^ \O N A L A /^ c VOLUME 14 O fiM jE O NUMBER 201 Washington, Tuesday, October 18, 1949 TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT (c) See §§ 311.21 to 311.31 of this chap­ CONTENTS ter regarding Farm Ownership “Loan Chapter III— Farmers Home Adminis­ Limitations” as applied to subsequent Agriculture Department Pa£* tration, Department of Agriculture loans. See Animal Industry Bureau; (Secs. 1 (a), 3 (a), 44 (b), 60 Stat. 1072, Commodity Credit Corporation ; Subchapter B— Farm Ownership Loans Entomology and Plant Quaran­ 1074, 1069; 7 U. 6. C. 1001 (a), 1003 (a), tine Bureau; Farmers Home Part 333—P rocessing S ubsequent Loans 1018 (b)) Administration; Production and Part 333 in Chapter III, Title 6 of the § 333.2 Purposes. A subsequent loan Marketing Administration. Code of Federal Regulations (13"F. R. may be made to a Farm Ownership bor­ Alien Property, Office of 9415; 6 CFR 333.1-333.11) is amended to rower under,the provisions of this part read as follows; to accomplish any one or any combina­ Notices: tion of the following purposes: Vesting Orders, etc.: Sec. (a) To alter existing buildings, con­ Bank Fuer Landwirtschaft 333.1 General. A. G__________________ 6377 333.2 Purposes. struct new buildings, or improve or de­ Conseil du Curatelle pour 333.3 Interest rates, source of funds, and velop land when necessary to make the amortization schedules. farm an efficient family-type farm-man­ l’Encouragement des Com­ 333.4 Variable payment agreements. agement unit. positeurs et Musiciens 333.5 Reappraisal of farms. (b) To purchase additional land neces­ Russes______^__________ 6380 333.6 Certification by County Committee. sary to make the farm an efficient family- Corti, Mario______________ 6380 333.7 Preparation of subsequent loan type farm-management unit. De Buda, Nora Anna Gold­ docket. berger_________________ 6380 333.8 Approval of subsequent loans. (c) To pay equity to a transferor in connection with the transfer of a Farm Eckoldt, Arthur, a^id Hein- 333.9 Title clearance. , rich Krompholz_________ 6379 333.10 Closing of the loan. Ownership farm. (d) To refinance existing Farm Own­ Goudard, Felix_______,_____ 6380 A u t h o r it y : §§ 333.1 to 333.10 issued under ership indebtedness, when necessary, in Lauer, Johanna___________ 6378 sec. 41 (i), 60 Stat. 1066; 7 U. S. C. 1015 (i). Rowekamp, Frank________ 6377 Statutory provisions interpreted or applied connection with a loan for enlargement or improvement of an undersized or Scherer, Anni_____________ 6377 are cited to text in parentheses. Schultheiss, Karl Christian_ 6379 D e r iv a t io n : §§ 333.1 to 333.10 contained i n underimproved farm. FHA Instruction 443.3. (e) To meet the need for improve­ Weil, Carl___________ '____ 6380 Yano, Fujiso._____________ 6378 § 333.1 General, (a) A subsequent ments to adjust farming operations to direct loan is a loan from Federal funds changing conditions. These are condi­ Animal Industry Bureau available under title I of the Bankhead- tions which affect the type of farming or Rules and regulations: Jones Farm Tenant Act, as amended, the methods of production. Examples of Animal diseases, prevention; made to a person who is indebted to the such changing conditions might be: cooperation With States ; foot- Government on account of a direct Farm (1) Change in prevailing area condi­ and-mouth disease, pleuro­ Ownership loan or a credit sale of real tions. Changes in prevailing conditions pneumonia, rinderpest and estate, or made to a transferee in con­ within an area may require adjustments other contagious or in­ nection with the transfer of a Farm Own­ in farming operations. Sanitation fectious animal diseases____ 6329 ership farm in accordance with Part 372, standards with respect to the production of whole milk may change, forcing a bor­ Commerce Department Subpart B, of this chapter. For the pur­ See International Trade, Office of. poses of this part, the term “borrower” rower to cease shipping whole milk unless includes a person who purchased real required improvements are made. In Commodity Credit Corporation estate from the Government on credit, other instances, changes in available Rules and regulations: as well as the recipient of a cash loan. A markets also may make it necessary for a Wheat price support program, deferred advance to complete farm de­ borrower to convert to another type of 1950_____________________ 6328 velopment (see §§ 324.24 and 324.25 of farming. (2) Change in individual farm. Sig­ Entomology and Plant Quaran­ this chapter) and an advance to pay a nificant changes in the condition of the tine Bureau recoverable cost charge for such items as farm may require adjustments in farm­ Proposed rule making: taxes and property insurance are not ing operations. Black stem rust quarantine____ 6334 subsequent loans. Fruits and vegetables in Puerto (b) Ordinarily, a subsequent loan will (Secs. 1 (a), 1 (c), 60 Stat. 1072, 1073; Rico; baggage declaration re­ not be approved if the amount of funds 7U. S. C. 1001 (a), 1001 (c)) quirement and inspection of required is less than $500, except for the § 333.3 Interest rates, sources of baggage-------------------------- 6335 payment of equity in a transfer case. funds, and amortization schedules. Farmers Home Administration When the amount required is less than Various kinds of Farm Ownership finan­ Rules and regulations: $500, it usually can be provided from farm cial assistance have been extended at Farm ownership loans ; process­ income. (Continued on next page) ing subsequent loans_______ 6325 6325 6326 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Power Commission Pa8# Treasury Department page FEDEML^pEGISTER Notices: See Internal Revenue Bureau. v l'unto*'»34 ¿¡I* San Juan Pipe Line Co. et al.{ Veterans' Administration order granting application to Rules and regulations: reopen proceedings for pur­ Veterans claims; assistance to pose of taking additional evi­ certain veterans in acquiring Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, dence and fixing date of specially adapted housing----- 6331 and days following official Federal holidays, hearing__________________ 6335 Vocational rehabilitation and by the Division of the Federal Register, the Federal Trade Commission education; registration and National Archives, pursuant to the authority research__________________ 6332 contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ Notices : proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Hearings, etc.: W ar Assets amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Allied Distributors..— ------ 6372 Notices: tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Asco Vending Machine Corp. North Carolina Wildlife Man­ mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ et al__________________ 6373 agement Area, North Caro­ tion is made only by the Superintendent of Kors, Martin, and Chicago lina; transfer of portion to Documents, Government Printing Office, Novelty Sales Co________ 6372 Washington 25, D. C. North Carolina___________ 6373 The regulatory material appearing herein Premier Sales Co_________ 6373 Saiford National Wildlife Ref­ Is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Western Batt and Bedding uge in Graham County, Ariz. ; which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Co., Inc., and Lee Brown— 6373 transfer to State of Arizona. 6373 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Foreign and Domestic Com­ amended June 19, 1937. CODIFICATION GUIDE The F ed e r a l R e g is t e r will be furnished by merce Bureau See International Trade, Office of. mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 A numerical list of the parts of the Code per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ General Services Administration of Federal Regulations affected by documents vance. The charge for individual copies See War Assets. published in this issue. Proposed rules, as (minimum 15£) varies in proportion to the opposed to final actions, are identified as size of the issue. Remit check or money Interior Department such. order, made payable to the Superintendent See Land Management, Bureau of. of Documents, directly to the Government Title 3 Page Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Internal Revenue Bureau Chapter II (Executive orders): There are no restrictions on the republica- Notices : 9107 (amended by PLO 611)__ 6334 tlon of material appearing in the F ed era l Excess profits tax, relief, be­ R e g is t e r . cause of inadequate excess Title 6 profits cerdit; allowance dur­ Chapter HE: ing fiscal year ended June 30, Part 333___________________ 6325 1349_____________________ 6336 Chapter IV: Now Available International Trade, Office of Part 671___________________ 6328 Rules and regulations: Title 7 UNITED STATES Export regulations; positive list Chapter III: GOVERNMENT of commodities and related Part 301 (proposed) (2 docu­ matters__________________ 6333 ments)_______________ 6334,6335 ORGANIZATION Chapter IX: Interstate Commerce Commis­ Part 939___________ - ______ 6329 MANUAL sion Title 9 1949 Edition Notices : Power brakes and appliances Chapter I: (Revised through July 1) for operating power brake Part 53____________________ 6329 Published by the Division of the Federal systems; investigation..------ 6374 Title 15 Register, the National Archives Justice Department Chapter III: See Alien Property, Office of. Part 399________________ — 6333 725 pages— $1.00 a copy Land Management, Bureau of Title 38 Order from Superintendent of Documents, Notices : Chapter I: United States Government Printing Office, Nevada; revocation of small Part 3_____________________ 6331 Washington 25, D. C. tract classification________ 6335 Part 21___________________ 6332 Rules and regulations: Title 43 California; amendment of EO Chapter I: 9107 and PLO’s 3 and 80----- 6334 Appendix (Public land orders): CONTENTS— Continued Production and Marketing Ad­ 3 (amended by PLO 611)--- 6334 80 (amended by PLO 611)— 6334 Federal Communications Com- Pa&e ministration 611______________________ 6334 Rules and regulations: mission Pears, certain varieties, in Ore­ Title 47 Notices: gon, Washington, and Cali­ Chapter I: Hearings, etc.: fornia___________________ 6329 Part 1 (proposed)________,----- 6335 Fort Industry Co. and North­ Securities and Exchange Com­ eastern Indiana Broadcast- mission different rates of interest and involving ing Co., Inc.
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