'~ • -'. .~ ": ~ ~.' ,' ~":~i "~, .." ~. : • • :i . ". L~ '~ Ir;•i' ~' ' :' ... :"':~, .i ' • : ' '!-'~' ' ' i :'~ I,I ii I r ' . I" m, • i" ":: , ' i ~:VOL01 15/. NEW HAZELTON, B. C., MAY 18, 1923 I II ' No. 46 i Large Crowd at Hazelt0n Will Have Good Gee. Little Very •Hospstal For Celebratmn t I Program24thatNew Hazelton on Optimistic Over Terrace Future For the third year National J. Sparkes and H. Taylor were •Hospital Day has been observed May 24th Holiday visitors to Terrace and back on Looks like a big day anda big "There will be more money at The Hazelton Hospital and the The Twenty-fourth of May Saturday. night in New Hazelton on the brought into this district this celebration last Saturday was Empire Day, will be celebrated Misses Kellgher and Weather- PAth. Those in charge of the year than ever before; more quite as successful as either of at New Hazelton, Telkwa, Ter- head took in the Copper City different committees are getting money will be madeandit will tne previous years. The wea- race and Prince Rupert. At vicinity, via Terrace, on a visit things into good shape and those be spread among the people," is~ ther was excellent, perhaps a New Hazelton there will be a to their fellow school teacher. in charge of finances have been what George Little thinks of the immediate future for the Ter- trifle cool for ice cream, the program of sports and a dance Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wells visit- meeting with:greater success than race district. The lumber in- grounds were perfectly "dry and in the evening. A good prize ed Dobbie's ranch at Cower and anticipated. There will be no in good shade, the people were list has been provided for, and returned on Saturday. curtailment of sports for the dustry will be {he source of this revenue, and the present indica. all there from all sections of the the Deou!e of the district are Sure want of funds, and the best L. E. Moody returned to Usk tions are that the lumber market West end •of the district. All of a good time. At Telkwa the music possible will be secured after his winter's sojourn in the will be good for some time. His were in good spirits and the tJockey Club will hold a number for the dance at night. The south looking quite trim and own mill is busy and running to different events went off in a of horse races, a baseball game ladies will have a refreshment hearty. While below he interest- capacity; Giggey & Little's mill manner most satisfactory. There and a dance in the evening. At ~ booth, and when the New Ha- ed mining men in the Lucky and the Lakelse ~umber Co. are were rno delays and no waits. It Terrace the G,W.V.A. and the zelton ladies take hold of re. Luke grdup of mineral claims, both filled with orders, ,~ Ross was a big afternoon and the Athletic Club have united and freshments there is no shortage owned by himself and R. Lowde. Bros. & Dan Clacher are assem- Hospital benefits by several hun- will put on a program of sports and the quality is superior. His son, George, is remaining in bling,machinery for a mill across dred dollars and a warmer feel- in the afternoon and the G.W. i There will be races for the /. Everett. the river from town' and expect mg on thepart of thepublic. V.A. Ladies' Auxiliary are hold-J boys and girls, some for the Miss Helen Weatherhead spent to be running shortly and Davis Saturday Program ing a novelty bazaar, while in ladies and some for the natives. a few days with her sister here, & Kirkpatrick have their mill The afternoon program opened the evening there will be boxing There will be a footboll game and later continued her journey ready to resume operations. In • with a ~icture show conducted Contests and a dance in the G.W. !and horse races. Beginning soon to Edmonton. after dinner there will be no addition to the sawmills there in the Hospital by Norman Cary. V.A. hall. In Prince Rupert a wdl be much money come rote the Hospital electrician. The two day's program has been pro. J. E. Brookes, W. Pitman and waste of time until supper time, " W. Vanderlip came up from Ter. ~ ,h ......... • .~.~.. ~^. ~.^ the district for cedar poles and big main ward was crowded and vided. " Irace on Saturday night to aid in dance 'rnm season has seen ~)y everyone had a good laugh, the .IplleS. i the elaborate house-warming at " -- ~ ~ I far the best year for that branch old men laughing just as hard as Chero-.omp-any Ithe CordilleraHotel. x~.=..=..ffi..~_]of the industry and Mr. Little the little tots. Then came the Capt. Willman, manager of the a ~ I believes that the next year will sports for the boys and girls, Resuming Work IKleanza Co., returned from gu- ~ 0VF-RHF, AR]) AROUND 6 see a heavier output of cedar. novelty races for adult girls and the tug-of-war between New on Maroon Mt. [pert on Saturday night, wherehe ~ NEW HAZ~TON ~ Besides the lumberingindustrv [left Messrs. Win. S. Jenkins jr., 0 ~ Mr. Little is enthusiastic over 'Hazelton and the world.-" (The " o • world won). The Ohero Mining Co. will re- ]J.E~ Calhoun and J. G. :Bjorn- x-=-~=~-ffi-~x the outlook for the agricultural [stud, who will take in the Port- "British Columbia," redently industry. He says that while The baby show was quite an sume work this spring as soon as I off the press, is a work•by Hans some of the strawberries were attraction. There were six en. the manager can get in there with land Canal district, later return- ing to Minneapolis by way of Ber~man, secretary to Olof Han- damaged the last two winters • tries" and the judgestook a good .supplies and men. W.R. Ow- Vancouver, where they have bu- son, Swedish Consul. to British there will be a much greatel- half hour to decide Which one rags, who is well known locailv, arrived last week from Seattle to siness before proceeding home. Columbia. The book is printed acerage this year in general farm they would prefer to bare. final- in Swedish and contains detailed products. A good many are ly deciding to take the Chappel take charge of operations this Th e newly-completed Cordillera year. He got busy and arranged Hotel was the scene of a most information relative to the re- also replanting their berry patches baby, and if that was not avail- sources, development and history and adding other fruits as well ~able, the Dunn baby was next. for his supplies and men to go elaborate house-warmin~ Satur- ou~ and they all got away this day night, when over a hundred of this province. The author is but the market for vegetables Rev. and Mrs. Proctor were the a brother of S. Bergman, of has never vet been supplied, but judges. week. Mr. Owings was accom- guests assembled to do honor to New Hazelton. this coming season will see a The Hazelton Indian football panied by N. F. and Mrs. Proelss the new structure. Everybody During the recent bush fires bigger effort made to meet the team evened up the tally by de- of Brewster, Wash. Mrs. Proelss and his family was present and at Carnaby strenuous efforts were demand for garden produce. The feating the whites by'a 5-1 score is his sister. They will spend the two ground floor rooms, oc- necessary to save Fred Griflin's whole outlook for Terrace and and" were entitled to victory, the summer at the mine. cupying the whole fiat, were bunkhouse f rein destruction, district is bright. ~-oossessing more cohesion than Mr. Owings brought in a con- crowded until 3. a.m. J. D, which labor was lost when some their opponents, although the centrating table with him and he Wells acted as M.C., while J. W. interior defect caused another whites had much more of the hopes to keep the mill running Eckert guided the dancers throug Terrace's Joint Celebration blaze that burned the structure game than the score would sug- three shifts a d~tv all season. thedizzy maze. Great credit is to the ground. There was no- The G. W.V.A. and the Athletic gest, but the natives took ad- The property is a gold quartz and due T. Shackleton for his enter. body around and everythisg in Club have joined hands to put on vantage of several lapses and for the last s~ason or two a Ross prise in building such a spacious the building was destroyed. a big program for the PAth. In made them count. The teams mill has been operated. It is the hotel, having equipped fourteen the afternoon at the ball park The recent showers have been have now each won a game. exuectation of the manager that large rooms, together with a din- there is to be racing, tug.of- very beneficial to the gardens in A good business was done all much gold will be recovered be- room and kitchen. The building war, greasy vole and ball game tween now and fall. the district. tfternoon at the refreshment comprises three storeys, and the events and a collection will be 0ooth, where ice cream, drinks, main building is 25x40. taken to meet expenses. In the ~andy, etc., were available. Apple Blossom Time Richmond's Auction Sale G.W.V.A. hall a novelty bazaar those in charge were kept on Fruit trees and berry bushes Deans win His "Letter" Elsewhere in in this issue will will be run by the G.W.V.A.
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