TUESDAY, SEPTESMBER 8, 1968 PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT Avm««« IMIy Not PtOM Ron ,Th^ Weather •m ^bw iter £vm tng ^^raiiii For Tha Week ~Y'*r f . Fair tonight. Lftw 55 to 60. T o Angnattl, 1H6 schools will take place at 7 p.m. monTow p a i ^ tunny, and con­ Power Squadron with the first lecture follow­ tinued wanrt . High near 80. About Town ing at 8 p.m. The course runs Offers Course for a period of 12 weriis, one 14,450 MMcheser LodCE« of Masons Manehe$ter— A City of Village Charm night a week, and U open tor wtll meet tonight a t 7:30 a t. In Boat Safety both men emd women. Owner- (Chuelfled AdrerUoing on Page S9) p r ic e t e n c e n t s the llaeonic Temple. Tha Kn- ditp of a boat is not necessary VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 285 (THmYY-SIX PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1968 teriM Apprentice degree WUI be "Rules of the water,” In order to register for the oonferred. Bichard W. Spiller, ----------- D----------------------- ------------------ ».-------------------- eompaaa and course readings, olssses. senior wardito, will preside. and many other neceaaary fun­ Further Information igay b e ' \ damentals for the safe and Orange Hall Bingo will start had by calling Education Offic­ courteous operation of boats will Saturday night at 7 :30. er WUllam Hmres, 228 Moun­ Commimicafions Slip be part of the free boating Cong Shell tain Rd: OMAHA, Neb. (AP)— A course being offered by the Mystic Review, NABA, will requirement that some new Manchester Power Squadron be­ US Will Pledge Troops meet tonight at 3 at the Odd pupils carry special transfer ginning Sept. 11 at Manchester Nha Trang Fellows Hall. President Mrs. ellpe caueed some embar- High School, Sept. 18 at the Haxll Fahey and their commit­ READINB CUSSES SAIGON (AP) — Viet Conts rasenient at Windsor School saver Lane School, East Hart­ tee «(I1 serve retreahments al­ gunners‘ shelled another majOT as classes began here Tues­ ford, and Sept. 28 at the Rock­ for ADULTS 'C T ter the meeting. South - Vletnamase city today, day. ville High School. * ISMd RMdkie TtchnliiuM . and the UA . Oonunand reported Registration at sU three a Canwrehaui^ i*’'*** GLASS INSTALLED A teacher told a fifth grade .-Mrs. Etenjamin Cohen of 3 a VocabuUrr OtvtIopnMnt three American helicopters and girl, "I haven't seen your a Efftenw Study TKhnIquM Ba^ieta Rd. held a cotdeout at acnttcsl Rndira'tkilM. IN ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS a fighter-bomber riiot down in Blip yet.” Sklmmlns m yi tannins the South. But a general lull hi To Meet Soviet Threat The girl lifted her drees her home Saturday in honor of tmsM CIswM a All" CsndltWnsS AND WINDOWS OF AU TYPES Mrs. David Kaye of tondon, U L T IM A II CwItfM Rwdine IsscUlliH sustained fighting ooiMnued Into and said, "See, I ’ve got It WASHENGTON (AP) — The ' a fifth dgy. England, who has been visiting COSMETICS i AOADEMIO HEADIN8 LeBeckelle A WMte Mass Ce, hie. on.” United States is wUling to here for the peat two months Two of the aircraft, a $2' mil­ pledge aloog with He NATO al- with her twd daughters. Mrs. • . P' • eENTER, lio. Open 8 AM. to B P Jd ,—Saturday 8 A-M. to Noon lion Air Force F4 Phantom add lies to maintain current troop Kaye, formerly of Manchester,, U E. CRNTER ITu MANCHEITIR an Army hellocpter, were levels In Europe as oneiway to WELDON DRUG CO. sstr H CsyiiyV, Efts Wtttss 31 BISSEUi ST^Phone 649-7322 downed three nd lee' from the m frt ffie new Soviet threat, ad­ moved to England eight years TaL M t H t agp. Attending the affair were Cambodian twrder ^wsday, but ’ord Man ministration sources say. all six crewmen were rescued. •12 of Mrs.. Kaye’s former co- ’The sources say the issuing of ' workers at Mianchester Modes The Phantom Wae supporting al­ lied Infantrymen northwest of such, a pledge probably would on Pine St., where stie was for- Gives^Self up Tay Ninh, end the hriicopter be done In a joint atatement. • merty employed, was shot down, u It tried to res­ , ’They said tMs was among al­ cue file Phantom’s two crew­ Ending ^ ig e ternatives before the National Manchester WATE6 wlU hold men. Two other hellooptorB Security Council at a me*tlng a business meeting tonight gt today called to chart policy to completed the rescue. HARTFORD (AP)—A Mi the Italian Am^ccm Cltjb /'on Barry, Campaign at Fair Ground fire brought down an­ ward the Soviet presence In Eldridge Sft. Weighing in w}« be a downtown reetaurtmt efid( CzechoelovaMa, which points ‘ state Rep. Sen. David M. Barry of Manchester, right. Joined by State Rep. Wiliam O’Nedll of MAGNIFICI N l other chopper In the central today after a man held a wait from 7 to 8. Members atvs re­ like a dagger at the heart of East Hampton, kicks off his campaign for re elecUon Labor Day at the Haddam Neck Fair. highlands, near An Khe. One ress hostage for more than 21i minded to bring reclp « for free Europe. O’NeiU, of the 52nd Assembly District, also Is running for re-elecUon. The two candidates hand crewman was Injured and the hours In a downtown Hartford their cooKbook. / literature to a Barry Olri and an O’Neill Girl, for distribution at the Fair. Barry for Senate (AF PhotoCax) heUoi^er was destroyed. restaurant. President Johnsxm called the Manchester Headquarters will open ’Thursday a t Tp.m. at 67 E. Center St., with the public in­ ’Ilie tMrd heliooptey was shot "We got the guy,” pxdlce eald late afternoon seselMi wlfii M* Manchester O ran^ will hold Under gray skies, Vice President Hubert Hum­ vited. down on a combat atea,ult mis­ of the man who reibiEfed pleas top military, defense and diplo­ a regtdar meeting at Orange phrey walks alone across his lake home phjperty sion 15 miles souUiwest of Sai­ from Ms family to surrender matic aides earlier In the week Hall tomorrow night. Refresh- gon. TTuoe crewmen were killed while winding up a long stay at at Wiaveriy, Minn., yesterday. He cut short a pktn- and who threatened anyone who menta will be served after the i and a fourth wounded. This Was Interfered. Ms ranch In Texas. He returned meettog. Police Arrests Drug Store^ Several Homes ned week-long rest to attend a meeting today of in the same general area where They teld the man, Identified to Washington today. PORTABLES American Infantrymen clashed The session parallels a '’simi­ oAHerbert Elkins, 28, surrender­ thh'Naltional Security Council in Washington, D.O. late Tuesday with an enemy Anvrid K. Nelson, 57,' of 434 Burglarized Over Weekend ed. Ho had entered the restaur­ lar review now going on In the -force of unknown size. Fourteen Inner chambers of the North At­ Spring St. was charged wilth 1 1 ant, tvalked to a back booth Farr at 29 Elizabeth Dr. Satur­ of the enemy and four Ameil- lantic Treaty Organloatlon at totoach of peace Saturday at Nearly $500 in cash was tak­ cost voii so little! where the waitress wa* having day evening attCT a thief broke cans were killed and 22 Ameri­ globT^ 5:80 p.m. after police were call­ en in a burglary at Arthur’s brcakfast, drew out a double- Brussels. a rear door lock to gain en­ cans were wounded. Declslona made here will be ed to his home to invesaigaite a- barrel ahotgtiD and told her, travtl Service Drug Store, 042 Main St., it was trance. , A total of 838 American hell- transmitted to the U.S. contin­ domestic distuthanoe. "I'm going to MB yen." discovered Simday. ’Thieves attempted to break Political Scene oopters now have been downed No one was hurt during die gent at NATO with tbe hope it 90S BIAIN STREET He will appear in coutt S ^ . Into the home of Dorris Brown, In oombat In South Vietnam will spur unity tn any military ^ Investigators and store of­ The Ideal Peraonal T V . , amazing new easy-to- By THE ASSOCIATED .PftESS aupporters In states that do not incident a t the TVhlte Tower 64 3 -2 1 6 5 16 after, having been released ficials speculated that the thief 80 Lenox St. Saturday after during the war, wMle the Phan­ restaurant on Main Street. or diplomatic moves to carry Magnavox brings you 38 sq. in. pictures— San. Eugene J . McOaithy require official approval. on no oash bail. hid in the Store Saturday ;'jitll partially prying loose a screen. He urged Ms supporters to tom was- the 800th fighter-bomb­ Polfoe, fearing that a sudden meet the Soviet-led Invasion of after closing and then ran­ Police jjaid no entry was mcule. even from distant or difficult stations. Channel eaye be wlU not become a fourth work instead tor die election of er downed in comibat in South moyM on their part would re­ Czechoslovakia end what some * . sacked a c ^ n e t containing the Atty. John LaBelle of 146 indicator window, telescoping monopole antenna pSIrty cantMdata end wtU not senators who agree with his op- Vietnam. sult in harm to die waitress, held consider threatening gestures Porter St. returned home from Nha Trang, headquarter* of Spray Cool! money. ♦ ' • and carrying handle. So low priced, model 5004 Join tbe effort to oigoniae a poetUon to Vtebmm war p<^cy the restaurant under siege after toward Romania. The Intruder had to disman­ his vacation yesterday to discov­ fourth iMurty drive.
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