EXPLANATION OF THE THESIS OF BISHOP GUÉRARD DES LAURIERS by Most Reverend Donald J. Sanborn _________________________________________ The theological problem of the papacy the indefectibility and infallibility of the Church after Vatican II prevent us from saying that the pope has promulgated false teachings, false liturgy, evil Anyone familiar with the traditional disciplines, etc. If Benedict XVI has done these movement knows that it has undertaken a things, say the sedevacantists, he cannot be the resistance to the changes of Vatican II. He also pope. To this they add the argument that Benedict knows that there are different levels or manners of XVI is a public heretic, and therefore a non- resisting. Catholic. But a non-Catholic cannot be the pope. The weakest resistance is that of the Indult Some sedevacantists are opinionists, since they Mass, together with the congregations which have say that the question of whether Benedict XVI is permission to use the traditional Mass, such as the the pope or not is an open one, a question of mere Fraternity of St. Peter. I shall refer to this whole theological opinion. One could go either way on it section of the traditional movement as the legitimately, saying either that he is the pope or he indultists. Indultists accept Vatican II and its many is not. There are many opinionists in the Society changes as Catholic and legitimate, but merely of Saint Pius X, where it is well known and prefer the traditions of the Catholic Church tolerated that sedevacantist priests among them because they are “better.” They clearly have no leave out the name of Benedict XVI in the canon problem with the papacy of Benedict XVI, since of the Mass. Nonetheless, they must make public they reduce their resistance to mere preference, profession of his papacy. In other words, they are and do not see any defection from Catholic Faith, secret sedevacantists, and this is made possible morals, or discipline in Vatican II or Benedict only by opinionism. XVI. Another distinction among sedevacantists is Next in line are the lefebvrists, the Society of that of totalists and material-formalists. The totalists Saint Pius X. They do see defection from Catholic say that Benedict XVI is not pope in any way, that Faith, morals, and discipline in Vatican II and is, he has neither the papal jurisdiction nor even a Benedict XVI. Consequently, they have valid election to be pope. The material-formalists established a parallel apostolate against the will of say that he is not the pope because he lacks the the person they claim is the Holy Father, and have jurisdiction, but that he is in possession of a valid been excommunicated by him. They naturally election to the papacy, and is in the position to have, therefore, a theological problem to solve become the pope. concerning the papacy. They solve it in this way. They say that while Benedict XVI is the pope, Where is the truth? they will not obey him in anything which runs contrary to Catholic Faith, morals, or discipline. Indeed, this array of answers to the problem They make appeal to Tradition, something which of Vatican II and Benedict XVI must be they say is beyond and above the Roman Pontiff. bewildering to the average lay person who merely Then come the sedevacantists. They too see wants to preserve his faith and practice his defection from Catholic Faith, morals, and Catholic religion. discipline in Vatican II and Benedict XVI. They This bewilderment should not lead the lay object, however, to the solution of the lefebvrists, person, or even certain priests, for that matter, to because it is incompatible with Catholic teaching a spirit of bitterness over the inability of priests to concerning the Church. Sedevacantists hold that 1 agree. Nor should he mock something because he Dominicans and Jesuits disagreed quite fiercely does not understand it. over issues of theology, nothing prevented them All of the priests and lay people, I believe, in from working together and living in peace as all of the categories which I described above, have members of the Mystical Body. a sincere desire to preserve Catholic Faith, morals, In this article, I will give the reader the and discipline. They would all love to wake up simplest presentation possible of the thesis of Bp. from a bad dream and find out that Vatican II Guérard des Lauriers concerning the papacy after never took place. They would all like to see Vatican II. It takes some thought to understand Vatican II go. In this sense, they are all united. it. One of the complaints against it is that it is too They are divided in matters which demand a difficult to understand, and is far-fetched, too theological explanation of what they are doing. theological. This is not a legitimate complaint, Faced with the necessity to resist Vatican II and however, since the same may be said of nearly its changes, one must offer a coherent explanation, every theological explanation of every dogma. The in accordance with Catholic dogma and theology, dogma of the Trinity, for example is simple: there of why it is a good idea that we are resisting. are three Persons in one God. But the theological It is clear that there is a substantial difference explanation of how there are three Persons in one among the three general categories of resistance, God is extremely involved and difficult. For (1) the indultist, (2) the lefebvrist, and (3) the theology must respect two things which are sedevacantist. To resist Vatican II merely because apparently contradictory: the unity of divine of preference is too weak for the lefebvrists (at essence and the trinity of Persons. If a lay person least at this point) and the sedevacantists. The were to read an explanation of the Trinity in a lefebvrists differ from the sedevacantists in this seminary textbook, he would close the book after a way: the lefebvrists say that we have no right to few paragraphs. judge Benedict XVI, whereas the sedevacantists So here, the lay person should not say, “I don’t respond that to consider his New Mass, his understand it; therefore it can’t be true.” There are teaching, and his universal disciplines as false and many things which are very difficult to understand evil, which the lefebvrists do, logically leads to in Sacred Theology, but which are nonetheless Ratzinger’s non-papacy. absolutely true. This article, however, does not concern the The “thesis” of Bp. Guérard des Lauriers, as it differences among the indultists, lefebvrists, and has come to be called, is an explanation which sedevacantists. I have discussed these at length in respects the two demands of Catholic dogma: (1) other places. It concerns the differences among that he who promulgates false doctrine, false sedevacantists. worship, and evil disciplines cannot be the Roman Let it be stated, first of all, that there is a Pontiff; (2) that there must be an uninterrupted substantial unity of position among the line of legitimate successors of St. Peter from St. sedevacantists: that Benedict XVI is not the pope, Peter himself to the Second Coming of Christ. and that his name does not belong in the canon of the Mass. All agree on this point, and it is How to find the truth essential, for it removes from the Church the stain of defection from Christ, which would be the case As I stated above, the thesis is merely a if Ratzinger were a true pope. theological explanation of Catholic dogma. The differences among sedevacantists are Therefore to determine whether or not it is true, found in the explanation of how and why he is not one must first know and understand the Catholic the pope. These are not differences of Catholic dogmas which it is explaining. I will set forth, dogma, but differences of theological explanation consequently, the Catholic dogmas concerning the of things which pertain to Catholic dogma. Such Church and the papacy which must be respected differences — of theological explanation of in any explanation of the situation of papal dogmas — have always existed in the Church. authority after Vatican II. I will also expound Most notable is that between the Dominicans and some truths which are theologically certain, that is, the Jesuits over the working of grace in the soul. theological conclusions which are admitted by all, There are many others. While each contends that as well as some other truths drawn from both his position is true, and the other false, each also philosophy and common sense. Having done these affirms that it is not a heresy to affirm one or the things, I will proceed to an explanation of the other theological explanation. So just as thesis, and finish by some questions and answers. 2 grant, permit what would turn to the detriment of the The demands of Catholic dogma soul’s salvation, to the contempt and harm of a sacrament instituted by Christ?” 6 I. The Catholic Church is infallible. By IV. It is impossible that he who officially the assistance of Christ, the Church is infallible in teaches doctrines contrary to Catholic faith the preservation and exposition of the deposit of and morals, or who approves or even revelation. This quality of the Church is expressed permits a false liturgy or evil disciplines for in the words of Christ, Thou art Peter, and upon this the whole Church, could be the Roman rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall Pontiff. This is merely the obvious corollary from 1 not prevail against it,” and in the words of St.
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