~ MlsTMabel McCarne. HIGIITSTOWN, MI'RCER COUNTY, NKW JI'.KSliV, THUKSUAY, AUGUST 27, N U M B E R 1 4 VOLUME LXXXVIII Hi-Y Conference Will Receive Bids Associated Gas La^terrft Guides J S u n d a y m a i l TH.E NEW POST OFFICE -•Krarl- CboWbFPlah for Homesteaders At Limited Sunday mail service for In September At For Robbinsville Hightstown is under consideration When will construction work on Jersey Central Night in Village by the post office department, ac­ CampOckanickon State Highway Job the proposed new post office build­ cording to Postmaster Clarence S. Recreation Plans in Charge of Burling- New Construction Will Provide for ing begin? Bills were received at Proposes Reorganization of Utility Twenty-Two Families in Homes On Grover. Concern and Thereby Preventings The postmas.ter received a request ton County Group — “Y” Activities Widened Pavement With Safety Washington, D. C.. on June 30 las.t. Project — More Due This Week— Auction Scheduled for September from Washington for information as This Fall. island—Road Now Known As "Death No contract has been awariled as Planning for School. j ' . Trap.” Tenth. to the need of such service in yet as far as known here. Night life in Jersey ]Inmesieads is Hightstown. The service that would ■ ‘ Scwral Y. M, C. .A. iuuo . asking wlini their r-:roup i>r club will "Tn si\r \\\r-. and rediu'e nniinnlen- Till' Xs-Meialei! (bis and l-’dretrlc .smnething like Uliat of pioneer (lays. be rendered would probably include Condemnation proceedings were rcsunu’ fall nieeliinas. The answer ni ance U'l-’t'', Siale ilmlu\ay Coiinni''- vS\sluii Is awaitin.', court action in its In this age of eleetricily the home-, the receipt and dispatch of mail, J ligiilslown is: when the iniblie ,-eh'iol'' '^illn(■^ K, 1'mikiM Sterner- said, "the instituted in the Federal District m \M-'-t mo\e t" gain coiitr"! i*f tlve steaders are liiuling that kerosene hurn- sorting and boxing of incoming mail reopen. 1 1'i\sx'\I’r, plan.s ai'c liinv beiipL, hudural ..'ua ui nnuuit ini'' .granted our Court at Trenton before Judge Jii'si's Central I’owc:- and l.ie.hl Com- ir.g lanterns are a necessity. and delivery of special delivery mat­ made I'nr the fall and a eanip eonter- n qiiesi Pa "tie-half ihu enst of eon - p:'"y. Wliile the homes are .niiiplied witii Philip Forman on Friday against ter. cnee for high seh<j"l felh'ws is enin- > lrnetink"iite 2? between Kobbin^ rhiouub a U'lr.eanuati"M plan tdcfl an abundance of electreily for li.ghtiiig,' At the present time the last mail the Universalist Church and Mrs. plelely iilannetl fnr the week end of villi- and 1 li.'lit-tnwn. will the I‘'eilera1 {-"un in New York, the only outside light at night, except for the week is received and dis­ Sepleinber 10-20 :ii ^'am]> Oekaniekoii. “We will iimnedialely adurti-e tor Charles J. Keeler. The money to !lu .\>s"eiatid s(.-i-ks l" acquire owner- when the moon is shining, i.s the air patched on the eastbound train ar­ i'rhis will l)e the fouiieenlh annual Hi- the reeei;'! "f bi(K \l"iid:iy. Sei>leinlH-i_ pay the owners at a previously hip "f the --hori' ui'.I’.t> iinn and ihere- beacon atop the water tower. ; riving here at 5:30 P. M. No ser­ b.v )ireu-m an aueiion suheduled for Twenty-two families have moved in-' vice on Sundays.. The first outgo­ 'Y fall eoafereiiee ami will inelude the M, fm ii will be a relief to be rid ol agreed price was, posted with the ufcalnres of a diseussioii eonlerenee and tld.s Me.tih :rap.’ Tlie new r<in-lriu Si plendn-r 10 at which tin- rid)lie Ser- to their houses on the ))roject. The i ing mail leaves on the 8 A. M. train court. It is understood tliat these :eani]) recreation. 'lion will pt.ivide for wi'lened pa\enie'it vu'e (.b irpi'ralK'U of New Jersc\ jihiti'- homes are located four to. a block.' Monday mornings. proceedings were taken in order t" 1ml fur tile •'anie projiefly. m-Y nfllcvrs nml Ivailn-s arv v s l i v - - a i v l > M , u a l M-i.aralinv 'vhiHv. When one wishes to visit a family a The greater proportion of Incom­ Tlie plan Nuhmitled t" the-court pro- vlallv askvH p. lv^^•rvc thi. wvvk vml "t "IM'-mIv Hinvlams^ Hu- that clear titles to the properties few blocks away he carries a lantern to j ing mail is received on the 6:10 A. l»o-eil ri "r.',:ini/ati"n. undir Section 77- amUanv Ili-Y inviiihvr will hv wvUa.mvd ; nimf". nm. ,U uill rxuunl n v a .h-lanw light the way. He travels the road a s; M. train, which does not pick up may be obtained. D "f the bankruptcy act, "f the N a ­ tu rvgUlvr if hr has siwfial inU-n'sts .of l;"ii- an I gnv-liall nnl-- there are no sidewalks. | mall here. Vehielr De- tional 1‘ulilie Seruce ('"rporatimi, ;« There were eight families in the first! iii thv Hisnissiim.s and plaas lor the' l\vi-i,.P ..i ihy Moio -inale vear 'b.inknipt lif'Ull holdmu coiqinration, caravan. Two weeks ago six families j fall. A n v hluh svhoul Rllow. although I I'artnu.iil dMv that ri inot a mcinhvi- of anv of the (hive .'vy,I'a\i; h.id lo ayridviUs yiii ih,-. -irrirh owner "f more than Iw-thirds of the were transjrlanted from llrooklyn and Monroe Township isharc" "f the JiT'-i-v Cenlia-1 !’"wer ;iikI iliglustowii Ili-Y aroups, who would;'>1 ,''-a'l'; A' .mlb moiinlnm lalahlM • last week tho third contingent of eight Barking Dog Gives l,f. lit C'lnipanv 'likv to Ivarn more' about the pnrp.ise yormiis :,o:„ m-.^'Tw.d lusu v properlv families moved into their new homes. ^ VJ To Receive Aid for (.'■ Htii:!., " 1! the c\e of the ■-chcflnlcd This week six additional families are j Alarm and Dies in land idans of lli-Y, is imiled to eonter !d.'.itia.-e lu-hu n Kohhin-\die « , . |-x J .;Lvli"n !', waN n";a;<lcd a ' a ni"\c by scheduled to arrive in the village and i C A i IU."'lb vSerrelarv .\lvan .Mica ahoiil at-; wii v(-r\e> lor both KouP- Nineteen KO^dS -m ated t.. keei. Ou- jur-ev Centr.d next week seven more are due, thus ^ Lire JameSDUrg u„dm a the camp eonlerenee. At 2':, the Gainili'a leiwey arPa-y with eon li'Mii pa'"-in.',i'".in.', mn>ml' ciailiid^ "1 I’nblic ci'inpleting the first groti|] of 3.S. 1 •P m nvm ng New.Nvw 'rrail'"1 .•lul- isp thet eon-' '.E | ,i, ,n„k ;,n.l pi.-^rnwrlnilTu'. nml wp,^ Approves $24,850 Project Pro- ,!'’VThe •uieli-m w;i •rUTcd "Yby While .Seventy houses are in various ^/^partment Building Damaged At State stages of construction all work has been: Home for Boys — Short Circuit crciK-c Ihvmv ami thv A f,.,- K,„tiv ,u. ihv TrvtUnn-Yshttrv Park To^nshtp Pays $2,470 of Cost ^ ''E b V T ,bV' 1 7 “ ','"' 'T' ' h•CSsvs will bv ,na|lv by rnt. 'V T n.a.t »ll i- tt-.M by tnm-v than WTO . Work for 78 Men P " 'V r 7 " '.''''" ’I . " '' jiractically stispeirded due. it is said, to| Blamed for Starting Fire. ].'•. V\ :mncr, of rinludelplna. ‘'T’ In -i .hi-dn lUv N;.ti"n;d I nldie Neruee. I he debeii- (lellcetion of money to drought areas] T W . ■ discussionliseussion periodsperimli will be'ledbe led by1)V SlJate,Sj/ate ^ „ f tlie fir-:! roiifK built ' .tuii-.' i.rineip;dprineipiil CMllalerido 'llateral ism 712,113712.11 3 in the west. | A yotnig s|nlz dog, left m tls inas cr s , Uerelarv^ |,,h:ib>h;i A,.-\. l.edlie.Ledlie. Camp/fircjCaini)(fire i , " ' ............ ■, ..... 10 q , \\i'\ o,.-.-, ' 'h.n e "ff Jeileit'enira! "•> Centra! cnmniuucommon M->ek.'lock. Knmor that full speed work will be | room, perished m the Haines which bad-• - ,jU ,,| W ilton]!'’ , vslem :iiid i^ onlv \i'pi"\.il .m .1 \\l'\ imiji-iq >\> Public Service Will Bid resumed early in Seiitember is jiartia!-|ly daniaped^an apartinent buildin.u ..V Ylicei wi'ie a HI the '•hoiildiT'^ "f three ' fyiim. wideimi.2 and fi!lin,e-in "l nineteen ............................................ • ’ .............. ........... ” ‘ group of Palmyra > .v ! fee* .............. I’nblic xSer\'.ee Ini' alreadv announceil Iv substantiated by the fact that fore-!the Stale llciqe for Dnys at Jaines- ' 'feel are lined on b"lh '-ides with iitilitv .\ln:mu' T'wvn-hii' mad' at a ember Recreation plans Icoiniiam- p'.'les, .'Mthfiiuili anloinobile S2-'.S.a0 wa.' anmitiiice. ])V l>i>tnel. Ik-I it would bid nm le" than $.7(KK),0<K) |nr mon are making plans to use a large |1)iirg early Thursday night, but not 'te-1 Clirford Krgooil ami i-trafiie Ini' inerea'ed by ihoii.-and' iiotb- rector J. II. Weil/ei 111 a letter to t!u 'toek. Anx leiated alreaily <i\vn> number of men. | ft,re its barking sotimled an alarm. i ,,f ’ irni linglon Coiinlv Ili-Y inenibers. Hline Ini' been dime to widen it and at jithii 1).
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