• TODAY: ANGOLAN UPDATE' NAM LOSES TO MADAGASCAR ' ROYAL SCANDAL HITS STREETS ' Bringing South Vol.3 No.82 R1.00 (GST Inc.) Monday January 18 1993 STOP PRESS ... STOP Cruise missiles were at Iraqi targets yesterday, 'Pentagon I '01",,,,, ,md. CBS and ARC Mtworks said that Cruite missiles had beeD fired.t B ....d ad, "hile I; •• on I l.eI •••••• sbowed the ..., aliaht with shelll and tracer fire, aad c:orrespoadent.' voices drowDtd out by tbe roar and rattle tile United. States tarplted • 1folbri....... p..... ID k. aIIad<. ''TbIa .... clair" to acbieve the pal 01 UN rily Council ruolldioDs .•. to INUre that em men never again acquired weapons or mass sarudion," be laid•• AFP, AP • The US aIso.hot do.,.. an yesterday. Fordetails •• "hem.'~I;..... <k .... I tntematioaal newt. • ron rim - WI LLIAM HEUVA Namibia's Cape to Rio EMPLOYMENT chances for thousands of hope Namsea OlalJenger job seekers in the depressed economy are was pUlting up a good slim a nd this year's school leavers face an fight yesterday, lying in third place and is aJso u phill ba ttle as they compete with many tipped to possibly break semi-skilled and unskilled workers at the the record. boltom level of the job market. Yesterd.,y Broomstick TIllS is the opinion of of 1992 Malric studcnls looked set 10 lead the some economists and who have now left Rio neel over lhe finish analysLS in Namibia school. line 10 grablinehonours approached onjobpros­ Lennie Louw from and the Cape of Good fo r the thousands To pa~e 2 Hope trophy. Skippered by SA Navy Commander Hanno Teutenberg, Broomstick REWARD R2000 had left her nearest rival for any infonnalionleading to the recovery about 200 miles astern of a stolen car stolen from Lazareth Street as it crossed the half­ on the 29th December 1992. way mm. A good day's sailing behind are Parker Pens, Car: Volkswagen Microbus skippered by Bruce 2.5 I Tedder, and Namsea Colour: White Cha.Jlenger with Padda ANGOLAN ANGUlSH •.. Ngiva, Angola - A government (MPLA) policeman fighting for his life Model: 1992 after sustaining heavy facial burns when a phosphor grenade exploded close to him during clashes Engine Nr : AAY0Q9214 To page 2 wi th Unila forces in this southern town lasl week. Chas,ie Nr: AAU=25ZN4002645 Reg. Nr: NI7105W The car is new and in running condi tion Development Brigade hostage drama Please call TOM MI NNEY cmmcnt money and an st icks and metal pipes refused to hlUld over increased allowance. who shouted insulls at cameras worth hundreds 221582 Trouble first fl ared him. They said they had of thousaooli of rand. from 08hOO· I7h30 "GIVE us jobs" w as o ne of the dem a nds of when Ellison, with other been abandoned over the . Demonstrators then 60 d isgruntled m em ber s of the Develo p­ senior officials of the Christmas period with wanted to detain EIIi- Your identity would be treated as strictly m ent Brigades w ho d em onstrated at Ka­ Brigade and Namibian no food and he had not confuknlial. tima MuJilo on Friday. Out the peaceful Broadcasting Corpora­ met promises. Aftertwo demonstration came only a week after an tion film crews, visited hou,.,; of argument, the ~~~Tio~p~a~g.~2~~~~::::::::::::::::::;;~;;:::::; ugly incident in which an a ngry crowd of centres in the eastern people lockcd him into Brigade members took director Peter Elli­ Caprivi. At Nova cenuc, a classroom and posted ~ Cleaning Chemicals son hostage atknife-point.demunding food. near Katima Mulilo, he guards. was confronted by a Some food was Made right here In Namibia crowd which started with brought that evening, but Demand'i relayed 10 when !.he 3 lOO-strong by FIRECHEM the Brigade's Windhoek Brigades are 10 undergo abou t 25 women but soon not all the supplies the head oflice after the far-reaching changes swelled. dc;.mon'ilrators had a~kcd CLEA"W" .';5 THROUGH IN ·SERVICE TRAINING peaceful dcmonstration They asked for better Btlison said he was for and they said Ellison NAMIBIA included a clear pro- traming programmc.'i or surrounded by people should leave something , . (061) 63244 Fax: 61136 10 __ ' , .~ ..' , __ .. ~ ., . ' ........ , r "hl ... 'T'J, '" 2 Monday January 18 1993 THE NAMIBIAN I ' . • PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Brigade drama s!uycd nn <1 1 Ih.; hil.~ C . TraInIng centre 'Too legit to quit .. .' I Fronl page I I TIle um~ sll,: nmc s in Il'l! Mobile. AlIIbama. USA: RaV Sl ar Hamnu!I' son for the night . hUl Ihe lll idSI uf Ill:t~si\lc dl a l1 gc .~ said on Friday he's going to Iit'll) former I~ S IO r lh cpll r! yrefu s cdl (l in the Devclopmen1 Bl'i ­ heavyweight champi on Evandel' Halyfield leav e hi m lInd he WllS gmks, whirh arc shm (ly for Mariental r~ga.in thE' !.Town that he lost 10 Riddick eventually freed. l'!U(,." k s (0 he,,:(ln~ (he ~ ; W l e-(lw llcd nowe last year. "We're bringing him back," delivered mo re food the Developmen l Arigi ul c The YnUl h L>ircclor- said Hammer, who has founded 11 sports next dOl y and (ension CO l'porm i{ln. Th i~i.~ ilholl y WILlIAM HEUVA ale i.~ also considering management agem,)'. "He's too legit 10 qui!." lowcred,al!ll(lughrepol'l- wh ich will truill UllCIH- I)rl) vidin '" credit ra d li - T il E Milli ,~'r y "rYouth and Sport is toestablish b It marks the third time Holyfield has changed edly ~' oplc froth Btigade ploycd cX-<:ll rnh:lImlls ,lIId . d lies for young people III ,.- r I a tr:linin~ {'entre in Mariental to prOvide a wi e his mind about his boxing future since losing r.:Cnlrcs al Nova, Nu kwa raise unds th ro ug I (0111 - enable them 10 set up . I , ." . r . rlIu"e!lf skills lu hundreds of unemploy.d youths a unanimous decision 10 Bowe in a stirring and Kat{lunyana joined IllCrcm uTI tng. amllng .. small-scal e husincsscs. and sd'''ol drupuuts. J2·round fight on November 13. In sl Friday's demonSlra- an d {l Ih er progra nlllle .~ . ()re<;mlL<; said Ill! crea- lion. Last week President Elli son say s tlle corpn- This wasdiscloscd by employment. lion of credi l racilities A Royal right to know Sam Nujoma was person- ralion could train Up lo 12 the Director orVouth in She said the bias was crucial a<; they aUy b1iefed on events at 000 of tllc 16000 regis- lhe MiniSlrY of Youth against self.employmeOl wanted to increase the London: Two Sunday tabloids yesterday pub­ the Otvelopment Brigade. teredex-combatants dur· anlj ' Sport, Dessa wa~ partly because of chancesofself-employ- lished the full transcripts or an'intimate, According to Ellison, ing this year, although he Onesmus ID an interview "an altitude" problem ment. B · d membe-s ""o,'d admits the targct may he c_ tape conversation attributed to Prince Char­ nga e • with The Namibian. and also because of tll" She noted that they les and Camilla Parker Bowles_ The Sunday not have been on the bases over·ambitious. First ~tcp . over Christmas. He said will be 10 set up a massive ThetOlalschooldrop- education system III were in the process of Mirror and The People are the latest news­ ;n,ng - ntre al Rerg out figure is estimated which they had been approaching financial papers to reveal all. Sunday Mirror editor transport had been pro- ..... ,..... 65000 from ~-., - lded . h A,k"' oo no,- Grootfonlein 1000 , VliUC mou . institutions for t ecrea- Colin Myler, in a page 2 statement head ­ vided to lake everyone "" .... • The . _, . horn: on December 8, witll 10 prepare Trainers. Onc (0 12, according to MaTledfQl tram- tion 6f such a scheme. lined 'Your Right 10 Know', said that the insTruction~ nOI 10 come 0",,•- cl"nges ;"cl,de the youlh director. ing centre will provide Onesmus said thal future king's royal subjects desened 10 know back Imill the end of Janu- plans to improve ce ntrc ~ Onesmus noted that -·skills. a.<; div~, ils. bri.(k,. Namibia, unlike other the details of the titillating bedlin'e exchange. ary. Hen d quaners h3u·' not ·,ncJuding putting the ca- each year there were laying, carpelltry, me- parts of Afri ca, was (See also page 4) ocen infonned that a tering on i\ more commer· about 16 500 new en- ch ani c.~, welding, animal heavil y ocpendcnt on the handful of people had cial basis. IranlS to lhe labour'l"husbandl'" and business ronnal sector for cm- Ice· T raps cops, women ~=:::::"':"-!::::!:::""::::::-,,~.~. -:,~,,~"~,~, -:-:---:]. marlcet which _C21:1 I£1 .oQlyl . m31l ..ge";~ tn ~,,~. & ~:.I109~ ployment, which ham. .. h 11 accommodate about : 4 drop-outs especially pered the development Sari Diego, 'USA: Rapper' leer]', may havt N am ... ~ . a epg~ , .. .". '8 .000 people .b&Cau$e of ,. Grade :"10s, OOeSmtlS 'oC the infonnal sector, puUed hiS co,.troversial 'Cop Killer' song the lack of employment said. adding that this situation from an album, but he took so me verbal I From page 1 I in tlle larler half of the opportunites in the for- 1bese skills would not contributed to the lack potshots at police, women and attorneys . frrst week would delay mal sector. only enable participants of " capital flow" within during a recml law school appearance, The KUllel at the helm. someoftheyacths,Abro. Onesmus said the to set up self-employ- the country. singer told students al California Walem Broomstick has aver- mowitz said the leadeps concept ofself.employ- 'inent ventures but would About 22 000 learn- School of Law on Friday that police should aged a touch over It knots were doing very well.
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