•x ^iw^^<KgK«^trat..:^^ BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS. Volume 45 No. 3- Philadelphia, April I, 1905. Price, Five Cents. THE EMPIRE STATE THE NATIONALS. 99 THE TITLE OF A JUST STARTED SUCH IS NOW THE TITLE OF THE NEW YORK LEAGUE. WASHINGTON^ Six Towns in the Central Part of By Popular Vote the Washington the State in the Circuit An Or Club is Directed to Discard the ganization Effected, Constitution Hoodoo Title, Senators, and Re Adopted and Directors Chosen. sume the Time-Honored Name. SPECIAL TO SPORTING LIFE. SPECIAL TO SPORTING LIFB. Syracuse, N. Y., March 28. The new Washington, D. C., March 29. Hereafter baseball combination, to include thriving the Washington base ball team will be towns iu Central New York, has been known as "the Nationals." The committee christened the Empire State of local newspaper men ap League, its name being de pointed to select a name for cided at a meeting of the the reorganized Washington league, held on March. 19 Base Ball Club to take the in the Empire House this place of the hoodoo nick city. Those present were name, "Senators," held its George H. Geer, proxy for first meeting Friday after Charles H. Knapp, of Au noon and decided to call the burn, Mr. Knapp being pre new club "National," after vented by illness from at the once famous National tending; F. C. Landgraf Club of this city, that once and M. T. Roche, Cortland; played on the lot back of Robert L. Utley, J. H. Put- the White House. The com naui and Charles R. Hiller, mittee considered several Ceo. H. Gesr Rome: Larry Sutton; rep thousand suggestions from Thomas C. Noyes resenting Seneca Falls and local fans as to the name of P. G. Campbell of Oswego. I.ustead of the club. Among the suggestions were electing officers, it was decided to choose a "Rough Riders," "Teddyites," "Has BOARD OP DIRECTORS, Beens," "Stahlwarts," "Tailenders," etc. A majority of the suggestions were in fa one from each league town. The men chos vor of "National," so this was adopted en as directors were. J. C. Doyle, Seneca by the unanimous vote of the Newspaper Falls; Andrew J. Knauer, Rome; P. G. men©s Committee. They probably never Campbell, Oawego; Charles H. Knftpp, Au once thought that the title "Nationals" is- burn, and M. T. Roche, Cortland. Either hardly appropriate for an American League Ithaca or Oneida are expected to enter the team, in view of the fact that that is the league at once and the board will be com descriptive title applied to all National pleted by the addition of one more rep League clubs having rival local American resentative from one or the other of those clubs. towns. R. C. Moyer of Rome, was elected secretary and treasurer of the league. POINTS© OF GOVERNMENT. MONTGOMERY MEMS. The salary limit of $600 was reaffirmed. The season will probably begin a week be J. GARLAND STAHL, fore Decoration Day and close Labor Day. The Local Franchise Safe Despite the The game guarantee was fixed at $40, ex First Baseman and Manager of the Washington Club. cept Saturdays and Sundays, when 50 Traction Company©s Troubles The per cent, of the receipts will be given the Jacob Garland Stahl, manager and first baseman of the Washington American League Montgomery Players on Deck. visiting club. The rain guarantee was Club, has had a short but brilliantly successful career. He was born at Elkhart, 111., 24 years ago: stands G feet 2 inches, and weighs 195 pounds. lie was the catcher of the Univer placed at $20. The meeting adjourned sity of Illinois for four years and his work attracted such attention that he was signed by the BY R. G. ARRINGTON. subject to the call of Chairman P. G. Boston American League Club in 1903. With that club he failed to bat up to expectation Campbell of Oswego. and was transferred to the Washington Club which tried him at first base where he at once Montgomery, Ala., March 25. Editor made good. He played the position like a star throughout 1904, batted so heavily, and in all "Sporting Life:" Judge Thomas C. Jones, ways proved himself so competent, that when the season ended he was appointed manager- of the United States Court, has issued an player of the Washington team for 1905. There is no record of a similar rapid rise to order allowing E. E. Winters, receiver of UTICA UTTERANCE. highest honors in major league company by a former college player. the Montgomery Traction Company, to make a contract with the Montgomery Manager Lawlor Flatters Himself That Base Ball Club to play ball this year at Athletic Park. This is the arrangement He Has Put Together a Very Strong to prove a winner. Donohue caught him Troy in 1904. In 1903 and 1904 he man made before the road went into the bands for a number of games last fall. aged and captained the Schenectady team. of a receiver a few weeks ago. and is sim Team For This Season. J. LEE FAIRBANKS It has not yet been determined who will ply a ratification of the contract, and means lives in Utica and his ability is well known. captain the team, but it is thought likely that there will be no change. Major Win By HARVEY A. BENSBERG. He was with Utica in 1903, and was bought that Ben Ellis will be selected for that po ters says there is no truth in the report Utica. N. Y., March 27. Editor "Sporting by the Philadelphia Americans. He was sition. Ben is a heady player, and is fa that there will be any discussion of a trans Life:" In a letter to your correspondent the most successful pitcher on the Provi miliar with most of the men in the State fer of the local franchise, and it is the Manager Lawlor announces the following dence team last season. During the winter League. A better choice it would be diffi cult to make. property of an independent association, and roster of players for the Utica Base Ball the Utica Club purchased his release from It is expected that the Utica players will there will be no new alignments soon at Club, season of 1905: the Athletics, and his reappearance in a report in this city about the middle of least. Maj. R. E. Steiner, of the base ball Pitchers Vowinkel, Miran, Long, Fair local uniform will be most welcome. club, says the same thing. banks and Beckel. David Bascom is 21 years of age, and April. Exhibition games will be played Catchers Donohue and Bascom. hails from North Adams, Mass. He was with Ilion, A.-J.-G.. Syracuse and other THE MONTGOMERY PLAYERS First baseman O©Reilly. very highly recommended to Manager Law teams. The New York National League have all reported except Delehanty and lor and was much sought by managers of team is booked to play here on Sunday, ;Second baseman Madison. April 30. Barry. Stultz will again pitch for Mont Third baseman Me Andrews. other clubs. He is reported to be a beauti The Utica team will start off stronger gomery. Memphis has given him back to us. Short stop Ellis. ful thrower and a good sticker. than anv aggregation which has represented and w©ith Hale. Lee, Gardner, Brandt, Mc Outfielders Lawlor, Fox. Marshall and THE INFIELDERS. this citv on the diamond since 1900, when Donald and Gilbert we will have as strong Swayne. Arthur Madison has been playing pro the Uticas won the pennant. a pitching staff as any team in the South Substitute Barbeir. fessional ball since 1895. He has been with ern League. Our infield will be Mullaney, Vowinkel, Miran, Long, Donohue. O©Reil Pittsburg in the National League, Indian A Seashore League. Schwartz. Shannon and Brothers; Barry ly, McAndrews. Lawlor, Fox. Marshall, apolis in the Western League, and with and Molesworth are two of the fielders, but Swayne and Barber were reserved from Worcester. Toronto and Rochester in the Ocean City, N. J., March 27. At a meeting the right fielder is still uncertain, as Dele last season. Eastern League. He is one of the best in- of the base ball "fans" last week, Postmaster hanty is kicking for more pay and Birming PITCHER BECKEL fielders in minor league company to-day. Button was elected manager for the coming ham wants him, wanting to swap us Lynch summer. It is intended to form a league for him. The fans in Montgomery won©m is 23 years of age, and has been playing in Ben Ellis has been in the New York composed of Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Tuck- dependent ball at his home in Springfield, State League since 1898, and is one of the ahoe, Dennisville, Cape May City and Cape object to the change, and they are some-u O. He had numerous offers, but decided to most popular players in this circuit. He May Conrt House. Realizing that . the sport what mystified on what record and for * o with his fellow townsman, Pat Dono- was with Rome and Utica in 1898, with is a factor in drawing summer visitors, the what Del wants a raise. Doc Lowney has §ue, Beckel is said to have nice "control Utica in 1899 and 1900, with Schenectady game has the enthusiastic support o£ all the not shown up and Manager O©Brien has aad fine speed, and Pat says lie will be sure in 1001, 1902, 1903 and 1904. and also with cottages and hotelteepers. about given up all aopes of nim- Apm i, 1905.
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