•u c h a n a n R e c o r d . (NHKMINf! ? rU BUSHED EVERT THURSDAY, ---- i*Et----- IO H K O- H OLM ES. CARMIR. SMITH, NILES, M ICH., TERM S. S I .5 0 PER YEAR Has opened the most complete Undertaking Pari lore In Southern Michigan. PAYABLE IX ADVANCE* Burial Caskets and Cases,. ihehisismstes doe uns uumicim VOLUME XXIII. Draped and Plain, solid Walnut, Oak, Chestnut and Cedar, finished and line covered Caskets and Cases. Crape, Mummy and Broadcloth, Block OFFICE—InRecotdButtdlng.OakStreot and White SilkPlnsh, and Velvet covered Caskets A LUCKY BREAK. There was not the faintest spark of It Don’ t K ill Them. Hoxv Mollie Finney Got a H nsband. constantly on hand, coQuetry in her maimer, and she did The story of the Ntnv.'o'iudl.uid dog Perhaps the most romantic of all the TRIMMINGS. BTE. A. WYMAN. not disguise from him her deteiiniiia belonging tivHilaries Tupper, an Eighth tales of ancient Brunswick is that of Business Directory. tion never to marry. They often in­ Gold and Silver Plated, Bonton, Silk -and Em­ They were swinging in a hammock avenue restaurant proprietor, is one Mollie Finney and how she got a hus­ bossed flash, and Satin Combination Handles On the backpiazza wide, dulged in pleasant arguments on the that will startle a great many persons band. It was a wild beginning, but a add Tips. Knight of Pythons, Masonic, Odd Fel­ SABBATH SERVICES. subject, but lie failed to convince her lows and G. A. R. Trimmings and Plates o f the And they had no thought of loving who are studying the mysterious forces good old-fashioned ending. richest for Fraternity Caskets. v-ERVICES arc held every Sahbath at IQ:3tt that the marriage state was the h ip­ O o’clock a. at the Church o f the “ Larger A s they strung there side by side, ami powers of the electrical current,, In 1756 the eastern Indians were in piest one, dope i” also, Sabbath School services immediate- which human ingenuity Ins so tar on­ a most warlike and ferocious mood. FUNERAL FURNISHINGS. yjuhsr themornlng meeting. Prayer and confer, But the rope broke sharp and sudden, “I grant you,” she once said, "that to race meeting every Thursday evening. A cordial ly partially harnessed mid controlled They massac' ed many of Brunswick’s Ami he caught her in his arms, some natures marriage is .iiecesSaiy. Ladies' and Gents1 Robes, Habits and Slippers, nvitatiou ia extended to ait. but scarcely yet understand*. It lias a' settlers, and one night made a raid on Badges aud Crapes. FOLDING CHAIRS for And he wondered at liis blindness But I am naturally self-reliant, and, to To her sweet, bewitching charms. pertinent hearing, moreover, on the the house of Thomas Means, at “Flying House Funerals always furnished. O. O. F.—Buchanan Lodge N o. 73 holds its speak plainly, have but little faith in use of elserioity for capital punish­ L . regular meeting, at Odd Fellows Hall, on Point.” They battered in the door and EMBALMING. * As she thanked him for his Uiudncss, the love of any man.” ment. On July 2 the dog tan against dragged out Means and his family. Tiie adit Tuesday evening. Somehow as lightning starts After one of these talks Herbert a tangling “live” wire of the United settler fought them manfully, but his .E special and particular attention U given to Their lips sprung close together, would give way to a fit of gloom fora Embalming and the caring or the dead. Metalic u , & A. JT.—Buchanan Lodge No. bS holds a States Electric lllutnin itiug Company. fate was sealed. T wo Indians held his And they gave away their hearts. and air tight Zinc lined Caskets and Coses used. fC . tegular msecingMouday evening on or before short time, but not for long. A Western Union Telegraph lineman arms, while a third shot the brave man he full moon in each mouth. “ No, I will riot yield to despair, for had only a moment before picked np through the body with his own rifle. MR. J. Ml LEY, while there is life there is hope, and I OF li-—Buchanan Grange X o 40 meets on the wire- and had been knocked Meantime Mrs. Means ran backinto Twenty-eight years a practical Undertaker and P • the second and fourth Saturday o f each shall win her ye1,” lie said to Belle, Embalmcr, is associate Funeral Director. uonth, at 2 o'clock in ji- __________ m SPITE OF HERSELF. down by the shock of elietricity the house with her infant and vainly whom he had taken into his confidence; passing through it. The dog fell on tried to barricade tiie door. With fierce Oar stock includes goods from the richest to and that little lady nodded her head the plainest. l O.B. W.—Buchanan Lodge Xo.SShotdsits the wire and lay there motion­ yells they burst into the house, and BY MBS. J. B. RICHARDSON. shrewdly, knowing" pretty well that ESFTelcgraphie notices quickly answered. A , renlarmeeting the 1st and 3d Fiidi-.y even­ less, With due precaution »he body with one hall killed the infant and ing o f aelr month. her friend, despite her brave talk, was was presently pulled off and every pierced tiie mother's breast, A CARD. A . R. -W in. rerrott Post N o. 22. Regular Two pretty girls were engaged in already half won. that tinal chat so dear to the hearts of effort made to resuscitate tile animal, Mollie Finney was Mrs. Mean’s sister, Niles has no equal now in funeral furnishings. 'T . meeting on the first and third Saturday Indeed, if Herbert could only have which was a great pet. A veter.nary a blooming young damsel, high colored For elegant and heavy Funeral Cars, Hacks and Zoning of each month. Visiting comrades «u- maidens when retiring for the night. known it, his tenacity of purpose was Undertaking goods, we can meet the country's »ays welcome. Nettie Merriman and Belle Harding surgeon was called in, who pronounc­ and plump. They seized her in her wants. telling surely in his favor. The entire ed the dog dead. Two or three hours night clothes and carried her off to OMAN'S RELIEFCORPS, Wm .Parrott Post POWDER were fast friends. Just now they oc­ absence o f any thing like ilirtation in ^ "P r ic e s same as in smaller places. W No- SI. Meetings held regularly, in Grange cupied in common an apaitment in- an afterward an electrical expert suggest­ Canada, giving her a blanket to help Hall, first and third Saturday o f each month. his mannei toward other girls,his readi­ ed making a pit m the earth and plac­ cover her. A t Quebec they sold her to Absolutely Pure. hotel at a popular mountain result, and ness to seize eye.ry opportunity for an CARMI R. SMITH, TYR. II. F. SMITH, Physician and Surgeon, ing the dog's body in it to see if the a farmer fur $0 in money and a bottle Thispowder never varies. Ainatveiofpurliy were undergoing the hair brushing pro­ interview with herself, and ills perfect Office, Second St., Nans, Mich, J_J Graduate, of toe University o f Bnifalo. New cess which seems to losen girls’ tongues forces of nature might not carry away of strong water. For a long time Mol- Troy, Mich. «trengtTi and wholesomenefis. More economical appreciation of the Qualities of mind the electricity from the body, Tiie iie wofked in this fanner’s fields, but than the ordinary kinds, and cannot "be sold in and lead to llieexchitngeof confidences. and heart which she knew she posses­ R, LEWIS W. BAKER. Physician and Sur­ fleasanicJiew. competition with the mnltitude of low test, short "W hat a grand creature you are, plan was tried. All night and all the he suddenly became jealous of a young Queer Salutations. D geon.. Night calls promptly attended to. weightalnmor pnosphate powders. Sold only in sed, were winning Nellie in spite of her next day the supposed corpse was m o­ French Canadian, w ho was seen to pay ■mice in Kinydn's block. cat>8. Koyal Bakifg Powdeh Co., 106 Wall Ht., N ellie!” said Belle, conviction in her creed. N X 19-15 tionless, but on tiie second day there her some marked attentions, and lock­ The Hindoo falls in the dust before to n e and admiration in liereyes. “Even his superior. ltS. HENDERSON & BRADLEY, Physicians your clothes are true to your charac­ “Nettie,” said Belle, one day, “ I want was life, and on tiie fourth the animal ed her in her chamber in his house. O and Surgeons. Office in Opera Douse Block, to ask your ad vice about something.” Residence No SO Front St., onedoor West of Perry ter, and support its dignity where revived and struggled to Ids feet a live About tliis time there came to an The Chinaman dismounts when a "Very well, dear; wlmt is it?” dog once more, weak and stiff, lint very great man goes by. Fox’s. Calls answered all hours of day or night. Lastinqtf\ev/ anothei’s W ou ld succumb,” anchorage before Quebec, a certain bold One always in the office. It. Henderson and IV. J. “ I haye reason to think,” the girl re­ much better than a dead dog. It lias Capt. McLellan, of Falmouth, Me., in It is common in Arabia Petraea to Bradley. "Oil, c me now, stop that ilattery, if sponded, with a mischievous look in you love me.
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