JOURNAL OF NEUROIMMUNOLOGY AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK TABLE OF CONTENTS XXX . • Description p.1 • Audience p.1 • Impact Factor p.1 • Abstracting and Indexing p.1 • Editorial Board p.2 • Guide for Authors p.3 ISSN: 0165-5728 DESCRIPTION . The Journal of Neuroimmunology affords a forum for the publication of works applying immunologic methodology to the furtherance of the neurological sciences. Studies on all branches of the neurosciences, particularly fundamental and applied neurobiology, neurology, neuropathology, neurochemistry, neurovirology, neuroendocrinology, neuromuscular research, neuropharmacology and psychology, which involve either immunologic methodology (e.g. immunocytochemistry) or fundamental immunology (e.g. antibody and lymphocyte assays), are considered for publication. Works pertaining to multiple sclerosis, AIDS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Guillain Barré Syndrome, myasthenia gravis, and brain tumors form a major focus. The scope of the Journal is broad, covering both research and clinical problems of neuroscientific interest. A major aim of the Journal is to encourage the development of immunologic approaches to analyse in further depth the interactions and specific properties of nervous tissue elements during development and disease. AUDIENCE . Researchers in neurology, immunology, neuroscience, neuropathology, and experimental neurology IMPACT FACTOR . 2020: 3.478 © Clarivate Analytics Journal Citation Reports 2021 ABSTRACTING AND INDEXING . BIOSIS Citation Index Chemical Abstracts Current Contents - Life Sciences Embase PubMed/Medline Pascal Francis Reference Update Scopus AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK 23 Sep 2021 www.elsevier.com/locate/jneuroim 1 EDITORIAL BOARD . Editors-in-Chief Robyn Klein, Washington University in St Louis School of Medicine, Campus Box 8301660 S. Euclid Ave., MO 63110-1093, Saint Louis, Missouri, United States of America Laura Piccio, The University of Sydney Brain and Mind Centre, Camperdown, Australia Gregory Wu, Washington University in St Louis School of Medicine, Campus Box 8301660 S. Euclid Ave., MO 63110-1093, Saint Louis, Missouri, United States of America Associate Editor Huan Yang, Central South University, 410083, Changsha, China Editorial Board F. Aloisi, Roma, Italy J. D. Beckham, Aurora, Colorado, United States of America F. Brilot, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia D.J.J. Carr, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States of America M. Comabella, Barcelona, Spain P. De Jager, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America B.N. Dittel, San Diego, California, United States of America R. N. Douville, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R. Gold, Bochum, Germany J. Greer, Herston, Australia T. A. Hardy, Camperdown, Australia S. Kusunoki, Osakasayama, Japan S. Mar Y. Matsumoto, Fuchu-Shi, Japan A. Miller, Haifa, Israel C. Power, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada J. Schwab, Berlin, Germany K. Selmaj, Lodz, Poland R.A. Sobel, Stanford, California, United States of America H. Yang, Changsha, China V.W. Yong, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Y. Zhou, Farmington, Connecticut, United States of America F. Zipp, Mainz, Germany AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK 23 Sep 2021 www.elsevier.com/locate/jneuroim 2 GUIDE FOR AUTHORS . Introduction The Journal of Neuroimmunology affords a forum for the publication of works on all branches of the neurosciences with the scope of uncovering aspects of neuro-immune interactions. Specific areas of interest are related (but not exclusive) to neuroinflammatory, neurodegenerative, neuroinfectious, and psychiatric diseases, peripheral neuropathies, spinal cord injury, neuroimaging, studies on central nervous systems (CNS) barriers and lymphatics, brain cancer, role of innate and adaptive immunity, and the gut microbiome in CNS health and diseases. The scope of the Journal is broad, covering both research and clinical problems of neuroscientific interest giving priorities to cutting edge and novel work. A major aim of the Journal is to encourage the development of approaches to analyze in depth the neuroimmune system and interactions between the nervous and immune systems. Types of paper Full Length Article Full-length articles are detailed studies reporting original research not being considered for publication elsewhere. Scientific contributions that are deemed preliminary and without fully developed new concepts will not be taken into consideration. • A minimum of 5 multi-panel figures for each full-length article is expected. No more than 10 multi- panel figures will be accepted without prior approval. • Expected range of word count for a full-length article is between 2,000 to 6,000 words. • Supplemental figures and tables are accepted. • Statistical methods should be described in a separate section within the Methods, along with information on reproducibility and transparency of results. • Datasets of omics studies should be made publicly available. Short Communication This format should be considered for research that is deemed to be of high impact and high novelty. One version of a short communication could be in the form of a case report preferably leading to updated guidelines for clinicians. Case reports should be more than one case unless highly unique and ideally presented with a review of the literature of similar cases. Lower priority will be given to confirmatory cases. • A maximum word length for short communications is set at 2,000 words. • No more than 3 figures are expected with a short communication. Review Article • Pre-submission inquiries with a suggested outline of the content are required for any review article. • Typically, authors choose to submit 2-4 figures and up to 7,000 words for review articles. • Reviews should be considered a critical overview of the field, with a strong focus on current challenges and bottlenecks to future advances. Please make sure to adopt a mechanistic viewpoint where possible. • The review must represent a fair coverage of the most recent advances and relevant approaches and accommodate different points of view. The scope of the review should stand out from other recently published reviews on the same theme. • Finally, we would encourage to include an 'outlook' paragraph at the end of the review that proposes the future direction the authors consider the field should take and the prospects for useful applications expected to see in the near future and beyond. Correspondence Commentary or responses to published articles should be written as a letter to the editors. The goal of correspondences is to provide a forum for discussion among authors and readers of the Journal of Neuroimmunology. These should be limited to comments about studies published in the Journal of Neuroimmunology. Editorial Conference Report Personal Report Book Review The journal primarily publishes full-length papers describing original work but it will also accept a small number of review articles. Short communications, not exceeding 1500 words, will be accepted for rapid publication. AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK 23 Sep 2021 www.elsevier.com/locate/jneuroim 3 Contact details for submission Authors may send queries concerning the submission process, manuscript status, or journal procedures to the https://service.elsevier.com/app/home/supporthub/publishing/. Once the uploading is done, the system automatically generates an electronic (PDF) proof, which is then used for reviewing. All correspondence, including the Editor's decision and request for revisions, will be by e-mail. Submission checklist You can use this list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review. Please check the relevant section in this Guide for Authors for more details. Ensure that the following items are present: One author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details: • E-mail address • Full postal address All necessary files have been uploaded: Manuscript: • Include keywords • All figures (include relevant captions) • All tables (including titles, description, footnotes) • Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files provided • Indicate clearly if color should be used for any figures in print Graphical Abstracts / Highlights files (where applicable) Supplemental files (where applicable) Further considerations • Manuscript has been 'spell checked' and 'grammar checked' • All references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa • Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet) • A competing interests statement is provided, even if the authors have no competing interests to declare • Journal policies detailed in this guide have been reviewed • Referee suggestions and contact details provided, based on journal requirements For further information, visit our Support Center. BEFORE YOU BEGIN Ethics in publishing Please see our information on Ethics in publishing. Declaration of interest All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work. Examples of potential competing interests include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding. Authors must disclose any interests in two places: 1. A summary declaration of interest statement in the title page file (if double anonymized) or the manuscript file (if single anonymized). If there are no interests to declare then please state this: 'Declarations of interest: none'. 2. Detailed disclosures
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