Opinion: Student Affairs responds—Page 11 Scene: Daughter of the Godfather—Page 13 9B^iPi San Francisco FOGHORN THE UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO APRIL 6, 2000 VOLUME 96, ISSUE \J New University President Announced Current Santa Clara Provost to succeed Fr. Schlegel Public Affairs. "And the momen­ of the Board of Trustees, said, ON THE INSIDE tum that built up here under John "The announcement that we had Schlegel's leadership is clear. Ap­ a final candidate for the position plications for enrollment are on probably took the campus by sur­ A Q&A Session the rise, and everywhere I look, a prise." with Fr. Privett new project is taking shape: a new Students questioned Privett on library for the School of Law, a subjects ranging from school PAGE4 new home for the College of Pro­ spirit to his views on education. fessional Studies, and plans on the One recurring issue was commu­ drawing board for several other nication between the administra­ Allegra Temporale major facilities. I am eager to join tion and the students. ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR this thriving academic commu­ "Communication is what uni­ At an open meeting for stu­ nity." versities are about, and that is the dents on March 30, the chairman "We conducted a very thor­ reason that universities exist," said ofthe Board ofTrustees, Dominic ough and tar­ Privett. "What A. Tarantino, introduced Rev. geted search results from a Stephen A. Privett, SJ. as a guest which led us to lack of commu­ to the University. On Friday Father Privett," "It is inevitable that nication is con­ morning, March 31, the Univer­ said Tarantino. there will be ten­ fusion." sity of San Francisco's Board of "We have sions between a "I am happy Trustees met and voted to appoint worked very university and the that he sounds Privett as the University's 27th hard over the like he is very president. Privett comes from last three Church. Universities involved with Santa Clara University, where he months to get are the place where the students was Provost, the second highest to this point." the Church thinks and the fac­ position in the University. Privett About 40 ulty," said se­ will take over Father Schlegel's po­ students, fac­ out loud," nior Brooks sition in the fall of 2000. ulty, and ad­ —Rev. Stephen Privett, S.J. Oswald, a poli­ "I am excited and pleased to ministration FUTURE USF PRESIDENT tics and com- become part of an institution that were present at munications places such a strong emphasis on the open meet­ major. "He has teaching, scholarship and service ing last Thursday to ask questions a strong record of promoting so­ to society, especially to its most and get to know the new Univer­ cial justice." ALLEGRA TEMPORALE/FOGHORN vulnerable members," Privett said sity of San Francisco president. When discussing his reasons Fr. Privett, the next President ofthe University of San Francisco, in a release from the Office of Maureen Clark, the Vice Chair Presidential Search: Page 4 addresses students at an open meeting in McLaren. Job Hunting Comes Four Unit System Proposed C^loSC tO HOTH£ Concerns about potential class hour increase raised Allegra Temporale dent Daniel Julius and Professor units, some students feel that they ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR George Sanchez Services Center, MODEL John Veitch, head of the econom­ will have difficulty graduating FOGHORN STAFF (Multicultural Opportunities for the On March 28, Stephen ics department, contains both fac­ within four years if they were on "This one actually had job pros­ Development for Excellence in Lead­ McMahon, a senior mathematics ulty and administration represen­ the four-unit standard. pects that I could use. The last job ership), and University Ministry. and economics major, addressed tatives. "It is hard to complete all ofthe fair didn't apply to me and this one Over 36 groups from all over the the Associated Students ofthe Uni­ Committee member Dean classes you need for a major, a mi­ did," said Sarah Callendar, a senior Bay Area were in Harney Plaza re­ versity of San Francisco Senate Stanley Nell ofthe College of Arts nor, and the Honors program English major, about the Spring Jobs cruiting students interested in non­ concerning a plan to change the and Sciences said, "There was a when 18 classes are required and Volunteer Activities Career profit and volunteer work. class unit standard from the cur­ suggestion that we should consider G.E.C.s," said Claudia Plaza, a (JAVAC) Fair, held March 28 in "It was a great variety, from the rent three units to Jour. The ad­ reducing the number of courses sophomore French major. "I can't Harney Plaza. Boys and Girls Club to the Jesuit Vol­ ministration is currently consider­ that a student takes per semester, imagine how it would be possible if I was only taking four classes a Callendar's response echoed unteer Corps, most of which I would ing the implementation of the while at the same time not reduc­ semester." those of other students who attended work for and are great community three-unit system at USF. Because ing learning. A number of profes­ the JAVAC fair, sponsored by Career Career Fair: Page 5 the new plan would mean that sors pointed out that it is very dif­ "The nursing program is al­ classes are worth four units each, ficult for stu­ ready tightly students would take only four dents to con- planned out courses a semester rather than five centrate on six with very little or even six, as some do now. d i f f e r e n t "Most of the opposi­ room for elec­ "My major concern," said courses in one tion is that there are tives or extra McMahon, "is not with the pro­ semester." serious questions classes as it is. That is when I posal itself. I just think that the stu­ The com­ among the faculty dents who will be directly affected mittee exam­ am taking six by a change such as this one, ined 15 of the over how this will courses in a se­ should also be directly involved in top ranked lib­ work in the practical mester, on top of my R.O.T.C. the decision making process. I am eral arts schools sense." totally disappointed that the stu­ in the country class," said Julie dents were not consulted about on the four unit —Stanley Nell Bredek, a nurs­ .this yet." standard. DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND ing major. ,The proposal was initially a sug­ "We have SCIENCES "How will they manage to nar­ gestion by a group of faculty mem­ taken a look at row the pro­ bers, meant to decrease the num­ some ofthe fin­ gram down to four classes?" ber of classes that they teach per est liberal arts colleges in the coun­ semester from three to two. USF try and also some of the major re­ Nell said that it was not a mat­ appointed the Workload Joint search universities to see how their ter of extending some courses and LEAH HJTCH1NGS/FOGHORN Committee to explore this "New curriculum works," said Nell. doing away with others; rather, it Non-profit organizations and volunteer groups set up tables to field Workload Model." The committee, With the current required Gen­ would be a restructuring ofthe way questions from interested students at the Career Fair March 28. co-chaired by Associate Vice Presi­ eral Education Curriculum (GEC) Students: Page 5 San Francisco Foghorn NEWS April 6, 2000 Students Bike to Los Angeles for AIDS Fundraiser Karyn Bosco the Pacific Coast? FOGHORN STAFF WRITER Nalley said she feels a "soli­ For some of us, the trudge up darity with people who are suf­ "Cardiac Hill" leaves us feeling fering." Also, it is a way for her winded. For others it takes a hard to find a community of people workout on the Stair-master to her age. break a sweat. "I'm looking forward to not We all know the feeling after only supporting my friends as a a hard workout, the one that crew member, but to represent­ makes our faces red and our legs ing the AIDS community as a weak. whole," said Now imag­ Blanda. ine riding your There bike 60 to 100 "We would like to have been miles a day for 25,826 cases seven straight get support and of Acquired days. semi-sponsorship Immuno-De- On the through the school. I ficiency Syn­ morning of think it is an appro­ drome re­ June 4, 2,700 ported in San people will be­ priate way to end our Francisco as gin a seven day career at USF." of December bike journey, —Brendan Roche 31,1998,and from San AIDS is the AIDS RIDE PARTICIPANT Francisco to leading cause Los Angeles. of death for The 575- men in The mile ride through the Pacific City. Coast mountains, lakes and ag­ The AIDS Ride is the largest ricultural land is the "California program of AIDS fundraisers ever. KARYN BOSCO/FOGHORN AIDS Ride 7." In 2000, the event will take Just a few of the University of San Francisco students, former and current, ready their bicycles for the long Among these riders are Uni­ place in five cities with more than trek down the Pacific Coast. The California AIDS Ride 7 will raise funds for AIDS-related services. versity of San Francisco December 10,000 bicyclists. It is expected to 1999 graduates Daryl Garcia and net more than $15 million for tainment, transportation for There are people of all skill Garcia and Montee have Stan Montee, May 2000 gradu­ AIDS-related services.
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