LlMITCD OrnCLl\L use LAWDJFORCEMENT SENSITIVE U. S. DEPARTMENT o F JUSTICE Hells Angels Motorcycle Club It is most active in the Pacific, Southwest, West Central, Great Lakes, Mid-Atlantic, and New England regions as well as New York and New Jersey and is expanding by forming new chapters and by allowing smaller, called puppet clubs to become Hells Angels Motorcycle Club chapters. Background . the Oakland Chapter gain dominance in the The first Hells Angels Motorcycle CluD HAMC organization an~. key role in (HAMC) chapter was fonned in San Bernardino, aggressively expanding_~by forming California, in 1948. Originallv known as the Pissed ~ .; chapters in many other states and countries Off Bastards of Bloomington (POBOB),_ throughout the 1960s. The Oakland Chapter is was reportedly organized by a group of ~ considered to be the Mother Chapter of the club. II veteran aviators. The second chapter was formed The first chapter outside the United States was in San Francisco in 1954. In 1957 Ralph Hubert formed in New Zealand in 1961. In 1967 a key "Sonny" Barger formed a chapter in Oakland. expansion of HAMC occUlTed when the first Using his charismatic personality, Barger helped chapter on the East Coast was fonned in Lowell, This t be protected and not released to unauthorized individual se by persons in your . agency who have a "need to nsitive informaf e In this document in order to perform an identifiable and authorized governmen. sed beyond your agency without the permission of NDIC. It must be s Imited access area or in a locked container ur ut hours. It must be destro redding or burning. LlM:TCD OFF!CIAL USE LAW ENFORCEMENT ~EN£ITIVE b~ I bId , 61e- Drugs and Crime OMG Profile-Hells Angels LlMITEf)-QFFiCIAi:-l:JS6 LAW EI'>IFORCEMENT SENSITIVE Massachusetts. The London Chapter, formed in Organizational structure 1969, was the first in Europe, followed by a chapter in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1970. By the end While there is no national or international of 1970 HAMC had 14 chapters in the United hierarchy governing all of the chapters, important States, 2 in Europe, and 1 in New Zealand. e HAMC continued to grow over the next three chapters are grouped into regions, with each region decades. By the end of the 1970s, the _had headed by an executive body whose members are added 20 chapters in the United States, Canada, elected from the chapters within that region. In the Europe, and Australia for a total of 37 chapters. United States HAMC has a West Coast region and DUling the 1980s the_expanded within the an East Coast region, the latter consisting of chap- United States, Europe, Canada, and into South ters east of and including the Omaha (NE) Chapter. America by adding over 30 new chapters. Expansion These regional groups hold regular meetings with a continued during the 1990s within the United States, liaison from the other region attending as a nonvot- Canada, Europe, South America, and into Africa for a ing representative. Foreign chapters also have total of more than 200 chapters worldwide. regional officers' meetings. This expansion has created tensions and alliances he highest level meetings of HAMC occur during what are called the US Run and the World Run, which are held in different In the first locations each year. These meetings are held to half of 2002, three HAMC members were fatally discuss intemational business and critical issues wounded in clashes with rival_ affecting the.worldwide. HAMC is aligned with many smaller_ Each local chapter operates under HAMC that support its criminal activity such as Red bylaws, which outline the rights and responsibili- Devils located throughout the United States ties of members. The chapter's organizational structure consists of a president, vice president, secretary/treasurer, sergeant-at -arms, security officer, and road captain. The president has full authority over the chapter and can veto any deci- sion voted upon by the chapter. chapters have The vice president assumes the duties of the attempted to improve HAMC's public image by president in his absence. The secretary/treasurer sponsoring charity events, blood dri ves, and records the chapter meeting minutes and handles patriotic rallies. The legendary leader of HAMC, chapter finances. The sergeant-at-arms ensures Sonny Barger, travels across the United States that rules are followed and maintains discipline, promoting his autobiography at various events and presents an image of HAMC as a group of average working men who are simply motorcycle enthusi- asts who like to have a good time. 2 LlMI"fEB O~f:ICIAL USELA'NENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE -t:tMt*:u OfnCIAL tl~1:: LAW ENI-UHl;I::IVIt:NT 3EN3111VE .. National Drug Intelligence Center The road captain organizes chapter runs, making all necessary accommoda- tions for the members. Most chapters are based in urban areas and maintain a clubhouse where members meet to plan activities. HAMC is an international 8 with active A chapter's influence is centered in the urban area chapters in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, where it is based; however, members often trave] Brazil, Canada, Chile, the Czech Republic, Denmark, well outside their geographic area, especially when Finland, France, Gernlany, Greece, Italy, Liech- smuggling and transporting drugs. tenstein, Lithuania, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, HAMC is a sophisticated organization that Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United was incorporated as a nonprofit entity in California States. Hells Angels U.S. chapters are located in in 1967. HAMC Corporation owns the rights to Alaska, Atizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, the words "Hells Angels" and the winged Death Dlinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massa- Head, the symbol of HAMC, and vigorously chusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, defends those rights. HAMC also has obtained New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, trademarks or copyrights in Canada, Taiwan, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Washington. South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and a number of European countries. The Death Head is trademarked in over 50 countries. LIMITCD OFFICIAL USE LAW ENFORCCMCNT SENSITIVE 3 Drugs and Crime OMG Profile-Hells Angels _ LIMITED OffiCIAL USE lAW CNfORCEMENT SENSITIVC Membership In an effort to boost membership and_ HAMC is aggressively HAMC members must be Caucasian, His- recruiting new members and, in many instances, panic, or Asian males over 21 years of age and are shortening the process for membership. It also has required to own a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. increased its sponsorship of smaller, aligned_ Prospective members are brought into chapters allowing them to become HAMC "support clubs" to through a lengthy, phased process designed to Many new prospects are measure a potential member's commitment to being recruited from these support clubs. HAl\1C and _After associating with the time, an individual may be identified as a "hangaround" and may do menial tasks and other duties to gain the respect of the members. Generally. During a period of time, usually 1 after 1 year, the hangaround may be sponsored by a year, the prospects are evaluated by HAMC to deter- member and may become a "prospect" for that mine their commitment to the organization. If deemed chapter. After another year or more, if the prospect worthy, the prospect chapter members are allowed to receives the unanimous vote of all chapter members, become full members ofHAMC and the prospect he is allowed to become a full member of HAMC. chapter becomes an HAMC chapter. 4 LIMITED OFFIC-IAl USE - lAW ENFORCEDnFNT SFNSITI\lE 6~, b7d; b7e.- -ld-MITCD OrFICIAL USE LAW t::NFORCEIv1ENT SE:r~3ITIVC National Drug Intelligence Center HA.MC mem- bers wear distinctive patches, or colors, on the back of leather or denim vests called cuts (collars and sleeves are cut off). The center patch is the caricature of a skull with wings I known as the Death Head. Above the Death Head is the top rocker-a white patch with Hells Angels spelled in large, red letters. Below the Death Head is the bottom rocker-a white patch with the chapter's location spelled in red letters. To the right of the Death Head, members wear an MC (motorcycle club) patch. Because of these colors, the club is referred to as the Red and White. Drug-Related Expansion Other patches are commonly worn on the front of the cuts such as the 1% patch, referring to a George Wethern, former vice president of the statement by the former president of the American Oakland Chapter stated, "We didn't believe in Motorcycle Association who said that 99 percent of granting charters for the sake of growth. The the motorcycling public are honest, law-abiding additions were designed to contribute to our image citizens and that only 1 percent are troublemakers. and business concerns by providing a drug route Other patches include AFFA (Angels Forever; link, manufacturing a drug, supplying chemicals or Forever Angels) and a patch with the member's distributing drugs in an untapped area." moniker and/or chapter ofIice. The colors are property of HAMC, are to be worn only by mem- Source: G. Wethern and V. Colnett, A Wayward Angel, 1978. bers, Some chapters have a l110na patc es wit c apter names such as "Frozen Few" in Anchorage, Alaska. The HAMC8is aggressively recruiting new members, including prospective members with business and computer skills_ Also, the_is se~e Its public Image by raising funds and participating in charity events. Drug Trafficking ~ED OFFICIAL USE LNvVENFORCEMENT SCNSfflVE 5 Drugs and Crime OMG Profile-Hells Angels LlMITCD OfFICIAL U~E LAW CNfORCCMCNT SEN~ITI\lE Drug Sales to Minors In March 2001, 28 HAMC members and associates were indicted for selling drugs to high school students in Ventura, California.
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