"We're on the University Kick" was the Homecoming Float of Gamma Lambda at East Tennessee State. KING, AX, DEANNA COFFMAN, r A, with her cousin, sang "I'm just a Bird in Tennessee Ernie Ford, when he came to Ten­ a Gilded Cage" with nessee to cut a record with his home-folk. dance routines and won Deanna is president of Delta Omicron and THETAs top prize second place in George­ was elected to Who's Who from East Tennes­ town variety show. entry at Illinois YWCA see State. Show, an annual event. DLUME 55 UMBER 2 SUMMER 1961 Official Magazine of Sigma Kappa Sorority Founded at Colby College, November, 1874 ~······························Editor-in-Chief, FRANCES WARREN BAKER (Mrs, James Stannard Baker, 433 Woodlawn Ave., Glencoe, Ill.) lumruz Editor--Beatrice Strait Line~ (Mrs. Harold' B. Lines), 234 Salt Springs Rd., Syracuse 3, N.Y. 'ollere Editer~-Jean Bandslev Coleman (Mrs. John Coleman), Meadow Estatu, Wheeling, W.Va. Anna Weaver Booske (Mrs. Henry Booske) , 1617 Zarker Rd., Lancaster, Pa. utineu M•n•ller--Margaret Hazlett Taegart (Mrs. E. D. Taggart), 3433 Washineton Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind. ~······························ FRONT COVER: "Rainier Vista" at the University of Washington in Seattle, with Suzzallo library (left) and administration building (right). The University, among the 15 largest universities in the nation with a day-school enrollment of over 18,000 and a faculty o£ 1,150, is celebrating its Centennial this year. Our Mu chapter celebrated its 50th anniversary. 3 Mu Celebrates 50 Years of Success at Washington 8 Council Comments 9 My Impressions of Sweden-Just What I Expected! 11 Our Three New Traveling Secretaries 12 A Happy Year in Sweden Makes Me Eager To Try Another Foreign Home 13 Campus Groups and Rules 14 Cite Miami Alumnre Chapter As Club of the Week 15 Third Big Texas State Day Promotes Progress, Friendships 16 The Four "Blazers" Had Fun Singing 17 Culver-Stockton Honors Our Helen! 18 "Mary Meade" Returns to Iowa State to Speak 19 California Alumnre Swarm to Santa Barbara for Conference 20 Honor Opera Star and Author at Milwaukee Alumnre Luncheon 21 Carlo Crim-Girl in White 22 Louise Bates Heads Burbank Club 23 Her Calm, Clear Voice Is Heard-Margaret Hawley 24 Eunice Anderson Now Actively Concerned with Youngsters and Oldsters 25 Sigma Kappas to Europe 26 There's Always a Welcome for Another Foster Child at the McGraws 27 Convention Plans Already Brewing 28 She's Busy- in Many Fields 53 Alumnre Chapter Activities 29 Significant News of Sigmas 57 Milestones 35 College Chapter News 58 Deaths 50 Pledges 59 Directory ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLB is published in Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. by Georg~ J;lanta <:;ompany, Inc. , official publishers for Sigma Kappa Sorority at Curtis Reed Plaza, Menasha, Wis. SubscnptlOn pnce $2 a year; smgtr copies 50¢; life subscription $15 . Send change of address, subscriptions, and correspondence of a business nature to Mrs. E. D. Taggart, Curtis Reed Plaza, Menasha, Wis., or 3433 Washington Blvd .. Indianapolis 5, Ind. Correspondence of an editorial nature is to be addressed to Mrs. ]. S. Baker, 433 Woodlawn ave., Glencoe, Ill. Chapters, college and alumnre, must send manuscript in time to reach their respective editors before the fifteenth of October, January, April, and August. Member of Fraternity Magazines Associated. All matters pertaining to national advertising should be directed to Fra­ ternity Magazines Associated, 1618 Orrington ave., Evanston, Ill. Second-class postaee paid at Menasha, Wisconsin. Printed in U.S.A. PATRICIA CIESIEL, AB, was Military Ball Queen and Sweetheart of Sigma Phi Epsilon at Buffalo. "Alice in Victoryland" was the theme of ~ winning float of ALPHA IOTA chapter Alpha Chi Omega at Miami (Ohio) H. coming. GAMMA LAMBDA won two trophies in the Lambda Chi Alpha All-Sing at East Tent~essee. Holding the trophies are Brendagail Berry, director of large· group which took 2nd place and Pat Thompson, director of small group which took 1st place. MARTHA STROM, n, was choae~~ ALPHA THETAS at Louisville dyed and hid a member of the Homecomilll Easter eggs for youngsters at a local orphanage. Court at Florida State. Looking at the prizes are (left to right) Michelle Peyton, Shirley Martin, and Marsha Hewitt. Carol Linds, Jay Jordan, Kay Pryor, Gloria Underwood, Melichar, and Vicki Hayhurst all dressed for the Roaring party of DELTA CHI chapter, Cetltral Oklahoma. vfu Chapter's Golden Anniversary Banquet in Seattle's New Washington Hotel, November 18 ;_?60. A fe~ of t~e 166 Sigmas present, including the speakers' table: from left; Eleanor Jone~ raves, Gail Austm Grant, and Kathryn Hoffman, charter initiates; Vera Brown Bean e who vas on the installing team; Jessie Pepper Padelford, A, founder of Mu; Helen Stone Gilbe~ M oastmistress; Ernestine Duncan Collins, M, Past National President; Marjorie Johnson Dever' M' >eattle Alumnre president; Betty Forray, Mu chapter president; Mrs. Royal Vilas, housemo:her: md Eleanor Scatchard Field, charter initiate. ' mu Celeb,.ateJ so 'ijea,.J o/ SucceJJ al WaJhinglon By DORIS LINCOLN TREPP, M- Washington . ~ "How wonderful!" seated at the Head Table, Doris McKay had "You ! Why, I haven't seen you since made enduring wood-fiber corsages of violets. school!" Betty Jane Dignan Savery and Barbara Good­ "Mary! You haven't changed a bit!" man Chenoweth were co-chairmen of the The excited speakers were 166 members party. of Sigma Kappa, and the occasion was the Original Mus present to re-live the first Golden Anniversary Banquet of Mu Chapter, banquet, and to receive their gold certificates Nov. 18, 1960 in Seattle's New Washington "to certify that the name of --- has been Hotel. added to the Golden Circle of Sigma Kappa In more than one sense of the word, Mu in recognition of 50 years of membership," girls "came home" on this happy evening. It were Eleanor Jones Graves, Vera Brown Bean was here, in the then just-opened New Wash­ of Long Beach, Calif., Gail Austin Grant of ington, that the 13 thrilled members of a Vashon Island, Wash., Kathryn Hoffman, and former University of Washington local group Eleanor Scatchard Field. known as the Altheims assembled for their Mu also had the honor and joy of sharing first banquet as Sigma Kappas 50 years ago. the occasion with the lovely and gracious lady The gala evening began with a social hour who, above all others, was responsible for its in a room filled with mementos of 50 years founding-Jessie Pepper Padelford of Alpha of Mu history . treasured souvenirs loaned chapter, whose birth was in the same year as by many of those present. Pledge pictures of Sigma Kappa's own, 1874, and who, as a past years were pored over and old friends small girl, knew and loved the Sigma Kappa identified. Dance and banquet programs of founders. bygone days brought forth reminiscences. It The theme of the evening was "Ever Grow­ was difficult to leave this happy scene even ing, Ever Worthy." for the long-anticipated banquet itself. Banquet toastmistress was Helen Stone For the occasion, Pat Lundstrom, decora­ Gilbert of Yakima, Wash., director of li­ tions chairman, used the pink rhododendron braries for Yakima county, who introduced theme which had brought Mu Chapter plau­ the speakers : beloved Jessie Padelford, who dits at the Sun Valley convention. Tall pink guided the little group of Altheims in their candles lit the tables, and at each place, in quest of Sigma as she coped with the prob­ addition to the program and a Sigma history lems of the household and small children of compiled by the Mothers' Club, was a jeweled young Prof. Frederick Morgan Padelford. oyster shell. For the first initiates, who were " ... It is surprising to me to remember what SUMMER 1961 A 3 A Charlotte Langley and Jan Meydenbauer, Mus, pause in front of the Mu chapter house at the University of Washington. the University of Washington was when my husband and I came here from the East in 1901," said Mrs. Padelford. "He and Milnor Roberts came the same year, Milnor from Stanford to start the School of Mines, and my husband from Yale. They made the 26th and 27th members of the faculty, and we had less than 500 people in the student body." By 1910, the University had grown so rapidly that the faculty numbered 177 and the student body between two and three thousand. While that may sound very little compared with the faculty of 800 today and I don't know how many thousand students, it never­ theless represents quite a growth. It has al­ ways been a 'live spot' here at the University of Washington, and there's never a dull mo­ ment if you live near the Campus. An Exciting Occasion It is very exciting to be with the Sigma Kappas here on this occasion; and the inter­ esting thing to me is that when I come to­ gether with you, I have no sense of some be­ ing old and some being young. In other Jessie Pepper Padelford, A-Colby, who brought words, those of you who are young certainly Sigma Kappa from her chapter in Maine clear are very sensible young people, and those of out to the Pacific coast in 1910. She helped in· stall Mu chapter at the University of Washing· us who are old don't have sense enough to ton April 28, 1910-just five days after another grow old. And now, I think it's about time Alpha chapter alumna, Minnie Bunker, had for Grandma to cease." helped to install Lambda chapter at the Univer· "We never could find anyone to replace sity of California. The national officer in charge Jessie Padelford, could we?" commented of both installations was Grace ·Ada Small Houlder, !1.-Boston, then Triangle editor in chief Helen Stone Gilbert, toastmistress-and and later N.P.C.
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