Manning the Margins: Masculinity and Writing in Seventeenth-Century France Lewis C. Seifert http://www.press.umich.edu/titleDetailDesc.do?id=354488 The University of Michigan Press, 2009. Index abjection, 14–15, 166 118–19, 120, 122, 123–24, 132, 135, Académie Française, 175, 176 138–39, 141–42, 145, 277n6, 278n8, Adam, Antoine, 185, 204, 289n109, 278n14, 279n33, 279n37, 280n55. See 291–92n136, 292n144, 293n153 also Scudéry (Madeleine de) affectation, 110 art de plaire, 11, 25–26, 41, 45, 87 affectivity: gender and, 119; male body Art poétique (Boileau), 55 and, 146; men and, 123–24. See also ataraxia, 26 melancholy; tendresse Aubignac, Abbé François Hédelin d’, 81, aggression: civilizing process and, 8–9, 92 256n19; galanterie and, 89; honnêteté Auchy, Charlotte des Ursins, d’, 79 and, 9 Augustus (Gaius Julius Caesar Octa- agrément, 44, 112, 260n27, 261n32 vianus), 30 air galant (Scudéry, Madeleine de): authorship, 17, 186, 192, 289–90nn110–12, de‹nition of, 118; men and, 118–19; 232–33, 273–74n10, 300n73 men vs. women in, 120–22; power in, 121–25; tendresse and, 127; women and, Badinter, Elizabeth, 278n21 120 Balzac, Jean-Louis Guez de: career of, Alcibiades, 30, 38, 50 290n118; Voiture and, 108, 110–11, 115, Alexander the Great, 30, 38 271n117, 275n23; writer in Rambouil- Aligre, Marie d’, 90 let’s salon, 81 Amadis de Gaule, 104 bardache, 164, 171 anagnorisis, 239–41 Barthes, Roland, 271n116 Angennes, Julie d’, 105 Baudelaire, Charles, 184 “Apologie de Théophile” (Viau), 189, Baverel-Croissant, Marie-Françoise, 193–96, 292n37, 292n150 291–92n136 Aragonais, Jeanne, 90 Beasley, Faith, 78, 257n25, 276n49, 287n85 Arditi, Jorge, 258n2, 259n7 bel esprit, 89 Argenson, Marc-René de Voyer de Bellegarde, Abbé Jean-Baptiste Morvan Paulmy d’, 160, 214, 294n2 de, 63–64 Ariosto, Ludovico, 103–4 Benedicti, Jean, 67, 264n29 aristocracy: bene‹ts of absolutism for, 75; Bertrand, Dominique, 209 curialization of, 74–75; emasculation Beugnot, Bernard, 276n47 of, 75; honnêteté and, 38; ideal of, un- bienséances, 25, 27, 33, 78 der Henri III, 73; paci‹cation of, and biography, 17 Louis XIV, 8, 75 body: in Cartesian dualism, 252n5; cross- Artamène ou le Grand Cyrus (Scudéry, dressing and constructivist readings of, Madeleine de), 11, 70, 108–9, 117, 209; Foucault on, in seventeenth 323 Manning the Margins: Masculinity and Writing in Seventeenth-Century France Lewis C. Seifert http://www.press.umich.edu/titleDetailDesc.do?id=354488 The University of Michigan Press, 2009. Index body (continued) Bray, Alan, 201, 204–5, 282n7, 283n20, century, 12–14, 257n28; as nature, 287n89, 294n170 237–40; one-sex vs. two-sex model and, Brébeuf, Georges de, 272n129 211, 253n7, 296n25; poststructuralist vs. Brégy, Charlotte de Saumaise de Chauzan transgender theories of, 210, 297n44; de Flécelles de, 84, 91 theatricality of, 223–27, 298n52; trans- Breitenberg, Mark, 68, 255n15 formation of, 220–21, 298nn48–49; in Brunet (page de la musique du Roi), 169, transgender studies, 210. See also body 171, 286n74 image; female body; male body; mater- Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of, ial body 55–56 body image: “Histoire de la marquise- Burke, Peter, 161 marquis de Banneville,” 233, 239, 240; Bury, Emmanuel, 258n2, 259n7 material body and, 219, 239–40; Mé- Bussy-Rabutin, Roger de, 24–25 moires de l’Abbé de Choisy habillé en Butler, Judith, 209, 246, 250, 286n79, femme and, 218–21, 222, 298n47; sen- 293n157, 295n14, 297n44, 303n2 tient experience and, 220; transgender and, 219–20 cabinet: closet and, 174, 180–81; conversa- Boer, Josephine de, 267–68n82 tion and, 174; de‹nition of, 173; inti- Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas: Art poétique, macy and, 174; particulier and, 174; pri- 55; DeJean on, 265n43; “Dialogue des vacy and, 173; secrecy and, 174–75 héros de roman,” 70–71, 119, 135, Caesar, Julius, 29, 38–40, 152, 262n53 265nn43–44; on galant homme, 65–66; Caillières, Jacques de, 8, 29–30, 77–78 on Scudéry (Madeleine de), 70–71, 92, Campistron, Jean Galbert de, 164, 284n50 119, 120, 135, 265nn43–44, 280n42; canon, 18 quartier du Temple and, 160; querelle Carlincas, Félix Juvenel de, 66 des femmes and, 168 Carte de Tendre (Scudéry, Madeleine de): Boisrobert, Abbé François Le Métel de, DeJean on, 278n11; female authority 173–81; Epistres en vers, 178; Godard and, 121; ‹guration of Woman, 131; in- on, 288n96; Ménage and, 178–79; Ni- terpretation and, 131; men and women non de Lenclos and, 177; reputation as in, 131; Peters on, 121, 131, 272n125, sodomite, 15, 153, 156, 173–81; “Res- 275n37, 278nn10–11, 279n28, 279n31; ponse au Parnasse alarmé,” 178–79; satires of, 92; tendresse and, 127, 129–32 Richelieu and, 175, 177; Saint-Evre- Cartesianism, 252–53n5 mond on, 176; scandals about sodomy Castiglione, Baldassare: conduct literature of, 177–79; scholarship on, 288n91; se- and, 8; on effeminacy, 72; embraced by crecy about sodomy of, 179–80; Talle- seventeenth-century France, 74; on mant on, 175, 176–79, 288n91; women moderation, 72; rejected by sixteenth- and, 176 century France, 72; on sprezzatura, 28, Bordo, Susan, 252n5 63; on subservience to prince, 76; Bosse, Abraham, 246–50, 302n1 source for honnêteté, 23, 24, 34 Bossy, Michel-André, 266n46 casuistry, 195 Bouhours, Dominique: cross-gendered Certain, Marie-Françoise, 169, 171 ideal of, 112–13; salons and, 276n49; on Chalesme, 83 Voiture, 111–14; Chansonnier Clairambault, 283n25 Bourdieu, Pierre: Foucault and, on power, Chansonnier Maurepas: composition of, 13, 14; on masculinity, 5–7, 17, 59, 80, 159; contents of, 158, 283n22; events 249, 250, 254n11, 255nn12–13, 255n15, and persons in, 160. See also satires of 257n31, 258n36, 303n3, 303n5 “sodomites” 324 Manning the Margins: Masculinity and Writing in Seventeenth-Century France Lewis C. Seifert http://www.press.umich.edu/titleDetailDesc.do?id=354488 The University of Michigan Press, 2009. Index Chapelain, Jean, 79, 82, 99, 109, 269n97, Chupeau, Jacques, 300n73 275n23 Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 24, 26, 98 Charbonneau, Frédéric, 209, 298n53 civility: dominance and, 8; essentialism of, Charron, Pierre, 61 278n17; gender and, 7–9; intersubjec- Chartier, Roger, 256n17, 259n7 tivity and, 9; masculinity and, 7–12; Chausson, Jacques, 153, 162, 163, 164, 167, men and, 7–8. See also galanterie; hon- 284n35, 284n41, 284n43, 284n47 nêteté; salons; sociability Chavaroche, Jean de, 81 civilizing process: aggression and, 8–9, Choisy, Abbé François-Timoléon de, 256n19; gender and, 8, 120; honnêteté 207–45; as author of “Histoire de la and, 21; masculine subjectvity and, 8–9. marquise-marquis de Banneville,” 233, See also Elias, Norbert 300n73; autobiography and, 215–16; Clairambault, Pierre, 159, 160, 283n25, Bertrand on, 209; Charbonneau on, 283n28 209, 298n53; cross-dressing and, 14, Clarke, Stanley, 252n5 15–16, 207–45, 297n42; d’Argenson on, Clélie (Scudéry, Madeleine de), 11, 70, 117, 294n2; on effeminacy of Philippe 118, 122–23, 126–34, 135–38, 139–41, d’Orléans, 76, 267n68; gambling and, 145, 278n15, 278–79n22, 279n25, 232; Guild on, 209–10; “Histoire de la 279n32, 280n50, 280n55. See also Scu- marquise-marquis de Banneville,” 207, déry (Madeleine de) 210, 232–45, 300–301nn74–75, 301n85, closet, 174, 180–81, 287n87 302nn91–92, 302n95; interpretations of Colletet, Guillaume, 62 cross-dressing by, 209–10; Mémoires de commerce du monde, le. See social exchange l’abbé de Choisy habillé en femme, 207, Comminges, François Guitaut de, 164, 210, 213–32, 233, 244–45, 297n38, 284n48 297n47, 298nn48–49, 298n52, 298n53, Confraternity scandal of 1682, 161, 167, 298–99nn58–60, 299n64, 299n69, 170, 284n33, 284n35 299–300nn71–72; on men’s vs. Conrart, Valentin, 90 women’s writing, 234–35; one-sex vs. conversation: cabinet and, 174; galanterie two-sex model and, 211; on friendship, and, 87; in honnêteté, 39, 41, 43, 229–30; pathologizing interpretation 260n26; salons and, 79–81, 83; Scudéry of, 209; performative interpretation of, (Madeleine de) on, 117, 118, 120, 123; in 209–10; public reaction to cross-dress- seventeenth-century France, 271n113, ing by, 297n42; Reynes on, 212–13, 271n117; Voiture and, 98, 100, 101, 102; 297n42, 299n66, 299–300n72; subjec- women and, 10, 24, 27, 78 tivity and, 227; subversiveness of writ- Conversations, Les (Méré), 38–40, 47–48, ings by, 209; as transgender, 210–32; as 261n39 transsexual, 212–13; transitions to femi- coquets, 84 ninity by, 244–45; Van der Cruysse on, Corneille, Pierre, 3, 223 212, 294nn3–4. See also “Histoire de la Costar, Pierre, 108, 110–11, 274n15 marquise-marquis de Banneville”; Mé- courtiers: critiques of, in the Middle Ages, moires de l’abbé de Choisy habillé en 71–72; effeminacy of, 71–77; soft ideal femme for, during seventeenth century, 74; Christina (Queen of Sweden), 84, 91 women and, 77 Chroniques du Samedi (Scudéry, Madeleine courtly love, 44–47, 87, 89, 91, 103, 129, de), 11, 90–91, 117, 118, 121, 125, 126, 119 127, 132, 142–47, 278n15, 279n29, Courtin, Antoine de, 74 280–81nn59–61. See also Scudéry Cousin, Victor, 276n2 (Madeleine de) Cowart, Georgia, 265n40 325 Manning the Margins: Masculinity and Writing in Seventeenth-Century France Lewis C. Seifert http://www.press.umich.edu/titleDetailDesc.do?id=354488 The University of Michigan Press, 2009. Index Craveri, Benedetta, 10 Doctrine curieuse des beaux esprits de ce Crawford, Katherine, 253n6, 257n32, temps, La (Garasse), 182 282n13 dominance: abjection and, 14; civility and, Créquy, François, chevalier de, 166 8; masculine habitus and, 5; masculinity cross-dressing: attitudes toward, in early and, 2; as struggle, 5. See also domi- modern France, 208; Choisy and, nated masculinity;
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