AfarsWs\?l ) •O ITNDUSTRIALONDUS TR I AL • 7/ 'rl/ f / 71 TO l) / vlJI/ b 1-/ |, / -] ) I ) ll ,, ' I ilittu It ,rtlll r ffi I ll I E l! ll l[! ll il- c t!H I I I H ltI --'t li . PETER. STANIER' SeIISIIOG IDVIIUIH IDVIIUIH DORSET'SIVIUISNONI INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE Jeled Peter Stanier JaruEls I r \ • r IT, LaS \-z'- rnol rnol 'r.pJV 'r.pJV lllPno lllPno Lano'ss,our1 Arch, Tout Quarry. INTRODUCTIONNOII)NCOU1NI lHt lINnol lINnol ,o ,o ;er'r1snpu| ]asJoc ]asJoc eql eql qlrr' qlrr' sr sr pa!.raluo) pa!.raluo) dn dn e e uorsr^ THE COUNTY of Dorset summonssuouJLLrns up a Industrial archaeology is concerned with the vision 1o lP.rn.r lP.rn.r ]sed ]sed re] plaleru sr;er )llllpr )llllpr ruorl ruorl lllpoedsa pa^ouJar pa^ouJar ue:,futsnpur, 'seqr^rpe s,ueul s,ueul puPl puPl far removed from)pq) 'industry': an idyllic rural land- material relics of man's past activities, especially lnq lnq op op u aq] u aq1 ur qlrM'edels pepoo^ pepoo^ su,^ su,^ qtuaalaLr qtuaalaLr Suruur8aq 'lrnluer 'lrnluer -rale^^ -rale^^ 'selP^ 'selP^ scape, with chalk downs, wooded vales, water- in the nineteenth century, but beginning in1o the aqt aqt ue ue Lnlua: Lnlua: d d aql aql anbsarnp anbsarnp sa8ell^ oppau] pouad pouad e8eur e8eur prur s,^ s,^ qluaatq8ra qluaatq8ra meadows andpLre picturesque villages — an image mid-eighteenth century — the period of the le-r]snpu lq lq jo jo eqt eqt se se euros euros qrns Ll)nLu seu.roqf seu.roqf s8uqr.r,,rl s8uqr.r,,rl pa)uequa pa)uequa 'serrlsnpllr 'serrlsnpllr much enhanced by the writings of Thomas Industrial Revolution.'uo[nlo^au Some industries, such as tsnl tsnl ]p ro ro lpreH Lots Lots oq^\ oq^\ aur[ aur[ Surlrru ato.r,^^ ato.r,^^ eql eql e ra8uol q ueqM ueqM a,req pu? '8url.lrenb '8url.lrenb Hardy who -snpur milling or wrote just at the time when indus- quarrying, lla^\ have a longer history and L] u ur ur aq] elpp!h elpp!h reln)4-led reln)4-led lpear a.ra,^^ pue pue le,ulrer a'.1] a'.1] pa!srqelsa pa!srqelsa aBe aBe aJs,vi try and in particular the railway age were were alreadyp well established in the Middle I I tas]oc tas]oc las:o6 las:o6 ol ol aq1 aq1 SuruurSaq -pup -pup palle palle 'saBV beginning to 'eJ Ages. ler$npur ler$npur affect Dorset life. The Dorset land- ]o tasroc lsourp lsourp lq lq sp^ sp^ e e eq1 eq1 ad€ts seq seq Suol Suol ',ssa-r3o.ld, ',ssa-r3o.ld, fuo1s elsl -p -p palllersun palllersun q scape was almost unscathed by 'progress', al- Dorset hasPeqrnd a long industrial history. The Isle of 1o 1o $eor $eor utsunol utsunol Suop supd aql eql 3q],o 3q],o a-rlual a-rlual q8noq1 aLuos ur uo.rl se,M se,M l.r]snpur l.r]snpur though tourism along some parts of the coast Purbeck was the centre of industry in the Iron lo lMerds lMerds tEer8 tEer8 aql aql otu slalurrv a8y ueqrn ueqrn q8norql eql ueuroy pu€ qlnoLuau-rno€.]o qlnoLuau-rno€.]o and the great urban Age through into the porred Armlets of sprawl of Bournemouth -llun Roman period. 1€ 1€ lpeurol lpeurol slood alod alod aSpuaurrur;1 aleqs q)n!u) q)n!u) eprsu ara,u ara,u SOLIIP SOLIIP a.rqsdLueH a.rqsdLueH uO uO Poole (much formerly inside Hampshire until Kimmeridge shale were turned peurnl on pole lathes at | luaurel]]as aqf aqf are are salrs salrs 'qpoL-ulaM 'qpoL-ulaM sa_ror sdeqred sdeqred derra derra paPre)srp are are pue pue aqt 1974), '(116 and perhaps Weymouth, are the excep- settlement sites. The discarded cores are )l )l 1eo3 1eo3 leql leql ]as]oc ]as]oc o] o] s s ul uol aqt se se laLloh laLloh eql eql anrl alnr alnr u,aaoul a8pr..reururrl a8pr..reururrl tion to the rule. It is true that Dorset wassP,^^ known as Kimmeridge Coal Money. In the lel lel I lq lq Llsnpu Llsnpu uorpnpord uorpnpord ueruog laeaq laeaq sem sem s.rallo s.rallo pouad eraql paq.rnlstpun alers e3:e1 e3:e1 ,o ,o undisturbed by heavy industry, yet it offers lerr$npur Roman period there was large scale production aluap^a 1sea'a1op1 1sea'a1op1 1e 1e lleuen lleuen ro1 ro1 rauur;1o rauur;1o Sursudrns Sursudrns edog edog apqr'r'a8p apqr'r'a8p a1e1 a1e1 p p evidence for a surprising variety of industrial ge le le lernteu lernteu at Rope Lake Hole, east of Kimmeridge, while at lsoLUP lsoLUP 'sall^lpe uo uo llu€] llu€] paseq paseq se se erour erour apeL! apeL! uap.roN spooS qrns a.raM a.raM 'se)rnosor 'se)rnosor activities, almost all based on naturalJo resources, Norden more fancy goods were made such as aqf aqf ro ro se,^ se,^ ueproN ueproN alqer aql aql srale;d lSoloe8 lSoloe8 spnpo.rd ruo4 pue pue ae-rasso] ae-rasso] 's3a1 's3a1 from geology or products of the land. The table legs, platters andpup tesserae. Norden was ))aq]nd ))aq]nd sarlsnpu sarlsnpu aq1 aq1 a^eq a^eq ueaq ernlnruSe e osp roleu.r uoq:npoJd uoq:npoJd a:1ua: a:1ua: ro1 major industries have been agriculture, the also a production centre for Purbeck marble,'elqreLu 1au 1au 'lep 'lep auolslo auolslo ador 8ur4ro.u 1r 1r eraq^ aA[EJO]ap aA[EJO]ap pue pue pue olut olut apeLu apeLu 'quaLLrnuoL! '8ur>pu '8ur>pu working of stone and clay, rope and net making, where it wassP,/t^ made into monuments, decorative Surr*erq arnl arnl 'slelur l-rauod l-rauod 3u11rr"u 3u11rr"u apressel apressel LUnJ pL-re pL-re sre1.,roLu sre1.,roLu brewing and milling. furniture inlays, mortars andpue tesserae. Pottery 2 DORSET'SDORSET'S INDUSTRIALINDUSTRIAL HERITAGEHER TACE was producedproduced on aa commercial scalesca e fromfrom the ter. Other clays havehave beenbeen worked for brickbrck firstllrst century AD, usingusing thethe clayscays around PoolePoole makingmaknS throughoutthroughout Dorset,Dorset, withwth the greatest Harbour,Harbour, while saltsalt was produced inin clayclay vatsvaG concentration around Poole.Poole. Cement was alongalong the south sidesrde of PoolePoole HarbourHarbour and atat made at LymeLyme RegisRegis andand Wareham. The latteriatter Kimmeridge.Kimmeridge. There are findslnds inin variousvarous locallocal was set up at RidgeRrdge inin thethe 1870s 870s by Thomas museums,museums, butbLrt especiallyespec aly thethe County MuseumlYuseLlm inln Powell,Powell, andand usedused chalkchalk marlmarl quarried at Cock-Co.k Dorchester.Dorchester. OfOf RomanRornan roadsroads inn Dorset,Dorset, thethe nowle.nowle. AcklingAck[ng Dyke across Oakley DownDown nearnear Six-Sx Other mineralsm nerals which havehave beenbeen worked were penny HandleyHandley isrs one of thethe bestbest preservedPreserved ironstone,ironstone, gypsum, alum,alum, copperascopperas and oiloilshale. shale. sectionssectrons inin the whole country. There was anan There being nono coal to power the Industriallndustria aqueduct supplyingsupplyrng water toto RomanRoman Dorches-Dorches RevolutionRevo ution inn Dorset,Dorset. thisthis lastlast hashas beenbeen worked ter (Durnovaria),(Durnovafla), and much of itsts lengthlength can be forfor itsrts fuelfuel content, especially at Kimmeridge tracedtraced asas anan earthwork on thethe south side of thethe where itit was once usedused to fireflre a glassworks. FromeFrome ley. KimmeridgeKrmmeridge was alsoalso the sitesite of salt pans,pans, asas Thelre extractivee l,aatrr'e industriesr.d-)l e) werev\ere importantnportdnl in,n were LymeLyme Regis,Regis, Charmouth andand thethe shoresshores of Dorset.Dorset. The PurbeckPurbeak marble industryrndlstry was re-re_ PoolePoole Harbour.Harbour. This was once a profitableprofitable busi-busr vivedv ved inin medievalmedieval times,t mes, when thisthrs shellyshe ly lime-lime- ness,ness, and salt was exported to France inn thethe stonestone (not(not a true marble)marbLe) was inin demand forfor fifteenthflfteenth century. decorativeoe' oral',p work inr^ churches.r^-rches. PortlandPo'lldnd stoneslone isrs Dorset'sDorset's streams and riversrvers have providedprovided world famous,farnous.^o,l bestbest knownknown forfor itsits useuse inin Wren's power for many corn mills,mlls, inrn the formform of St Paul'sPaul's Cathedral and manymany LondonLondon land-land waterwheelswaterwhee s and, later,later, turbines.turbines. Water power marks.'na 's Itlr.ouo could beoe sent<prl easilyeasrly byb/ sea)ed anda'd waswas in1 was also applied toto breweries,breweries, foundries,foundries, flllaxax demanddc.ra-d longo-g beforeDpro.e Wren,Wren. and itsLs quarriesquar-,er are mills,mrls, saw mills,mills silksik millsmils and paper mills. PaperPaper stillq_rl at work. ThereIhere was,\a5 limestonel,re_-one quarryingqudr'lng makingmakrng also requiredrequired a clear streamstream of water. elsewhere,^o-- notablynotab y around PurbeckPurbeck (under-(under Flax andand thenthen ragsrags and ropesropes were usedused forfor the ground here),here), Bridport,Bridport, Marnhullllarnhull and SherSher.- fibre.fbre. There werewcre paperpaper millsnll) atdl Beaminster,Bea'rr1(Ler, borne. LimestoneLmestone and chalk were quarried toto Wareham and Wimborne.Wrmborne. The lastast was firstfirst burn inn limekilns,I mek lns, another typicallytyprca ly ruralrura indus-indus- mentionedmentoned inin 1739,1739, and fromfrom herehere Stephen try.try. Greensand was quarriedquarr ed along thethe escarp-escarp' BurtBurt movedmoved upstreamupstream to WitchamptonWtchampton inin I790.1790. mentsments nearnear Shaftesbury,Shattesbury, andand another sourcesource of Burt'sBuft's paperpaper millmi I hashas been thethe onlyon y one inrn Dor- buildingburld ng stone came from thethe sandy heathheath setset since 1832,1832, althoughalthough itit has undergone muchmuch stonesstones of south-eastsouth east Dorset.Dorset. changechange inrn layoutlayout and ownership. Itlt isis still inn Increasingncreas ng demand forfor highhrgh qualityqua ity PurbeckPurbeck ballba I operation.operatron. clay,cay exportedexpofted forfor potterypotlery making,making, fosteredfostered one The netnet and roperope industryndustry around BridportBr dport was of the earliestear iest tramwaystramways inin southern EnglandEngland inin inin demand by thethe navynavy andand shippingshipping industryindustry forfor 1806.1806.

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