt o( Finland, At Tokyo Court IRally in Cedar Rapids T~ Fight.Move Nazi Troops Slain, be compared with such reports on aIdes "the maddest Irishman in aU troops or a cargo of neatly ten (UnOf1icial quarters in London :'-N-E-W-Y-O-n-K-(-A-P-)--T-h-e-D-a!-"lY I CEDAR RAPi;S'(AP)- Secre­ ship construction as have been the United States," was en route tons. An official stll~elnent said Bald they had known for some Navy Discloses Push 36 Planes Downed issucd. F'urthel' more, Knox said, to Baton Rouge, La., this evcnlng the annihilated plane convoy was Ullle that the United States was News, in a copyrighted stOI'Y from Ilary ol the Trcusury Henry :MOI'~ the eommlttee al'fived at an er­ to inspect II new synthetic rubber cauying gasoline and personnel to i~oreaslng Its pressure on the Washington, quotes onc AmerJ- genthau Jr., alighted from a coast In Report of Attack LONDON, Saturday (AP) roneous conclusion becaus~ of the plant. He left behind a :flurry of Tunisia. F\b.lUI to get out of the war and can pilot who was captured in the guard plane here ~ hOl'tly aller 5 German troops attacking repeat~ meth\lds u edt official activitr stirred up by "Although not many aircraft m~e a separate peace While there By Nippon Bombers raid on Tokyo and laler executed. p. m. yestel'day nnd observed that edly in the northwestern Cau~ Faulty Comparison charges attributed to Patterson were shot down, the size and im­ slIlf was time, Such a withdrawal, casus again were hurled back to Apparcntly, he explained, the that the emphasis on synthetic portance of t.his victOl'y rank as hurling deriance at a Nipponese "this is a mighty good YClIr lor WJ\SHINGTON (AP) -Amcri~ they $IIld, would have Oil import­ court with the declaration: their original positions, suffering committee compared the one mil­ rubber was hutting the allied air alongside the success of last Sun­ an.Il pSychological effect on Italy, "S\lre, we bombed your damn crops. " can forces in the ~ outh Pacillc 500 casualties and losing 36 planes, lion tons as ir the), were gl'OSS tons o!!ensive by curtailing aviation day when 77 enemy planes, in. another wav ring German satel­ town. And we'll bomb it again. Here for a Will' bond rally Sun- have set up an advanced base !;ev­ Russia announced eal'ly today. with construction totals expl'csscd gasoline, cluding 58 Junkers 52 transports, lilt. Britain long ago declared war tOilS, Wc'lI bomb it twicc and thrce day and II nationwidc broadcast eral hundred miles nearer Japan's Moscow dispatches sugg sled in terms o! deadwcigh~ The The Union Pacific president Il!lt were dcstroyed in one engage. tkainst Finland.) Ihe strength and rrequency of the resuIl, since a deadwcight ton is he had been accused by Patterson ment," the ail' Coree announced, times, I'll bomb it myself as often Sunday evening, thc ~ecretary mandated Island fo rtifications in ,. dispatch lrom Helsinki said as God will let me," enemy attacks indicated n Ger~ olle and one half times gl'eatm' of sabotaging the War errort by his .
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