‘We cannot work to create a future that we don’t first imagine’ ‘Do not follow where the path may lead – go instead where there is no path and leave a trail’ Dr Peter Ellyard, Futurist Strategic Directions Report, 2012/13 Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council Section 30 of the Development Act Strategic Directions Report, 2012/13 – Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council 1 Format The format/presentation of the Strategic Directions Report (the Review) has followed and built on the model template developed by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) - intended to assist Councils in preparing a Review, as required under Section 30 of the Development Act 1993. The Council acknowledges and thanks the DPTI for its assistance. Contributions This Review is a result of a team effort by the Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council. With valuable assistance from:- The Mayor and Elected Members Chief Executive Officer Manager, Development, Infrastructure and Environment Development Services staff The Community Government Agencies and regional partners Development Answers Pty Ltd Australian Water Environments Pty Ltd Ellyard Futurists For further information please contact the Chief Executive Officer, Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council, on 08 8842 6400. Disclaimer While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that this document is correct at the time of publication, the Council and its contractors disclaim any and all liability to any person in respect to anything or the consequence of anything done or omitted to be done in reliance upon the whole or any part of this document. Strategic Directions Report, 2012/13 – Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council 2 Contents Page List of common Acronyms 5 PART A - Overview and Recommended Development Plan Amendment (and related projects) program 6 1. Introduction 7 2. What is a Strategic Directions Report? 8 2.1 What is a Development Plan? 8 2.2 Development Plan Amendments 9 3. How Council went about the Review 10 4. Development Plan Amendment (and related projects) program 11 4.1 Structure Plans 11 4.2 Priority DPAs 11 4.3 Other related strategic actions 15 4.4 Compliance and enforcement 15 4.5 Miscellaneous actions 16 4.6 The Development Plan Amendment process 16 PART B - Consultation, investigations and discussion 17 1. Strategic context 18 1.1 Overview 18 1.2 About Clare and Gilbert Valleys 18 1.3 Population and townships 19 1.4 The economy 24 2. The future – Council vision 2030 25 2.1 Dr Peter Ellyard 25 2.2 A community we aspire to live in 25 2.3 Preferred future 2030 26 3. Development Plan Amendments and Reforms 29 3.1 Section 30 Review, 2003 29 3.2 Recent Development Plan Amendments 29 3.3 Better Development Plan conversion 30 3.4 Current Development Plan Amendments 30 3.5 Planning Reforms 31 4. Interrelationship with Strategic Management Plan 32 4.1 Strategic Management Plan 2008/2012 32 4.2 Draft Community Plan 2012/2020 33 5. The Planning Strategy – the Mid North Region Plan 34 5.1 What is the Planning Strategy? 34 5.2 The Mid North Region Plan 34 5.3 Vision for the Mid North region 34 5.4 Key priorities 36 5.5 30 Year Plan for Greater Adelaide 40 Strategic Directions Report, 2012/13 – Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council 3 6. Other key strategic documents 41 6.1 State level 41 6.2 Regional level 44 6.3 District level 46 7. Community engagement 56 7.1 Statewide Wind Farms DPA 2012 57 7.2 Peak bodies and Section 41 Committees 58 7.3 Community meeting 59 7.4 Other community submissions 60 7.5 Individual submissions 62 7.6 Interviews 63 7.7 Further consultation 64 8. Consultation with state government and other bodies 65 8.1 State Agencies 65 8.2 Regional Development Australia 71 8.3 Central Local Government Region Inc 73 8.3 Members of Parliament 74 9. Development case studies 75 9.1 ERD Court 75 9.2 Development Applications 75 9.3 Development Assessment Panel 76 9.4 Full Council 81 10. Key issues and recommendations 84 10.1 A ‘preferred’ future 84 10.2 Growth and structure planning 86 10.3 Protection and promotion of district assets 94 10.4 Townships 98 10.5 Flood events 125 10.6 Second hand transportable homes 126 10.7 Heritage 127 10.8 Rural areas 129 10.9 Wind farms 138 10.10 Strategic opportunities 139 10.11 Compliance 143 10.12 Miscellaneous 143 11. Other Development Plan observations 144 11.1 Council-wide Modules 144 11.2 Zone provisions 148 11.3 Tables 151 11.4 Mapping and Concept Plans 151 Appendices Appendix A - Vision to 2030 – Dr Peter Ellyard 153 Appendix B - Mid North Region Plan responses 158 Appendix C - Urban design guidelines – examples 173 Appendix D - Mintaro Conservation and Construction Guidelines (Mintaro DPA, 2009) 181 Appendix E - Climate change references 183 Appendix F Submissions/public hearing 190 Strategic Directions Report, 2012/13 – Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council 4 List of common Acronyms ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics ARI Annual Return Interval AS/NZS Australian Standard, New Zealand Standard B&B Bed and Breakfast BDP Better Development Plan CAP Climate Change Adaptation Program CCS Climate Change Strategy CCTV Closed Circuit TV CFS Country Fire Service CGV(C) Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council CWMS Community Wastewater Management Scheme DAC Development Assessment Commission DC District Council DECD Department for Education and Child Development DECS Department for Education and Children’s Services DENR Department for Environment and Natural Resources DEWNR Department for Environment, Water and Natural Resources DP Deposited Plan DPA Development Plan Amendment Report DPTI Department for Planning, Transport and Infrastructure EPA Environment Protection Authority ERD Court Environment, Resources and Development Court ETSA Electricity Trust SA FFL Finished floor level GIS Geographic Information System ICT Information and Communication Technologies ISO International Standards Organisation LGA Local Government Association LGAMLS Local Government Association Mutual Liability Scheme MAR Managed Aquifer Recharge NRM Natural Resources Management PAR Plan Amendment Report PDC Principle of Development Control PIRSA Primary Industries SA PLEC Powerline Environment Committee RDA Regional Development Australia SAPOL SA Police SAPPL SA Planning Policy Library SATC SA Tourism Commission SDR Strategic Directions Report TAFE Tertiary and Further Education URPS Urban and Regional Planning Solutions UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation WAP Water Allocation Plan WSUD Water Sensitive Urban Design Strategic Directions Report, 2012/13 – Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council 5 PART A Overview and Recommended Development Plan Amendment (and related projects) program Strategic Directions Report, 2012/13 – Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council 6 1. Introduction The Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council has prepared a Strategic Directions Report, pursuant to Section 30 of the Development Act, herein called the Review. As a result of the adoption of the Mid North Regional Plan (a volume of the Planning Strategy) Council is required to undertake the Review (Section 30 of Development Act) within 12 months of its adoption. The Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council was formed in 1997, following the amalgamation of the District Councils of Clare, Riverton and Saddleworth & Auburn. The Council has a population of 8,749 people (2011 Census), over an area of 184,000 hectares. There are 18 towns and settlements within the area including:- Clare Stockport Riverton Waterloo Saddleworth Marrabel Auburn Watervale Manoora Sevenhill Mintaro Penwortham Armagh Leasingham Rhynie Black Springs Tarlee Hilltown Figure 1.1 – Council area The Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council, as a separate process, has also revised its Strategic Management Plan under Section 122 of the Local Government Act and undertaken considerable community engagement through that process in 2012. Strategic Directions Report, 2012/13 – Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council 7 2. What is a Strategic Directions Report? The Strategic Directions Report (the Review), commonly called a Section 30 Review, is required under Section 30 of the Development Act, and is critical to actively promote, shape and encourage good development and quality economic, social and environmental outcomes for the Clare and Gilbert Valleys. The Review considers strategic planning issues affecting the Clare and Gilbert Valleys with specific reference to the Planning Strategy (Mid North Region Plan) and other strategic documents - and makes recommendations on the future changes to the Development Plan for the Council area. The Review considers Council’s priorities for:- Achieving orderly and efficient development via planning policies Land use and transport planning Implementing targets set out in the Planning Strategy Social and physical infrastructure planning Other projects considered relevant by the Council. Principally the Review focuses on an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the Development Plan to identify what changes might be needed into the future in terms of managing growth and promoting development that is in the best long term interest of the Clare and Gilbert Valleys. This Review is separate from the review of the ‘Strategic Management Plan’ which Council is currently undertaking under Section 122 of the Local Government Act. However the outcomes from that review are considered as part of the Strategic Directions Review. The Review has been prepared in-line with the Department for Planning, Transport and Infrastructure guidelines and template for the undertaking of a Strategic Directions Report. 2.1 What is a Development Plan? The Development Plan is a document that controls and manages all forms of development within the Clare and Gilbert Valleys. It is one of Council’s many roles to ensure the Development Plan is up-to-date and is regularly reviewed. When you seek to undertake any form of development (for example but not limited to:- building work, a change in land use, subdivision of land; work associated with a State or Local Heritage place) you must first obtain Development Approval by lodging an application with Council - Council then assesses the application against the provisions of the Development Plan.
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