Council Directive 89/622/EC concerning the labelling of tobacco products, as amended TAR AND NICOTINE CONTENTS OF THE CIGARETTES SOLD ON THE EUROPEAN MARKET AUSTRIA Brand Tar Yield Nicotine Yield Mg. Mg. List 1 A3 14.0 0.8 A3 Filter 11.0 0.6 Belvedere 11.0 0.8 Camel Filters 14.0 1.1 Camel Filters 100 13.0 1.1 Camel Lights 8.0 0.7 Casablanca 6.0 0.6 Casablanca Ultra 2.0 0.2 Corso 4.0 0.4 Da Capo 9.0 0.4 Dames 9.0 0.6 Dames Filter Box 9.0 0.6 Ernte 23 13.0 0.8 Falk 5.0 0.4 Flirt 14.0 0.9 Flirt Filter 11.0 0.6 Golden Smart 12.0 0.8 HB 13.0 0.9 HB 100 14.0 1.0 Hobby 11.0 0.8 Hobby Box 11.0 0.8 Hobby Extra 11.0 0.8 Johnny Filter 11.0 0.9 Jonny 14.0 1.0 Kent 10.0 0.8 Kim 8.0 0.6 Kim Superlights 4.0 0.4 Lord Extra 8.0 0.6 Lucky Strike 13.0 1.0 Lucky Strike Lights 9.0 0.7 Marlboro 13.0 0.9 Marlboro 100 14.0 1.0 Marlboro Lights 7.0 0.6 Malboro Medium 9.0 0.7 Maverick 11.0 0.8 Memphis Classic 11.0 0.8 Memphis Blue 12.0 0.8 Memphis International 13.0 1.0 Memphis International 100 14.0 1.0 Memphis Lights 7.0 0.6 Memphis Lights 100 9.0 0.7 Memphis Medium 9.0 0.6 Memphis Menthol 7.0 0.5 Men 11.0 0.9 Men Light 5.0 0.5 Milde Sorte 8.0 0.5 Milde Sorte 1 1.0 0.1 Milde Sorte 100 9.0 0.5 Milde Sorte Super 6.0 0.3 Milde Sorte Ultra 4.0 0.4 Parisienne Mild 8.0 0.7 Parisienne Super 11.0 0.9 Peter Stuyvesant 12.0 0.8 Philip Morris Super Lights 4.0 0.4 Ronson 13.0 1.1 Smart Export 10.0 0.8 Treff 14.0 0.9 Trend 5.0 0.2 Trussardi Light 100 6.0 0.5 United E 12.0 0.9 Winston 13.0 0.9 York 9.0 0.7 List 2 Auslese de luxe 1.0 0.1 Benson & Hedges 12.0 1.0 Camel 15.0 1.0 Camel Extra Lights 5.0 0.5 Cartiervendome Lights 8.0 0.7 Chesterfield 13.0 0.9 Chesterfield Original 12.0 0.9 Chesterfield Original Lights 8.0 0.6 Davodoff Classic 13.0 0.9 Ducados Rubio 14.0 1.1 Dunhill International 14.0 1.2 Gauloises 14.0 1.0 Gauloises Blondes 13.0 0.9 Gauloises Blondes Legeres 7.0 0.6 Gauloises Filter 10.0 0.7 Gitanes Filter 10.0 0.9 Gold Coast 13.0 0.7 Gold Coast Lights 8.0 0.6 HB Lights 6.0 0.6 Joy Superslim 7.0 0.7 JPS 11.0 1.0 JPS American Blend 12.0 1.0 JPS American Blend Lights 5.0 0.5 Kim Ultraslim Superlights 4.0 0.4 Marlboro Lights 100’s 9.0 0.7 More 14.0 1.0 MS Filter 11.0 1.0 Oakland Golden Blend 13.0 0.9 Pall Mall 100’2 13.0 1.0 Pall Mall 13.0 1.0 Pall Mall Lights 9.0 0.7 Philip Morris One 1.0 0.7 Player’s Medium Navy Cut 13.0 1.0 Players No. 6 12.0 1.0 Prince Lights 11.0 1.0 Prince of Blends 14.0 1.2 R1 2.0 0.2 R6 4.0 0.4 Reyno 14.0 0.8 Rothmans 13.0 1.1 Rothmans Lights 8.0 0.6 Silk Cut 5.0 0.5 Vogue Superslims 100’s 7.0 0.7 West 13.0 0.9 West Lights 7.0 0.6 Yves Saint Laurent Lights 6.0 0.5 BELGIUM Nicotine Tar Yield Yield Brand mg. aangekondigd mg. aangekondigd Armada100 Filter 1.01 1.0 14.09 15 Barclay Action Filter 0.20 0.5 1.81 5 Barclay Number One 0.17 0.1 1.54 1 Barclay Ultra Lights 0.27 0.2 2.73 2 Bastos Filter 1.25 1.3 14.23 14 Bastos N.Y.c. Ultra Lights 0.16 0.1 1.12 1 Black Death Filter 1.00 0.9 12.95 14 Boule d’Or Lichte Filter 1.21 1.0 11.96 12 Boule Nationale Filter 0.42 0.6 8.99 10 Camel Filters 1.02 1.0 11.79 14 Chesterfield Filter 0.82 1.0 12.72 14 David off Classic 0.82 0.9 11.87 7 Ducal Filter 0.89 1.0 11.88 14 Ducal Lights 0.45 0.5 5.99 6 Ducal Mild 0.67 0.8 8.04 8.5 Gauloises Blonds 0.80 1.0 12.21 14 Gladstone Mild Filter 0.88 0.9 11.89 12 Lexington sans Filter 0.98 1.1 13.66 15 L & M Filter 0.82 0.9 12.00 13 Lucky Strike Filter 0.90 1.0 12.43 13 Malboro Flip-Top Box 0.60 1.0 12.24 14 Malboro Medium Filter 0.66 0.7 9.76 10 Pall Mall Menthol 0.81 0.9 11.32 12 Philip Morris 100’s SL 0.29 0.4 4.30 4 SG Gigante 0.84 1.0 12.98 15 St. Michel (groen) Filter 0.62 0.6 10.20 10 St. Michel zonder Filter 0.92 0.9 15.24 15 Texas Lights 0.39 0.7 6.63 9 Texas Menthol 0.97 0.9 14.83 14 Visa Lichte Filter 1.03 1.0 13.66 14 West Lights 0.56 0.6 7.17 7 Winston King Size 0.83 1.0 11.45 14 Zemir Filter 0.89 0.8 11.81 12 DENMARK Brand Tar Yield Nicotine Yield Mg. Mg. Karelia Agrinou 16.0 0.9 Camel Filters 14.0 1.0 Camel Lights 8.0 0.7 Camel Non-Filters 15.0 1.2 Tobacco House No. 7 Light 12.0 1.0 Tobacco House No. 7 Fullflavor 14.0 1.0 Lakers 14.0 1.1 Cecil Gron 14.0 1.4 Cecil Rod 14.0 1.2 King’s Original 14.0 1.4 Look 14.0 1.2 Look Menthol 14.0 1.2 Lucky Strike 14.0 1.1 North State 14.0 1.3 Prince 14.0 1.2 Prince 100 14.0 1.2 Queen’s 14.0 1.2 Queen’s 14.0 1.4 Rocky Mountains 14.0 1.2 Scotsman 14.0 1.3 Viking 14.0 1.4 King’s Filter 14.0. 1.2 Look Menthol Light 12.0 1.0 Look Light 12.0 1.1 Prince Light 100 12.0 1.1 Prince Light 12.0 1.1 Prince Light Menthol 12.0 1.0 King’s Filter Light 11.0 1.0 Mistral 10.0 0.9 Mistral Menthol 10.0 0.9 Look Ultra Light 9.0 0.8 Prince Ultra Light 100 9.0 0.9 Prince Ultra Light 9.0 0.8 Savoy Ultra Light 7.0 0.7 Savoy Ultra Light Menthol 7.0 0.6 Savoy Extra Ultra Lights 3.0 0.3 Dunhill Mild 9.0 0.8 Dunhill International 14.0 1.2 Dunhill Menthol 14.0 1.0 Dunhill Lights 8.0 0.7 Rothmans KS 14.0 1.1 Craven A CT 15.0 1.2 Cartier Vendome 8.0 0.7 Benson & Hedges Spec. F 12.0 0.9 Gauloises Blondes 15.0 1.1 Gauloises Blondes Legeres 7.0 0.7 Gauloises Caporal 15.0 1.3 Gauloises Legeres 9.0 0.7 Kent KS 10.0 0.9 Pall Mall 15.0 1.3 Silk Cut KS 5.0 0.5 Marlboro 13.0 0.9 Marlboro 100 14.0 1.0 Marlboro Light 8.0 0.6 John Player Special 14.0 1.0 Player’s Navy Cut 14.0 1.0 FINLAND Tar Yield Nicotine Yield Brand Mg. Mg. Armiro Mild 8.2 0.65 Armiro Regular 11.1 0.83 Barclay 5.0 0.50 Barclay Menthol 4.0 0.30 Barclay Number One 1.0 0.10 Barclay Number One Menthol 1.0 0.10 Belmont Extra Mild 6.6 0.60 Belmont Filter 7.6 0.68 Bellmont Full Flavor 12.4 0.95 Belmont 2002 4.7 0.45 Belmont 2002 Menthol 4.7 0.44 Belmont Menthol 6.6 0.60 Belmont Ultra 1.1 0.11 Blend Extra Mild 6.5 0.65 Blend Filter 9.3 0.76 Boston 10.8 0.72 Camel 12.6 0.96 Camel Lights 8.2 0.68 Colt 12.0 0.95 Downtown Full Flavor 11.3 0.93 Downtown Lights 5.6 0.49 Downtown Medium 8.7 0.73 Downtown Ultra Lights 2.4 0.24 Downtown Ultra Menthol 2.4 0.24 Dunhill International 13.3 1.31 Dunhill Menthol 10.4 1.02 Form Special 9.0 0.68 Gold Coast Full Flavor 11.2 0.90 Gold Coast Lights 5.9 0.55 Gold Coast Lights Menthol 5.9 0.54 Kent 8.0 0.80 Kevyt 3 3.0 0.27 Kevyt 5 4.3 0.41 Klubi 22 10.9 0.75 Klubi 77 12.9 0.87 L & M Full Flavor 12.5 0.92 L & M Lights 5.8 0.52 L & M Lights Menthol 5.7 0.51 L & M Menthol 12.5 0.89 L & M Mild 8.5 0.66 L & M Ultra Lights 2.7 0.26 Lucky Strike Filter 14.0 1.10 Lucky Strike Lights 8.0 0.70 Marlboro 12.7 0.95 Marlboro Lights 7.5 0.60 Marlboro Lights Menthol 7.4 0.59 Marlboro Lights 100’s 8.7 0.69 Marlboro Medium 8.8 0.69 Marlboro Menthol 12.9 0.95 Marlborol 100’s 13.1 0.97 Multifilter 11.6 0.92 Montana Filter 11.3 0.89 Montana Lights 6.0 0.54 Montana Lights Menthol 6.0 0.55 North State Filter 13.0 1.10 North State Full Flavor 12.0 1.10 North State Lights 8.0 0.80 North State Mild 7.0 0.70 North State Plain 13.0 1.00 Pall Mall Filter 11.0 1.00 Pall Mall Lights 8.0 0.70 Pall Mall Lights Menthol 7.0 0.60 Pall Mall Medium 9.0 0.80 Pall Mall Menthol 11.0 0.80 Pall Mall Special One 2.0 0.20 Pall Mall Ultra Lights 4.0 0.40 Pall Mall Ultra Menthol 3.0 0.30 Partner 10.9 0.68 Tyomies 10.7 0.71 Ultra Kevyt 1 0.9 0.07 Winston 12.8 1.05 Yves Saint Laurent Lights 6.5 0.56 Yves Sain Laurent Menthol Lights 6.3 0.52 FRANCE Tar Yield Nicotine Yield Brand Mg.
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