THE CENTRAL POST VOL. vm , NO. 29 KENDALL PARK, NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY. JULY 21, 19(i6 Newsstand 10(^ per copy Kurfman Support Quits Gref CO’s Board Water Stern Appointed Twp. \^'ill .A|)|)lv Junction School For Communitv New Principal Center FuirU A resignation and an a^^oint- ment hlghUgtited the meeting of the Unanimous approval was given South Brunswick Board of Educa­ a resolution urging permission for tion at Its regular meeting on Grefco Inc. to obtain water to Monday, July 18. build its industry in South Bruns­ The resignation of board mem­ wick by the Township Committee ber Dana Kurfman of Kendall Park at Us meeting Tuesday. was described as "a very The committee was alerted by unpleasant shock" by a fellow board the division of water policy and member. supply of the State Department of Mr. Kurfman was elected In Feb­ Conservation and Economic De­ ruary for a three-year term of of­ velopment that Grefco has filed fice, after having been appointed to an application to divert 216,000 the board last August to fill the gallons daily and a hearing Is unexplred term of Willard A. El- scheduled Monday, July 25, at dred of Kendall Park who resigned 2 p.m. in Trenton. because of business pressures. Grefco, formerly the Great Lakes Carbon Corp., was wel­ Mr. Kurfman stated In his letter comed by the planning board as of resignation that he Is moving the township's newest Industry In to Boulder, Colo. Richard S. Sher­ May. It Is to be located on Stults man, president of the board, stated Road In Dayton and will manufac­ CROSSING home plate for Seigel's Pharmacy is Bruce Fleck. His team the board Is sorry to lose "a mem­ ture Insulation board. went on to score 16 more runs on the way to a 17-6 victory over Knotty ber who has contributed so signi­ Committeeman Abraham Dobin ficantly In such a short time." Pine Inn, eliminating them from the Men's League tournament. pointed out, "It ,1s ridiculous to The apinintment of Shelton put any obstacle In the path of Stern to fill the vacant principal's a new Industry." seat at Monmouth Junction Ele­ Committeeman Frank Chrlnko mentary School was unanimously suggested a resolution be sent to approved. the division of water policy and The opening resulted from supply prior to the hearing Indi­ former principal Frederick Nad- cating the committee Is In favor ler being named as the principal of Grefco obtaining water, sub­ of the new junior high school, ject to the rights and poises of scheduled to open In September, the South Brunswick Municipal 1967. Utilities Authority. Mr. Stern will receive $11,830 Richard J. Casey, acting at­ annually, and Is a graduate of the torney, drew up the resolution State University of New York and which Mayor Dan Morgan ac­ Hofstra University. claimed as "cooperating both with He has taken additional courses industry and the authority," at Yeshlva University, and has Township administrator A. been an elementary principal tor Louis Hayward was given com­ two years in Plainfield and two mittee approval to apply for years in West Windsor township federal funds for a community elementary schools. center. The township wiU seek Two other teachers approved money from the Department of . Include Mrs. Mary Anne Fleet, bi' Housing and Urban Development strumental music, $5,500; and for the "Neighborhood Facilities Mrs. Jane Lawrence, high school Project" designed to carry out a mathenuLtlcs, $8,500. program of health recreation and Others approved are Willard E. iVeit? Railroad Cars Hit 120 j other community activities. Magee, maintenance man, $4,900; I The approximate cost is $205,- Luther P. McKellar, custodian at I 253, although Mr. Hayward stated Greenbrook School, $4,700; and ONE OF FOUR high-^peed self-propelled railrc'ud cars that began te.stinglast the cost to the township will be Mrs. Helen L. Renk, clerk-typist week on the PRR lines passes Ixineath the East Nest Road bridge in Monmouth about one third that amount with at the high school, $4,300. Junction a few hundred yards from its starting point for a test run to New Transportation bids were Brunswick. The trials are being run by the Budd Co. , builders of the cars. (continued on back page) (continued on back page) - 0- Gurnovich SLIDING into third base is Dana Pettingale of the Kendall Park Pharmacy \GOP Picks Abraham Dobin team, who emerged from the cloud of dust and raced home after the ball Fund Gets got by Dick Olsen of the Met Tavern squad Pharmacy ss on the game 13-3. To Run Election Campaign South Brunswick committeeman chairman, Mr. Dobin said, "I am ^ Jaycee Aid Abraham Dobin has been named honored at being given this appoint­ Green Acres, K.F. l^harmacy Undefeated the Republican Party's campaign ment at such a time of critical The South Brunswick Jaycees chairman for the township elec­ decision for the township became the township's first civic In 2nd Round Of Men’s League Tourney tions In November. I electorate. The two committee group to become Involved in a fund­ GOP candidates include Richard seats at stake represent the dif­ raising campaign for the family ference between minority repre­ D. Ilnlckl and Incumbent Frank of a recently deceased policeman, Green Acres Bar and Grill and clash next week in the winner's 1 Geslcki. Wendell Smith had three Chrlnko for the Township Com­ sentation and unrestrained control John C. Gurnovlch. Kendall Park Pharmacy, the team bracket. ^ hits for the losers. mittee and Joseph Rauch for, tax by the majority Democratic Party. The Jaycees voted unanimously Green Acres beat in a playoff Green Acres stroked 11 hits,; The South Brunswick Police built coUector. He indicated the campaign will Friday evening to contribute the for the league title, remained un­ three by- Frank Driscoll, to down i an early nine-run lead over the Both Township Committee terms encompass a number of important entire proceeds of their pizza defeated Saturday in the South j Grogshop, saw it fade to a 12-91 Reggie's Tavern 9-6 that expire at the end of this year issues which will be presented as sale next month. Their two Brunswick Men's Double Ellmlna- [ deficit, but finally manufactured Winning his ninth game, Sal ' are now being served by Repub­ the election near^ "The overriding previous pizza sales each netted tlon Softball Tournament. a 17 to 14 victory. ; Plcclrlllo limited Reggie's iosev- licans, Mr. Chrlnko and Mr. Dobin. issue this year,'' he said, "is the more than $150. The two unbeaten tourney entries i Harold Rule took credit for the j ■en hits, including a solo homer by j Mr. Dobin is not seeking re- continued need for an alert and The decision to donate the pizza • A1 Balcomb. Hugh Maho;iy inm- win in relief. Barry Spllatore and ' election. ‘forceful minority to safeguard the proceeds to the Gurnovlch fund ered for the winners. Bob Slet)ert hit home runs for Accepting the job of campaign interests of the people.” came after a plea by Jaycee Dan Bartolo/zi Hired Kendall Park Pharmacy broke up i the Police. Nat Shapiro and Tom Morgan, who is also township a tight duel with five runs in the Wlieaton hit hom.ers, and Richard rfnayor, and who was subsequently Part-Time Bv fifth inning and went on to crush Pollard rapped three hits for the named chairman of the project. the Met Tavern 13 to 3. Grogshop. Five Companies Battle Fire Working with Mr. Morgan on the Janieshur*; Board Pete Ray connected for a round- In the third round next Saturday, project will be Jaycees Charles tripper, while Bob Hentschel and Juh 23, on the Fast New Road Harvey, Lee Cleveland, Gary South Brunswick health officer Steve Heiman each had three hits fields, Green Acres will play Ken­ In Woods Near New Road Boekhout, Ronald Moskowltz and Arthur Bartolozzl has consented for the winners. Ted Gaillard was dall Park Pharmacy and the Edward Flore. More than 100 firemen from five! P nn the first file de- to work part time for the James- the winning pitcher. South Brunswick Police will meet Mr. Gurnovlch died in Princeton burg board of health at $100 per Siegel's Pharmacy eliminated the Met Tavern in the 9:30 a.m. flre departments battled a nine-; Monmouth Junction, was called and was soon joined by units Hospital on June 12 of a heart month until the end of the year. Knotty Pine Inn by virtue of a games. hour fire in the wooded area justi from the Kingston ,ind Little Rocky attack. He had been hospitalized 17-6 verdict. Winning pitcher Ted Siegel's Pharmacv and Reggie's north of New Road between Kendall! The board's secretary, Frank Hill departments. By shortly after for the two previous weeks after F vanchik was backed up with home- Tavern will Kane, announced the step to the play the only 11:30 j Park and Highway 1 Monday after-l 5 p.m. the fire was thought to be | FURTHER down the line, the car approaches 120 being Injured while making an runs belted by Bruce Fleck and Ken a.m. game Jamesburgh Borough Council Mon­ noon and evening. under control but it started again; miles-an-hour on the specially-reconstructed line, arrest In the Kendall Park Shop­ day and said that progress was lac­ and lasted well into the night.; now com plete only between Monmouth Junction and ping Center. ing made in hiring a permanent Up until last week, said township By 8 p.m.
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