3700 Harvey Lake Rd, Highland MI 48356 June 20th, 2021 R 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Strength of a Mountain God took the strength of a mountain, The majesty of a tree, The warmth of a summer sun, The calm of a quiet sea, The generous soul of nature, The comforting arm of night, The wisdom of the ages, The power of the eagle's flight, The joy of a morning in spring, The faith of a mustard seed, The patience of eternity, The depth of a family need, Then God combined these qualities, When there was nothing more to add, He knew His masterpiece was complete, And so, He called it ... Dad - Author Unknown Page 2 Church of the Holy Spirit, Highland Mike’s Musings Poet, teacher, orator and defender of the faith. Ephrem is Holy Spirit Church the only Syrian ever to be acclaimed a Doctor of the Calendar at a Glance Church. He took upon himself the special task of opposing Monday, June 21 the many false doctrines rampant at this me, always re- Office Open 9amR3pm maining a true forceful defender of the Catholic Church. 11amRAA Born in Nisibis, Mesopotamia, he was bapzed as a young Tuesday, June 22 man and became famous as a teacher in his own nave Office Open 9amR3pm city. When the Chrisan emperor had to cede Nisibis to the 10amRWomen’s Prayer Group Persians, Ephrem, along with many Chrisans, fled as a ref- ugee to Edessa. He is accredited with aracng great glory Wednesday, June 23 to the biblical school there. He was ordained a deacon, but Office Open 9amR3pm declined becoming a priest (and was said to have avoided 9amRMass Episcopal consecraon by feigning madness!) Thursday, June 24 He had a prolific pen and his wrings best illumine his holi- Office Open 9amR3pm ness. Although he was not a man of great scholarship, his works reflect deep 9amRMass insight and knowledge of the scriptures. In wring about the mysteries of 10amRSAGS Solanus Casey Center man's redempon, Ephrem reveals a realisc and humanly sympathec spirit Friday, June 25 and a great devoon to the humanity of Jesus and Mary. It is said that his po- 9amRMass ec account of the Last Judgement inspired Dante. Saturday, June 26 It is surprising to read that he wrote hymns against herecs of his day. He 5pmROutdoor Mass would take the popular songs of the herecal groups and, using their melo- dies, compose beauful hymns embodying orthodox doctrine. Ephrem be- Sunday, June 27 came one of the first to introduce song into the Church's public worship as a 9amRMass means of public instrucon for the faithful. His many hymns have earned him 11amRMass the tle "Harp of the Holy Spirit." Ephrem preferred a simple, austere life, living in a small cave overlooking the city of Edessa. It was here he died around 373. Comment: Singing has been a tradion of both the Old and the New Testa- ment for a very long me. It is an excellent way of expressing and creang a community spirit of unity, as well as joy. So,.....raise your voices to God, as He well deserves Vacation Bible School! Since we missed it last year, we want to make this year incredible for the children. Planning is underway for Rocky Railway… The Power of Jesus Pulls Us Through. VBS will be held the week of August 2 from 9amTnoon. Registraon forms will be ready in June. CURRENTLY we are in need of Adult and Teen Volunteers! Without our volunteers, we cannot hold VBS, so the vol- unteers are crical to the success of the program. Please prayerfully consider volunteering for this week of fun. We have many opportunies. Contact Jillian Peck [email protected] or 248R887R1634 for more details. Thank you. Church of the Holy Spirit, Highland Page 3 Parish Vision: To Be Christ to All. Our Mission Statement: Led by the Holy Spirit, we accompany others to encounter Jesus, to give witness to Him, and to grow as missionary disciples. “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” He woke up, rebuked the Are you or someone you know interested in becoming wind, and said to the sea, Catholic? “Quiet! Be still!” e wind The R.C.I.A., or the Rite of Chrisan Iniaon for Adults, is the process by which a person enters the Catholic ceased and there was faith. Many individuals are soulRsearching and asking quesons regarding Chrisanity and in parcular how one can become part of the Catholic Church. Also, many great calm. ey were people who have been away from the Church, or who have not completed their sacraments of iniaon filled with great awe and (Bapsm, Confirmaon, and Eucharist) wonder how to return and become acve parcipants. said to one another, “Who Who is the R.C.I.A. for? It is for those who have never been bapzed and are then is this whom even seeking informaon on becoming a Catholic Chris- an. wind and sea obey?” It is for those who are bapzed and have joined us from another Chrisan denominaon but have lile knowledge and experience of what it means to be a ~Mk 4:38c*39, 41 Catholic Chrisan. The Catholic Church respects your Chrisan upbringing and the faith experiences that are part of your life. Becoming Catholic does not mean rejecng your previous faith background. You Please Prayerfully Consider can now live it out in the Catholic Church. Adoring in Our Chapel It is for adult Catholics who would like to complete We are looking to have the following hours imme- the sacraments of iniaon: (Eucharist and Confirma- diately filled. on) Sunday 3V4AM, 2V3PM Monday 2V3AM, 3V4AM For moreinformaon about the RCIA process, please call Tuesday 9V10AM Ron Shankin at 248R245R1608. Wednesday 2V3AM, 3V4AM, 4V5AM, 2V3PM, 3V4PM Thursday 3V4AM, 4V5AM, 5V6AM Saturday 5V6AM, 11AMV12PM, 12PMV1PM COVID Cleaning Schedule Weekdays 12PMV1PM closed for cleaning Check us out on Facebook ChurchofTheHolySpiritV We are always looking for substitute adorers. Please call, Jenna Konarzewski 248V891V1623 Highland,MI Or Autumn Woodcox 248V872V6607 Page 4 Church of the Holy Spirit, Highland Meditaons for June 20 JOB 38:1, 8R11 Who shut within doors the sea . and said: Thus far shall The names of the sick will be removed in 6 weeks. To reRlist, or to add a name, please call the parish office at 248R887R5364. you come but no farther! (Job 38:1, 11) Debbie Adams Kathy Edwards Robin Motley If you’ve ever been to a beach, you’ve probably seen Patrick Amrine Morgan Ellio Jeff Mummery children trying to build sand castles near the shoreline. Greg Azzoli Ruthie Glover Jamie O’Brien Juliann Heidt Don Owens They work hard piling up buckets of sand, somemes Jeannine Aubry Samantha Barlow Wendy Hiebert Pam Parker making quite an impressive structure. But no maer Rosemary Barnard Sco Hoensheid Josephine Polcyn what they do, the de sll comes in and their sandy Bruce Benne Carol Johnson Anthony Pilarz structure is washed away. Kathy Bergen Jim Kelly Cole T. Quirolo, F3 Brooklyn Bridson Tracy Kelly Sylvia Ramirez That might be how the disciples felt as they tried to ride Amanda Burger Ken Kost Paula Reynolds out the storm in today’s Gospel. Seasoned fishermen, Kevin Burger Bob Kotulak Kelly Rodgers Pete Lillemoen Bey & Ken Simmons they tried to adapt to the strong winds and high seas. Margaret Chenier Nancy CooperRBass Maurie Luther John Skelly But no maer what they did, they couldn’t make the Gayle Crawford Roberta Luther Kimi Stephens storm go away. Then something drascally changed their Jacob Crocke Chrisna McCarthy Courtney Thompson situaon: the One who “shut within doors the sea”V Gene Demey John Matchinski Linda Tudman JesusVrebuked the wind and calmed the storm (Job Steve Demey Tom Mitch Terese Tuohey John Dickey Ed Meyer Louie Weglarz 38:1; Mark 4:39). The disciples learned a lesson that day similar to the one God taught Job. When we rely only on our own strength or understanding, we human beings can do only so much, but Jesus’ power is limitless. Weekly Offertory Collecon Date __ Actual Budget Over / (Under) While Jesus does have dominion over all creaon, that Actual Budget Over/Under doesn’t have to make us feel unimportant and it doesn’t 06/13 $ 9,358 $ 9,885 ($ 527) have to make God seem like an indifferent almighty YRTRD $597,952 $584,250 $13,702 force. Instead, this reality should give us hope. Why? Be- cause in the storms of our lives, when the “seas” seem This report is based on the Offertory Collecon line in out of control and our insufficiency is painfully clear, he the budget. It includes weekly envelopes, loose and chil- is in the boat with us! He is not aloof; he cares for each dren’s collecon, holy day collecons, and online giving. one of us. He is concerned about every one of our cir- It does not include Chrisan Service, fuel, or kitchen cumstances. fund envelopes, the Christmas collecon, Parish fund- raisers, grants received, CCE tuion and fees, or other Does that mean every storm we face will be calmed? Not miscellaneous income. It is based on a yearly budget necessarily. Somemes Jesus calms the storms and where we ancipate the expenses of the Parish. Just somemes he calms us. Either way, we can rely on the because there may be a deficit here, it does not mean fact that this allRpowerful God is right there “in the boat” the Parish is operang at a deficit. Feel free to direct with us. And that can give us peace and help us through quesons to the Parish Finance Council.
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