The Rheology of Frozen Soils Lukas U. Arenson*1, Sarah M. Springman2, Dave C. Sego1 1 Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UofA Geotechnical Centre, 3-065 Markin/CNRL Natural Resources Engineering Facility, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2W2, Canada 2 Institute for Geotechnical Engineering, ETH Zurich, Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 15, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland *E-mail: [email protected] Fax: x1.780.492.8198 Received: 2.6.2006, Final version: 2.8.2006 Abstract: The rheological behaviour of frozen soils depends on a number of factors and is complex. Stress and tempera- ture histories as well as the actual composition of the frozen soil are only some aspects that have to be consid- ered when analysing the mechanical response. Recent improvements in measuring methods for laboratory inves- tigations as well as new theoretical models have assisted in developing an improved understanding of the thermo-mechanical processes at play within frozen soils and representation of their response to a range of per- turbations. This review summarises earlier work and the current state of knowledge in the field of frozen soil research. Further, it presents basic concepts as well as current research gaps. Suggestions for future research in the field of frozen soil mechanics are also made. The goal of the review is to heighten awareness of the com- plexity of processes interacting within frozen soils and the need to understand this complexity when develop- ing models for representing this behaviour. Zusammenfassung: Das rheologische Verhalten von gefrorenen Böden hängt von einer grossen Anzahl verschiedener Faktoren ab und ist äusserst komplex. Druck- und Temperaturgeschichte, sowie die Zusammensetzung des gefrorenen Bodens sind nur einige Aspekte, welche betrachtet und berücksichtigt werden müssen, wenn man die mecha- nischen Eigenschaften analysiert. Neue Messtechniken bei Laborversuchen, sowie neue theoretische Modelle haben zu einem verbesserten Verständnis der mechanischen Prozesse gefrorener Böden beigetragen. Dieser Artikel fasst frühere Arbeiten sowie die gegenwärtige Forschung auf diesem Gebiet zusammen. Mit diesem Arti- kel soll das Bewusstsein der Komplexität gefrorener Böden geweckt werden. Es werden Konzepte der gegen- wärtigen Forschung vorgestellt sowie die Richtung zukünftiger Forschungsaktivitäten aufgezeigt. Dem Leser soll bewusst gemacht werden, dass bei der Formulierung von Modellen für gefrorene Böden jeder Situation spe- ziell Rechnung getragen werden muss. Résumé: Le comportement rhéologique des sols congelés dépend d’un grand nombre de facteurs et est complexe. L’his- torique des tensions et des températures ainsi que la composition réelle du sol congelé sont seulement quelques aspects qui doivent être considérés en analysant la réponse mécanique. Les améliorations récentes des méthodes de mesure pour les essais en laboratoire ainsi que de nouveaux modèles théoriques ont aidé à développer une meilleure compréhension des processus thermomécaniques en jeu dans les sols congelés et la représentation de leur réponse à un certain nombre de perturbations. Cet article récapitule les précédents travaux et l’état actuel des connaissances dans le domaine de la recherche sur les sols congelés. De plus, il présente des concepts de base aussi bien que des lacunes présentes dans la recherche actuelle. Des suggestions pour la recherche future dans le domaine de la mécanique des sols congelés sont également faites. L’objectif de l’article est d’intensifier la prise de conscience de la complexité des procédés interactifs agissant dans les sols congelés et de la nécessi- té de comprendre cette complexité en développant des modèles pour représenter ce comportement thermo- mécanique. Key words: frozen soil, permafrost, soil testing, shear strength, creep © Appl. Rheol. 17 (2007) 12147-1 – 12147-14 DOI: 10.1515/arh-2007-0003 Applied Rheology 12147-1 Volume 17 · Issue 1 1 INTRODUCTION the significant frost heave mechanisms. Howev- er, only since the beginning of the 20th Century, The term rheology was originally defined on April and in particular with the ground breaking pub- 29, 1929 by a committee that met in Columbus, lications of Taber in 1929 and 1930 [14, 15], as well Ohio after a proposal by E.C. Bingham and M. as those of Beskow in 1935 [16], were the funda- Reiner. By definition, the term refers to “the study mental processes presented to a wide academic of the deformation and flow of matter” [1 – 3] in audience. The basic concepts introduced at that terms of stress, strain, temperature and time, i.e. time are still generally accepted, as confirmed by it is concerned with the description of the flow Black and Hardenberg [17] in their report on the behaviour of all types of matter [4]. Frozen soil is historical perspective of frost heave research. matter whose thermo-mechanical properties In more recent years, new challenges have should be described in order to carry out stabili- arisen due to problems related to warming ty analysis of permafrost slopes or artificially frozen shafts. Research into the physical proper- ground temperatures associated with per- ties of frozen soils started in the 19th Century. Two mafrost degradation. Slope stability problems main developments were responsible for these have been recorded within mountainous envi- studies. The industrial revolution expanded into ronments [18 – 21] and new impacts on Arctic more remote areas of the Northern hemisphere infrastructure [22 – 25] or coastal zones [26] are that was underlain by permafrost, and artificial expected with the impacts of climate change ground freezing was introduced as a method for [27, 28]. constructing temporary support of structures The emerging demand for knowledge relat- and openings used in both mining and geotech- ed to the mechanical properties of frozen soils nical engineering. with respect to structures in permafrost, artifi- French [5] presents a detailed summary of cial ground freezing or frost action problems has the early works on periglacial geomorphology resulted in a significant number of laboratory and shows that the existence of perennially investigations on a variety of different soil types frozen ground was confirmed as early as during under extensive and varied boundary conditions. the mid 17th Century. Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomo- This vast quantity of research and publications nosov (1711 – 1765) probably offered the first has led to a number of summary papers and known scientific explanation on permafrost [6], reviews. The first section in this paper presents but the first publication on the existence of a selection of such papers to demonstrate the permafrost within the Shergin Well was pub- importance as well as the complexity of this topic lished by von Baer in 1838 [7]. Initial publications in science and engineering. Some related articles on problems related to engineering geocryology have also been published in Applied Rheo- were published in 1885 by a group of four logy [29]. scientists: The instructions for studying the The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the permafrost soils of Siberia. In 1927, Sumgin pub- diversity and variety of frozen soils and to follow lished an important summary of current knowl- up by presenting approaches on how to deal with edge at that time [8]. At about the same time as it. There is no such thing as the typical frozen soil. the engineering properties of permafrost were To understand the mechanical behaviour of a being studied, artificial ground freezing (AGF) frozen soil, factors such as its composition, stress was introduced in Wales (1862) and later in Ger- history, temperature, grain size, type and form, many (1883) by Pötsch [9, 10]. There are endless etc. have to be considered. This review sum- examples where AGF was used to improve soil marises some of the more recent research and properties with nearly no limits in dimension. puts it into context to help with understanding Shaft depths of 900m were achieved in the 1950s and assessing the influence of different variables in Canada, and to date AGF is used for a variety on the mechanical behaviour of various frozen of applications in geotechnical engineering soils. In addition, the review should provide a [e.g. 11, 12]. guide on how to deal with problems related to An important phenomenon observed with- frozen soils and where to find additional infor- in frozen and freezing soils is related to the mation on a particular challenge. It is not intend- dynamics during freezing and frost action. In ed to be a tool for the design of any particular 1854, Volger [13] presented the first evidence of engineered structure. Applied Rheology Volume 17 · Issue 1 12147-2 Permafrost (T<0°C) Artificially Frozen Seasonal Frost Dry (MC = 0%) Frozen Soil (MC > 0%) Rock Soil Segregated Segregated Ice ice not visible ice visible frozen soil, soil freezing and frost action, howev- er, are more focused on engineering, resulting in Individual Ice Poorly Bonded Ice with Soil Inclusions Inclusions substantially fewer manuscripts. Both trends Well Bonded – No Ice Coatings on show a research boom in the seventies that was Excess Ice Particles Ice without Soil Classification Classification Standard Soil Soil Standard Standard Rock Rock Standard Inclusions related to the exploration of the Northern nat- Well Bonded - Random/Irregular Excess Ice Oriented Ice ural resources, predominantly in North America. Formations Representative Layer Thickness The culture of academic publishing has resulted Stratified/Distinctly th 10 Oriented Ice in a skyrocketing increase at the end of the 20 Formations 1.0 Century. 0.1 Ice Content Layer [m] Layer Based on the number of available publica- 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Maximum Grain Size [mm] tions, it comes as no surprise that various review and state-of-the-art papers have been published. In 1973, Anderson and Morgenstern [30] pre- sented a review on the mechanics of frozen ground. Their publication summarises the important developments, mainly since 1963, with a special focus on the role of unfrozen water. Two additional thorough reviews were present- ed by Ladanyi in 1981 [31] and 1985 [32].
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