§ 87.525 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–20 Edition) (1) The output power shall not exceed airport must be submitted with an ap- ¥3 dBm watts for each frequency au- plication. thorized. (c) Only one AWOS, ASOS, or ATIS (2) The antenna used in transmitting will be licensed at an airport. the audible warnings must be omnidirectional with a maximum gain [53 FR 28940, Aug. 1, 1988, as amended at 64 equal to or lower than a half-wave FR 27476, May 20, 1999] centerfed dipole above 30 degrees ele- § 87.529 Frequencies. vation, and a maximum gain of + 5 dBi from horizontal up to 30 degrees ele- Prior to submitting an application, vation. each applicant must notify the applica- (3) The audible warning shall not ex- ble FAA Regional Frequency Manage- ceed two seconds in duration. No more ment Office. Each application must be than six audible warnings may be accompanied by a statement showing transmitted in a single transmit cycle, the name of the FAA Regional Office which shall not exceed 12 seconds in and date notified. The Commission will duration. An interval of at least twen- assign the frequency. Normally, fre- ty seconds must occur between trans- quencies available for air traffic con- mit cycles. trol operations set forth in subpart E will be assigned to an AWOS, ASOS, or [78 FR 61207, Oct. 3, 2013] to an ATIS. When a licensee has en- tered into an agreement with the FAA Subpart R [Reserved] to operate the same station as both an AWOS and as an ATIS, or as an ASOS Subpart S—Automatic Weather and an ATIS, the same frequency will Stations (AWOS/ASOS) be used in both modes of operation. § 87.525 Scope of service. [69 FR 52886, June 14, 2004] Automatic weather observation sta- tions (AWOS) and automatic surface PART 90—PRIVATE LAND MOBILE observation stations (ASOS) must pro- RADIO SERVICES vide up-to-date weather information including the time of the latest weath- Subpart A—General Information er sequence, altimeter setting, wind speed and direction, dew point, tem- Sec. perature, visibility and other pertinent 90.1 Basis and purpose. data needed at airports having neither 90.5 Other applicable rule parts. a full-time control tower nor a full- 90.7 Definitions. time FAA Flight Service Station. Subpart B—Public Safety Radio Pool When a licensee has entered into an agreement with the FAA, an AWOS or 90.15 Scope. an ASOS may also operate as an auto- 90.16 Public Safety National Plan. matic terminal information station 90.19 Nationwide Public Safety Broadband (ATIS) during the control tower’s oper- Network. ating hours. 90.20 Public Safety Pool. 90.22 Paging operations. [64 FR 27476, May 20, 1999] 90.25 Non-Federal use of the Federal inter- § 87.527 Supplemental eligibility. operability channels. (a) Licenses will be granted only Subpart C—Industrial/Business Radio Pool upon FAA approval. (b) Eligibility for an AWOS, an 90.31 Scope. ASOS, or an ATIS is limited to the 90.33 General eligibility. owner or operator of an airport or to a 90.35 Industrial/Business Pool. person who has entered into a written agreement with the owner or operator Subparts D–E [Reserved] for exclusive rights to operate and Subpart F—Radiolocation Service maintain the station. Where applicable a copy of the agreement between the 90.101 Scope. applicant and owner or operator of the 90.103 Radiolocation Service. 228 VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:55 Jun 04, 2021 Jkt 250218 PO 00000 Frm 00238 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\47\47V5.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB Federal Communications Commission Pt. 90 Subpart G—Applications and Subpart J—Non-Voice and Other Authorizations Specialized Operations 90.111 Scope. 90.231 Scope. 90.115 Foreign government and alien eligi- 90.233 Base/mobile non-voice operations. bility. 90.235 Secondary fixed signaling operations. 90.119 Application requirements. 90.237 Interim provisions for operation of 90.121 Canadian registration. radioteleprinter and radiofacsimile de- 90.127 Submission and filing of applications. vices. 90.129 Supplemental information to be rou- 90.238 Telemetry operations. tinely submitted with applications. 90.239 [Reserved] 90.135 Modification of license. 90.241 Radio call box operations. 90.137 Applications for operation at tem- 90.242 Travelers’ information stations. porary locations. 90.243 Mobile relay stations. 90.138 Applications for itinerant fre- 90.245 Fixed relay stations. quencies. 90.247 Mobile repeater stations. 90.149 License term. 90.248 Wildlife and ocean buoy tracking. 90.155 Time in which station must be placed 90.249 Control stations. in operation. 90.250 Meteor burst communications. 90.159 Temporary and conditional permits. Subpart K—Standards for Special SPECIAL RULES GOVERNING FACILITIES USED Frequencies or Frequency Bands TO PROVIDE COMMERCIAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICES 90.251 Scope. 90.253 Use of frequency 5167.5 kHz. 90.165 Procedures for mutually exclusive ap- 90.255 [Reserved] plications. 90.257 Assignment and use of frequencies in 90.168 Equal employment opportunities. the band 72–76 MHz. 90.169 Construction prior to grant of appli- 90.259 Assignment and use of frequencies in cation. the bands 216–220 MHz and 1427–1432 MHz. 90.261 Assignment and use of the fre- Subpart H—Policies Governing the quencies in the band 450–470 MHz for Assignment of Frequencies fixed operations. 90.263 Substitution of frequencies below 25 90.171 Scope. MHz. 90.173 Policies governing the assignment of 90.264 Disaster communications between 2 frequencies. and 10 MHz. 90.175 Frequency coordination require- 90.265 Assignment and use of frequencies in ments. the bands allocated for Federal use. 90.176 Coordinator notification require- 90.266 Long distance communications on ments on frequencies below 512 MHz, at frequencies below 25 MHz. 769–775/799–805 MHz, or at 1427–1432 MHz. 90.267 Assignment and use of frequencies in 90.179 Shared use of radio stations. the 450–470 MHz band for low-power use. 90.185 Multiple licensing of radio transmit- 90.269 Use of frequencies for self-powered ve- ting equipment in the mobile radio serv- hicle detectors. ice. 90.273 Availability and use of frequencies in 90.187 Trunking in the bands between 150 the 421–430 MHz band. and 512 MHz. 90.275 Selection and assignment of fre- quencies in the 421–430 MHz band. Subpart I—General Technical Standards 90.279 Power limitations applicable to the 421–430 MHz band. 90.201 Scope. 90.281 Restrictions on operational fixed sta- 90.203 Certification required. tions in the 421–430 MHz band. 90.205 Power and antenna height limits. 90.283 [Reserved] 90.207 Types of emissions. 90.209 Bandwidth limitations. Subpart L—Authorization in the Band 470– 90.210 Emission masks. 512 MHz (UHF-TV Sharing) 90.212 Provisions relating to the use of scrambling devices and digital voice 90.301 Scope. modulation. 90.303 Availability of frequencies. 90.213 Frequency stability. 90.305 Location of stations. 90.214 Transient frequency behavior. 90.307 Protection criteria. 90.215 Transmitter measurements. 90.309 Tables and figures. 90.217 Exemption from technical standards. 90.311 Frequencies. 90.219 Use of signal boosters. 90.313 Frequency loading criteria. 90.221 Adjacent channel power limits. 90.315 Special provisions governing use of 90.223 RF exposure. frequencies in the 476–494 MHz band (TV 229 VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:55 Jun 04, 2021 Jkt 250218 PO 00000 Frm 00239 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\47\47V5.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB Pt. 90 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–20 Edition) Channels 15, 16, 17) in the Southern Lou- 90.445 Form of station records. isiana-Texas Offshore Zone. 90.447 Retention of station records. 90.317 Fixed ancillary signaling and data transmissions. Subpart O—Transmitter Control Subpart M—Intelligent Transportation 90.460 Scope. Systems Radio Service 90.461 Direct and remote control of trans- mitters. 90.350 Scope. 90.463 Transmitter control points. 90.351 Location and Monitoring Service. 90.465 Control of systems of communica- 90.353 LMS operations in the 902–928 MHz tion. band. 90.467 Dispatch points. 90.355 LMS operations below 512 MHz. 90.469 Unattended operation. 90.357 Frequencies for LMS systems in the 902–928 MHz band. INTERNAL TRANSMITTER CONTROL SYSTEMS 90.359 Field strength limits for EA-licensed 90.471 Points of operation in internal trans- LMS systems. mitter control systems. 90.361 Interference from part 15 and Ama- 90.473 Operation of internal transmitter teur operations. control systems through licensed fixed 90.363 Grandfathering provisions for exist- control points. ing AVM licensees. 90.475 Operation of internal transmitter 90.365 Partitioned licenses and control systems in specially equipped disaggregated spectrum. systems. REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE LICENSING AND INTERCONNECTED SYSTEMS USE OF FREQUENCIES IN THE 5850–5925 MHZ BAND FOR DEDICATED SHORT-RANGE COMMU- 90.476 Interconnection of fixed stations and NICATIONS SERVICE (DSRCS) certain mobile stations. 90.477 Interconnected systems. 90.371 Dedicated short range communica- 90.483 Permissible methods and require- tions service. ments of interconnecting private and 90.373 Eligibility in the DSRCS. public systems of communications. 90.375 RSU license areas, communication zones and registrations 90.377 Frequencies available; maximum Subpart P—Paging Operations EIRP and antenna height, and priority 90.490 One-way paging operations in the pri- communications. vate services. 90.379 ASTM E2213–03 DSRC Standard 90.492 One-way paging operations in the 806– (ASTM-DSRC Standard). 824/851–869 MHz and 896–901/935–940 MHz 90.383 RSU sites near the U.S./Canada or bands. U.S./Mexico border.
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