- Return to: Non Profit Org, Editor U.S. POSTAGE Prairie U.U. Society Jack Jallings, Archivist 5213 Milward Drive 4761 Schneider Dr. PAID Madison, WI 53711 Oregon, WI 53575 Madison, WI Address Correction Requested Permit No. 1604 Prairie Unitarian Universalist Society 2010 Whenona Drive, Madison, WI 53711 Julia Bonser, President 274-3248 Anne Pryor, R. E. Director 244-7099 Susan Hagstrom, Treasurer 238-4970 Meeting House 271-8218 To Change Address Or Cancel PRAIRIE FIRE, Call Richard Bonser, Editor 274-3248 Production Assistant - Susan Hagstrom Sunday, July 24 Recently I traveled to India and took part Vol. 32, No. 12, 6-22-94 10:00 AM in evaluating the social change programs "UVA YOUTH AND THE UN" pre• that the UVA sponsors through the Holdeen The deadline for the next issue of Prai• sented by Krin Haglund. (See related story) India Fund. In particular, the programs fo• rie Fire will beSunday,J uly 24. Submit cus on the empowerment of women. I've items for July 28-September 1, 1994. Sunday, July 31 recommended that the Holdeen India Pro• 11:00 AM gram become a joint program of the UVA "THE ELEMENTS: Joint Service With and the UVSC. Prairie, James Reeb And First Unitarian I came back impressed with the growth of Society At Sauk City Free Congregation our movement in South Asia. Did you know Unitarian Fellowship". To be followed by a that for over a century there have been Uni tar• Potluck Picnic. (See related story) ians in India? Among the tribal people of the Khasi Hills there are more than 7,000 Unitar• Sunday, June 26 Today's Quote ians in 30 churches, each with a free, non• 10:00 AM "I do not like work even when someone sectarian school to serve the whole village. "PLANNING FOR THE LAND" pre• else does it." There are also new UU groups in Lahore, sented by Caryl Terrell. (See related story) -MARK TWAIN Pakistan, and in Sri Lanka. We are more diverse than we sometimes think. Sunday, July 3 The same is true here in America. A 10:00 AM generation ago we came in only three flavors; NO SERVICE TODAY humanist, theist, and liberal Christian. Now 3:00 PM our varieties of diverse personal spirituality ANNUAL PICNIC/WATER PARTY at include Jewish, Buddhist, and earth cen• the Grindrods, 5235 Harbor Court. (See tered traditions, among others. Yet we are related story) More Diverse Than We Think remarkably united in our common values. Hospitality on Beacon Hill is real! This Sunday, July 10 Excerpts from the UVA President's Letter. April we held our first ever Open House on 10:00 AM MostofourUVcommunitiesaresmall(an a Sunday afternoon and we welcomed over "AT ONE WITH THE NATURAL average of 145 adult members; the average for 400 visitors. Let us know if you are coming WORLD" presented by Molly Murray. (See congregations of all faiths in NorthAmerica• our way. There are tours every Friday at 3 related story) Catholic parishes excepted-is 275). PM from April through October, and other The test of our faith, however, will be times by prearrangement. Pickett and Eliot Tuesday, July 12 how well we use the limited time, resources, House, our B & B, often has room and is 7:30 PM and wisdom we have. Despite our relatively reasonably priced. PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEETS at high levels of education and income, it may Treasurers, please note: Starting in 1994, the Nettletons, 645 Sheldon Street. be time that is in shortest supply. Recent the IRS requires a written acknowledgment studies show that the average college edu• for charitable contributions totaling over Sunday, July 17 cated American now spends nearly 60 hours $250. 10:00 AM each week at work. "ARELIGIOUSLIBERALVIEWSTHE One of my favorite prayers these days is: Yours faithfully RELIGIOUS RIGHT" presented, by Lee May those who hunger find bread. May fJ~ ?J~ Baleck. (See related story) those who have breadfi nd a hungerfo r justice. President, UVA ... As the prairie stretches out until it becomes one with the sky, let us reach out to touch and be one with the natural world and with one another. PRAIRIE'S BOND OF UNION The Oldest and Largest Lay-Led Society in the UUA Prairie Patter will share some of her insights and help us souri Columbia, and Associate Professor, explore these issues. Women's Studies and Religious Studies. Dr. This week Cinda and I are attending Gen• Welch presents widely on celebrating diver• eralAssemblyin Fort Worth, Texas. I presume Picnic At Grindrod's sity, dismantling racism and sexism, and the weather this past week has been preparing empowerment. us for Texas. This will be the fourth General John and Shirley Grindrod are once again Workshops: Diversity and religious edu• Assembly I have attended. It will be the first graciously inviting us for an afternoon of cation; Church based community organiz• with Rev. John Buehrens as President of the swimming at the nearby city beach (1/2 ing; Volunteer management; Growth and UUA. I am curious if there will be detectable block away) and picnicking at their home on assimilation; Conflict Management; Young differences from the other GN s. I try and take Lake Mendota at Spring Harbor. Bringyour Adult Ministries; Long range planning for in as many performances as are offered. These own meat to grill (about 5:00 PM and a dish . diversity; Establishing new congregations; are programs put on by congregations, some of to share. Come enjoy the Grindrod's new Interweave/diversity in sexual orientation; which have been used for fund raising. Each screened-in porch and the chance to social• Multicultural issues in running effective time I attend I have to get used to references to ize together on July 3rd. meetings. ' our movement. ' Hinsdale Unitarian Church, Hinsdale, There are words I've been hearing since I At One With ... n. October 8, 1994 SAVE THIS DATE! became a Unitarian that I now realize I don't quite know the unique meaning for us. .. The Natural World. Molly Murray, Women's Opportunities Phrases such as; Liberal Religion, Free outreach coordinator with the U. W. Arbo• Church, Covenanting relationship. In one retum, will share her perspectives on our role The Summer Wo manspirit Gathering of the UUA publications, UU Views of in theweboflife. This is thesecondinaseries will be held August 5-7, 1994 at Camp Church, thereisastatementbyTheRev. Dr. of summer services that focus on this part of Ronora, near Watervliet, Michigan. This is James Luther Adams, Professor Emeritus, our Bond of Union. the first gathering of its kind held in the Harvard Divinity School: summer. The program includes yoga, t'ai . .. But the church is never whollyfr ee. A Religious Liberal. .. chi, workshops and teaching lodges, and a It tolerates injustice, specialp rivilege and wide variety of recreational activities. The indifference to suffering-as though it ... Views The Religious Right. Lee Baleckis retreat is sponsored by the CMD Women were not accountable to a tribunal higher amemberofFirst Unitarian Society who has and Religion Committee. Tent camping, than the world's. It passes by on the other studied the Religious Right and their in• bunkhouse, or shared cabins are available. side, thus breaking the covenant. In the volvement with the political system. This is Vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals are midst oft his unfreedom, the congregation a timely issue that may affect many of our included. Children are welcome. Fees range comes together to adore that which is holy, religious and personal rights. from $100 to $120 for the weekend. to confess its own brokenness and to renew Flyers in rack or call Helen Hughes 708- the covenant. UUA Youth And The UN 481-6461 or MelindaPerrin 708-579-5695. I call that church free which does not Registration closes July 1. cringe in despair, but by casting offfe ar is Krin Haglund, a senior active with the Central Midwest District, Unitarian Lured by the divine persuasion to respond Madison YRUU and afotmer Prairie church Universalist Women's Federation Fall Re• in hope to the Light that has shone and still school member, was selected to participate treat We Laugh, We Cry, We Live, We Die, shine in the darkness. in the UUA-UN Youth Conference earlier We Dance, We Sing Our Song* Keynote this year. She will report on her experiences Speaker: Shelley Jackson Denham October Blessed be• and the role of the UUA UN office in 27-30, 1994 Please save these dates! George -fl«& g'-,,e,:, international affairs. Williams College, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin President joint Service at Sauk City Chicago Baseball Retreat Do You KnowWhatTo Say? Prairie and the Sauk City Free Congrega• Second Unitarian Church of Chicago is Would you like to be a lay minister but tion have had an annual joint summer ser• hosting a baseball retreat on August 6 & 7, don't know what to talk about? The UUA vice tradition for many years. This year, all 1994. The overnight event includes home has many good services or series already three Madison UUA societies will join to• hospitality, tickets to the CUBS game against developed for you to look over. The Com• gether to visit the Sauk City group for a the San Diego Padres on Sunday, dinner on mittee on Committees is looking for lay service and potluck. Each society will con• Saturday night, brunch on Sunday and a ministers for fall and winter of 1994-1995. duct part of the service. special Sunday service on the spirituality of Send your ideas, nominations and selfn omi• Please bring a dish to share for the Pot• baseball. Cost is $50 per person, $75 per nations to the Committee on Committees, luck Dinner following the service.
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