....■' '4 ' J , . V-.- ^.\LX AU ---- (--4- T.: . i ,\- TUESDAY, OCTOBER S8, 1968 / PAGE FOURTEEN ATerase D*fly Net Pren Ron The Weather iianrlf^at^r lEwnteg Forecast of IJ, 8. Weather ftireau 5 : For lbs Wssk Baded Oetoher 28, 196$ 8t, faihim to a m**®* d e a r and oool tonight. Low 30 There will be no admission 12th Circuit able distmoe apart, $20; Ray­ to- 36 with some 29s In normally charge for tonight’s Halloween mond W. Smith, B4, -of 10 FREE DELIVERY 13,876 cooler sections. 'Fhursdi^ most­ About Town party of the WA’TES that will ChuTOh St., speeding, $26; ly sunny, breezy and oool, Mgh Gourt Gases seph Steiner, 64, Marlborou^V 9 A.M . to 9 P.M. Msubsr of Oa Audit 80 to 66. be held at the Italiah American Bnrsau of Ordolatlon Holy Family Retreat. dub, EldrWge St., at 7. intoxication, $10; Frank W. Mancheater~—A City o f Village Charm Ijogan, 10, Wapptng, causing I^aague, Manchester Chapter, MANOHESTER 8B»8I0N haa canceled its meeting for St. John’s PoUsh National unnecoasary noise with a m o- ARTHUR DRUB Whiter J. ’Topolsld, 26, Bast tor vehicle, $15; Janet C. Bieu tonight Catholic Church haa announced Hartford, yesterday pleaded not MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1963 (Classified Advertising on Pagti 22) PRICE SEVEN CENTS the schedule for All Saints Day, of 96 Charter Oak St., in toxl«- VOL. LXXXra, NO. 86 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) guilty to a rape charge and Uon. $10; Barry W. Cowles, 2^ A n a congTcgO’tlo’w •>* Jeho­ Friday, when Mass will be held the case was continued until vah’s Witnesses will attend a at 8:30 ajn. and 7:30 p.m. On of T2 Hudson St., and l ^ n ^ tjirec-day aeminar in Bristol Nov. 7 in this court for a hear- ironwnan, 10, East Hartford, Saturday, All Souls Day, a re­ on prclbablo cause, Friday, Saturday and Sunday quiem Maas of the Dead will each $16 for making unneesfr For Wednesday Only — At to culminate a rix-month pro­ opoidki posted a $1,000 aary noise with a motor mW- E vents ^ oeldbrated at 8:30 a.m. bond while awaiting the hear­ Judge Orders Democrats gram of education in progress Monthly confessions will be cle (screaming tires); ^ wll- i t each Kingdom HaU. ing. He is charged with the Mam J. Avery, 18, of 100 Lydall MATRON'S hoard at 11 a.m. Saturday. alleged rape of a 17-year-ofld State Church Unit Aids St., failure to display head r Vernon girl at a Broad St. ma­ Hghts and tailiighta, $16. BAKE SHOP In State Joim Matfaeir Chapter, Order The VFW Post will sponsor chine s l ^ on Oct. 9. Of DeMolay, win meet tomor­ a seafood night Friday from EUght out-of-state motorists Restore Mansfield Names Paul Kelly, 20, Willimantic, forfeited bonds, ranging from row at 7 p.m. at the Masonic 8 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. ’They will and hds brother, Maurice Kelly Temple to reorganize its drill also have a Fall dance Saturday $20 to $60, when they failed to LAYER Jr., 27, Coventry, were each appear in court to answer to School Structure team. Ronald Fletcher and from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Charlie fined $25 after both plead­ Superior Court Judgef velopmenU in the peat 24 hours9 After court Mrs. Baton re­ Ronald Wad.sworth, who will Varrlck’s orchestra will play. motor vehicle violations. CAKE In the battle between commit­ signed as registrar and was re­ ed g^iiity to charges which Cases continued: Charles S. House shortly Bums in Weston, Andover Racial Fight direct the team, will welcome Both events are at the post stemmed from a hrmting inci­ tee chalmwn Charies S. Tar- placed by Mrs. Lucille Reynolds, b o ^ o t rieMolay interested in home and'are open to members Until Thursday, tor dlsposl' before noon today signed deputy registrar. dent. tion, WUllam C. Biallas, 26, 74c pdnlan and the group of Demo­ Damage $500,000 Jotehig. and g^uests. Tickets may be ob­ Paul Kelly was charged with an injunction ordering the crats, most of them connected During the supper hour Mrs. tained at the door. Blast Hartford, speeding; and Reynolds and ’Tarplnlan had the hunting out of season and David G. Huck, 17, of 61 ’Turti- 668 Oentec Sh—649-OOM Mansfield Democratic with the University of Con­ SOaa Basan I. Abraitis, necticut. same Democrats served with WESTON (AP) —^ One daaghter of Mr. and Mrs. Vic­ shooting so as to cause a hu­ touU Rd., overcrowding operator Town Committee to restore Alan G. Pratt, son of Mr. and man ard en t, the latter count Last night the caucus to elect new citations under a different tor-Abraitis of 62 Teresa Rd., Mrs. Robert W. Pratt, 122 of a vehicle. the names of 71 party state statute that permits re­ building of the Horace Legal Aid, was nolled and the first charge Until Monday, for plea, <3ary town committee members for was formally Invested with cap Wlaranoke Rd., a freshman at members to the caucus the next two years was ad­ moval of party members before and gown Sunday at cere­ brought him a fine. S. Coleman, 29, Andover, failure C. Hurlbutt Jr. Elementary ’Tufts University pursuing a Police report that Paul was rolls. journed to Brtday after the a hearing. The citations set monies culminating the annual medical course, has been ac­ to o ^ a stop rtgn. town hall in Mansfield became Nov. 9 at 10 a.m. at town hall School was destroyed to­ Personnel Parents Weekend at Trinity shooting at a pheasant when Until Nov. 7, for court tria^ He further ordered the com- cepted as a student member of some of the dhotgun pellets ac­ mlttes not to erase the namee filled beyond capacity. for hearings on poeslble rein­ day by fire that was al­ Oolie^, Burlington, Vt. the Connecticut State Medical Larry N. Pierson, 28, of 97 cidentally struck Maurice In the Mather St., operating a motor by any means. In earlier developments ’Dies- statement. Socierty. A troubled crowd gathered ready roaring through the abdomen, cheek and arm. Mau­ vehicle while under the influ­ Attorney Leo Ftolierty, who day: roof when firemen reached In Pledge The Aireertoan Legion Post rice was _ taken to Windham aoughit the order today in be­ A morning action before early at the town hall last night Richard W. Dennison, son of ence of liquor or drugs; and wlH hold a regular meeting to­ Hospital, ‘ Willimantic, and un­ Adrian McDonald Jr., 19, West half of the 71 o(isted party Judge House gave the 71 Dem­ as the Democrats who through the scene shortly after night at 8 at the post home on Mr. and Mrs. Wells C. Den­ derwent emergency surgery for membens, said It will permit ocrats protection for their right court action had retained their daybreak. nison, 20 Steep Hollow Lane, Hartford, speeding and failure By A. J. CHEMAHI Leonard BL removai of the peUets. Maurice to drive in a proper lane. his clients to participate fully to vote at the caucus that night, right to vote, came to vote des­ Classes were canceled In tlie has joined the Air Force ROTC was also fined for hunting out Until Nov. 14, for plea and In a caucus FVlday night, ad­ based on registrar Lee Ekiton’s pite the new citations issued a school for the day. A powerful committee of Detachment o f Union College, of season. journed firogn laat night.. word to the judge that she few hours before the caucus. Children arriving for classes the state’s Ckmgregational Schenectady, N.Y. disposition pmdlng report from Harry Leister, 43, no certain family relations officer, Chris­ The now court action was would not remove them from Chairman Tarplnlan told the were among the crowd of sev­ churches has entered the address, arrested Saturday af­ the latest of a number of de- the party rolls that day. crowd the fire marshal would eral hundred that watched as Mias Susan Feltham, daugh­ tine A. Koe of 119 Chambers racial controversy at Ando­ ternoon in Manchester for In­ St., shoplifting. DOUBLE not let them proceed because flames devoured the structure. WED. ONLY! £ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward toxication, was given 30 days the hall was overcrowded. He ver Lake. Feltham, 84 Jarvis Rd., was re­ Parkade bufllnessmen ptonnlng four-day sale* event, stariing tomoirow, iiwhide WtaJter Until Dec. 6, for ooiut trial, ’The school is of the ’’campus” Reed manager of W. T. Grant Store; Htetrry Cohen, pirosldertt of the Manchester Shopping at the State Jail at Hartford Richard Maher, 26, Rockville, asked the Democrats who had type with separate bulldtnga In a resolution adopted tart g 20% ^ 8 cent^ honored at an assembly execution suspended. WORLD BREEN been cited and those who were night, the state committee en at dolby Jimlor College, New P a r k ^ Merchants Aseoclation and manager of Davldsoin A Leventhlal’s and Jiames DoRooco, failure to obey a stop sign. housing different grades. The manager of Soars Roebuck and Co. store. Reed and DeiRoooo are past presidents of the Fines were ordered In dispo­ not registered Democrats to one tha/t burned held 11 class­ Christian social action unani­ ^ Printed Christmas & London, N. H., when rfie was mously voted to provide legal K Cards tuModation. (Herald photo by Saiternls)._____________________ sition of the foHowing cases; leave so that the caucus could rooms for the fifth and sixth awarded a certificate repre­ David N.
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